Classified: Missing Cat-Sub

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by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Classified: Missing Cat-Sub

  by Robert C. Waggoner

  Copyright 2013 Robert C. Waggoner

  Smashwords Edition

  Classified: Missing Submarine

  Robert C. Waggoner



  Brad Pratt and his Batt team had just returned from Australia where the PM, Rudy McKeen, bestowed the highest civilian medal, The Cross of Valour, to all the members of the team. Additionally, because Brad was in a sense, military, he was awarded the Victoria Cross, Australia's highest military medal.

  It had been a long haul to 'down under' and all were worn out from activities ranging from a tour of the Rio Tinto mines, where the Pink Jubilee was discovered; a dinner with tribal members of the Aborigines, who worked in the mines; a tour of the local sites; and a state dinner. Brad and his team felt honored. To Brad and his team, recovering the lost pink diamond and saving the jobs of thousands of indigenous people, was all in a day's work.

  Sujin, Brad's wife and mother of their two kids, stayed home with the toddlers. Grandmother Pratt seemed a constant babysitter these days. With her husband, Brad's father, who was the current Secretary of the Navy, always in Washington at the Pentagon, she preferred being with grandkids rather than in her house alone in Palm Springs.

  Sujin was making a special Korean dinner for her husband and team members. Brad has told her they should be home around dinner time. They were right on time as the van pulled into the driveway a little after six pm on an early fall day.

  Brad stepped out and took in a full nose full of Pacific Ocean air looking at his home on the bluff a stone's throw to the beach. The Round House was unique because of its protection from an armored assault. Brad had had it custom built to his specifications. Mostly it was fabricated out of steel with wood being used mostly for aesthetic value. Such as the siding was red cedar shingles and the roof was steel plate covered with red cedar shakes. The windows were bullet proof and three inches thick.

  The house wasn't exactly round, but more octagon than anything else. The house, more a fort than house, sat atop, first a sub-basement with bedrooms and an office with all the technology one needed to run a mission from. Under the sub-basement, like spokes on a wheel, ran tunnels in all directions; but mainly out 50 yards or so to the cliff overlooking the Southern Coast of Oregon.

  At the center of the wheel, an infirmary in case of wounded, a nuclear bomb shelter complete with provisions, spare rooms for sleeping, and an armory befitting any envious terrorist group. There was one permanent resident that lived down in the hub of the wheel: Mr. Park was a North Korean defector who played a prominent role in one of the past missions of the Batt team. In fact he was instrumental in helping Brad escape out of North Korea, thereby saving his life. Mr. Park found a home that he'd never had before in his life. Park was very formidable in his own right. He was a big part of the security of the Round House when Brad and team were away on a mission. In addition, he was an expert gardener. After the second season of a bountiful crop, Mr. Park was well known for his wonderful produce given away to the less fortunate in Bandon; the small town where they lived.

  Also, security was the primary duty of Brad's two German Shepherd dogs: Rocky and Sandy. It was always the case; one of the two was outside while the other was inside. Outside at four locations sat knee high wooden posts with an electrical button that the dogs could push with their nose to alert those inside of possible intruders.

  Brad let the air out slowly through his mouth feeling well satisfied with his life at the present time. He could see his wife in the kitchen window preparing dinner. He waved and she smiled. He walked around to the southwest side shading his eyes a little as the sun was taking its final bow for the day to sink into the ocean. He looked up at the new shakes to see how they were weathering the summer away.

  Brad and team were in Europe when six Russian mercenaries attacked the Round House. The order had come from a German Baron who wished now that he'd not stolen so many extremely valuable diamonds and art work. For his reward, the Baron received a free ride dangling from a Chinook helicopter just off the coast of Italy, his time was up as he did his swan dive to join the fish.

  Be that as it may, the Round House sustained very little damage. Sujin had to order more shakes, but that was all.

  Brad walked around the house and came out on the north side that faced Agent Jones and his wife Wendy's earth home about a hundred yards away. Both the Jones was members of the Batt team. Nowadays, the Round House was too small to accommodate a growing family and a growing Batt team. Currently it housed Brad and his wife and two toddlers, his mother, Grandmother Pratt, and Billy Ricker the team's computer expert. That left a spare room for company.

  Brad was looking over the garden when Park, shovel in hand, motioned to him his wife wanted him. Brad turned around to see her in the window with a portable phone in her hand. He thought, 'Damn, what now. I just was going to take a nice rest period.' He quick stepped to the front door as Sujin mouthed it was Nancy Longstreet from their office in Washington.

  Nancy had replaced Steve Lewis, who was the original spokesperson for the President of the United States. It was fair to say that Mike Henshaw was Brad's best friend, but Steve Lewis, his former commander in Afghanistan, was like a second father. His sage advice on more than one occasion saved Colonel Brad Pratt's life. When Brad had sacrificed himself to save his men but staying behind providing cover fire while his team of commandos were extracted out of harm's way, Steve Lewis never gave up thinking Brad was alive somewhere in the mountains of Afghanistan.

