Truth: A Sinful Series, Book One

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Truth: A Sinful Series, Book One Page 10

by Trilina Pucci

  “Funny. I was letting him know to call my car. I own this restaurant.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Yes, I do. How do you think you were able to order breakfast at two in the afternoon?” His smirk is arrogant but fucking adorable. I hadn’t thought about it. I was so caught up in my conversation with King that when he asked what I was craving and I said crepes, I assumed he just knew the menu well as he ordered for me.

  Laughter pops out, and then I clamp my mouth shut. “Wait, are you serious? Tell me what you do, King.”

  “I work hard.” He guides me out of the restaurant, ever the gentleman.

  “Ha-ha. Spill,” I joke as we walk to the car.

  “I own the club we were at last night, this restaurant, and a few other projects…not much but enough.”

  I spot the driver waiting at the car door, but King nods toward him, and George immediately moves from the door and rounds the hood to take the driver’s seat.

  “Oh, yeah, not much. Aren’t you the one who said not to downplay yourself?” I reach for the car door as he brushes my hand away, opening it for me.

  “Glad you got the message.” He winks before shutting the door.

  As he climbs in, I smile. I can’t help it. I’m happy, genuinely happy. “So, what now?”

  “I thought you might want to go back to your room and grab a change of clothes. I have to pop into the city to sign some paperwork, and I thought I could have you for dinner and then we turn into pumpkins unless I’ve changed your mind?”

  “Have me for dinner? So formal, and I’m offended you think I’m that easy. Some crepes and fruit aren’t gonna do it, buddy.” But even my joke feels sour on my tongue. “I would love to change, and I would also love dinner.”

  “You misunderstand—I’m going to have you for dinner. As in your pussy. We can eat food too.”

  “Jesus Christ, King.” My stupid mouth won’t stop smiling.

  I’m met with a wink as he looks to the driver. “Where are you staying?”

  I give King the name of my hotel and sit back in the car seat. He’s up to something, but the thrill of what’s to come is enough to make me want to play his little game. The closer we come to the hotel, the more nervous I become. My real life with King is intersecting with my old life with Nick, and I can feel some kind of inevitable combustion coming. I’m downtown, only a mile from where I work. If I were to be seen by anyone I know, the news of what I’m doing would get back to Nick at hyper speed. I don’t want to hurt him, but I’m not giving up the time I have left with King.

  When we arrive, I’m beyond nervous, and I know King senses it. “Let me walk you to your room.”

  “No! Are you crazy? I’m having an illicit affair, for all intents and purposes. Doesn’t matter that I ended things with him; this is still rude and hurtful. I won’t do that. That speaks to who I am.”

  “You are amazing. He doesn’t deserve your kindness. It makes me hate him more that you give it to him.”

  “Stay here, behind tinted windows. I’ll kill you…”

  “Fine. I have some emails to answer. Go do what you need to do and meet me back here, but make it quick. I’m impatient.”

  I roll my eyes at him and reach for the door, turning back to threaten him within an inch of his life to stay in the car. Closing my door behind me, I hurry my ass through my walk of shame to my room and let out a relieved breath when I finally make it. I plug my phone into the charger, then start disrobing to take a shower when my room phone rings. This man is something else; I swear he is so impatient.

  “Yes.” My voice is harsh and playfully irritated.

  “Drew.” The familiar voice on the other end sounds relieved.


  “Yeah, are you expecting someone else? What the fuck, you haven’t answered your phone all day. Tina said she hadn’t spoken with you all day either.”

  Sitting down, I rub my hands down my thighs, feeling confused by his call but shameful.

  “I’m sorry, Nick. I went to the club with them, but they left without me, so I came back to the room and turned off my phone. I must have just forgotten to turn it back on.” I hate compounding my lies, but this conversation isn’t for over the phone. I don’t owe him, but I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.

  “It’s after three in the afternoon. You forgot? Oh, and I heard all about the club—you couldn’t have tried and talked them out of going to a sex club? Jesus, Drew, what were you thinking? I feel like I don’t even know you. After your dramatics the other day, I was worried you’d be inappropriate, but this is a whole new level. You should have been the voice of reason.”

