Don't Go There (Awkward Love Book 5)

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Don't Go There (Awkward Love Book 5) Page 13

by Missy Johnson

  We pull into the parking lot at the hotel. I shut off the engine and look at Katie. I have no idea where the laughing, happy, relaxed Katie that was here a few minutes ago has gone. In her place is a stressed as fuck Katie.

  She breathes heavily and sits forward, her hands shoved deep under her thighs. She stares out the window, ignoring my first two attempts at getting her attention. I tap on her shoulder. She jumps, then jerks around, then she clutches her chest, her eyes closed.

  “Fuck,” she gasps. “You scared me.”

  She takes the card I’m holding out for her, an embarrassed expression on her face.

  “This is for getting into my room,” I say.

  “Okay.” She frowns at me. “What if we see Julian? Or Alberto?”

  “Then we’ll deal with it.” I shrug. “Alberto will have no clue who you are anyway, and Julian …Well, just follow my lead. Okay?”

  She nods, then swallows, looking a little green.


  “If it helps keep you focused, then just think how I’m going to reward you later with my huge—”

  “Is this really the time?” she snaps, glaring at me.

  “Bath, is what I was going to say,” I finish. I grin at her when she flushes. “But, I’m more than happy to reward you with my huge cock, if you find that’s more of an incentive?”

  “Should we go in?” she asks, ignoring my comment.

  I chuckle, because I know she loves it.

  “Okay, you go up now,” I say. Joking aside, I know how serious this is. “I’ll follow in a few minutes. If we go in separately, we’re less likely to look suspicious,” I explain. “I’m on floor nineteen. My room is the second from the end. One back from the window.”

  She nods. A giggle erupts from her lips. I raise my eyebrows at her.

  “Something funny?”

  “Sorry, I was just picturing you in spandex,” she murmurs. Color creeps into her cheeks. “Not in a sexual way.”

  “Are you sure?” I raise my eyebrows again.

  She turns crimson. “Very sure. Lily said the exact same thing as you when we arrived here on Wednesday,” she rushes to explain. “It was like we were about to pull off a jewelry heist.”

  “2004,” I joke.

  “Excuse me?” she asks, confused.

  “Halloween party. I went as Batman.”

  I lean over and pop her door open, then I kiss her roughly on the mouth.

  “I’ll have you know I rocked spandex.”

  I stroll past reception, in the direction of the elevators. I hope I look confident, because I’m sure as hell not feeling it. It’s like everyone’s eyes are on me. I know I’m just being paranoid, but I can’t shake the feeling this is all about to go to shit, with me right in the firing line.

  Maybe I should just take Katie over to where Lily and Darcy are.

  At least then I only have to worry about myself. I shake my head. That’s the worst idea ever. The three of them together would definitely lead to trouble. That’s what started this mess in the first place. Katie’s being here worries me, but if I can get her up to my room and keep her there, then I should be okay.

  I reach the elevator to find Katie standing there—along with a group of oldies who wouldn’t look out of place at a bingo convention. I should’ve factored in how slow these elevators were. Katie looks alarmed. I give her a shrug, because there’s not much we can do.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” I murmur, looking the other way as I say it.

  “We’re supposed to be pretending not to know each other,” she hisses.

  “How do you know this isn’t how I speak to every stranger?”

  “Every stranger, or just those you find attractive?” She narrows her eyes.

  “What, so, you consider yourself attractive, huh?”

  Her mouth opens, then closes. She shakes her head, then steps into the elevator when the doors open. She’s all the way up the back, and by the time I get in, after being the gentleman that I am and letting everyone else go first, I’m on the other side of her.

  My head snaps up when I hear two words I never thought I’d hear from a group of eighty year olds; gangbangs and strippers.

  I choke back a laugh, then glance at Katie, her reaction mirroring mine. She studies the floor, like it’s the most interesting thing she’s ever seen, while trying her hardest not to laugh.