  Almost mortally wounded, Brad made it to a cave in the mountains where he thought would be his final resting place. It wasn't his turn to visit the big guy in the sky as a Red Cross nurse was running from the Taliban along the mountain trail. She saw the small cave opening and squeezed in wishing the Taliban would hurry by and not notice the cave. It was just after they had rushed past the cave when she heard a moan from behind her. She quickly placed her hand over his mouth.

  As it turned out, they were rescued and both spent some time in India recuperating. A year later they were married. Sujin was from South Korea volunteering to help the unfortunate war victims with medical help.

  In the final analysis, Steve Lewis was there to rescue Brad when he was needed. Steve subsequently retired to become a civilian government bureaucrat. Prior to that he was chosen to work for a Mr. X who had a direct link to President Samuel Bates.

  To make a long story short, a covert team with Brad Pratt as the point man would take on difficult missions for the government.

  He took the phone from Sujin and identified himself. Nancy said, "I'm always saying sorry Brad but…… now no 'buts' as your father wants you in his office as soon as you can get here. That's all I know, but from what I feel, see and hear, something major is going on. The president is barking orders and has the whole military on alert."

  "I'm on my way," said Brad.


  By the time the backup pilots were alerted, bag packed, Sandy pawing the ground waiting to go, Billy back to his usual dress of blue jeans, golf shirt and Birkenstocks, they were off to the east coast. On the way, Brad made contact with his father over a secure phone given him by CIA Director Phil Addie. Brad listened; father talked; Billy wondered what was happening; and Sandy was enjoying the freedom from the house duty.

  Phone closed, Brad stared at the wall, obviously to Billy, he was in deep thought. Nobody in his right mind would intrude upon his thoughts. Best to wait, and that's what Billy did very well immersing himself into his laptop.

  Sometime later, as the plane hit some turbulence's over the Rockies, Brad said, "Billy, first I didn't know
we even had such a thing and now father tells me it's been lost."

  Billy had looked up when he spoke to him. Now he waited until Brad would tell him what was lost. Again patience was needed. Brad continued, "It seems that the Navy has a new submarine that is a stealth model, but on a much smaller scale. Also it's a catamaran. Apparently it was being transported by an Ohio class sub to a remote port in South America for testing. It disappeared along the way. That's all I know."

  "I know what a catamaran is boss, but I thought all subs were round. What would you like for me to search for on the web," asked Billy.

  "I'm not sure Billy. First we'd have to assume somebody with the subs knowledge is involved. Secondly, it'd take a familiar person or persons to operate it. Lastly, whoever is responsible must have a lot of money and or power somewhere. I guess you could search out some likely hiding spots along the east coast of South America."

  Nothing more was said until they reached Washington where Wade Jenkins picked them up in a government van. Wade was on loan from the FBI to help out in the office with Nancy. Brad said, "Nice to see you again Wade. It appears we're about to go to work again. I presume you're ready?"

  Wade laughed knowing his boss made a small joke. "I'm ready sir. Tell me what you need and I'll be on the phone ordering it special delivery. Do you want extra cheese on that?"

  Billy cracked up and started coughing he was laughing so hard. Sandy thought he wanted to play and climbed on top of him. Brad too was chuckling as they pulled into the Pentagon at noon eastern time. This was the first time for Brad to visit his father's office.

  When he saw his father, he looked like he was born to the job. The whole office reminded Brad of his father: pictures of him and mother; and other notables were on his desk or hanging from the walls. They shook hands professionally, but Brad saw a wink from his father. They moved to a conference table and sat down. Sandy was sniffing the new office for signs of god know what. Billy was feeling kind of overwhelmed by the size of the Pentagon and the hundreds of people who must work there. He wanted back at the Round House playing with his high tech toys.

  Brad, Billy, I don't know where to begin this almost unbelievable event. I know son –start at the beginning. Okay, the Navy has been working on a stealth prototype submarine. It's special shape and tiles are much more difficult to detect by sonar. Not impossible mind you, but much improved. We'll equip our other Trident's with the same tiles. Also, this small sub is designed after a catamaran. It's a four man sub but each person's job is most difficult. Also, we've installed the latest in electrical propulsion driven by a newly designed reactor. It's almost soundless. Its size is roughly 30 long by 20 feet wide. On one side of the cat is a warehouse of drones. On the other side is one nuclear warhead on a top of a newly designed short rocket.

  What we've built are holding brackets on the back of a Trident for transportation to wherever. We designed it for dropping off and having it travel up rivers or inlets that are too shallow for our Ohio based subs. Later it can be transferred anywhere by ship and or plane.

  Now," as he motioned to an aid, who raised a wall panel revealing a very large flat screen TV. The aid, with a remote clicked on the screen, and up popped a remarkably clear map of South America, "as you can see, our destination was South America where we have a secret base to test this new sub. However, when the sub surfaced, the cat sub was missing."

  "Where did it first surface sir," asked Brad.

  "It made a stop just off the coast of Cayenne, French Guiana. We've ordered it to remain stationary until we make a decision on how to proceed."

  "Somewhere between Georgia and French Guiana the cat sub disappeared," said Brad.

  "That's about it son," said Secretary Pratt.

