Hunters of the Gods 4_Belonging to a Pack

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Hunters of the Gods 4_Belonging to a Pack Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “It’s over, mate. You’re safe with us. It’s over,” Bider told her.

  She moaned in pain as Scor, Viper, and Bider undid the rope on her wrists and her ankles. She rolled to her side, raised up her knees and moaned. She was trying not to cry. To show such relief and how much pain she was in.

  “Shift, mate. You’ll heal quicker if you shift,” Bider said to her, as he caressed her cheek and held her gaze.

  “Too weak,” she whispered, and closed her eyes.

  “Get her out of here. We’ll take things from here,” Rule said to them, and Bider lifted her up into his arms as she moaned and could barely hold onto him as he carried her out of the building.

  She didn’t dare open her eyes, but she felt the hands caressing her, the lips pressing against her skin and nuzzling close, and she knew she was safe with her mates. As they put her into a vehicle, she thought about Kelly and the other women at that place not far from here. She gripped Bider’s shirt. “Bider, there are women held prisoner at another—”

  “We found them. That’s how we knew where to find you,” he said to her.

  She stared at his dark green eyes and then exhaled, breathed in his scent, and allowed it to calm her body and her wolf. “Thank the gods you did.”

  Chapter Three

  “Ferdol is dead.”

  Roovio narrowed his eyes, the words sinking in as Corpius stared at him in shock as he took the call.

  “How? Who?” Roovio demanded to know.

  “Viper Saint. They found Avi. She is in their possession and so are the other women at the transfer station.”

  “They die. All of them. I want them dead. You hear me? Dead!” Roovio roared and then his cell phone rang. He reached for it, saw who it was, and his eyes widened.

  “Leave me,” he told Corpius, and Corpius bowed his head and exited the room.


  “Heard about Ferdol. Seems you are hitting brick walls continuously and are unable to fulfill your side of this agreement,” Volkan said to him.

  “No. I can fulfill my side of the agreement. I’m doing my part, and I will be the leader of all packs,” Roovio said.

  “Then don’t get sidetracked.”

  “It’s becoming too difficult to infiltrate the Saint pack and Keuric pack. Every time we make progress and begin to fulfill the orders for the women, something happens and they intervene. Avi is the most recent woman to come into the scene and cause damage to the order of things.”

  “Then eliminate her.”

  “How? I’m trying to remain undetected for good reason. Saint pack and Keuric pack find out that I’m behind all the destruction of packs from within, along with the master, and then what? Our objective is destroyed and is a lost cause.”

  “Just because they frustrate you doesn’t mean it is over. You had begun to make plans to sell her to Collink and Mosek. Continue with the plan. Pull them in to join you in the hunt to take Avi so she can be their mate and bear their children. Obviously, she is of importance, or she would have died already. The fact that she is mate to men of Keuric pack is disturbing, and definitely can’t help the cause. She would combine not only bloodlines of Merker pack and Shay, but bring all the good, loyal wolves to Saint and Keuric packs, and their army would grow stronger. You need to take control of this. It’s the last opportunity before I step in. Now get it done.”

  Voltek ended the call and Roovio stared at the phone and tossed it onto the desk. He paced the room and then looked at the couch where Gazelle was. She lay there helpless, but obedient. She was mute, not saying a word, but respectful to his authority. He eyed over her breasts that poured from the top she wore. He chose her clothing for her and to satisfy his needs. He was panting and angry as he stomped toward her. She leaned back against the couch and he pressed between her legs, gripped her cheeks, and forced her to look up at him.

  “Things are not going according to plans. I can’t think straight. I need Gazelle. He licked his lips and then pressed his mouth to hers. When he felt her tighten up and grip his sides in fear of him, he took it as a sign of her resistance still to this mating. He pulled back and shook her. “Reciprocate! Reciprocate!” he ordered, and tears filled her eyes and he roared in anger. She was still resistant. Still fighting his power and authority over her and her body. He struck her and she cried out, but then his phone began to ring, and his thoughts of taking from her body right there and pounding his power into her had to be set aside a few minutes longer so he could answer the call. He shoved her to the floor, walked to his desk, and answered.

