Face Off lb-2

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Face Off lb-2 Page 23

by Mark Del Franco

  The guard eyed her neutrally. “Can I ask what you’re doing here?”

  She frowned as if it was a stupid question. “Waiting for Mr. DeWinter. Is there a problem?”

  Without moving, the guard examined the room. “Mr. DeWinter is gone for the day. Mr. DeWinter has orders that no one should be here when he’s out. You need to come with me.”

  Laura walked toward him. “Fine. I was waiting for him. He said he’d be here.”

  He let her pass into the hall. As she returned to her office, he kept pace a few feet behind her. She sat at her desk. The guard waited at the door. “Is there something else?” she asked.

  “You need to come down to security,” he said.


  “We need to take a report,” he said.

  She flashed him an annoyed frown. “So go make your report.”

  He set his jaw. “I’m afraid I’ll have to insist.”

  She released some essence into the Moor template and triggered the boggie characteristics. “And I’ll have to insist I’m not going anywhere. I’m having dinner with Adam DeWinter shortly.”

  The guard stepped in. “It will only take a minute, miss . . .”

  She glared as she rose to her feet. “Do you know who I am?”

  He hesitated. “Yes, ma’am. Fallon Moor.”

  She boosted the essence light in her eyes. “Right. A very annoyed Fallon Moor. You have three seconds to get out of my office before I throw you out. Go make your report. I’ll be sure to give Mr. DeWinter my own.”

  “Ma’am . . .” the guard began.

  Laura cursed to herself as DeWinter appeared behind him. “What seems to be the problem, Stuart?”

  The guard backed down, his expression becoming subservient. “I found Ms. Moor in your office, sir. I was asking her to come help make a report.”

  DeWinter smiled at Laura. “I’ll take care of it. There’s no need to make a formal report.”

  Laura relaxed the boggart aspect as the guard left. She sat with a loud exhale. “Thank you. That was ridiculous.”

  As DeWinter strolled toward her, she pretended to type an email. “I thought you had an errand?”

  She didn’t look up. “It took less time than I thought, so I came back here to finish a couple of things.”

  “In my office?”

  She smiled. “We did leave something undone earlier.”

  He chuckled. “How did you get in?”

  She rolled her eyes dismissively. “I wasn’t in your office, Adam. I was at your office checking to see if you were still here. Your friend Stuart is a little overzealous.” She could afford the lie. She had what she wanted and had no intention of returning to Legacy.

  Suspicion rolled off him as she gathered her things. “Are you ready to go?”

  Feigning surprise, she slipped her pocketbook over her shoulder. “Now? I thought we didn’t have reservations for an hour?”

  He shrugged. “It won’t be a problem.”

  The thumb drive was hidden in her bra, usually a secure place, but with the way she had been teasing DeWinter, that wasn’t a given. Hiding it in the office or somewhere else in the building wasn’t an option. She didn’t want to return to the building after tonight. She decided to play out the situation on the fly. “Great. I’ll get my car and meet you around front.”

  He slipped his hand through her arm. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll get us a driver.”

  She smiled through gritted teeth as he flipped open his phone. “That’s fine.”

  “This is Adam DeWinter. Is Burrell on duty?” he said into the phone. He glanced at her and wrinkled his nose affectionately. “Good. Tell him to bring the limo around.”

  Laura forced a smile. However the evening was going to play out, at least she had Sinclair as undercover backup. “Sounds like we’re off,” she said.


  THE MOMENT SHE walked into the restaurant, Laura knew that Fallon Moor had been there before. The host greeted her by name, and several other staffers offered professional smiles as they passed. Being alert around DeWinter was a given, but now she had to contend with a roomful of people, too.

  As they settled in at their table, a waiter poured water. No one spoke during the brief seating ritual as both Laura and DeWinter surveyed the room with vague smiles. She chuckled.

  “What?” he asked.