  “Forget about sightseeing. I hear there are ladies that will do anything, in Vegas,” the frail man near the back announces to his friend. The lady next to him, who I assume is his wife, whacks him across the stomach.

  “Are you kidding me?” she growls. “Last week you made me dress up as an eskimo so you could poke me with your icicle. The week before that, I had to be a schoolgirl.”

  A disturbing image of this petite, white haired, eighty-something lady, who smells like talc, dressed as a slutty schoolgirl pops into my head and it nearly kills me.

  God, I can’t listen to this.

  I fail to see how this elevator ride can get any more fucked up. I focus on the numbers along the top as they slowly rise, turning around to look at Katie when I hear her phone ping. I frown at her as she frantically fumbles through her bag.

  “Are you ok…” My voice trails off when I hear another memo playing.

  She pulls out her phone and twelve sets of eyes turn to look at her in shock.

  “Note to self: Add rectal stimulation to list of services on website.”

  I laugh loudly. Katie glares at me, her face going red. The two men next to her exchange an excited smile as they nudge each other. I cringe, because I don’t even want to know what’s going through their heads.

  “How far will thirty dollars get me?” the first guy asks, winking at her.

  “About half a finger in,” I quip.

  Katie snaps her head up long enough to glower at me. I’ve never seen anyone look as happy as she does when those doors fly open. She stalks up the hallway, getting away from the elevator as fast as she can. When the doors finally close, and the shocked faces of twelve elderly people disappear, she turns around and glares at me. Her eyes flash as she tosses her phone at me. I smirk when it hits me on the foot.

  “Jesus, you throw worse than you sing,” I mutter.

  “Delete them,” she begs. “Just get rid of them, now.”

  “Okay, fine,” I sigh. “But first I need the magic word. I’m kidding,” I laugh when she hits me.

  I start deleting them as we walk toward my room. Katie looks over my shoulder. She gasps and slaps me across the arm.

  “Jesus, you had them going into next week?”

  “Yeah, of course.” I chuckle. “It’s not embarrassing until it happens in front of your family.”

  “God, Mom would love that,” she mutters.

  I won’t tell her about the few I set into next year, then…

  “There,” I say, handing her back her phone. “All gone.”

  “They better be,” she grumbles.

  I open the door and let her walk in first. She gasps as she looks around. I smile, because I think she’s impressed. Though, with the amount they charge for one of their deluxe suites, it would want to be impressive. She wanders over to the window to take in the view. She shakes her head, lost for words.

  “And I thought my room was nice.” There’s a note of awe in her voice. She walks over to the bathroom and starts laughing like a maniac. “Oh Lord, you need check out the jacuzzi tub.” She squeals, poking her head back out. “It’s fucking huge.”

  “I’ve seen it. This is my room, remember?” I laugh. “Make yourself at home,” I add. “Have as many soaks as you like.”

  “I will, but I figured it made sense to go and see Darcy and Lily first.”

  “That would make a lot of sense,” I agree, walking over to her. “If there was any chance of you actually leaving this room.”

  “What do you mean?” she asks, frowning at me.

  “I mean exactly that.” I shrug. “It’s too mu
ch of a risk having you walk down the hallway for fresh towels, let alone go over there.”


  I shake my head and put my finger against her mouth, pressing it against her lips. Her soft, plump lips...I clear my throat as she narrows her eyes at me.

  “I’m doing this alone,” I warn her. “If you so much as poke your head outside of this room—”

  “Fine, I get it,” she grumbles. “What am I supposed to do, then?” she asks. “Twiddle my thumbs? Crochet you a hat?”

  “You crochet?” I laugh at her reaction. “Just relax,” I say, shaking my head. “Have a bath. Take a nap. Whatever. I’ll be back soon. Okay?”

  I grab my phone and walk out before she can answer, closing the door behind me. When I’m far enough away from the room, I call Alberto. I’m nervous to speak to him, because there’s been no contact over the last few days at all. Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but he has to be wondering where I am, so why hasn’t he called?

  Unless he knows something is up.