  “Where is Avi? You promised delivery of her hours ago,” Collink Shay demanded to know.

  He had to think. How could Roovio keep his name and connection out of all of this a little longer?

  “Seems she is the mate to a set of Alphas. They broke into the facility, killed Ferdol, and took her, as well as several other female wolves being prepared for matings.”

  “What?” Collink roared into the phone.

  “Who are the mates? Who?” he roared.

  “Viper, Bider, and Scor Saint. Viper killed Ferdol.”

  He could hear the heavy breathing on the other end.

  “We want her. Planned on making her our mate and adding to this pack. She has both Shay and Merker blood in her. That will not only bring our pack back together, but also gain the loyalty of those who escaped out of fear from our fathers’ doings. We need to build up the pack, and in doing so can be of great assistance to your cause. I will not bow down to Saint pack.”

  Roovio had a thought and smirked. Why take the hit when Shay can take it for him?

  “Then I suggest you come up with a plan to get Avi back. I will help of course. My resources are available to you as well as the men and women I have on the inside.”

  “Then I expect a greater amount of power when you are ruler of all.”

  “You will, Collink, but don’t celebrate or count your wins quite yet. Seems that Saint pack, and Keuric pack, are quite resourceful and more than likely will be the only ones standing against us when war is declared.”

  “We will be on your side backing you, but first, we want Avi. She would have been ours if the packs never split like they did.”

  “Then set a plan into motion. You have my support and assistance.”

  He ended the call and exhaled. Then looked to Gazelle. “Clothes off. Get into position. Right here, over my desk,” he ordered, and tapped the top of the desk with his hand. She stared at him and approached slowly. He could still see defiance in her, but it was nothing a bit of discipline from her Alpha couldn’t handle.

  * * * *

  Bider stood in the doorway of the bathroom as Avi dried her hair. She put the dryer down and gripped onto the counter. The black robe she wore was too big, her petite frame lost in it. He inhaled and could smell her scent, and his wolf was uneasy. It felt aroused and protective, as well as unsure and hesitant. They needed to get to know Avi, and to understand who she was and where she came from, and how their mating was going to affect so many wolves.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her, and she didn’t look up. He knew she knew he was there. Wolves had incredible instincts. Wasn’t like anyone could sneak up on them. He walked into the bathroom. His brothers were busy downstairs. Bider cooking up food, Viper getting updates from Law and his brothers. There was so much going on. Plus, Luna wanted to see Avi, and so did her other friends.

  “I’ll be fine,” she said to him, but he could tell she was physically and mentally exhausted. Alexandra had helped her when she arrived during the night. She healed her injuries and aided in Avi shifting, but as soon as she was done, she was spent. Then she wanted to shower, and here they were. He walked closer and in the nick of time. She began to fall to the floor and he scooped her up into his arms.

  “Avi,” he said her name, and then she batted her eyes open.

  “Sleep. I need sleep, Bider. I got no sleep. They taunted me, and threatened to take from my body. They touched me and ke
pt me chained up so tight.”

  “You’re safe now. I’ve got you, and my brothers and I will protect you,” he said to her, and began to carry her into the bedroom. He lay her down on the bed and joined her, kicking off his shoes and then pulled her against his chest. He caressed her hair, and she felt so feminine and petite in his arms. He inhaled, and his wolf stirred. “Rest, Avi.”

  “I’m sorry, Bider. I’m not so weak normally. It’s just…everything that happened.”

  “Shhh, I know you aren’t weak. I’ve heard about the things you’ve done, the fights you have fought to help others who were weak and in need. You are strong and beautiful, but most importantly, you are my mate, and my brothers. We will keep you safe.”

  She tilted her head up to look at him. Their gazes locked. He felt his own arousal and smelled hers. Their wolves knew.