  She flipped open the wine menu. “Nothing, really. I was noticing how we both checked out the room with a fake look of enjoyment on our faces in case someone was looking at us looking.”

  “You’re not enjoying yourself?” he asked.

  She didn’t look up. “That’s not what I said, Adam.” She put a dismissive, unconcerned tone in her voice. On cue, he chuckled, too. She allowed herself a smile. If there was one thing she had figured out—without Fallon Moor’s help—it was that Adam DeWinter liked to play verbal games and did not like a woman who rushed to explain herself. “What about a bottle of the Bogle cabernet with dinner?”

  “I didn’t know you liked wine,” he said.

  She laid the wine list down and picked up the dinner menu as another waiter arrived. “We can do shots before dinner if you like.”

  “The usual, ma’am?” he said.

  She grinned up at him. “Of course.”

  She leaned on her elbows and peered over DeWinter’s menu. “What are you having?”

  He handed her the menu. “I can’t decide. You pick.”

  She took his menu and scanned the list again. She suspected he was testing her. “What did you have for lunch?”

  “Something chicken.”

  She gave herself a moment to recall the personality profile InterSec had on DeWinter. “The osso bucco. The wine will go nicely with it. They can swap out the salad dressing for something without nuts.”

  He blinked, still smiling. “When did I mention I didn’t eat nuts?”

  He had an allergy to nuts according to the profile. She feigned mild irritation. “I’ve never seen you eat them. I assumed you were allergic.”

  The waiter returned and served two glasses of whiskey. Laura put in the dinner order for both of them, and the waiter left a bottle of Bushmills on the table.

  DeWinter held his glass out. “To the endgame.”

  Laura hesitated, then toasted. “To success.”

  “You don’t like my toast?” he asked.

  She flipped her hair back on one side. “It’s not the endgame, is it? It’s a step.”

  DeWinter played with his glass, rolling the bottom edge in a circle on the tablecloth. “You’ve been acting strange.”

  She hid her apprehension at the remark by sipping the whiskey. “More than usual?”

  He pursed his lips. “How much of that is you and how much is an act?”

  “I am exactly what you see,” she said.

  DeWinter snorted. “Now, that I don’t believe.”

  She lowered her brow to appear concerned. “Something’s gnawing at you, Adam. I’m not sure I want to keep dancing like this.”

  She also wasn’t sure if she was pushing something in a direction she didn’t want to go. For whatever reason, DeWinter was acting suspicious of her. Her impersonation of Moor on such short notice wasn’t the best persona she had ever devised. It had worked so far, but that was because she avoided conversation as much as possible.

  DeWinter shrugged. “You haven’t been around much lately. It makes me wonder about your commitment.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Really? After everything I’ve done, you wonder about my commitment?”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “Tell me about Dublin . . . Allison.”

  She didn’t panic that he had exposed Fallon Moor’s past. Given his former life in the CIA, DeWinter’s digging into the background of one of his key players didn’t surprise her. What she didn’t know was if Moor had discussed it with him. She decided to be flip instead of annoyed. “It’s the capital of Ireland.”

  He maintained a pleasant
expression, but she noticed a tightening of his jaw. “That’s the kind of thing I’m talking about. I understand why you didn’t tell me your real name. What I don’t understand is why you’ve become cryptic around me.”

  She sighed and leaned forward. “Adam, you know how this works. Whatever you know about Dublin is what you know. I’ve shared what I want to share. If you expect me to confirm or deny things you suspect about me, then someone’s going to be asking about twelve million dollars. Do you want to go there with me? I have nothing to hide.”

  He waited while the waiter placed salads in front each of them. “I needed the money because I saw an opportunity to increase the chances of success with our acquisition,” he said.

  All that told her was what she had already assumed. DeWinter had bribed someone to do something. He still wasn’t tipping what it was for. “The airport bombing was an accident,” she said. “The bombs were supposed to end up on planes, but one went off prematurely. I got out in the confusion.”

