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Page 5

by Nicole Austin

  “Come for me again, Elisa.”

  She cried out, shuddered and convulsed beneath him.

  Michael roared as his balls erupted, shooting cum through his shaft and planting his seed at the mouth of her womb. He prayed she wasn’t on birth control, hoping they had created a child as a result of their loving.

  Rolling to his side, taking her with him, he laid them down on the grass. With gentle touches, he brushed sweat-dampened hair back from her face. He would never get his fill of touching her, gliding his fingertips over satiny skin, tracing every hill and valley of her curvy body.

  But what had he just done? Jesus, what a moron, fucking her in the park like an animal. In excess of six decades and this is what he gives her, how he treats his love. He wanted to lay her out on crisp sheets and make love by candlelight after sipping champagne. Only the best would be good enough for his mate.

  He had to get her out of here. Take her uptown to his penthouse and make amends for his impatient rutting. Make love to her all night long. He wanted everything to be special when they joined in the mating bond.

  “We need to talk, but I want to take you somewhere comfortable first. Get dressed, my love. We’ll hail a cab and go to my apartment. We can have something to eat, talk for a while, then make love and fall asleep holding each other.”

  “Mmm…sounds wonderful. I have to stop at my sister’s first though to let her know I’m okay. Otherwise she’ll worry.”

  He stood, took Elisa’s hand and pulled her into his arms, cursing himself over the sight of her dirty palms, knees and shoulders. They shared lingering kisses and light touches while getting dressed, but his conscience rode Michael hard.

  “Elisa, my love. I’m sorry.”

  Lis paused in righting her gown, taking in the regret and shame in his expression. Damn it! They’d shared the most amazing sex of her life, fulfilled so many countless fantasies and he felt regret. Why? “What do you have to be sorry for?” She rose up on the balls of her feet and placed a tender kiss at the corner of his mouth. “That was incredible.”

  “I’m sorry for taking you in the park like a savage. For not providing a comfortable place for you to lie down. For the fast, wild fuck instead of long hours of making love.”

  Oh God, could any man be more wonderful? More loving? She didn’t think so.

  She cupped his cheek, stroking her fingers along the strong line of his jaw. The love shining in his eyes stole her breath for moment. “Michael, that was exactly what I wanted. What we both needed. There is no need to apologize or feel remorse. I would like to get out of here and into a hot shower though.” She gave him a teasing grin. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Intertwining their fingers, they leisurely strolled through the park. She saw everything through different eyes now, a blending of Lis and Edie’s memories, and their different perspectives. When they stepped out onto the sidewalk, she considered the bar.

  “It looks different now. Not quite as I remember the USO club.”

  Michael nodded. “The club burned down and had to be rebuilt.”

  She paused at the corner, unable to take another step without feeling his lips against hers again. It was a light, easy kiss, but she felt it all the way to her curled toes. What an amazing kisser. She imagined long stretches of doing nothing but holding and kissing him.

  He made her feel young, vibrant and beautiful. But most of all she felt loved and cherished. Michael treated her as if she were precious, a gift. Her love for him, both old and new, grew stronger with each passing moment. He was a different man now, changed by their time apart certainly, but still hers. He’d waited more than sixty years for her—Elisa Wilde. The very idea of his devotion was stunning.

  They stopped at a bench cattycorner from her sister’s building. She didn’t want to take him inside to meet Shan. Not now. Her sister would ask a million questions and Lis didn’t want to delay that long. The sooner they made it to his apartment, stripped off their clothes and got naked, the better.

  “I want you to meet my sister, but later. I’m just going to run in, let her know I’m okay and get out of there. Then we can get someplace private. Okay?”

  He seemed reluctant to let go of her, but finally agreed and laid one hell of a soul-searing kiss on her.

  “Hurry back, Elisa.”

