Sex, Lies and Designer Shoes

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Sex, Lies and Designer Shoes Page 8

by Kimberly Van Meter

  God, yes! Please do it! The words bounced in her head, but she managed to keep them to herself. The last thing either of them needed was to throw gasoline on the raging fire that was already crackling. “Let’s get you out of here,” she said, grasping his hand and pulling him away from the dance floor.

  She was racked with remorse for dragging him here against his will and she could kill Stella for dosing Rian like that. Not for the first time she wondered if Stella was all that good of a friend but she had bigger concerns.

  She motioned for a cab and one appeared within moments. After stuffing Rian into the back, she climbed in beside him. She had just enough time to give the cabbie the hotel address when Rian grabbed her and pulled her straight to his mouth and all restraint broke.

  It was a free-for-all. Hands everywhere, mouths followed, legs twined together and lust surged. It was a dirty, desperate, you’re-gonna-regret-this-in-the-morning kind of action and CoCo had never been so aroused by one man. If it were possible to get any hotter, she would’ve combusted in a fiery explosion of skin and bone.

  And she really couldn’t remember why Rian had resisted in the first place, because things were finally getting interesting.


  HE COULDN’T GET enough of CoCo. The touch of her skin, the taste of her kiss. She was unlike anyone he’d ever been with and the clothes between them were an irritant that he couldn’t stomach a moment longer. Stumbling into their hotel room, they were ripping each other’s clothes off as he slammed the door shut with his foot. That tight dress was the first to go and suddenly there she was, standing in all her glory, naked as the day she was born, and Rian nearly fell to his knees to worship at the vision that was CoCo Abelli. This was why men sacrificed their souls to this woman. She was exquisite. And even though he’d gotten an eyeful earlier that day, it was nothing compared to feasting on every hill and curve as he dropped to his knees and drew her close, that delectable feminine vee beckoning him like a siren song.

  Her hands went to his shoulders and he buried his face between her thighs, seeking and finding that sweet, pulsing core. She shuddered and his fingers squeezed her ass, invading her musky sweetness with his tongue until she was shaking and moaning, barely able to stand. Everything was ten times more visceral and the primal feelings raging through his body made him feel like a caveman taking his woman.

  CoCo stiffened and cried out, pushing against his shoulders, and he knew she’d come. Grinning with dark satisfaction, he rose and scooped her into his arms. “You taste incredible,” he said, knowing he could eat her all day and never utter a word of complaint. He craved those little shudders and quakes, those tiny mewling pants and the way she gasped nonsensical strings of words as she climaxed. Oh, yeah, he could listen to that melody all day long. He kissed her long and deep, loving that she could taste herself on his tongue. Nothing was sexier.

  “Rian,” she gasped, still trying to catch her breath. “We have to stop. You don’t want to do this...”

  “Like hell I don’t,” he growled. He couldn’t think straight. He had CoCo on his tongue and his cock was so hard it was nearly splitting in two. “You’re the most amazingly beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He pressed kisses to her neck, moving toward her breasts, dipping to suck those hard peaks into his mouth, twirling the nipple in his mouth until she writhed beneath him. Her groans pushed him to the point of delirium. Her skin was glazed with a thin sheen of sweat as her damp brow was evidence of her earlier orgasm. Her legs wrapped around his torso and her hot core pressed against his cock, contradicting her words telling him to stop. But there was something in his brain that registered the faint request and he pulled up short, his limbs shaking as he held himself back. “Princess, what’s wrong?” he asked, his head swimming. “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head and her hands shook as she smoothed her hands over his chest, lingering on the sparse tufts of curly hair on his sternum. “You don’t’s the’re going to wake up tomorrow and hate yourself if we don’t stop.”

  CoCo’s words penetrated the haze and he knew she was right but he couldn’t fathom stopping. He wanted her so bad he thought he’d die if he didn’t plunge inside that tight heat but he couldn’t trust that what he was feeling wasn’t just because of what CoCo said.