  Quid pro quo. Except for the bit about the accident, everything else she said was known to security-industry insiders, and DeWinter had more than a few of them as contacts.

  “This isn’t what I wanted to talk about,” he said.

  Laura picked at her salad. “How about lost rocket launchers?”

  “Fallon . . .”

  “Yes?” She made a show of continuing to eat.

  DeWinter lowered his gaze and toyed with his fork. “We haven’t been together in over a week.”

  The comment surprised her. Despite finding out her real identity, DeWinter’s real issue was personal. Laura reached forward and caressed his hand. “I’m sorry, Adam. I completely misread what you meant.”

  He shrugged and smiled. “I was having fun. I thought you were, too.”

  She grasped his hand. “I was. Am. It’s just . . . things have been busy. When things get like this, I prefer to”—she tickled his palm—“heighten the anticipation.”

  “It’s heightened,” he said.

  She finished her whiskey with a slow slide of her tongue across her lips. “Well, I’ve accomplished one goal at least.”

  “Seriously, though, where have you been?” he asked.

  She refilled their glasses. Moor liked her whiskey, though Laura didn’t care much for it. “Without going into details, I’ve been putting some plans into place for after . . . ours.”

  His smile was patient. “We have the same goals, Fallon. I would hope by now you trusted me.”

  She pursed her lips. Moor continued to refuse to give any more details about her relationship with DeWinter. Laura couldn’t be sure if he was baiting her or not. His voice held tones of subterfuge, but that was as much a factor of his cryptic manner of speaking as it was truthfulness. She couldn’t risk assuming Moor had told him more about herself and her plans than he was letting on. “Not all our goals are the same, though, are they?”

  “I would think taking down the monarchy was a big enough goal for anyone,” he said.

  This conversation she knew how to have. She had been among antigovernment people in one form or another for most of her career. “What happens to the fey after the monarchy is gone? Not everyone agrees with us, Adam. Even if—when—we succeed, democracy isn’t going to break out. There will still be a lot of work to do.”

  “I might be able to help with that,” he said.

  She shrugged in a thoughtful manner. “I guess what I’m saying is that even now our goals aren’t precisely the same. You want to prevent the monarchy from expanding and infiltrating your government. I’m already living your fear. Eliminating the monarchy solves both our problems, but they’re not the same problems.”

  “Maybe that’s when we leave things to someone else,” he said.

  He surprised her. She felt a sense of honesty in what he said. Moor’s silence about him and hearing him talk about her like this made her wonder if they had true feelings for each other and not a relationship of opportunity and convenience. The idea gave her pause, as much for the unexpectedness of it as her cynicism that hadn’t even considered it. “And then what? We retire to a nice cottage with a picket fence? We’re not the type, Adam.”

  Still pleasant, he looked resigned. “Why don’t we talk about this when the operation is over?”

  She slipped a gentle smile over her face and held up her glass. “Let’s make a date.”

  He raised his glass. “Next Tuesday. No excuses. That will give everything a chance to cool down, and we can talk about other things.”

  She tapped his glass. “Tuesday it is, then.”

  She leaned back as the waiter arrived with their dinners. At least she had managed to get a time frame out of him. Whatever Legacy was planning would be executed in the next few days. Maybe Terryn was right, and it was about Draigen, who would be gone in the same time frame. Even so, she wanted harder confirmation than intuition. The data drive waited in her bra. With any luck, she would piece together what the plan was and end it before it began.


  THE HIGHWAY CURVED around the Pentagon, the Capitol Building rising above the skyline behind it. Laura loved Washington at night. During the day, its iconic buildings had a stiff, formal look of history made. At night, lighting made those same buildings appear dramatic, as if the true work of the government were happening. She spent a lot of time in those offices, but it was in the restaurants and bars and private parties, or, in this case, a limo, that the real work was done. Having dinner with DeWinter was more work than stealing the data. It was almost over. In a few minutes, Sinclair would stop the limo in front of Fallon Moor’s apartment, and she would disappear from DeWinter’s life.

