Truth: A Sinful Series, Book One

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Truth: A Sinful Series, Book One Page 7

by Trilina Pucci

  “Oh my…” I breathe out as I writhe on the bed under his skilled hand. “God, I can’t take it.”

  “Baby, we’re just getting started. I’m not your god—I’m your King.”

  My body feels spent, and my eyes don’t want to stay open. King followed through with his promise to kiss and make it better, and now I find myself being tucked into this huge oversized poster bed with silky sheets and a decadent deep red comforter. His gentleness and care seem at war with his dominance, and I want to think it’s a gift just for me. A gift I get to keep for myself.

  “Sleep now,” he coaxes as he stands next to the bed.

  “You aren’t leaving me? In this room, that’s in the middle of a sex club…” Sitting up, my eyes have zero problem staying open now. There’s that damn grin.

  “We aren’t done, baby. You said one night—it’s only 1:00 a.m., and as far as I’m concerned, I have you until 11:00 p.m. this evening. Twenty-four hours. That’s the deal.” His voice is sure, confident in his proclamation.

  My eyes grow wide with surprise. “Hold on a minute, I said one night. So technically, it’s morning—our arrangement is over,” I level back, propping myself with one arm.

  “If you think I am going to roll over like a nice puppy because you flash your tits at me, you’ve underestimated me.” His eyes drift down to my chest as he bites his bottom lip.

  Looking down, I realize my sheet has slipped down during my shock. “You’ve seen them. I don’t use my body as leverage, and if you think you can tell me what to do with it, you’ve underestimated me.” I won’t let that happen again. I’ve learned my lessons from Nick.

  He puts both hands on the bed and leans forward. His presence is overwhelming. I’ve dealt with powerful men in the boardrooms, and frankly, I may not be my old self completely, but I won’t backbend to anyone, not even King. But damn it’s hard for me to think when he’s this close. I’m thinking with all the wrong parts.

  “I want you. What do you need me to say to make that happen?”

  Covering my chest up, I close my eyes and take a beat. “Try saying please, King. I can tell ‘please’ isn’t something you use often, but nobody is allowed to disrespect me. Ever. I decide how long and whom I spend my time with. Don’t be a dick.”

  We stay in our standoff until he sits down on the bed, brushing my hair from my face. “I want you to stay with me all day, please.”

  “Okay.” My mouth slowly turns into a smile.

  “Yeah?” he questions with a wrinkled forehead.

  “I said yes. Now, can we sleep, in this bed, that’s inside of a fucking sex club?” Shaking my head, I let out a breath that lives between disbelief and humor.

  “Does it bother you?” His face is suddenly serious as he pulls his pants off to get into bed.

  I take stock for a moment. “No, strangely enough, it doesn’t. Does that make me so completely strange?”

  “It makes you perfect,” he answers, wagging his eyebrows.

  “Sweet talker,” I joke, scooting over to make more room for him.

  “There’s nothing sweet about me. I’m the devil in disguise. You’d be smart not to forget that.”

  “Has it even occurred to you that I’m not some girl hoping to make you fall for me in one night? Maybe I’m using you, equally.” Rolling over and off the bed, I stand, wrapping the sheet around my body. “I’m not a virgin, and I’m not scared of my sexuality. I just…I don’t know, never had the opportunity to explore something like this, in this way.” Looking over my shoulder at King, his demeanor is tense.

  His jaw is tight, his arms crossed over his chest. “Maybe it’s me that has the problem…”

  “Sorry, I don’t understand…”

  “Maybe it’s me, falling for you…” Stopping in my tracks, I turn around wholly to face him. What is this man aiming at? We’re togther one night, and the fact that we’re on the same page, allowing this insanity over each other, is what makes the attraction feel so real, but it’s not real.

  Maybe it is real?

  Shut up, brain.

  “Well then, maybe I’m not a possibility, and you’d be smart to remember that.” I can’t jump out of one bed into another. I need to do this and move the fuck on with my life. I don’t have any interest in him past tonight, even if a tiny voice is making the protest.

