SCORE (Travis Brothers Book 1)

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SCORE (Travis Brothers Book 1) Page 7

by Juliette Jones

  Only two months after we met, we got married in a tiny but wildly romantic ceremony on top of the Empire State Building. I didn’t even know you could, but Blake reserved the observation deck for us and had the whole thing decorated with white roses and fairy lights and we said our vows under a full moon at the top of the world. It was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Well, actually, every second I spend with Blake Travis is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He showers me with gifts and flowers and tells me he loves me every chance he gets. I had to tell him to stop buying me diamonds. I have more than a girl could ever wear. I told him I only need one car but he insisted I have three. The best gift by far is the art studio he had built for me on our ten-acre property. It sits next to a stream and has views out over the rolling hills of our land. It has plenty of space for all my projects. Every minute I’m not with Blake, I spend working on my art. So far I’ve had ten major commissions and have actually earned quite a lot of money myself selling my work. More than I ever dreamed I would. I’ve even been written up in a couple of the top art magazines. Blake’s had all the articles framed and they hang on the walls of my studio.

  He bought us a house in Dallas with five bedrooms. I said we don’t need that many but Blake begs me every day to go off the pill. He wants to fill up the house, he said, with our babies. Even though we’re still young, I’ve decided it’s time.

  I’m waiting for him to get back from practice. I’m taking a bubble bath and I’m excited to see him. It’s always hard when we’re apart. It’s like my body and soul crave him when we’re not together.

  I hear the roar of his car’s engine as he drives into our six-car garage (why anyone would need so many I have no idea, but Blake’s even thinking about expanding it). He drives the latest Mustang GT350R. I think it’s actually a race car. Black, of course. His favorite color for cars. Mine’s red.

  I hear his footsteps as he runs up the stairs. “Skye?” he calls out. Then he storms in to my palatial bathroom. A huge smile breaks out on his face, as it always does, from that very first time, when he sees me. I smile, too. He’s so handsome. He fills up the room with his male energy and his dazzling presence. “My perfect wife is naked and so damn gorgeous it blows my mind every single time I see her.” He always talks like this. Like he still can’t believe he found me.

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” I tell him.

  He pulls off his shirt, which messes up his thick hair. His muscles are bigger now than they were when we first met, and they were big even then. He works out all the time and with all the personal trainers the football team has, his body has been honed into a specimen of prime, beefed-up perfection. Then he steps out of his jeans. Wow. He really is happy to see me. His cock is colossal and rock-hard. He steps into the bath and lowers himself onto me. He’s so big he splashes half the water out of the tub and I squeal as he playfully bites my neck.

  But then he kisses me and it’s a kiss full of devotion and love. He gazes into my eyes. I love how his eyes almost seem to change color depending on his mood. Right now they’re as blue as sapphires. “How’s my beautiful girl? Did you have a nice day?”

  “Yes. I worked on that piece for the art museum’s courtyard. It’s almost done. Just a few finishing touches to do this weekend.”

  “I still think you should have charged them more than half a million.”

  “Blake, half a million is a huge amount of money.”

  “You could have gotten more.”

  I gasp as his massive cock slides against the skin of my thigh. I wrap my arms around his strong neck, letting my fingers glide across the hard, sculpted muscles of his shoulders and arms. I kiss his lips. “There something I wanted to talk to you about. I have to tell you something.”

  He cocks his head to one side, and his eyebrows knit together. “Is everything okay?” He’s so fiercely protective of me, any sign that I might be unhappy makes him wildly concerned. “Skye, what is it?”

  “I just wanted to tell you than I’ve stopped taking the pill. I want to have your baby, Blake. I love you so much.”

  He stares down at me and his expression is layered with raw happiness and deep emotion. And hot, hundred-proof lust. “I’ve been waiting so long to hear you say that, my sweet angel. God, how I love you. I love you so much it makes me fucking crazy.” He kisses me, parting my lips with his tongue. “I’m going to give you a baby right now, sugar pie. I’m going to give you every inch of my big cock and fill you up with my hot seed. I’m going to flood your sweet pussy with my cum all night long. Are you ready for me?”