  “You’ve done phenomenal work, Fallon,” DeWinter said.

  She lowered her eyes and smiled modestly as she stared at the amber fluid in her glass. “Thanks. It’s been a challenge.”

  She settled herself more comfortably in the darkened limo. The soft red fabric of her dress rode across her lap, exposing her thigh through the short slit on the side of the dress. She crossed her legs, her rising knee catching DeWinter’s eye. Placing his hand on her bare skin, he leaned forward to retrieve a decanter from the bar. Laura held her crystal glass steady as he refilled it. Returning the decanter, he settled back, his hand remaining on her thigh.

  Dinner had gone more smoothly than Laura anticipated. She had maintained subtle control of the conversation, poking around in his knowledge of Fallon Moor’s life. She had made up stories to fit time periods in Moor’s life he apparently didn’t know about. For all the heated looks and promises of better times the last few days, DeWinter didn’t appear to know Moor that well at all.

  DeWinter trailed his fingers up and down her thigh, a bemused expression on his face. “Why don’t you come work for me full-time? I can make it very attractive.”

  Laura glanced through the glass panel separating them from the front seat. As if sensing it, which she doubted, Sinclair’s eyes flicked to the rearview mirror. Sinclair had hidden any surprise that she had walked out of the Legacy building with DeWinter. He was handling undercover well, though she knew he would complain later about sitting in the car while she had an expensive dinner.

  She smiled into her glass. “It’s tempting, but I like being free to make my own decisions.”

  DeWinter shifted his position, one hand on her knee, the other draped along the back of the seat. “You know, as I watched you work, I became fascinated with you.”

  “I’m flattered,” she said with as much meaning as she could muster. DeWinter didn’t impress her as much as he impressed himself. He was like so many men who confused money with invincibility. She sensed a warping in his faint human essence that meant he carried a gun. DeWinter was the type who thought he could handle anything thrown at him, so he didn’t bother with an entourage or bodyguards. His most visible trappings of wealth were the clothes he wore and the limo service. His CIA service had been administrative. He had probably never fired a gun outside the practice

  “You know, the article was perfect bait,” DeWinter said.

  She chuckled. “Bait?”

  He nuzzled her ear. “The article in the Financial Times. The one discussing polling algorithms that tested global time differences. I found it incredibly timely considering my team was looking into the issue.”

  She knew the article. It had been in Fallon Moor’s file. The brownie had written it before being hired by Legacy. Now Laura realized that was how Moor had ended up at Legacy. She let them think they wanted her, not the other way around. “Timing is everything, Adam. I’m glad I could help.”

  She leaned forward to retrieve a napkin from the bar setup, forcing DeWinter to remove his hand from her neck. Though she had done such things in the past, romancing him was not going to be a part of the evening no matter what Moor’s relationship with him was. The job was over.

  She avoided looking at Sinclair. Wherever their relationship was going, it would be going nowhere if she got physical with him watching. She had what InterSec needed. She didn’t need DeWinter anymore. Saying no and getting out of the car at the apartment were going to be simple.

  “Who do you work for?” he asked.

  She feigned confusion, but she didn’t like the question. “What do you mean?”

  DeWinter’s hand slid farther up her thigh. “FBI? InterSec? MI6?”

  Sipping her drink, she laughed. “What in the world are you talking about? I think my politics answer for themselves, Adam.”

  He moved in on her ear again. “Don’t take me for a fool, Fallon. I fell for the article, true. Did you think I would let you into our systems unattended? We found the tracking program.”

  Annoyed, she pursed her lips while he kissed the side of her neck. She had some skill, but the planted software had come from InterSec. Someone was going to get a good reprimand for sloppy work when she returned to the office.

  Get ready, Jono. My cover’s blown, she sent. Sinclair’s gaze wandered to the rearview mirror.


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