  “I think the fact that I’ve found my equal is too tempting to pass up.”

  “Ha! Nice line, but can you be just as creative in finding me a dress, considering it’s your fault I’m only wearing a bra?” Hoping my redirect works, I walk toward the sitting area again.


  Rolling my eyes, I answer with the only thing I can say: “Clothes.”

  “Baby, we are not done. I’ll break you any way I can until you get on the same page.” He cracks his belt, and my attention is immediately drawn his way as he walks back to where I’m sitting, in the living room area, to put his clothes on.

  “So, you’re going to fuck me into submission? Spank me?” The thought makes me hot.

  “No, you aren’t submissive. I don’t want to dominate you unless you want me to. I want to give you every reason to stick around after tomorrow. I’m gonna break that tough-as-nails, stubborn-as-fuck opinion that you don’t need anyone.”

  I’m actually speechless. Who the fuck is this guy?

  Leaning down, King kisses my lips. “I’ll be right back.” He leaves me frozen to my spot.

  Sinking back into the chair, I grab my purse and pull out my phone. Hovering my finger over the button, the feeling sinks in that this night, all of it, is my secret. I can’t tell anyone; they’ll have me committed or just seriously question my judgment. I’m having semi-anonymous sex with a demigod…it can’t be real. Shoving it back into my purse, I go over a thousand validations and justifications for my actions. In the end, it doesn’t matter because I couldn’t be dragged from this room by ten men. I want King, and I’m taking what I want for tonight.

  I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR MORE than twenty minutes, and I’m getting antsy. I’m also fully confident I’ve been dissed…I knew it was too good to be true. I’m also starting to feel the heavy weight of embarrassment. What the hell did I do? I’m not embarrassed by the one-night stand—who cares—but I am embarrassed that I’ve made a makeshift sheet dress and I’m debating with myself about walking out of this damn place. How bad could it be? People are here to invest their interest in kink, not my wardrobe. I’m sure I’m not the first woman to have her clothes ripped off her body. Okay, I got this. The momentary visual of me walking out of the place in a damn sheet makes me laugh because it’s the most ridiculous sight. I just have to make it back to my room and pretend this is a look. I’m going to die. Tilting my head back, I laugh as I grab my clutch off the floor. “Here goes nothing.”

  Peeking my head out of the door, the hallway is empty, but it’s an offshoot to the main hallway, so I wait a few moments, just to make sure nobody is walking past. Gathering my sheet gown, I take a deep breath and walk confidently out and around the corner, following the way we came, right into King.

  King holding a garment bag.

  King smiling down at me, clearly amused at my fashion choice.

  “What?” I reach out for the garment bag, but King pulls it out of reach. “You’ve never seen a girl in a sheet gown? It’s very European. Don’t be an ass, stop smiling. Gimme.”

  “You look lovely, but I think you may like what’s in the bag better. Now say please.”

  “You are such an ass.”

  “An ass holding your clothing. Now say please, or I’ll take the sheet with me.”

  “You wouldn’t dare…you know what, you would. I’m not going to beg.”

  “I’d buy you a shit ton more than just a dress to get you to beg.” He licks his lips, clearly turned on by his imagination.


  “Thank you. Now say please.”


  He shakes his head. “Have i
t your way, gorgeous.” He laughs as his eyes drop to my body.

  Before he can reach for my sheet, I drop it, right there in the damn hallway. The cold hits my center, reminding me of my commando situation, but I’m not budging. He wants to play, we’ll play. Putting my hands on my hips, I stand confidently in my body. It’s just a fucking vagina after all.

  “Well, King, looks like we are at an impasse. So, seeing as there are people coming up from behind you, the ball is in your court. You either hand me my clothes, or everyone gets to see me in flagrante. Your choice.”

  He leans his shoulder against the wall, seemingly to cast a bigger shadow. “You are so damn stubborn. I think I might be in love with you.”

  I roll my eyes. “They’re getting closer.”