  Blake doesn’t wait for me to answer him. I guess he can’t wait to get on with the task at hand.

  He lifts me out of the bath and gently places me on the bath mat. As he dries me, he kneels down in front of me and starts licking my pussy. His tongue dips into me, parting my intimate folds. “Mine,” he growls. “Mine.” He circles my clit, sucking on me until I moan. His fingers rove and explore, poking silkily into the tiny cove of my ass as his greedy mouth eats my pussy. It’s like he’s is going a little crazy. With lust. He’s absolutely ravenous. His inner caveman is breaking free..

  His mouth and his hands feel so good my knees go weak and I sway a little but he lifts me up and carries me to our plush, enormous bed.

  Blake lays me down and kisses me tenderly. Then, impatient with desire, he latches his mouth onto my nipple, playing my breasts with his strong hands. “Soon our baby’s going to be sucking on these sweet cherry nipples. But he’s going to have to share with daddy. Because daddy loves them. I could suck on these sweet nipples for the rest of time and die a fucking happy man.”

  He moves lower. His tongue pokes wetly into my navel and I squirm. He pushes my legs up and open. I let him do whatever he wants. I give myself to him completely, like an offering.

  “That’s my girl,” he murmurs, kissing my pussy, parting the saturated folds with his tongue. “Do you know how much I fucking love this juicy pink pussy? Every inch of you is my favorite thing in the world, but this part, right here, might be my most favorite of all.” He finds the hyper-sensitive nub of my clit and licks it with his clever tongue, until I feel the pleasure rushes start to clench deep inside me. But he avoids a rhythm. His tongue circles around my clit and it’s torture. He’s teasing me.

  “Blake,” I breathe. “More. I need more.”

  “You’ll get more, sweet baby. You’ll get everything you can handle.” He continues this delicious torment, bringing me to the brink but not letting me come. “Are you ready for my big cock, sweetheart? Because I’m not letting you come until I’m deep inside you. Those tight little clenches are going to grip my cock while I shoot my cum deep, deep inside.”

  He climbs up my body, pushing my knees wide. Then he takes his engorged cock and slides the head of it against my slippery pussy, pushing his thickness deep, stretching me and filling me entirely. With his hands, he reaches under me and grabs my ass so I can’t retreat even if I wanted to. His weight is bearing down on me but not crushing me. I love how big he is. How strong and heavy. His thick cock is stretching me and my body is gripping him so incredibly tightly. If I wasn’t so wet it might almost be painful. But it’s not painful. There’s only pleasure. Thick, skewering pleasure. His cock is so deep inside me I can feel the broad head of it pushing against my womb.

  He’s whispering to me as he thrusts into me. With each thrust he doesn’t pull back, but lunges deeper. I worship you, angel girl. My sweet goddess. My beautiful wife.

  Blake. Blake. I love you.

  He thrusts again, forcing the pleasure higher. And higher. I can feel every rock-hard inch of him and it’s the most beautiful thing. The swell of pleasure reaches a high that’s so damn good it’s almost unendurable. I squirm with the overload but I can’t move. He’s gripping me and holding me in place under him, forcing me to take everything he has to give. The wave spreads through me in warm, sweet rushes of pleasure. Silky spasms grip his big cock in lush tugs, milking ev
ery inch of him.

  Blake’s groaning my name and I feel him: that hot surge of his gushing seed, flooding me and filling me. I have never felt so full and so complete.

  That was an amazing night, the night our baby was conceived. Blake literally would not pull out until he’d come inside me a lot (in the end, I lost count). Nine months later to the day, I gave birth to a baby boy. We named him Noah. He’s the most beautiful child, with black hair like his daddy and green eyes the exact color of mine. His favorite toy, not surprisingly, is his child-sized soft football, which he carries around all day and insists on sleeping with every night. We had his room decorated with a mural of a tropical jungle. For his first birthday, Blake bought him a miniature car that actually drives. A black Mustang, go figure.

  I still sculpt when I have time but I can’t bear to be apart from Noah for more than an hour or two and he cries every time I leave him. “I know how you feel, buddy,” Blake tells him.