  My jaw clenches. That scares the hell out of me for many reasons. My only hope is that he somehow fucks himself over, but I know that’s not going to happen. He’s too smart for that. Which means, pretty much any way you look at this, I’m shit out of luck.

  “Frederick,” he says when he answers. “How lovely of you to reach out.” I tense as his usual mocking tone floats through the phone speaker. “I remember there was a time when you used to work for me.”

  “I’m sorry, I know I haven’t been around much.” I mutter.

  God, I’m tense.

  I flex my fingers, trying to get my blood flowing so I can think straight. The irony is, he doesn’t even realize he’ll be saying that for real next week. Or maybe he does realize it.

  “So, do you have an explanation, or do I have to guess?”

  “I was helping Julian with some last-minute wedding plans,” I say, hoping he doesn’t ask me specifically what I was helping with. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all. Next time, though, I’d appreciate you clearing it with me first.”

  He’s annoyed. I can tell that, because he’s the master at hiding his emotions. Any trace of irritation means he’s really angry. If he believed I was helping out with wedding stuff, he’d be fine with me not asking his permission.

  He definitely knows something.

  I’m just not sure what he knows, or how he knows it. What worries me is if he feels threatened, by me or anyone else, he won’t hesitate to take care of the problem. I’d seen it so many times.

  “You’re right,” I apologize. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine. Tell me,” he says, after a moment. “What do you know about Julian’s ex-girlfriend? Lily, I think her name is? Should I be concerned about her?”

  “Lily?” I repeat, trying my best to keep my voice neutral. “As far as I know, she and Julian haven’t been in contact in years. Why?”

  “No reason. Thank you, Frederick.”

  The call cuts out before I can ask any other questions. Not that I could without him being suspicious. I stare at the phone, my heart racing. I’m trying my best to stay calm, but I can’t get my mind to shut off. One thing I am looking forward to is after next week, Alberto won’t be my problem. The only thing is, I have no idea that means for me. If I go back to my old life, or any life that can easily be traced, I’ll end up with a target on my back. The only way around that is to go into witness protection. Unless he kills me first.

  Maybe Katie is right. I need to speak to Julian.

  If I can convince him to talk to Lily, there’s a chance she’ll go quietly. With her out of the picture, I can put everything into at least trying to bring Alberto down.

  I knock on Julian’s door, which is only a few rooms down from mine. There’s no answer, so I call him and leave him a message to call me as soon as he can. There’s no point speaking to Lily until I speak to him, because all I’m going to hear is how badly she needs to talk to Julian. I just need to wait and hope like hell he gets back to me soon.

  Sighing, I turn around and walk back to my room. If I have to fill in time, I might as well wait back in my room and do something I enjoy.

  Or someone I enjoy.

  “You’re back.”

  Katie’s eyes light up when I walk back into the room. She walks over and wraps her arms around my waist, then slowly kisses along my neck. I chuckle at her sudden friskiness, enjoying her assertiveness. Especially after she was so annoyed at me for making me stay here.

  “I was gone for like ten minutes,” I grin.

  “It was a long ten minutes,” she retorts. “I’m already bored in here.”

  “Funny. You strike me as the type of person to be all over lazing around a hotel room.”

  She narrows her eyes. “I’m going to pretend that didn’t sound like an insult.”

  “You’re not in your bath,” I observe as she tries to peel off my shirt.

  I save her the trouble and lift it over my head, tossing it on the floor. She sighs as she runs her hands over my chest, paying extra attention to my nipples. I laugh, then swallow a groan, because her touch feels amazing, as always.

  “Forget being a criminal,” she teases. “You should’ve been a cop and put those amazing deduction skills of yours to use.”

  I laugh and rub my jaw. Fuck, if only she knew.