  “Excuse me, how is that any of my business to do? She is a grown woman, remember? Only ten years younger. I’d be a huge bitch to judge her maturity level based on her decisions…remember?”

  “I thought I knew you, Drew. Guess I was wrong about you all this time. I should’ve let that creep fuck you when we met.”

  “You are a bastard, Nick, and you don’t fucking know me. You never took the time; you’ve been too busy trying to mold me into someone acceptable. I’m fine as I am, Nick, just fucking fine, but I was so caught up in your goddamn charm, and I believed you every time you told me I was lacking, because even though I knew deep down I wasn’t… I was afraid. Afraid I would turn out like my mom and dad. Alone with fucked priorities. Well, I’m not afraid anymore. I’m a badass VP, I’m successful, really fucking aware of your bullshit, and just so you know, I like to eat grapes off plates. So there.”

  “What the fuck do grapes have to do with anything? I see you haven’t taken any of the weekend to remove the chip off your shoulder. Do you really have to speak like that? I guess you can’t take the girl from the hood…”

  Enraged, I stand, clenching my hands into fists. “I’m from the goddamn Bay Area in California! It’s not the hood, you dick! You know what, Nick? I don’t need this shit…I’m done. We’re done, remember?”

  “Stop being dramatic.”

  “Ha, yeah, okay, see ya, Nick.” Hanging up never felt so freeing. Whether he believes me or not, I know my truth, and the truth is that Nick and I are old news.

  HALF AN HOUR LATER, I’VE showered, changed, and applied a bit of makeup, and I stand looking in the mirror, curious as to when I’m going to start to feel sad. It’s normal to feel sad, even when you’re the one that ended things, but I don’t. I just feel a huge weight lifted from my shoulders, relief…I feel relief. My relationship with Nick has been exhausting. I thought I wanted to be taken care of, but that was the problem: my entire being fought the process. I don’t want to be treated like a project; I just want someone to care for me, in all ways…not take care as if I’m a child, and I certainly don’t want the cruelty of his punishments.

  Gripping the counter, I pull forward and shove off. I need to get going, or I’m going to have a whole different pain in the ass knocking at my door. I think I may have jinxed myself because I’m jolted from my thoughts as loud banging reverberates through the room. He’s like a bull in a china shop.

  I open the heavy steel door with a raised eyebrow, one I hope complements my sarcasm. “I could barely hear you, you knock so gingerly…like a little girl.” His smile drops when he looks me in the eyes. “What’s with your face?”

  “What the hell does that mean?” I smooth my hand up my cheekbone.

  “What happened?” He puts both hands on my waist and pushes me back into the room, and that’s when the tears well up. Damn him and his spot-on intuition.

  “Nick called. I’m fine.”

  His face is tender as he wipes my eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you aren’t,” I laugh through my tears.

  “Yes, I am.” Reaching for my hand, he pulls us both to the edge of the bed and sits. “Listen, it’s no secret I’m happy you’re free, but I never saw him as competition. I’m sorry, not that you’re single, but I am sorry you endured the sadness for so long. I’m sorry he didn’t fight fo
r you so that you could at least have had the consolation that he loved you. I’m sorry that you have to grieve a relationship that took so much from you but gave nothing back.”

  I kiss his cheek. He’s powerful and demanding, but the fact that he would guard my heart while I mourn something with the potential to stand in his way makes him divine.

  “King, do you mind if we skip our dinner out and order room service? I’m suddenly not feeling so celebratory anymore. I would love to just hang here, with you, if that’s all right?”

  “Do you know my favorite part of that sentence? The ‘with me’ part. I fully expected to be kicked out, but you want me here…”

  “I know. Don’t gloat; it’s unbecoming. I’m as surprised as you are. Don’t ruin this…” I squint in his direction as a warning, only to be contradicted by my smile.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Toeing off his shoes, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone and wallet, then sets them on the table. Scooting to the top of the bed, he pats the space next to him. I start to join him when I remember something he said earlier.