  He groaned and rolled off her to fall on the bed, covering his eyes. What was happening to him? His cock was a kickstand, lifting off the nest of groin hair, seeking what was being denied, and he thought he’d never survive the night like this. “What the hell was in that shit?” he asked, still reeling from the sexual high. “My skin feels like it’s been turned inside out and every nerve ending is exposed.”

  “I don’t know what Stella was tripping on so I can’t say exactly what she gave you,” CoCo answered, her breasts heaving as she tried to slow down. Her breasts were something he’d never experienced and he couldn’t help but reach out and pinch a nipple. She gasped and jerked, her hips thrusting as she rubbed herself with a moan. “Don’t make this worse. I want to do the right thing but you’re making it impossible.”

  Rian rolled over and climbed on top of her, unable to stop kissing her. She didn’t stop him. Their tongues tangled and twisted, plunging and tasting until they were so heated and turned on that there was no stopping what was coming.

  He lifted and bent her legs, placing her feet against his shoulders, and then guided himself inside her with a nice, smooth glide, burying himself to the hilt into her wet heat. He nearly blacked out from the pleasure. Everything was tight and hot, squeezing him from all sides.

  “Oh, my God,” he breathed, his eyes rolling up into his head as he lost himself in the pleasure of sliding in and out of that wonderful sheath. She lifted her hips for a deeper thrust and he obliged, going as deep as he could. He caught her gaze, her lips parted, and he was struck by the connection—a soulful and meaningful connection that came out of nowhere—and he squeezed his eyes shut, needing to come before he lost his mind. But his orgasm kept dancing out of reach. Just as he thought he’d reach that pinnacle, he would lose the sensation and have to start over.

  They switched positions and soon he was thrusting into her from behind but he couldn’t pull the trigger. After an hour of trying and failing, Rian groaned and withdrew, falling to the bed with a pissed-off growl. “This ain’t happening. I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  CoCo climbed on top and positioned herself on his cock. The view was spectacular but he wasn’t sure it was going to happen. “It’s the drug,” she told him breathlessly. “It helps guys stay hard longer. I’m not complaining.” A grin followed as she began to move against him. “Here, let me do some of the work.”

  Watching CoCo slowly grind on his cock was the most incredible thing he’d ever experienced. Gripping her hips, he feasted his gaze on that sweet feminine place that was the center of his universe at the moment and then, when CoCo lifted herself to swivel carefully, going reverse cowgirl, he lost it. After a few good pumps with that luscious ass facing him, her head thrown back with abandon, he came so hard his toes curled, crying out until he was hoarse with each cresting wave.

  Shuddering seconds later, CoCo slumped forward for a brief moment before she could manage to slowly ease off his cock. She collapsed beside him, a happy, dazed smile on her face that did wondrous things to his ego. His mind was still spinning and his body hummed with postcoital satisfaction but he could sense the drug still messing with him because right now he just wanted to cuddle.


  “When does this drug wear off?” he asked, fighting the urge to tuck her into his side and fall into a blissful sleep. “I still don’t feel right. My head’s throwing all sorts of strange crap my way.”

  She giggled, sounding slightly drunk. “You just broke your Molly cherry. Is it true you never forget your first time?”

  It wasn’t funny—if he were th
inking straight, he’d be pissed as hell—and yet he began to laugh, too. It made no sense. Neither did the fact that, in spite of knowing it was out of character, he reached for CoCo and pulled her tight into the cove of his body, nuzzling her neck and inhaling the unique, intoxicating scent that was all her own. She smelled like sex, woman and the wild thrill of something taboo, and he couldn’t get enough. “You smell incredible,” he groaned, feeling as if he would never be able to get enough.

  “It’s the Molly.” She sighed happily. “Don’t read too much into it.”

  Her honest answer should’ve reassured him that he wasn’t losing his mind over a woman he’d been ready to pitch into a lake only hours earlier. There was something that rang a little false inside him but he couldn’t trust his feelings on this. He was out of his mind. Everything was clear as mud. Tomorrow he’d deal with the fallout. Right now, he just wanted to sleep with CoCo in his arms.

