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Denouement Page 12

by Kenyan, M. O.

  “Tough crowd.” Marietta giggled when he lowered his mouth to her belly and kissed her. “When you get out of there I will give you the meanest steak you will ever taste.”

  Marietta sighed as guilt overcame her. Here Chris was talking to her belly and she couldn’t help but feel like she had denied Tobias the same opportunity. “I should really call Toby.”

  “That’s a good idea.” Chris dialed Tobias’ number and tried to act as discreet as possible. And when he heard the message tone that was when an idea came to him. He wasn’t sure that Marietta would communicate her feelings or go back into her shell. She seemed to be opening up to him, and he was almost sure that she would tell him her true feelings. He was going to record the message and send it to Tobias. That way they cut through the red tape and went straight to the source. It bugged him that he was helping the man who cheated on his best friend, but Chris had a plan of settling the score his own way. Now all he needed was to get Marietta emotionally exposed to her husband.

  “If he were here what would you say to him?”

  “What?” Her brow furrowed in confusion.

  “If I was Tobias and you wanted to communicate your emotions to me, what would you say?” He sat on the window seat in front of her and pulled her rocking chair closer to him. “He’s obviously not as handsome as I am. But imagine that I am a Caucasian, short, almost cute man with girly lips.”

  “Kiss me lips.” Marietta corrected as she smiled. From the way she looked at him, Chris knew that she was thinking about it, in fact she looked like she had already made up her mind.

  “Sometimes I sit, just like this, my arms around my baby and staring into space. I can feel her kick, I feel her hiccups and when she’s moving around. Then out of nowhere I see him, my little boy. He would have his father’s lips and his beautiful brown eyes would be covered by curls of hair from his head. He would have my nose but his laughter would be his own.” She chuckled as Chris noticed she was looking past him and into something that only she could see. “He would be sitting at my feet, his toys littered everywhere in the room. His laughter would fill the room and his little voice—” Marietta closed her eyes just as a tear rolled down her check. Chris couldn’t look into her eyes but the smile on her face was so infectious he had to smile. Closing his own eyes, he let Marietta take him into her perfect life. “Then Toby would pick him up, turn him upside down and tickle his belly. I can almost hear his giggles and my heart would jump out to catch them. Then he and Toby would come and sit next to me, and then he would lay his little head on my belly. He and his sister would already be so close, just like David and I.”

  Chris opened his eyes at the mention of his best friend’s name. He stared at Marietta as the smile was long gone and a blank expression had replaced it. And just like that he saw panic on her face, but Marietta didn’t open her eyes, instead she went on. But the dream soon took a turn and it was back to the nightmare that started almost twenty three years ago.

  “But he was there. Every time I managed to be happy he would show up and take it all away from me.” Her eyes flew open and the emotion in them had Chris staggering back. “I love my husband but sometimes I can’t feel it because Robert has possessed me. But it was getting better because Toby filled my every thought, each and every void in my heart and mind and his love was soon overtaking the darkness. For the past three years, the fear was there but Robert wasn’t because Toby was. But after I found him in bed with Sarah, I knew it was because of what Robert did to me. He stripped everything that is good in me and left me with his ugliness and disgust. Toby will never be able to love me, not truly because I don’t feel like I’m worthy of such love. If he decides to leave me for Sarah I’ll let him go.”

  “But he loves you,” Chris urged her.

  “You don’t hurt the people you love.” The tone in her voice sliced at his heart.

  When she closed her eyes and eased back into the chair, Chris stopped the recording. He didn’t know if he should send it to Tobias. He felt like he would be betraying her, but he wasn’t out to hurt her. He knew that Tobias, although unknowingly, was the only one who managed to keep Marietta out of the darkness. Tobias had a right to know. He walked away from her, and after seconds of a battle between his heart and mind Chris sent the voice file. The second Tobias landed he would find his message and the voice file.