  “Oh wait, what about your papers? The ones you had to sign…”

  “Throw me my phone, please. I’ll reschedule.” It’s not said as a question, which is how most people would deliver it, waiting for validation from the other. No, he’s resolute, and the sureness in his voice brings me comfort. I needed someone to do that for me tonight. It’s such a small gesture like the fact that he ends more of his sentences with “please,” but his evil plan seems to be working. I hand him the phone and kick off my own shoes.

  “Thank you, King.” Thank you for more than you could even imagine.

  “Of course, beautiful.” His fingers work over the keys quickly, and he tosses the phone back my way and I set it on the nightstand. I crawl up and nestle into his side as he fiddles with the remote, making the television come to life.

  “This is the real test. What to watch: romantic comedy or action?”

  “Horror.” I scrunch my nose to amplify my dislike of the two genres.

  “Soul mate.” Leaning in, he kisses my forehead, squeezing me so tight that I’m cocooned by this amazing man. I’m not sure when it happens, but I start to fall asleep, comforted by a man I met not even twenty-four hours ago, but one I can’t imagine being without. Right on time, my baggage parks itself next to my heart. It’s the whirlwind of the affair; it’s not real. I can’t lose myself again.

  My sleep is interrupted by the clangs of metal, and I open my eyes to see King unplating a variety of food.

  “Good evening, beautiful. I was starting to think you were going to sleep through the night.”

  Rubbing my eyes to acclimate to my surroundings, I see King move to a second room-service table. “Did you order everything?”

  “Well, kind of…I didn’t know what your favorites would be, and I wanted you happy. I got sliders and salad, some more pizza?”

  I shake my head no.

  “Ah well, I have a delicious steak, cooked to perfection at the rarest degree…I’m hoping you say no to that.”

  He grins and grabs another dish topper.

  “And the meal that always makes me happy when I’m down—dun dun nuh nuhhhh—grilled cheese and tomato soup.”

  Smiling back at him, I nod yes, and he serves me on the bed.

  “Thank you. You have to be doing this because you’re genuinely nice because you already got into my pants, soooo…”

  “I told you I would break down every wall.” He leans in conspiratorially. “There’s no escaping now I’ve gotten you grilled cheese.”

  “Clearly, your master plan in action. Here’s the thing: I’m not sad. I mean, I’m sad that we ended poorly, but he wasn’t the one and I definitely wasn’t his one, so things don’t usually end well in those situations. I was just overwhelmed earlier by the myriad of emotions coming at me. So many emotions. So, I had to feel it, and now I can move on. Do I sound like a nut?” I focus my attention on the grilled cheese.

  King knifes off a piece of his steak and chews, nodding at me before swallowing. “No, you don’t sound crazy at all. The opposite really. Let’s never talk about him again.” He lifts his wineglass to cheers the idea. “Because I get a real desire to fit him for cement boots.”

  My eyes fill with tears as I choke on my sandwich. “Can you not, please.” I wash the rest of what’s left in my mouth down with water. King just winks in my direction and keeps attacking his meat.

  “Tell me about your childhood, with your brother.” Looking over, I pick a piece of asparagus off his plate. His smile is my real treat as he forks the rest to the top of his plate, making it closer for me to grab.

  “My mom and dad were an epic love story, the kind of love that only comes along once, and that’s if you’re really lucky. We had a great life; my parents had their own business, real estate, all the properties were sold off when they passed, and the money was put into a trust for us. The hitch was we didn’t have access until eighteen, so you can imagine the struggle. Luca and I were young and angry, but I kept his nose clean while I did what I had to until I turned eighteen. Every day, I try to make all of this worthwhile because if it fails, it’s like I’ve failed them all.”

