TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy)

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TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy) Page 27

by Paul Phipps

  After greeting each other and getting the obligatory pleasantries out of the way, the Ayatollah opened the serious portion of the reason for the Iranian President’s visit to him.

  “I have had the chance to review the recording of the American Presidents address earlier this morning. I find several things of great interest. Chief among them is this so-called Terran Space Navy. I find that the American’s willingness to unilaterally dismantle their only form of Weapon of Mass Destruction also of great interest. Don’t you? It allows so many possibilities once they have accomplished that.”

  “Yes exalted one, that does allow us and others some significant possibilities. However you did mention this Terran Space Navy. I have the communiqué from them that our Ambassador received from their Admiral Webster.” The President told the Grand Mullah.

  “The actual document? Is that why it took you so long to come to me about this matter?” The Ayatollah asked with a scowl.

  “Yes, that is correct.”

  “Why? Do we not have secure means of transmitting their message to us?” The Imam continued.

  “Because exalted one, those methods could not function. Only you or I can read this communiqué. It is a new type of technology that is extremely secure. It can’t be read, copied or transmitted. It can only be read by its intended recipient.”

  “Very interesting, we must acquire this technology. I see many uses for it.

  Now this communiqué, does it go any further into this offer of a world only for Islam?”

  “No, exalted one, it does not. It makes demands of us that I believe we should not and maybe cannot accede to.“ The President of the IUR replied.

  “Let me see this communiqué.” The Ayatollah said brusquely and reached out his hand haughtily for it.

  The President handed over the Cream colored envelope and the Imam opened it up and unfolded the paper within. He looked at the Authorized User Logo and the box for a thumbprint with astonishment.

  “I must put my thumbprint on this paper?” he asked with some dismay.

  “Yes, exalted one, otherwise you will not be able to read it.” The president said diffidently.

  “Very well, if I must do that to read this then I must.” The Ayatollah said with a frown on his face and in his voice.

  Once he had placed his thumbprint on the paper. The Authorized User Logo Turned Green and the Thumbprint Was plainly visible for a few seconds and then to the Ayatollah’s surprise the writing on the paper disappeared and the new message was there for him to read.

  The others in the room were quiet and a bit afraid. The Imam Tariq Al-Quds was noted for his icy temper and those who had received the brunt of it sometimes disappeared never to be seen again.

  The Ayatollah’s eyes flashed as he read the document then they could see him read it again and his face was set in stone and then he read it a third time. Once he was done he set in down carefully on the desk in front of him and looked at the President in front of him.

  “You have read this?” he said pointing at the document.

  “Yes, exalted one I have.” The President replied.

  “And have you shown this to anyone else?” The Ayatollah probed.

  “No, Exalted one. I have neither shown it nor talked to anyone else about the contents.”

  “This is good, I believe that we shall ignore this communiqué and if this so-called Terran Space Navy wishes to press the issue, we shall categorically deny any knowledge of either of these two things.” The Ayatollah decided then and there.

  “Your will shall be done.” The President breathed a little easier. The decision was made and out of his hands for the moment.

  “As far as the ‘Breath’ goes. Inform the proper people to initiate dispersal so that it isn’t all in one spot. Then shut down and destroy the facility. We can always continue if need be somewhere else.”

  “And Dr. Mehdi and her team?” The President asked.

  “She is still in France?” The Ayatollah inquired

  “Yes, I believe so although she has been practicing her craft in the Netherlands too.”

  “Have Colonel Al-Fahr direct them to disburse throughout Europe. They will be much harder to track down.”

  “Yes, Exalted one. I will do as you bid immediately.” The Iranian President said in a determined voice. He had his orders and following them was easier by far than not following them.

  TSN Susannah, In Orbit around the Moon, Wednesday, November 11, 2026

  Admiral Webster as well as Seeker and Susannah have been listening in on the Private meeting between the President of Iran and the Grand Ayatollah Tariq Al-Quds. The walls surrounding them make it seem as though they were hanging in the middle of Space with a huge whitish Moon below them and a distant Earth hanging in the sky with a smaller bright Sun off to one side. The single human and two AI’s wearing their Body-Sims are quiet but attentive to what is being said.

  “Yes, Exalted one. I will do as you bid, immediately.”

  “Well, there you have it”, Susannah said. “They know what they have done would be censored or maybe even considered an act of war in some places. And that’s only the Human Bombs. Creating a weapon of mass destruction that is a near universal killer is grounds in my book for termination of their existence as an independent country.”

  “I agree with you”, Seeker replied in kind, “But I also realize that as far as the rest of the planet is concerned, we are the new kids on the block. We are an unknown and if one of our first acts is to accuse a sovereign country of such heinous crimes. Then we will fail abjectly. No, we must act, but possibly through an intermediary.”