  At that moment, nothing seemed sweeter.

  * * *

  IT WAS A long time before sleep found CoCo. She’d had a chance to take a dose at the club but she’d turned it down. Ordinarily, she would’ve taken it without thought but Rian’s words had been ringing in her head about how everyone wrote her off as a party girl and nothing more. She hated being so marginalized, even if it was her own fault. So she’d turned it down and then she’d noticed Stella grinding on Rian like a stripper on a pole and she’d seen red. Was it jealousy that made her crazy when he’d been willing to dance with Stella and not her? It should make some difference that Stella had dragged him out there but CoCo had hated seeing him pressed against Stella like that. She’d never been possessive in her life but Rian brought out all sorts of hidden traits. Like caring about her reputation. Wanting more out of her life. Stuff like that.

  Her mind was moving at a clip, her thoughts bouncing from one thing to another, all while she was cradled in Rian’s arms like something precious. He felt good pressed against her, his light snore telling her he was out like a light. His body was something that she would fantasize about for years to come. Screwing around with Rian hadn’t been wise but when Molly was in charge, everything tactile was on the menu—and sex was the main course. Even though the sex had been fantastic, she felt wretched for Rian. He’d been dosed without his knowledge and taken on a ride that he hadn’t signed up for. She’d straight up kill Stella for doing that to him. It wasn’t funny and it wasn’t okay. The fact that she hung out with someone who thought it was no big deal to dose a stranger made her feel dirty.

  Although it felt as if she’d just shut her eyes, she awoke with Rian around 9:00 a.m. At first they were both disoriented but Rian quickly came to his senses and rolled away from her to stumble unevenly to the bathroom. He shut the door and CoCo rose blearily to squint at the bright light streaming into the cheap hotel room. Her mouth tasted as if a small animal had died in it and she reached for her bottle of water to chug it down. She listened for signs of life in the bathroom and when Rian emerged, there was no mistaking the cool distance in his expression.

  Might as well get this over with. “I didn’t know Stella—”

  “Save it. I’m not really in the mood to talk about last night,” he cut in, moving to grab his clothes and disappear back into the bathroom. She heard the shower going and she exhaled an unhappy breath, her head pounding. She guessed they weren’t going to go for round two anytime soon.

  Her body responded with delightful little aches and pains in private places, reminding her how vigorously they’d entertained each other last night, and she actually blushed when she realized she really wanted to feel him inside her again. He was a beast in bed. No shame there.

  But judging by that dark look, touching her was the last thing he wanted to do anytime soon. He blamed her for what’d happened. As if she’d known that Stella had dosed him. Yeah, right. Stella was impossible to control, dosed or sober. But as she tried to formulate a reasonable explanation to that effect, she couldn’t see how hanging out with a person like Stella was a good endorsement.

  Her wounded pride began to take over and she started to lose that contrite feeling. Hadn’t she tried to tell him that it was the drug causing him to be all over her? Was it really her fault that he couldn’t keep his hands where they belonged? And furthermore, why was he drinking someone else’s drink? Every idiot knew that you never shared drinks in a club. That was practically an invitation to get dosed.

  She scooped up her discarded clothing and quickly dressed, starting to silently fume at his high-and-mighty attitude toward her. By the time he emerged, her temper was percolating at a fine clip and she was ready to give it to him.

  “Look, don’t you dare treat me like some dirty girl you picked up at the bar, banged and then can’t get away from fast enough. I’m not that girl. And for the record I tried to stop you and you were all hands so you can quit with the holier-than-thou attitude because it’s really pissing me off.”

  “Just drop it,” he warned, his wet hair dripping onto his back as he threw his towel back into the bathroom. “I never should’ve gone to that stupid club with you. I ignored my gut instinct and look what happened.”