  Looking over his shoulder, he grins. “So it seems.”

  “You’re going to let me show my shit to everyone…whatever happened to chivalry?” I throw my hands up to accentuate my faux frustration.

  “I’m pretty sure it’s dead. Do that again—god, when your tits bounce…”

  “King. Seriously, they’re getting closer…” I estimate they’re about twenty feet away from the over-the-shoulder view.

  “And yet you won’t say the magic word…whatever happened to manners?” His eyes are the picture of amusement.

  “It’s a cruel world.” His smile is contagious because we both know this standoff is only coming to one end. I called his bluff, and now I’m going to have to show my ace in the hole…so to speak.

  I can’t help but start to laugh. This whole night has been insane, but what’s unbelievable is that the culmination is me standing in a hallway practically nude, refusing to say please because he told me to.

  Grabbing me, he tugs me against his body and pushes me up against the wall, sealing a kiss against my lips. I would hear the people laugh and whisper about our display, but I’m too intoxicated by his cool lips and the faintest taste of scotch on his lips.

  My eyes flutter open as he pulls away, my smile matching his own expression.

  “Do you think they saw me?” I murmur.

  “Not unless they have X-ray vision.”

  Looking down, I realize King has me covered by his body, his suit jacket and the garment bag slung across his arm.

  “Clever.” I angle up to kiss his chin. This moment feels intimate, raw, and very real.

  “I try. Now will you put your damn clothes on before I actually have to blind someone.”

  “Anything for my King.”

  “I like the way that sounds. That makes you my saucy queen, and I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  I like the sound of that…far, far too much.

  We hurry back to the room before I’m on display again, and King hands me the bag as we enter the room. Taking it, I walk over to the bed and sit.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Taking a seat in the high-back leather chairs, he crosses one leg and adjusts himself as he watches me.

  Unzipping the bag, I pull open the sides to reveal a gorgeous, loose-flowing hunter green silk maxi dress with spaghetti straps. It’s everything I would pick out for myself. I absolutely love it.

  “Where in the world did you come upon a dress at this time of night?” There isn’t a shop open this late, and I really hope there isn’t some poor naked girl stuck here until morning.

  “Do you really want to know?” He looks like he’s laughing at some inside joke as I pull it over my head and let it slide into place over my body. It’s smooth and cold, flowing freely and exposing my back.

  “No, actually I don’t want to know. I may be traumatized for life.”

  “Ha-ha. I called my brother and asked him to call the owner of a shop his wife frequents around the corner.” His smile is like the Cheshire cat. I’ll kill him.

  “Jesus, now I am humiliated! You told your brother that I don’t have any clothing. He must think I’m a hooker.” I fall back into the bed, pulling the blanket over me to hide my embarrassment.

  “God, you are fucking adorable. Come home with me. We’ll pick up food, go back to my apartment, and I’ll fuck you into eternity. Don’t say anything except for yes.”

  I mumble from under the covers, “I’m too expensive for you. Now that I’m a hooker, I’ve decided to be a very high-priced one.”

  I hear his steps coming closer, and then King pulls the blanket away and grabs my hands, pulling me to my feet. “Come on.”

  “Okay, but I’ve never been so happy that my name is my little secret.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see about that…”

  “Burgers or pizza, gorgeous?”

  “Is that a real question? Pizza, but where are we finding a place at this time? It’s 2:00 a.m.”

  King wags his eyebrows as he leans forward to direct the driver. “I have a spot just by my place.”

  The man knows the way to my heart is through a perfectly prepared deep dish. “Are you from Chicago or have you just lived here long? ”

  “I don’t. I just keep a place for when I’m here on business. My brother lives here.”

  “Ah, so you live…”

  “In a city. Tell me your name, and I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”

  “No way, not a chance. You could be a stalker.”

  “Well, it’s too late now. I already plan on stalking you, so just make it easier for me.”

  “Great! A lazy stalker, just my luck…I really get all the winners.”