  Lis felt light and happy, as if she walked on air. Knowing Michael would always be waiting for her, through all of eternity, sparked a newfound sense of belonging. Before crossing the street, she paused to look at him over her shoulder, needing the see him again. She blew a kiss, giggling when he grabbed at the air then placed his hand over his lips as if he’d caught it.

  She literally danced into the street, floating on the wings of love. She was being sappy as hell, but hey, she felt entitled to be silly and revel in the experience. Lis had never been in love, and Edie had only had him briefly.

  She had to look at him again—couldn’t stand the thought of being apart for the time it would take to check in with Shan. Lis spun, shimmied her hips and blew another kiss. He caught it and sent one to her in return. She caught his air-kiss, holding his love tight, quickly becoming overwhelmed with emotions no longer willing to be held inside.

  “I love you!” She shouted it to him and all of New York. Tossing her head back, she spun, calling out her feelings, wanting everyone to know. “I love Michael Claret!”

  She gifted him with a brilliant smile. “Wait for me.”

  Chapter Six

  Michael figured the wide grin splitting his face was liable to become a permanent condition. One that tickled him. The only other time in his long life he recalled being so happy and fulfilled was when he’d been with Edie.

  Years of merely existing—alive but not truly living—were behind him now. His love had returned, breathing life back into him. The past melted away and a beautiful future stretched out before them. He wondered if it was possible to overdose on happiness.

  He laughed, watching Elisa’s antics. The greatest sense of joy filled him to the point he might burst. His adorable woman twirled and giggled. Michael figured he had to be the luckiest man in the world. Soon he’d bind them together and they’d never be alone again. They would always have each other.

  The loud rumble of a straining engine drew his attention. He shifted on the bench, startled by a flash of blue and movement in the corner of his vision.

  “No! Elisa!” He screamed, jumping from the bench. Even with his extraordinary speed he would not make it to her in time. Still, he tried, racing across the distance separating them, watching in horror as the van struck her body, flipping Elisa in the air as if she were nothing more than an insubstantial rag doll.

  The vehicle didn’t slow or pause, just continued barreling down the road.

  Falling to his knees, Michael gently lifted her broken body, holding her close to his heart. There wasn’t much blood, but she lay limp in his arms. He brushed her hair out of the away and stared down into her face. His heart seized, chest tightening and tears flowed freely.

  “Oh, my love.”

  Fate was a cruel mistress, placing them in the same horrible situation they’d previously faced. The mage’s cryptic warning from so many years ago raced through his mind fresh as if the words had just been spoken.

  “Fate will not be denied and cannot be cheated. You will have to make the most of this second chance and alter the path the fates have chosen.”

  “I’ll make it all right, beloved. I won’t lose you again. We will be together,” he vowed.

  Her mouth opened and her lips moved but no sound emerged.

  Michael had to find a way to gain her acceptance. Every fiber of his being ordered him to complete the blood exchange, but the moral principles he lived by rejected doing so without her agreement. He kicked himself for not having bound her to him in the park. He could not watch her die a second time while sitting on his hands and doing nothing.

  Rage threatened to overtake him, made him want to scream at the heavens. Hi
s warrior’s soul wanted to take action, draw the sword he no longer carried and slice the fates to shreds.

  He forced calm into his voice that he didn’t feel. “Elisa, my love. We didn’t get to talk, but I can make this better. I can heal your body. Take your blood, give you mine. You will become immortal. Bound to me…forever. We would never be apart.”

  The vacant look in her eyes broke his heart. He wanted to find a way to gain her approval, but whether he had it or not, this time he would beat fate. Rewrite them a happily-ever-after.

  Michael leaned forward, pressing a light kiss against her lips. The bloodlust rose the closer he got to the plump artery in her neck.

  She tried to speak again but failed.

  He placed two fingers over her lips. “No, don’t try to talk. Blink for me. Once for yes, twice for no. Can you do that for me, Elisa?”

  He held his breath, watching her beautiful eyes, praying for a sign she understood. Finally, her lashes fluttered. Her eyelids closed, then opened a moment later and she met his gaze.