  “It’s too hard to rest when you’re this close to me, Alpha,” she said to him.

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Our wolves know we are one.”

  She batted her eyes, looked intimidated, but then eased up higher. She kissed his chin and he closed his eyes. His cock hardened. He felt her palm smooth along his belly then up his chest. She slid it along his neck and rose up higher so she could kiss his lips. She used her tongue and explored his mouth, and he couldn’t hold back his desires for her. He rolled her to her back, pressed between her legs, and cupped her cheeks as he rested on his forearms. Her small body lost under his much larger one, and the sight brought on a surge of protectiveness. When he began to lower to kiss her, he heard the footsteps and he growled low, his wolf protective of his mate.

  “It’s me, brother,” Scor said, walking into the room and then joining them on the bed. Avi reached her hand out as Bider kissed her lips. He could feel her connect with Scor and it shocked him.

  “Viper is coming, too. You smell so good, Avi. Familiar, enticing,” Scor said, and then kissed her cheek and her neck. Bider released her lips, and Scor gripped her chin and took the opportunity to kiss her next.

  The floor creaked and Viper walked into the room.

  “What do we have here?” he asked. Bider lifted up and slid to the side. Scor released her lips and then he and Bider began to undo her robe.

  Her eyes landed on Viper and she looked super intimidated. She covered their hands to stop them.

  “No. Let them unwrap you. We need and want to see what is ours,” Viper said.

  Bider could feel her shaking. “We won’t hurt you. If you need more time.”

  “No. She must let us claim her. Our wolves need it, and her wolf needs it, too. It will also provide additional protection over her, being mated to Saint pack Alphas,” Viper said, all diplomatically, and one look at Avi and she seemed offended.

  Bider needed to handle this part of the relationship. Viper was so set in his ways, and such an abrupt wolf, it was hard for him to show compassion and empathy at all.

  “Easy, mate, you will feel nothing but pleasure tonight,” Bider said to her. Those gorgeous brown eyes of hers had specks of green that came out full force in her wolf form. When she had shifted, it was quite difficult not to want to chase her, cuddle close, hell, mount and claim her as her Alphas. However, there had been an audience and it wasn’t the right time.

  Scor nuzzled next to her neck, while he and Bider began to pull the sides of her robe apart, separating the material from her body. When her full, round breasts were exposed, Viper growled low, and his eyes glowed with desire.

  “So very beautiful. A body fit for Alphas,” Viper said to her, and tossed off his shirt, undid his pants, and climbed up between her legs. She closed them up, shocked at his abrupt move, but quickly Viper gripped her knees and held her gaze.

  “We are your Alphas, your mates. The need, the necessity to claim you is past a patient level. Comply, mate, so we can protect you with all we have,” Viper said to her.

  She was tense, Bider could feel it and then she spoke up. “It can’t be just sex, just an action to secure the packs. I won’t be a tool of power, Viper.”

  “You aren’t a tool of power. The gods chose you for us, and us for you. The attraction, the depth of desire is there. I feel it, don’t you feel it, too?” Scor answered her instead of Viper. She took her eyes off of Viper and looked at Scor.

  “I don’t really know you.”

  “You do. Your wolf knows it has found its mates. Embrace the power of the magic of the mating musk. Know that when we mate, we mate for life. That we will serve you as you serve us. That you will not be behind us, or at our feet, Avi, but beside us, where you deserve to be, and where we know you are strong enough to handle,” Bider told her.

  “I want that. I’m not weak. Just because I am small, doesn’t mean I’m weak.”

  Bider gave her a wink and slid his palm along her belly to her breast. “You may be petite, but you are sexy, and luscious, full and bountiful in all the right places. You are an exceptional woman, and an even more exceptional wolf. It took more than self-control to not mount you and take from this body to claim you earlier this evening.” He lowered down and licked the tip of her nipple. Her lips parted, her torso lifted, and cream dripped from her cunt.