  “Speaking of losers, tell me about who gave you pause tonight? I assume there’s a jackass, somewhere, that has broken your heart.”

  “Pause? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I know he’s referring to when I almost left, but I’m not getting into that.

  “You really think I’m going to let that slide?”

  Looking out the window, I watch the buildings pass, the blur of lights creating a moving mural, and I’m weighed down by my yesterday. “He was someone who I thought was special, so I gave him importance. Even above myself—so far above that when he looked down, he couldn’t see me anymore.”

  “That’s not your role, gorgeous. A real man doesn’t require a spotlight. You’re fucking amazing—don’t forget that. I mean, we are talking about a girl who stood her ground—butt naked—just for the sake of not being bossed around.” Grinning at me, he reaches out and touches a strand of my hair. “How can anyone not want to worship her? You’re a goddamn boss.”

  Laughter escapes my lips, and I throw my head back. “Thank you for that, and I agree that’s why I’m pissed I allowed myself to be manipulated. But honestly, King, I feel more myself with you than I have in a long time.”

  “Sweetheart, it’s not me. Don’t ever give any credit to anyone above yourself. You’re a goddess, and if he doesn’t see that, then I’m more than happy to steal his girl.” Winking at me, he scoops up my hand, kissing the inside of my wrist and keeping them entwined.

  “Drew. My name is Drew.” He squeezes my hand, and we sit in the back of his black SUV looking out the windows. It’s strange, but keeping my name from him felt unwelcome anymore. How can I deceive a man who expects me to think of myself like a fucking queen?

  “My home base is New York.” His voice cuts through the silence as we sit holding hands and enjoying the view. The silence is comfortable and easy, not at all forced or awkward. It’s the kind you share when you’ve been with someone forever, not three hours.

  The car slows as we pull up to the pizzeria.

  “Be right back” is all he says as he jumps out to grab our pizza. It’s strange that a man who has a driver wouldn’t just have the driver do it, but he seems to be known at the pizzeria because I can see the guys behind the counter walk around to greet him. I feel an opportunity arise, so I pounce.

  “Have you been King’s driver long?” I lean in, hoping to seem nonchalant so I can mask my nosiness.

  “I drive for both Mr. Kings” is answered back swiftly in a very heavy Chicago accent

  Wait a minute, King is his last name. Cheater! The thought makes me smile. All this time I thought I was a step ahead, but I was being bested at my own game.

  “Ah, do you happen to know the name of the store Mr. King…oh, I mean, uh, oh geez…this is so embarrassing, but we just met tonight and I don’t remember his name. Guess I had a little too much…”

  “Nice try, doll.” He grins as King opens the door, causing me to scoot back and looking about as caught as I feel. I’m sure my grin isn’t giving anything away.

  “What’s going on here…?” Smiling, King’s eyes narrow with curiosity as he hops in with the pie.

  “Nothing, what do you mean? Is that all meat? Delish.” I can’t help but be distracted by the smell, motioning for him to open the lid.

  “George.” King levels a stare as he opens the top to show me. Yes, all meat!

  “Yes, sir, I believe I was being hustled for your name. She’s a smart one—you may want to sleep with one eye open,” George says, throwing me right under the bus.

  “Seriously? Hustled is a strong term.” I give George the stink eye. “I would go with gently coerced, and P.S. you lied,” I say, pointing an accusing finger toward King. “You told me your name was King, but that’s not your name.” Boom.

  “It’s my name, just the last part. All you have to do is ask, Drew.”

  Rolling my eyes but unwilling to admit defeat, I realize that I don’t want to ask for anything. This game we’re playing with each other is ridiculous, slightly immature, but I fucking love this foreplay because that’s exactly what this is—foreplay.

  “I don’t want to ask. It makes me feel like I’m losing our little game.” I wave him off dismissively before he can see what a sore loser I really am.

  His laugh fills the car, making me laugh with him. “You’re really fucking refreshing, you know that? Gorgeous, I would give you the world if you’d let me, but I have a feeling you would rather acquire it all yourself.”


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