  “No pressure.” I smile, acknowledging how hard it must have been for him. “Your parents sound like they made a real impression. It’s nice to have that kind of an example for love. My folks fought forever until they ultimately divorced. My mother had to struggle until she got her footing. She left him and all his money—she always said that all the money in the world could never buy you out of feeling alone. I think the idea of being alone and struggling always stuck with me, and seeing that helped my success, I think.”

  “That’s unfortunate for your mother. Were you still at home?” He juts out his chin toward his plate and puts his fork down.

  Stealing more asparagus, I grin.

  “No, but I remember feeling shocked, really rocked to my core. I was an adult, working in the world, but I felt lost for a bit. Strange?”

  “No, I get that. When my parents died, it felt like in the movies when you see the astronaut lose his grip on the rocket and float out into space. That’s what my life felt like for a very long time…untethered.” Shaking his head, he leans back in his seat. “I cannot remember the last time I had a conversation like this. There is something about you, Drew. Every time I look at you, I want to tell you every secret and every thought I’ve ever had. What kind of voodoo are you doing on me?”

  I don’t know how to answer him. I know I feel safe and sane with him no matter how crazy our beginning. I know that my feelings are being etched in the fiber of my being, and I’m scared to death I won’t be able to recover from this loss. I know that when he speaks, he is the only voice I want to hear, and when he touches me, I could die and still feel sated. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but whatever is happening, the twenty-four hours we’ve spent together feels like what my lifetime should be. I don’t know what to say to him, so I kiss him and keep kissing him until I forget that the clock reads 10:59 p.m.

  Pulling away, I look into his soulful hazel eyes and hope I’m strong enough for what comes next.


  “Hey back.”

  “I want to take you someplace. Will you come?” Looking at the clock, he chews his bottom lip. “Even though it will technically be our second date?”

  “Yes, I’ll come.” I rest my hands on his shoulders, then let them run down to his chest.

  “Come on.” King grabs his phone and punches a text out as he puts on his shoes. “Car’s waiting, gorgeous. Let’s get a move on.”

  Scooting my chair back, I look for my shoes. “Where are we going?” Fumbling to put on my sandals, I laugh and right myself back up to grab my clutch.

  “You’ll see.” His demeanor is so playful that I imagine this is the card he’s been hiding up his sleeve. Rushing us down the hallway, he walks behind me with both hands on my waist, making my
steps keep pace with his.

  “Jesus, I feel like I’ve run a marathon.” My forehead feels clammy as we enter the elevators.

  “Forgive me, but we need to rush to make this surprise possible.”

  “So, it is a surprise!” I’m actually giddy.

  “Yes, but I know you’ve been onto me…” He laughs as he stabs the button repeatedly.

  “A little, but I don’t know what we are doing. You should know I absolutely hate surprises.” Looking away, I hope he doesn’t see through me.

  “You hate them as much as telling the truth, little liar.”


  “You can’t fault a girl for trying.” I shrug unapologetically.

  “Fair.” The elevator doors open, and I’m thrust into a race I don’t want to run, making me wonder what we must look like. We near the car, and King actually jogs up to the door to open it for me.

  “Thank you.” I shake my head and laugh, catching my breath.

  As the car drives us to our destination, we talk between touches and kisses. This feels like a silent acknowledgment of our shared desire. He tells me about his niece, Ella, who is only three months old and cute as a button. She seems to have the King men in the palm of her hand. I tell him about my first crush in third grade and how I could never look at another worm again after I ate one so that Tommy Green would be my boyfriend—joke was on me.

  “You actually ate the worm? Whole? From the ground, just to be his girlfriend?” His laughter highlights the insanity of my story.

  “Yes, I was committed. It was love at first sight. I had to be all in.”

  “I like a girl who knows what she wants…” His eyes are questioning, reflecting the duality of the remark.

  Am I a girl who knows what she wants? Because last week I had a live-in boyfriend that treated me like shit, and today I have a man who has been trying to convince me to give it a go. But in all this time, I haven’t given much thought to what I want past the idea of tonight. Fantasizing and real consideration are warring in my head, so I look away before he reads me too well, and I try and focus on the blur outside the window.


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