  Somehow this was going to get better, he didn’t know how but it would.

  Chapter Nine

  The sun was beginning to set when Tobias and Jessie finally got to the farm. His stomach was tied up in knots as a lump of nerves formed in his throat. He had been nervous when he boarded the flight and even more so when they began the drive to the farm. But it didn’t compare to the utter fright he was feeling being parked in the driveway. He only had a short walk to the house, but he didn’t think he would make it. Tobias had thought about buying Marietta a gift, a yellow diamond ring or a platinum, diamond encrusted bracelet or just a bouquet of red roses. He needed to get through the door, and although a bribe was the first thing that came into his mind he quickly pushed it away. He was glad too. Tobias pressed replay on his phone as Marietta’s voice filled his ear, his mind, and his heart.

  He had been listening to it ever since he left the airport. The farm was three hours away and the file was only three minutes long. In that pocket of time he had managed to listen to Marietta’s confession over fifty times, each time a new experience and a new form of heartbreak. He didn’t know who Robert was, but he intended to find out. Something else he wanted to know was what the infamous Robert had done to her. It frightened him stiff but he had to know, that was the only way to get his wife and marriage back. He needed his family intact for the arrival of the new baby.

  Tobias had to admit, before he heard the rest of the voice file, thatMarietta’s depiction of their happy family was all he wanted. He knew he couldn’t get his son back but the way she described him, he already had a picture in his mind. He was going to cherish that image of his son and family forever.

  At first Tobias wasn’t sure why Chris had insisted on him bringing his security with him. But with the knowledge of Robert’s existence Tobias was glad he overreacted and brought a small army with him. Before he had enough time to compose himself the door opened and he stepped out of the vehicle. He walked to the front door but let Jessie lead them inside. He knew he would have a better chance, if Marietta saw a friendly face before she saw him.

  He stepped into the house and looked around. The house was big, too big for him to find Marietta and gather her in his arms in that single second that he needed so desperately. Jessie headed towards the stairs and Tobias decided to wait downstairs. He was waiting for a scream, for Marietta to demand that he get out and disappear from her life. But then all thoughts ceased in his mind when he saw her. She was sitting on a rocking chair, her legs underneath her with her arms settled on her stomach. His body went rigid when he watched as the last of the sunshine fell with a romantic affection on her glowing face. She looked picture perfect as a smile crept onto her face,and the sound of her voice went through him. He wasn’t sure what she was saying, but by the way she looked down, he assumed she was talking to the baby inside her.

  The baby, Tobias felt his heart pump inside him and he was surprised that it hadn’t burst out of his chest yet. Chris had been kind enough to send him pictures of Marietta’s growing belly but it wasn’t the same as seeing her for himself. If only she would stand, he thought.

  “So beautiful,” he heard himself say before he could stop himself.

  Marietta’s head snapped to the side and their gazes were locked. For a second he thought he saw excitement in her eyes, but that was quickly replaced with pain then rage. He didn’t understand. By just looking at her, he could see that this wasn’t the emotional robot Chris had described. But just when Tobias thought that she was going to lunge at him with insults her expression dropped. She was as blank as a canvas and all the emotion Tobias thought he had seen a secon
d ago had disappeared.

  She stood up and gave him a second to look at her before she retreated into a different room. Tobias went after her but down that hallway there were three different rooms. He was sure that once he went into one, she would sneak out from wherever she was. So, with no other option, Tobias stood in the hallway and started hollering her name.

  Marietta appeared seconds later, her eyes reduced into slits. Tobias thought that he was the one she was giving that silent attack to until he realized there was someone else behind him. He turned around to see Chris with a guilty expression on his face.

  “You said you wanted to call him.” Chris defended himself.