  “Good. Oh, Elisa! Good girl.” Michael took a deep breath before continuing. “Do you want me to turn you? Will you accept my blood, binding yourself to me for eternity? Become my immortal mate?”

  Her lashes lowered, lids covering her eyes. She kept them closed for the space of two heartbeats then met his gaze once again.

  “Yes!” he cried. “Thank heavens.” His hands trembled as Michael gathered her hair, moving it aside to bare her neck. “There will be a sharp pain, but it won’t last. You will begin to feel better as I take your blood.”

  He placed a tender kiss on her forehead before moving to her neck, licking a warm path over her weak pulse. His incisors pierced his gums and knifelike fangs extended. Her body jerked in his arms as he broke through her delicate skin. Then Elisa’s blood filled his mouth, the sweetest ambrosia he’d ever tasted. His senses reeled as he took her into his body, her warm blood combining with his own, imprinting her essence on every cell. Electrical currents surged through his hungry flesh, driving his bloodlust to amazing heights beyond his fiercest hungers. He sucked, drawing her deeper, as she filled all the empty places in his soul, finally making him a complete being.

  Michael jerked back suddenly, startled from the ecstasy of joining with his woman by her utter stillness. He’d become lost in her, possibly taken too much. With a quick swipe of his tongue, the healing agent in his saliva closed the twin wounds.

  He lifted and stared into her slack face. Michael wanted to howl in frustration at the injustice. He could not, would not lose her now. Not when he was so close to realizing his dream of being completely joined with his love.

  Finesse be damned. There wasn’t a moment to spare. She needed him—his blood.

  Without hesitation, through the power of his mind, he lengthened a sharp fingernail, sliced open a vein in his wrist and held it to her lips. Drink, my love. You must drink!

  The encouragement went unanswered. Elisa didn’t react. His blood flowed over her lips and dribbled along her chin.

  “Elisa, my love, you must drink!” he demanded.

  Still, she didn’t move, but he would not give up. He would not be defeated. Adding a strong measure of command and compulsion to his voice, he tried again. “Elisa.”

  Michael sensed more than saw the minutest response. Her lashes fluttered a small fraction, didn’t they? He didn’t imagine the tiny movement. “Drink. Take my blood.”

  Her lips trembled. He felt a weak suction for several long moments, then she finally latched onto his wrist and began to suck in earnest, her throat swallowed convulsively. As she drank him down, her eyes opened a bit farther, drawing strength from him.

  She sucked harder and her eyes began to clear. Michael felt the connection snap into place between them with the force of a nuclear detonation. He heard her thoughts in his mind, shared in the extreme sexual pleasure rocketing through her body. His spirit lightened, and he became giddy with relief.

  A sudden jolt of pain had stabbed into Lis’ neck and her entire body tensed as awareness swept through her. In the next instant the most divine pleasure washed away the strange sensation of her soul leaving her physical presence behind and drifting toward nothingness. Firm lips pressed against her throat, sucking at her open artery with voracious intent. A satiny tongue flicked at her skin with each hard pull. She drifted along with the unfamiliar, peaceful sensations. The vague impression of a distant chill teased the edges of her fading consciousness.


  The imperative pounded at her sluggish brain, interrupting her serenity, insisting she come back. To what, she wasn’t sure. A warm, rich, thick fluid trickled into her mouth to roll over her tongue and palate similar to how she would taste a fine cognac. But the potent elixir was no aged brandy.

  Blood. The word screamed through her mind. Close on its heels came a name. Michael.

  The realization she was drinking blood—Michael’s blood—startled her from the happy place she’d gone. Oddly enough the knowledge did not sicken her stomach or disgust her. Instead, she savored his flavor—salt and dark spices with a hint of sweetness—thrilled by his essence. And she had no doubt it was Michael she drank from or his solid muscles cradling her body.

