The Game (Carolina Connections Book 4)

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The Game (Carolina Connections Book 4) Page 11

by Sylvie Stewart

“I couldn’t even wear a bra with that thing!” I continued my protest.


  “And I’m a twenty-nine-year-old professional woman. I’m legally required to wear a bra. I’d probably wear one to bed if I found one comfortable enough.”

  She snickered at that. “Can I make a counter-argument, counsel?” She didn’t wait for me to answer. “You just proved my point. You’re twenty-nine and your tits are still perky. That’s not going to be the case forever. Take advantage and let the girls go free.”

  I couldn’t believe I was even considering this. Although, I supposed I could pin the top so it didn’t reveal too much. “Whatever. So, Kelly Osborne, exactly what am I going to magically pair with this slutty top?”

  “You definitely can’t pull off any of my skirts with that tiny ass, so I say just go with your darkest skinny jeans and some killer heels.”

  “Really? Jeans to dinner? My father would be appalled.”

  “You’re going to Gia, not the White House. You’ll look fab. Oh, and wear your hair down.”

  Shoot. I knew she’d say that.

  “Are you sure I can’t just wear what I wore to work?”

  “Do I need to come over there and kick your ass? I would, but then I’d be late for work. I’m opening with Adele tonight.”

  Ari has the most beautiful singing voice. Personally, I thought she could have gone somewhere with it, but she never wanted to leave North Carolina to pursue it. I’d have to carve some time out to watch her at work one of these evenings. “I need to come to one of your gigs soon. It’s been too long. Where are you setting up shop tonight?” She brings karaoke night to an array of local bars and the line-up is always changing.

  “Pinky’s. Should be fun. Anyway, are we all set on the outfit, or do I have to get fired in order to dress your ass in something sexy?”

  “No, master, I’ll do as I’m told.”

  “Oooh, I bet Mr. Baseball would love it if you said that to him.”

  My jaw dropped. “Ari! Sometimes I don’t understand how we ever became friends.”

  “It’s because my dirty mind didn’t develop until it was too late to ditch me.”

  True. I pulled the green top back out and held it up for another inspection.

  “Okay, girl,” Ari said. “I gotta run. Have fun and call me later with all the details. Length, girth, you know, the usual.”

  I hung up on her, but not before I heard her cackling laugh.

  And now I was here in the lobby of Gia, having just been wowed by an incredibly hot guy. Gavin was wearing jeans, I was relieved to see, and he’d paired them with a navy checked button-down with the sleeves rolled up to reveal those sexy wrists and forearms I’d noticed on our first meeting. The monkeys seemed to like his wrists as well, if the activity in my belly was anything to go by.

  “Hi, Gavin.” I managed a smile which he returned before leaning in and kissing my cheek. He smelled entirely yummy and I had the sudden ridiculous urge to bury my face in his neck and settle in. What was wrong with me? Instead, I quickly glanced down to make sure Ari’s top hadn’t shifted where I’d pinned it. I hadn’t dared to let it dip any lower than just above my bra’s front closure, despite Ari’s urgings regarding my “girls” and their need to live a life of freedom.

  “You look beautiful,” Gavin said as he pulled back.

  “Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself.” Understatement of the year. He looked good enough to eat.

  “They have our table ready.” He gestured to the hostess who stood next to the podium, two menus in her hand.

  I stepped forward and felt the heat of his hand on the small of my back. It cut directly through the flimsy shirt and sent a delicious tingle up my spine. I was beginning to understand that I was in deep, deep trouble where this guy was concerned. For the third time in the last ten minutes, I second-guessed my decision to come. Nevertheless, I smiled and thanked the hostess as I took my seat across from Gavin. We were seated at a cozy corner table, offering a degree of privacy that only added to my discomfort.

  “Are you okay?” Gavin asked as he unfolded his napkin and placed it on his lap. Concern clouded his features and I immediately felt ashamed. I’d agreed to this date, after all. I needed to woman up. One cleansing breath later, I summoned my best smile and answered, “Yes. Sorry. I was just having a moment.”

  Before Gavin could respond, our waiter arrived and requested our drink orders. It gave me the extra time I needed to clear my head and get back in the moment. I didn’t hear Gavin’s order, but I ordered a Sauvignon Blanc which I knew would go down way too fast. I couldn’t be bothered to care.

  “So, any exciting new pro bono cases? Perhaps a bank robber suing for injuries suffered during the get-away?”

  “Ha, ha. Very funny.”

  He grinned and shrugged.

  “Thankfully, it’s back to basics for me. I don’t actually appear before the court very often. Most of my work is a little more behind the scenes.”

  “Corporate law, right?”

  “Yes. Mostly contracts, acquisitions…a lot of paperwork and nit-picking.” I offered a self-deprecating smile and placed my own napkin in my lap.

  He gave me a speculative look. “Is it safe to assume you were a straight-A student since preschool?”

  “Based on your question, is it safe to assume you weren’t?”

  “Touché. I was a little more concerned with playing ball than doing homework.”