  "My first thought is that somebody or more than one were in the sub when it left the dock. They'd have to been inside before it submerged. That would make it an inside job, needless to say. I'm sure you checked personnel records to see who is missing from work or missing entirely?"

  "Yes we have. But so far we've not come up with anyone missing.

  "What about the locks or straps on the brackets holding the sub," asked Brad?

  "I talked direct with the captain and he said the brackets holding the sub were released without being forced. For the life of me Brad, this is really mysterious and perplexing," said the Secretary of the Navy.

  "I'd say this sir; it sounds to me like it never left the area. It's still here somewhere," said Brad.

  "I know what you are saying Brad, but we've fifty witnesses who saw the USS Vermont leave port with the cat sub on board. As soon as it cleared, the sub submerged. It's not the cost, but the technology that is aboard that cat sub would be priceless to some countries; or to a very rich individual," said the Secretary.

  "I need to know who the contractors were; any outside technicians working on a contractual basis; and a list of seaman who are qualified to pilot or man this cat sub. This is a beginning and let's sees where it goes from here. Unless you can any reason for me being here further, I'll depart for Georgia soonest I can."

  "Before you go Brad, President Bates wants to see you."


  Both Nancy Longstreet and Wade Jenkins were in the Oval Office with President Samuel Bates. Brad, with Billy and Sandy were shown right in by his long time secretary. She rolled her eyes at the sight he would see in a few seconds. Brad smiled, thinking how President Bates had found a real treasure in Betty Showland. Once inside he shook the hand of the most powerful man on earth, regardless of the mounting strength of the Far East.

  Brad shook his hand noticing this current major problem was visible upon his face. He motioned for Brad to take a seat while he gave Sandy a head rub. Also in the office was the Secretary of Defense, Francis Adams who had just recently been appointed and confirmed by the senate. Next to him was General Abbot who was the current Chief of Staff. Brad acknowledged both men and took a seat alongside Nancy.

  President Bates said, "Brad nice to see you again so soon. If we both had our ways, you'd still be empting the sand out of your running shoes. However, we've a major crisis here and so far none of my staff can shed any light on our missing submarine. Once again we're relying on you for help. Indeed facts are few and speculation is all we've got at the present time. Have you any preliminary ideas?"

  "At this point sir, I've no idea at all what transpired. I think we can assume that whoever is responsible was on location either while it was under construction or while it sailed. There're just too many questions to be answered at this time. For example, life support inside the sub; how did they release the steel brackets to separate the two subs; how did they 'turn the switch' on the nuclear reactor; how did they pilot the sub and where did they take it; and more importantly, what were the security precautions taken while this sub was being constructed," said Brad while looking directly at the two cabinet members who were hanging their heads.

  Brad turned back to President Bates. "Sir, even before I begin our investigation, I find this event deplorable and inexcusable. Someone really dropped the ball here. Well, I've said my thoughts like you asked me to sir. Now I'll be on my way. I didn't ask yet, but have a ranking officer meet me at the airport nearby Kings Naval Base. Additionally, make sure there're accommodations for ten of my team."

  "Brad, I know what you're thinking and it's my thinking too. I'm going to ask all of our military heads to do some housecleaning and reorganizing."

  "Another thing I need is the designer and head engineer of the cat sub project. Now I guess I'll be on my way. Sir, I'll keep you posted through Nancy as usual. Now if you'll excuse me……"


  On the way down to Kings Naval Base Brad called home. His mother answered the phone. She said, "How's your father Brad?"

  "Mother, he's as good as can be expected. There's a major crisis in his back yard and I hope we can clean up the mess before it becomes a major fall out. However, mom, we've been up against tougher circumstances and we'll come out on
top again; God willing."

  "Son, I talked to your father and he's thinking about resigning due to the circumstances. I told him that was silly and to get to work to solve whatever the problem is. We're counting on you son," she said with a quivering voice.

  "Not to worry mom. We'll take care of it one way or the other. Now let me talk to Agent Jones please."

  "Hi boss, what's up," said Jones.

  "Get Wendy, then meet me in Kings Naval Base, Georgia. Call Wade at the Washington office for instructions. I'm on my way down there right now. The trail is getting colder by the minute. Tell Sujin I'll call her soonest I can."

  Wade was driving while Nancy was making some notes to herself while they ferried Brad to the airport. Brad said, "Wade make sure someone meets our people at the airport to transport them to the base. I don't want them standing around looking stupid while waiting for a ride. Nancy, I want two things right away: one is the guy who designed the craft and his engineer; number two is the person responsible for the security. Also, I want an office at my disposal complete with Billy type computers and efficient personnel to do our bidding. That's about it for now."

  Wade and Nancy, with Billy, didn't wait around to see him fly out. Wade said, while driving back to the office, "I've never seen Brad Pratt so wound up; have you Billy?"

  Billy said, "He's really pissed off that the security was so lax. I'll do some quick computer work before I go down to Kings."

  "Me either guys. I've seen him what seemed like stress, but then the next minute he would be relaxed. I think he's totally pissed off at the lack of security and the repercussions that are passed up the chain of command. And in this case, it's his father at the helm."


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