  “Exactly what happened? You got laid. I don’t see any other guy crying in his beer when that happens. Get over yourself, Rian. It’s just sex.”

  “Speaking from experience, no doubt,” he quipped and she flushed with rage. “Don’t start fires you can’t put out.”

  “I hate you, Rian Dalton,” she said, her chest heaving from the exertion it took to keep from throwing anything within grabbing distance straight at his melon head. “You’re a real dick.”

  “And you’re a paparazzi’s meal ticket. Now that we’ve established our previous roles...let’s get back to the point of this relationship—obviously, things went south last night but it’s not going to happen again. We’re going to hole up for the next couple of days and pretend that what happened didn’t actually happen at all. Got it?”


  “Great.” He gestured to the shower and she shook her head, unable to believe his nerve. She didn’t get discarded. If anyone got the boot, it was the guy, not CoCo Abelli. “Don’t you want to shower?” he asked when she just stood there, rooted in impotent anger and the overwhelming desire to tackle him to the ground.

  But she couldn’t find the right words even as she seethed. She didn’t want to admit it but she was hurt by his attitude, even though she shouldn’t have been surprised. He’d been a jerk when they first met, and he was a jerk now. Leopards don’t change their spots. She was stupid to believe anything different. Screw you, Rian. Screw. You.

  “I need air.” She barely managed the words before jerking open the hotel room door to step outside but as her foot cleared the threshold something exploded right by her face, showering her with slivers of shattered wood, and she screamed as Rian shoved her to the ground, covering her with his body. “What was that?” she asked, fear congealing in her throat as bits of wood covered the ratty carpet.

  “Stay here,” he told her quietly as he slowly climbed to his feet, inching to the window, watching the open door intently. The sound of wheels squealing out of the parking lot followed and after shutting the door with his foot, he closed the curtains. He pulled her to her feet with a curt “Pack your stuff. We’re leaving,” and she couldn’t control the shiver that ricocheted down her back.

  “Was that...a bullet?” she asked, her lips numb. Had someone shot at her? Are you kidding me? She couldn’t accept that, because if she did, that meant...her father was right and someone was truly out there trying to hurt her family.

  “Whoever it was took off when they saw that they’d missed, but we’re not sticking around to give them a second chance.”

  She nodded and tried to gather up her things with shaking fingers. Within moments, they were packed and ready to bolt out of there but she couldn’t quite wrap her mind aro
und the situation. “What if they’re still out there? How’d they know where to find us? I thought you said this place was secure?”

  “They must’ve followed us after the club and waited to make their move. They thought they were going to get a clean shot from the outside. They almost did. If whoever had been a better shot, your story would’ve had a different ending, which is why we’re ditching this place and getting out of Dodge.”

  “And where exactly are we going? What if they’re waiting to follow us again? Did you get a look at the car?”

  “No, but they’ve split the area. It’s broad daylight, and they missed their shot. They’d be idiots to stick around but we’re not going to test that theory.”

  “But where are we going to go? They shot at me! They nearly took my face off!”

  She was nearing hysteria. She could feel it bubbling under the surface of her shock. Funny how a near-death experience put things in perspective at the speed of light. But the fact that she’d nearly died was stealing her ability to remain calm.

  Suddenly, Rian was at her side, gripping her arms firmly, his voice steady but urgent. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I need you to trust me. Can you do that for me?” he asked. When she jerked a nod, he softened his voice and said, “Good. Now grab your bag. We’re getting out of here.” Then he groaned as he realized the Range Rover was still parked at the bar. “Guess we’re cabbing it back to the bar,” he said, irritated, and she nodded, too freaked out to remind him that driving hadn’t been an option. Thankfully, within minutes a cab appeared and they left the hotel.

  Once in the Range Rover, CoCo swallowed the lump of fear in her throat and looked to Rian, his jaw set and his gaze steady on the road. “Where are we going?” she asked, her mouth dry. “If we’re not safe at one of your safe locations, where can we possibly go?”


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