  “We begin,” Viper commanded, and he slid her thighs farther apart as Score placed her hand over his cock, so she felt how hard he was as he explored her other breast. She moaned aloud.

  “Viper!” she exclaimed, and Bider knew that Viper began to feast on their mate.

  * * * *

  Viper never felt so much, or so many emotions all at once. It was this woman, their mate that did him in. His emotions, the power of the feelings of possession and protectiveness was so damn powerful he wanted to roar. He could tell that he frightened her, and he didn’t want that despite being in charge. He wanted respect as all Alphas did, but he also wanted her respect, her acknowledgement and understanding of the type of man and wolf he was. A warrior, a hunter of the gods on a mission to secure all packs including his own.

  He slid his tongue into her cunt and the taste of her cream was like no other he had ever tasted before. With every swipe over her pussy lips then into her channel, his wolf grew more desperate to claim her. Wolves were sexual creatures, and when they needed sex, they sought it out. He never came inside of a woman before, being cautious to not impregnate her with his seed. There were no forms of birth control that could work on wolves. The fact that he thought of this as he feasted on her cunt made him suddenly want to mark her, fill her with his seed, and see Avi pregnant and round with his cub.

  “By the gods you taste incredible,” he said to her.

  “Let me taste her, the scent is all-consuming,” Scor said, and Viper nodded, although he felt conflicted about letting go of her taste and giving his brothers a treat, too. That was his Alpha wolf, so selfish at times, and so desperate to claim Avi that he was afraid to let go.

  He reluctantly moved to the side so Scor could take his place. Viper cupped her cheek.

  “Are you ready for us, mate?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, and he lowered down to ravish her mouth and share her cream with her as he plunged his tongue into her mouth.

  She moaned and tilted her pelvis up.

  “So wet and giving. Her asshole is tight, too. We need to get her very, very we,” Scor said.

  The thought of fucking her ass aroused Viper further.

  “My turn, then we claim our mate,” Bider said.

  He and Scor shifted positions as Viper released her lips and then lowered to suckle her breasts.

  Bider moved between her legs, but not before taking off his clothing. He glanced at Viper, then Scor, who were feasting on her breasts, pecking at her lips, and sliding their palms up and down her thighs, keeping her spread for Bider.

  “So incredibly beautiful. The gods have granted us a goddess,” he said right before he lowered his mouth to her cunt, inhaled deeply, then got his first taste of his mate’s delicious cream. The moment his tongue made contact, her juices flowed. He heard he
r moan and felt her lift her pelvis. His wolf growled low as he slid an elongated tongue up into her cunt, flicking, stroking, finding that special spot inside her cunt that apparently did Avi in.

  She pulled from Viper’s mouth.

  “More! Take me, Bider. Make me yours.”

  He struggled to let go. To pull his tongue from her cunt and stop tasting her so he could replace tongue with cock. It was a desperation he never felt, and a sensation that almost made him feel fearful because of the power their mate had over him already. He lifted up and aligned his cock with her cunt and began to push into her.

  “Bider, oh by the gods please, please I’m ready,” she said, and shook and wiggled her sexy body as Scor and Viper raised her arms above her head, cupped her breasts, and moved to the side. Bider gripped her thighs, caressed them up and down as he slid his thick, hard cock, deeper and deeper into her cunt.

  “Mine. Mine!” he roared, actually growling so loudly it echoed in the room. He thrust into her to the hilt, and she moaned and panted for breath.

  “Yes, yes!” she exclaimed, and that was it. From there on out it was almost a blur to him. With every thrust, every stroke of his cock, he felt them connect deeper and deeper. It was like this imaginary line inside of both of them that suddenly connected, and with every thrust it grew stronger and that line got shorter and shorter. He gripped her hips, and his brothers stepped aside, allowing her arms to go free and she reached up, pulled Bider down and kissed his mouth. It was wild, passionate, the way this tiny woman with her full breasts, sexy ass, and enticing body took him with ease and desire. Her lust, her desperation matched his, and so it was on as they made love, and he claimed her.


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