  Tobias was happy for this piece of information but he couldn’t show it. Marietta was staring daggers at both him and Chris. “If you want me to go I will.” Stupid approach, he reprimanded himself. Before she took his offer he needed to say his piece. “I’m sorry for what I did. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but it hurts to breathe when I’m not with you. I love you and although this will sound like just another foolish excuse, I was drunk that night. My judgment was impaired and I can barely remember it.”

  “You were on top of her when I walked in,” she said her tone cold and flat.

  “I honestly thought it was you. When I realized it wasn’t, I tried to kick her out but she threatened me.” Tobias swallowed hard. Marietta didn’t seem to believe him and there was nothing he could do about that. His foolishness had brought him here, and his track record made his every word sound like a lie. He decided to pull a Hail Mary and refer to the recording Chris had sent him. He knew that it was obviously recorded without her knowing, so he didn’t give much away. “I know you might have other ideas about our marriage and if you want to divorce me I won’t try to stop you. But I will fight for you because you are it for me. With every breath in my body I will fight for us, and I will get you back. Sometimes it’s the people who love us the most that cause us the greatest pain.”

  Tobias saw her expression soften and that was when he decided to take his leave. He didn’t want his presence to destroy any sort of progress he had managed to make. He went back to the great room and sat with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. He didn’t believe it at first, but he was actually praying. “Please God, don’t let me lose her.”

  Tobias didn’t know how long he had been sitting there. But he had managed to meet Mrs. Bennet. Chris’ mother reminded him a lot of his own mother. He looked up when he heard someone coming toward him. “Thank you,” he begun to mumble.

  “For what?” Marietta stood before him with a lap top and an envelope in her hands.

  Tobias jumped to his feet and took the items from her, all the while staring at her very round belly. “I thought you were Mrs. Bennet, she insisted on fixing me a sandwich.”

  “Do you want me to get you something to eat?” she asked.

  He smiled. She was still trying to take care of him after everything he’d done. He put the laptop and envelope on the table and helped her onto the sofa.

  “Do you have a minute?”

  “For you, I have a lifetime.” His heart skipped when she smiled at him.

  “Smooth,” she said as she reached for the contents on the table, but Tobias beat her to them. “I want to show you something.”

  Tobias’ gaze smoothed down from her face to her belly. He noticed that her cheeks were fuller so were her breasts, but the greatest change was in her stomach. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but he wasn’t sure. He knew his heart would break if she pulled away from him so he didn’t risk it.

  “How’s our little tenant,” he asked instead as he tore his gaze from her belly and brought it back to her face, just in time to catch a smile.

  “That’s what all this stuff is for.” Marietta emptied the contents of the envelope and gave them to him, “This is the first one, four months. I was going to give them to you back home but-,” Tobias thought he saw her wince and he wanted to kick himself, “This one is month five, and this one six.”

  Tobias took the pictures from her and awed at his child. “She’s so beautiful.”

  “You said she.” Tobias looked up and caught the emotion in Marietta’s eyes. In the recording she had referred to the baby as a girl and he did the same thing without thinking.

  “I imagine the baby as a girl.”

  “So do I.” She turned the laptop to face him, “Look at this.”

  It was the sound of a strong thumping that drew Tobias’ attention first. The sound of life bounced in his mind and heart, as he stared at the little person on the screen. That was his baby, her heart beat, her toes, her legs and her head. He peered closer to the screen then asked, “Is she sucking her finger.”

  “Yeah, we’ll have to break that habit the second she’s out.” Marietta chuckled.

  The sound of her laughter was like liquid gold. It was music to his ears. He leaned in and when she didn’t pull away he grew confident. But just as he was about to kiss her Mrs. Bennet walked into the room with two bowls of soup in her hands.

  “You have to feed that baby,” she said as she set the bowls in front of them.

  Tobias fell asleep the second his head hit his pillows. It was the first time he had slept soundly in the past two months. Having Marietta in the room next to him was a great comfort.