  “Anyway, I am taking your advice and having a bath, it’s just not ready yet. But now that you’re here, maybe I can find something to do while I’m waiting …”

  She drapes her arms around my neck while I put my hands on her waist. I sigh at the feel of her soft creamy skin against my fingers. I lean down and cup her chin, pressing my lips against hers. She lets out a little moan and looks deep into my eyes as I caress the back of her neck. She unbuckles my belt, and then tugs down my zipper, reaching inside to free my cock. I groan, stiffening against her touch.

  “Fuck the bath.” She lifts her eyebrows and grins at me. “I can think of better ways to relax.”

  I laugh, my cock growing even harder.

  “Really? Have you seen the size of that bath in there?”

  She runs her tongue over her lips, then lifts them into a smirk.

  “Trust me. I’ve seen bigger.”

  Fuck me.

  She slides her tight fist along my shaft. I groan, because it feels incredible, each stroke firmer than the last. When she gets down on her knees and takes me in her mouth, I’m in heaven.

  “God.” I hiss, nodding my approval. “I agree. There’s no better way to clear the mind than with a mouthful of cock.”

  “Speaking from experience there, are you?” she asks with a smile.

  I laugh. I guess I deserve that one.

  “Fuck,” I mutter. I take a step back, so I’m against the wall, as she sucks me hard.

  I hiss, grabbing hold of her head so I can watch my length disappear between her lips. She stares into my eyes, rolling her tongue around my tip, while she devours my cock. She teases me, sucking me so hard she pushes me to the point of pain, then she backs off, but only for long enough for the urge to force myself deep down her throat arises again.

  “I love it when you take control,” she whispers, curling her tongue around my tip.

  I groan, tightening my hold on her hair, as I ram my length into her mouth. I grunt, working my muscles tensing as the intensity inside me shifts up a gear.

  And then my phone rings.

  “Fuck,” I growl.

  I’m so close. So fucking close to exploding, it’s ridiculous. I don’t even need to check who it is, because I already know it’s going to be Julian, and it’s distracting me enough that I can’t finish the job.

  “Stop.” I hiss, pushing her away. My cock throbs, begging me to let her finish me off, but I can’t. “Fuck.”

  “Why?” Her eyes gleam. “I can keep going. You might enjoy it.”

  “No, I guarantee being sucked off while talking to Julian about Lily wi
ll not be an enjoyable experience,” I mutter.

  I reach for my phone, still stiff because she insists on playing with me. I shift away, which is apparently hilarious to Katie. I narrow my eyes at her, as she sits on the floor, shaking with laughter.

  “What’s up,” I grumble.

  “You sound angry,” he comments.

  “No, I was just in the middle of … something important,” I finish.

  Note to self: Call Julian the next time I need an erection killed, because it’s done the job.

  “Sorry, I was just returning your message,” he says.

  “Yeah. Can you meet me?”

  “Now?” he hesitates. “I’m getting married tomorrow,” he reminds me. “I kind of have a lot of shit to still do.”

  “You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”

  He sighs. “Can it wait an hour? I’m sorting something out for Lola.”


  If Julian is going to be that long, then I better go check on Darcy and Lily. I turn back to Katie after I end the call, giving her a rough kiss on the mouth.

  “You can finish that later.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  What am I supposed to do now?

  I’m so tempted to go and check on Lily and Darcy, but I don’t want to risk making the situation worse. Especially if he’s going to try and get Julian to speak to Lily. If someone followed me and something happened, I’d never forgive myself.

  I have no idea how long he’s is going to be, which means I’m stuck here. I look around the room and sigh. I guess there are worse places to be contained than in pure luxury. My phone beeps. I walk over and pick it up. It’s Mom.

  “Hey, Mom,” I say.

  “Sorry, who’s this?” Mom sniffs. “I don’t recognize your voice.”

  “Mom,” I say, rolling my eyes. “You called me. Remember?”

  “Oh. Right. Well, I haven’t heard from you in days. Is it that surprising that I’ve forgotten what you sound like?”

  “Yes, actually, because you’re my mother.” I shake my head. I’m too tired for a conversation this weird. I change the subject. “How’s Alfred?”


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