  I’ve just come back from a doctor’s appointment and Blake is playing with Noah out in the backyard. Blake had a huge playground built when he first found out I was pregnant. He wants lots of babies and I have some news I know will make him happy.

  He’s running after Noah, who’s actually getting to be a pretty fast driver. When Blake sees me, he catches up to Noah, turns off the engine and lifts Noah out of his car. Noah screams for his Mustang but when Blake tells him to run for a pass, he smiles his angelic little smile and starts to run. When he sees me, he forgets about the pass and runs straight into my arms. I pick him up and hug him and cover his little face with kisses.

  “Daddy wants kisses, too.” My gorgeous husband is smiling at me. He takes Noah and holds him in the crook of his burly arm. Blake puts his warm hand on my swollen belly. “How’d it go at the doctor’s?”

  We decided not to wait too long after Noah was born to try for another baby. It turns out Daddy is always up for making babies; it’s his favorite new pastime.

  “It’s twins,” I tell him, beaming. “A boy and a girl.”

  Blake’s dark eyebrows lift. He has tears in his eyes. He kisses me and I think about that day when he first came to find me. How he told me he saw me and he knew. I knew it, too. Even though it took me a little longer to admit it to myself. I knew it then and I feel it now, as he kisses me.

  True love.

  We say it at the same time. I love you.

  Ethan Travis just returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan. He’s shell-shocked. Loud noises make him jump. He feels like an outcast in civilian society. He’s haunted by the violence that has consumed him for more than a year. When Ethan meets a gorgeous, fun-loving redhead named Piper, he knows he can’t handle a relationship, especially with a golden girl like her. But that doesn’t stop him from thinking about her day and night.

  Piper Jameson is studying psychology at UT. When she meets the handsome combat hero Ethan, she’s riveted not only by his rugged beauty but also by his obvious vulnerabilities. She yearns to get close to him, and to begin to heal him. After a night of passion that’s so hot she realizes she’s not only in lust but in love, Ethan won’t have anything to do with her. He wants her more than he can bear, but he’s afraid of hurting her with his own emotional scars.

  Ethan and Piper are meant for each other, but will his damages get in the way of their HEA?

  Book #2 in the Travis Brothers series


  [email protected]

  Sadie Faraday is finally free. It’s summer and she just graduated from the strictest private high school in Tennessee. Ditching the confining uniform and the iron-clad rules, she wanders alone to swim in the secluded pond on the far side of her family’s farm. There, she revels – maybe a little too much – in her own freedom and the warmth of the sun on her skin. Until she notices she’s not as alone as she thinks …

  Elias Hayes just bought the thousand-acre property next door, as a getaway from the craziness of his high profile life as a country music superstar. Hot, hard-bodied and sun-bronzed, Elias stumbles across a sight which ignites a wild obsession and an all-consuming lust that will make this summer the hottest on record …

  It’s a beautiful morning. Hazy and humid. The kind of day where you can see the dust, flickering and sun-touched, like lazy unhurried promises floating in the air. I strip off my clothes, which I’m not wearing much of to begin with, and wade into the sparkling pond. The cool water feels amazing on my hot, dusty skin. I don’t usually do stuff like this: like stand naked in a swimming pond all out in the open. In fact, I never do stuff like this. Today’s different, though. Today is where it all starts. Today’s the day I can start making my own rules and following my own road.

  Straight to Nashville.

  I stand there thigh-deep, splashing handfuls onto my arms and my bare breasts. Wading further, I let the icy-fresh water rise over my stomach. To my nipples. I watch as they bead into tight buds. I brush my fingers against them, and the light caress sends a small jolt of warmth through my body. God. I never even really realized how good it feels to be this aware of your own body. To not be watched or controlled. To feel this wild and this loose.

  I turn, laying on my back, floating under the shimmery sun.

  I don’t need to look around to make sure I’m alone. I know I’m alone. I’m all the way on the far side of our property. The big farmhouse next door is empty and hasn’t been lived in for over a year, my mother never ventures far from our house, and my two older sisters who still live at home are still in bed, even though it’s almost noon.