  When he woke up the next morning he was disappointed to find that although he slept well, he still woke up with knots in his neck and back. He walked into the dining room barefooted as he tried to stretch his aching body. Marietta was there talking and laughing with the other occupants in the room, but as soon as she saw him, she stood up and disappeared into the kitchen.

  His heart dropped the progress they had seemed to make the night before seemed to have disappeared. Everyone stared at him with empathetic gazes as he sat down. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  He was sure everyone noticed the surprise on his face when Marietta walked back into the room with a towel in her hands. She moved behind him and laid the hot towel across his neck. Tobias shivered against her touch as she kneaded her fingers into his neck. Even with the towel between them, he could feel her gentle hands on him. But just as soon as he was beginning to enjoy it she withdrew. He was in awe of her, even though he had hurt her, she was trying her best to accommodate him.

  “Thanks,” he mumbled.

  “Use one pillow,” she said.

  “But I’ve always used two.”

  “I usually take one out when you are asleep.” She put in and he nodded in understanding. “Do you want to take a walk with me?”

  He heard her ask but he didn’t think she was referring to him. So with his head down he dug into his stack of pancakes. When he raised his head in search of the syrup he noticed everyone was staring at him.


  “Do you want to take a walk with me?” Marietta couldn’t help but smile when she asked again. She liked the lost look on Tobias’ face

  “You mean me?” She almost laughed at how surprised he looked.

  “Yes, you,” she reassured.

  “Sure, let’s go.” Tobias abandoned his breakfast.

  “Eat first,” Marietta insisted.

  “How come you don’t show me that sort of consideration?” Chris complained, “You never ask me out on walks, or even give me a massage when you know very well your elbow has been digging into my back the whole night.”

  Marietta heard the loud clang of the fork meeting the plate before she turned her gaze towards Tobias. His fingers were fisted on the table and from his body language she could see that he was spoiling for a fight. Somehow this impending fight gave her comfort. He cared, she said to herself.

  “What did you just say?” Tobias growled his voice was calm but deadly.

  “Did he just growl?” Jessie asked an amused look on her face.

  “He does that.” That was when she realized that this show of possession could turn violent, “I have nightmares,” she offered up, “I don’t sleep
alone because the nightmares terrify me. Having him there just makes me feel safer, even though it’s just my imagination.”

  She expected the questions to follow. But it looked like Chris and Tobias were having a conversation that was regulated only by their eyes and their expressions. She knew what reading between the lines was, and in this case she had to read in between the looks. “What’s going on here?”

  “Nothing.” Chris said but Tobias said nothing. Instead he tried his best to hide his face from her.

  He could never lie to her. Marietta was always able to distinguish between the man and the actor. It was obvious to her.He was an open book to her. That was how she knew that his story about the infidelity was true. Although it didn’t excuse the act, she understood the circumstances.

  “Look at me.” It sounded more like a command than it did a request.

  He hesitated at first but Tobias looked at her. Immediately she saw the actor begin to take the place of the man. She didn’t bother questioning him after that.

  “I can’t believe you slept with my wife.” Tobias put in.

  “I can’t believe you slept with someone other than your wife.” Chris stood up, pushing his chair back, “You know what? You and I have something to settle.”

  Tobias shot to his feet and accepted the challenge. Marietta watched as the two men challenged each other. Chris had four inches over Tobias but Marietta knew the rage in Tobias. It was enough to cover any physical disadvantage Chris had over him.

  “Let’s take this outside.” Tobias barked.

  Marietta didn’t bother to stand up as the two men marched outside.

  “Aren’t you going to do something?” Jessie asked terror in her eyes.

  “What do you want me to do?” Marietta knew that Chris had to get it out of his system and Tobias only accepted the challenge so that he could hide something from her. She didn’t think they would fight, not for long anyway. She had decided to sit there and let the men handle their difference, but the look on Mrs. Bennett’s face convinced her otherwise. The old woman wasn’t one for violence.She was delicate and sweet and reminded Marietta a lot of her own mother.


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