  A surge of vital energy flooded her body as it healed. Muscle, bones, tendons and tissues knitted together as if by magic. Intense sexual desire washed through her, shocking her with the rapid rise of carnal needs. The most astounding heat spread, abolishing the chill that had seeped into her. Every nerve ending snapped and sizzled, blazing to a dazzling level of awareness.

  She had an intense knowledge of each place their bodies touched. Her nipples puckered and the tight peaks tingled. With each breath the buds rasped against his chest. Her labia swelled. A gush of hot juices coated her sex, urging her to draw harder, consume more. His blood rolled down her throat and her clit spasmed, thrusting her headlong into an unexpected, blinding orgasm.

  Breaking the contact of her lips with his skin she gasped and moaned, riding out the rapturous wave. Her gaze shot to Michael’s, taking in his pleased expression and knowing grin.

  By far, the most astounding development came when she heard his deep voice in her head. His lips did not move yet she heard him loud and clear.

  Yes, my love. It will always be so. We are connected through our blood, thought and emotion. Never to be alone again. Together for all time.

  Their combined blood surged within her veins at the very idea. Could it be true? Forever with the man she loved. Her dream man.

  I love you, Michael, she thought, praying he would hear. Always.

  And I love you, my beloved Elisa.

  She’d settle for calling Shan to tell her the news later. Right that moment, she needed to be with Michael. Lis longed for the warmth of his bare skin covering hers. The hard length of his cock stretching the sensitive walls of her pussy, joining two into one, fusing them together—body, heart and soul. Please, take me home and make love to me. I need you, Michael. All of you.

  Elisa! Oh yes!

  Michael lifted her, keeping her close to his chest. He carried her down the sidewalk until he found a taxi to take them home.

  Chapter Seven

  When they reached his building, Michael paid the cabbie then erased the man’s memory of who he’d driven across town. All he would remember was having received a generous tip. Likewise, he ensured the doorman had no recollection of holding the door as Michael carried Elisa to his private elevator. Not that he was attempting to hide anything. He wanted only to protect her privacy during this vulnerable time.

  The lift opened on the top floor to his luxurious apartment. Being home felt good. Having his love there with him—no words existed to describe his elation.

  He carried her straight to the master suite and laid his precious burden down in the center of the bed. Her heavy-lidded eyes fluttered. “I have to call Shan and…” The words trailed off, but the rest of her thoughts reached his mind. Call her and what? Try to ex
plain the unexplainable? Like she’d believe I hooked up with my lover from a past life. A lover who just so happens to be a vampire. Oh, and by the way, I was killed in a hit-and-run accident tonight, but it’s okay. Michael reanimated me. Turned me into an undead bloodsucker. Yeah, and Shan will hang up and place a call to have the men in white coats come and fit me with a jacket that has extra long sleeves and buckles. She’ll reserve a special padded room for me in Bellevue.

  “We’ll talk to her later, beloved. Together. But now you need to rest. Your body is going through some changes—”

  Elisa whimpered and writhed as a spasm shot through her abdomen. Michael shared the pain that ripped through her, carried to him through their blood bond. “Oh God. I don’t feel so good. Something…” she moaned and panted. “Something’s wrong with me.” Fear edged her voice and lanced straight into his heart.

  Joining her on the bed, Michael brushed silky tendrils of hair back from her scrunched up brow. He placed a hand over her abdomen, the muscles tensed in agony, and he directed soothing energy to the flesh being altered by his blood. He had heard stories, but since he had been born vampire, had never known the true extent of the agony involved in the transformation of those who were created.

  Full vampires lacked the ability to enthrall one another, but Elisa remained susceptible to his formidable powers until the transition was completed. To ease her suffering, he focused on dulling her pain receptors and took the liberty of manipulating her perceptions, cocooning her in a sensual paradise for two. A tropical hideaway from the rest of the world.

  They walked hand in hand along miles of white sandy beaches, relaxed in a hammock strung between two coconut palms and sipped fruity drinks that sported colorful paper umbrellas. And they made love—endlessly.


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