  Frannie didn’t finish her shift at the Main Street Bar and Grill until after midnight. And Daisy’s still upset about her boyfriend spending more time with his band than he does with her, even after he knocked her up. So she’ll be sleeping off her sorrow, or at least trying to. Last night I stayed up late with her, to keep her company as she waited for him to answer her calls and texts, but he had a gig so must’ve been busy.

  My sisters have a way of inviting a whole lot of drama into their lives. Not me. I’ve got a plan and I’m sticking to it, no matter what. Daddy used to call me determined and I guess that’s one word for it. There’s more to it than that, though. They say I’m a dreamer but the thing is, it feels like a sure thing. It just does. I know where I’m going and what I have to do to get there. Make my way to the city, start auditioning and get myself heard. People tell me it’s too competitive but I know I’m good enough. I can feel the deep pool of my own grit like molten fire, waiting and mixing there, starting to boil over.

  I spent all morning driving around. We live just outside a small town called Nowheresville, Tennessee. Population: 6,128. It’s not really called Nowheresville but it might as well be. We’re sixty-nine miles east of Nashville, and the last four are on dirt roads. Daddy’s old pick-up truck is running hot and slow these days and still smells like his cigars. Just the faintest hint of it, like a memory. We all miss him, Momma most of all. She sort of lost something when he died. Like a piece of her died along with him. I wish it hadn’t, I’ll be honest. I wish my Momma was stronger. She wants to be, deep down. I can tell. But there are more days than not when she just sort of fades out, lost in her own grief. Like it’s quicksand. After Daddy died of a sudden heart attack five years ago, Delilah got angry, Daisy cried a lot and Frannie got on with things, like she always does. As for me, I felt that little seed of determination start to grow. Maybe it’s for him I want to make it happen for myself, as much as anything.My little songbird, he used to call me.

  That feels like a long time ago.

  I had to pull over twice to let the engine cool, but I managed to get those flyers delivered to every mailbox within a five-mile radius before lunchtime. I’ll clean people’s houses for the summer, and save up enough money to get a room in the city. All I need to do now is wait for someone to call.

  While I wait, I might as well enjoy a swim and the heat of the summer sun.

  I do a lap all the way across the small
pond then swim back to the middle. The cool, rippling current on my skin feels sensual somehow. Weirdly sexy. Like my solitude and my nakedness are triggering new, erotic tendencies. I float there for a while, letting it build. Damn. So this is what freedom feels like.

  Today it’s a hundred and two in the shade. School’s finished for good and I still can’t believe it.

  Today, I feel more like myself than I ever have. Like I can start discovering the real me right here in this moment. Hot, determined, a little crazy: I guess this is the new me. And reckless. I have this weird craving to do something I shouldn’t be doing.

  Maybe I’ll sneak over to that farmhouse next door, and finally see what the inside of that place looks like. I saw it listed in the paper for more than a million dollars. I guess it’s worth it. It’s by far the nicest house around, and has a thousand acres attached to it.

  I might even see if I can break in, just to try out my new rebellious streak, which I can feel but am still adjusting to.

  St. Mary’s was over-the-top, we all knew that. My mother used up literally the last of the money to send me there. Whatever inheritance Daddy might have left us, it all got siphoned directly into the bank account of the strictest Catholic high school in Tennessee, which happens to be about twenty miles from where we live, in an old convent. It’s either that or I lock the four of you up until you get a proposal, she’d said.

  That part of her plan had sort of backfired. My oldest sister Delilah was already married (shotgun) to a motorcycle mechanic in Jackson who owns his own garage. He has big, oily muscles and lots of tattoos and the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen. They had their baby back in February, a little boy named Billy Joe. Delilah seems happy enough but who can tell, with all that crying going on. My second-oldest sister, Daisy, is head over heels in love with a bass player who’s promised he’ll marry her but he hasn’t had a chance to get her a ring yet. She only found out she was pregnant six weeks ago, so there’s plenty of time for a wedding before she really starts to show, she said. And Frannie’s being chased by a long list of eligible and not-so-eligible bachelors. I know she’s not a virgin because she tells me everything, in … well, in vivid detail.


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