  Admiral Webster is listening attentively to them as well as to the conversation in the Sanctum of the Grand Ayatollah, then he suddenly chuckled. The other two looked at him quizzically. He said, “We take this sort of technology for granted. But these educated leaders of a country would have an apoplectic convulsion if they realized that we were listening to them through a piece of ‘paper’.”

  Susannah was puzzled then said, “But it isn’t paper, isn’t that obvious just by the capability of hiding the message until the authorized recipient accepts receipt?”

  “To you it would be. But it looks and feels like a very familiar piece of technology to them. Its paper, it feels like high bond rag paper, it folds like paper, it smells and tastes like paper. Why then, it must be paper. Even though the evidence is right there in front of them that it is not paper.

  Just accept that they didn’t and be grateful for their lack of observation. It allowed us to listen in on them and now we can use the information that we have acquired. We now have two more names that lead us down the chain to what we desire, the people who made those poor unfortunates into human bombs without their knowledge or consent. And to the people who would kill the human race once again in the name of religion.”

  Seeker was watching the Admiral speak, approvingly, “Yes, once again you come to the heart of the matter. Now how do we do it?”

  Admiral Webster was on roll and just continued on: “First off, let’s get the scout that we have watching the President of the IUR, he will need to start tailing the distributed ‘Shaitan’s Breath’ Samples. If possible we should try to grab one. Maybe we can come up with an effective vaccine or cure?

  Then we need to….”

  TSN/USN Epiphany Wednesday 0400L November 11, 2026

  Ansel has been woken up by Ariadne/Epiphany for a ‘Slowtime’ briefing by Seeker and Fleet Admiral Webster.

  “So as you see from the record of the meeting between President Ahmad and Grand Ayatollah Al-Quds the IUR is going to hide their Bio-Weapon in various locations and destroy their current developmental laboratory so that there isn’t any evidence when we ‘Confront’ them. Also they are going to direct the physician team that has been doing the Bio-Explosive implants to disburse to various ‘Safe’ houses around Europe.

  Our response is to keep track of ‘Shaitan’s’ Breath and attempt to get a sample during their
dispersal. We are also going to keep track of our Doctors in hiding.” Seeker explained

  “But everyone who watched the President’s address saw you give a Communiqué to the IUR Ambassador and demanded a response in 48 hours.” Ansel said in confusion “How will you explain that they didn’t when the media is expecting them to answer….. Oh, I get it. They don’t say anything and you don’t say anything and all the media can assume is that they got back to you quietly without any publicity.”

  “That’s right, when we don’t make a fuss. The IUR will think we’re a bunch of Linguini spined Do-nothings like they are used to dealing with.” Admiral Webster said with some smugness. “When we do what we are going to do, it will impact them that much harder.”

  “So what are we going to do?” Ansel inquired curiously.

  “What are we going to do? Well how would you like to go into Persian Gulf and make a big pain in the ass of yourselves and blockade all Shipping? That will affect their Oil trade. Then you are going to….”

  * * *

  USS George H.W. Bush, Task Force 14, Wednesday 0800L November 11, 2026

  Lt. Phelps the Admiral’s Comm Officer is meeting with Admiral Crane in the Flag Officer’s Staff Room. She has a Comm Pad and a small smile. The rest of the staff is waiting for her to finish her report before going on with their own daily reports.

  “The last two items I have are that Captains Keppler, Harris and Fuller will be arriving on Log Flight 1 around 1000L. They will be available for their interviews with you and the Epiphany shortly thereafter.

  And my last item came in a few minutes ago. Commander Webster of the Epiphany is requesting a personal meeting with you and your staff as soon as you have time for him.”

  The Admiral looked curious, then asked, “Did he inquire about any of the Captain Candidates for the Epiphany?”

  “No Sir, just the request for a meeting. I did ask if it was urgent. He said ‘not at the moment’.” She reported.

  “You have no idea how that just sent a chill down my back. I swear that if it isn’t one thing, it’s another. Mind you he’s always correct in his reasoning. But I’m now wondering what next?” The Admiral said rubbing his forehead.

  He then turned to Captain Welles who had been listening quietly. “Any idea what the Commander would be wanting a personal visit for this time.”

  “No sir, but if he brings a verifier and a holo projector I’ll be tempted to run for my cabin and hide.” Captain Welles said humorously.

  “Me too.” Commander Dickerson said with a laugh.

  Admiral Crane looked around and asked. “Unless something has changed, my schedule this morning is flexible. Do any of you have anything pressing?”

  He received Negatives or shaken heads in reply. Then he told Lt. Phelps. “Please inform the commander that I and my staff can see him anytime this morning..”

  “Yes sir, shall I do that now?” She inquired.

  “Certainly…. I’m interested in how fast he can move.” He then turned to Captain Welles and said conspiratorially, “This will be interesting, care to take a bet?”

  The Captain chuckled, and said 20 minutes, Commander Dickerson piped in, “If this isn’t a closed bet, I’ll take ten minutes.” The others looked at him in curiosity.

  Commander Dickerson just laughed and said. “I’m cheating. Commander Webster just left the Epiphany.” He said pointing to his Blackberry II.

  They chatted among themselves as they awaited Commander Ansel Webster’s arrival. Then the Marine guard in the passageway knocked on the door and announced that Commander Webster of the TSN was outside.

  “Send him in Corporal.”, Captain Welles said.

  Everyone was standing as Ansel and Ariadne entered. There was confusion on the faces of the Admiral and his staff when they saw her and then saw that she too was wearing the TSN Form fitting Black Coverall Uniform.

  “Good Morning Admiral Crane, Captain Welles, Ladies and Gentlemen.” Ansel said courteously to the assembled men and women of the Admiral’s staff.

  “Good Morning Commander Webster, you asked to see all of us.” Admiral Crane said in return and just as courteously.

  “I did indeed, before I get into my presentation I would like to introduce you to my,” He paused, “Compatriot in arms. Admiral Crane, this is Ariadne, Ariadne, I would like to introduce you to Admiral Crane.”

  “I’m pleased to me you Ariadne,” The Admiral said courteously.

  “Thank you Admiral Crane, I too am pleased to make your acquaintance.” Ariadne, said in soft Highland Brogue that went with the Red headed Scottish appearance she had.

  “Admiral, Captain Welles, Ariadne’s public persona is The Epiphany, Ariadne is her private persona.” Ansel announced with a wicked grin.

  There was a small gasp and then from Lt. Phelps. “Excuse me sir, you mean to tell us that Ariadne and the Epiphany’s A.I. are one and the same?”

  “Yes Lieutenant, that’s correct.” Ariadne said for herself.

  Admiral Crane sat down slowly and then said ruefully. “Just when I think that you people won’t surprise me you go ahead and do it again. I really ought to know better by now.”

  “Yes, it does seem like the Commander goes out of his way to do that on a regular basis.” Captain Welles said with a stone face and then broke into a smile and shook his slowly.

  Ansel chuckled appreciatively and then said, “It’s a good thing you are all sitting down, the next part and the real reason I’m here isn’t nearly as funny.” He then brought his briefcase up and set it on the conference table. And with a look around the table at the men and women waiting there for him to speak, he brought out a truth Verifier and a Holo Projector.

  Ansel was surprised and let it show on his face when Captain Welles and Lt. Commander Dickerson both looked at the Admiral and said. “Sir, I request permission to go run to my room and hide.” The Admiral looked at both of them and said, “Permission Denied!” Then all three laughed as if they were sharing a joke.

  “I’m sorry Commander.” Admiral Crane said after a minute or so. “But that damn verifier and Holo-projector are starting to be a running joke around here.”

  Ansel grinned himself and nodded his head understandingly. “I can see that from your end. And I’m truly sorry that the TSN always seems to be bringing up something new and bothersome. But if I may go on now, I have some information for you that you are not going to find humorous in any way shape or form.”

  “In that case Commander Webster please begin your briefing.” Admiral Crane said.

  Ansel reached out and turned on the Holo Projector. The President of The United States Address on Tuesday night was re-shown; Admiral Webster is talking in Farsi to the Ambassador from the IUR…..

  An hour and fifteen minutes later, Ansel was saying:

  “The TSN is limited in what we can do in this situation. We just can’t go in and blow them up which is really all that our fighting craft are good for. What’s needed in this case is something that is a little more diplomatic, powerful enough to do the job, familiar enough in concept to be readily understood, yet not so powerful that the Iranian United Republic isn’t a rendered into a wasteland if we are required to use force.

  So the current plan is in approximately thirty-six hours when the IUR has declined to answer or respond to the TSN’s communiqué Ariadne and I will be leaving Task Force 14 to show the ‘Flag’ in the Persian Gulf.”

  “Show the Flag? Do you intend on taking the Epiphany to do this?” Admiral Crane inquired cautiously.

  “No Sir, the Epiphany is a TSN auxiliary but she is also assigned to the United States Navy until the Navy or the Government of the United States indicates that they wish to end the ‘working agreement’. We will instead be using another vessel that Ariadne and I have been designing and use it for our blockading force.”

  “Just the two of you?” Commander Dickerson said incredulously.

  “Well yes, we are what is available for the task at hand. The TSN is
quite shorthanded when it comes to humans as Fleet Admiral Webster stated.” Ariadne added.

  “I understand that Ariadne.” The Admiral replied heavily, “Still it is a daunting task.”

  Admiral Crane thought for a few minutes then announced. “We are expecting the three potential Navy Captains whose names you submitted to be arriving shortly. Would you please stay and meet them here with me. That will give me a little time to discuss your information and tasking from Admiral Webster with my staff.”

  “Certainly Admiral, is there any place you would like us to wait for your call?” Ansel said politely.

  “Do you know your way to the Wardroom?” asked Captain Welles.

  “We can find it, Captain.” Ariadne answered back.


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