  The waiter brought our drinks, Gavin receiving a tall glass of amber liquid that was clearly a beer. We told him we needed a few minutes.

  “Speaking of playing ball, I obviously missed something. Why did my boss know you? Are you famous?” I leaned in, genuinely curious.

  He laughed and took a sip of his beer. “Absolutely not. I played in high school and got a scholarship to State, but things didn’t pan out.”

  I straightened again. “Well, you must have been one heck of a player, based on how flustered you made Thomas Wheeler. That man wouldn’t sweat under the Spanish Inquisition.”

  He waved me off. “It’s a guy thing. I’d bet my last dollar he used to play and probably has a kid or two who played in school. They like to see local players climb up the chain.”

  “But, surely, plenty of high school kids get athletic scholarships.”

  He began to look uncomfortable. “We should probably figure out our order before the waiter comes back.” He opened his menu and I humored him by doing the same. Not that I was done with my line of questioning. The lawyer in me wouldn’t allow that.

  We settled on an assortment of small plates to share and were ready with our decisions when the waiter reappeared. I took a sip of my wine and gave Gavin an expectant look.


  “You were less than subtle with your attempt at distraction.”

  He playfully narrowed his eyes at me. “I’m beginning to see why you got straight As.”

  “Hmm,” was my response. “You got a scholarship. Please continue.”

  He took in my expression and resigned himself. “Okay. So, the thing is, scouts were interested before I went to State.”

  “Scouts? What kind of scouts?” I was confused. Of course, college scouts would be after him if he ended up with a scholarship.

  “Major League scouts.”

  I almost dropped my wine glass. “Are you kidding?”

  He brushed non-existent crumbs off the tablecloth and gave me a wry smile. “Remember, I don’t joke about baseball.”

  “Right,” I answered distractedly. “So, what happened?”

  “Long story short, my parents begged me to go to college—my mom is a college professor—and I went along with it, figuring I’d just improve in college and get drafted afterwards. The scouts were all still around and the plan was working. But I screwed everything up, so now I’m a coach and I work construction.” He lifted his glass and took another sip while his eyes took in the restaurant.

  I didn’t know how to re
spond. I had tons of questions, but he was uncomfortable and I didn’t know how hard to push. I settled on the ever-brilliant, “Wow.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The Perfect Kiss and the Clorox Shower


  I felt my face tug at Emmy’s single-word response. “Yeah, that’s one word for it.” I really didn’t want to get into the nitty gritty of my past, so I turned the tables on her before she could ask any more questions. “So, enough about me. What made you decide to be a lawyer?” I took another sip of my beer while she brought her wine glass to her lips, blatantly stalling for time.

  “Oh, you know, the usual. My dad is a lawyer so I was kind of born into it.”

  I nodded. “Based on what I know so far, it’s pretty clear you don’t take after your mom. Makes sense that you take after your dad.”

  She blew out a laugh, bringing that dazzling smile to her lips. I wanted to lean over the table and kiss her, other patrons be damned. I’d wanted to kiss her since the moment she’d walked into the restaurant in those heels and skin-tight jeans. I’d been practically speechless at the sight of her with her hair loose around her face and her eyes wide with what seemed to be a case of nerves. I’d been a bit gratified to note I hadn’t been the only one feeling anxious.

  “Yeah, Naomi and I couldn’t possibly be more different,” she confirmed.

  I reminded myself not to act like a feral animal and instead demonstrate that I could be very adult and civil, despite her misgivings about our age difference. I mean, what did she think? That just because I was twenty-four I didn’t know how to behave like an adult? I pushed the thought aside. “What does she do for a living?” I asked.

  Emmy laughed again, causing my dick to twitch. “I think ‘for a living’ is pushing it, but she and her husband, Aldo, are currently touring the country on the craft-fair circuit.”

  I cocked my head to one side at that. “I have absolutely no idea what that even means.”

  She leaned forward, and her low-cut top shifted to reveal the top swell of one creamy white breast. God was clearly testing me. “It means they drive around in a camper and set up shop at craft fairs around the country. My mom sells crystals and does tarot card readings. Aldo, meanwhile, acts as her pack mule and engages in some activities I choose to remain ignorant of, given my position with the Bar Association. I’ll let your imagination take over on that one.”

  Oh, my imagination was already in fourth gear and considering switching to fifth, but I reigned myself in. “I think I get the idea.” I grinned at her and she grimaced good-naturedly. Truthfully, the idea of someone close to Emmy being involved in marijuana trade was so ironic it was funny.

  She shook her head, as if dismissing the entire topic. “He makes my mom happy, and he’s a great dad, so I try not to think about it.”

  The waiter arrived with our food, setting out an array of carefully crafted plates before us. It all looked amazing. I’d been happy to see that Emmy hadn’t tried to stick with salad and was, instead, willing to be adventurous in her choices. We had everything from some kind of grain-based salad to barbequed quail. I gestured for her to start first.

  “So, Aldo is Jay’s dad, right?”

  She nodded while coating a chip with olive spread.

  “How long have he and your mom been together?”

  She gave that some thought, and I took the opportunity to fill my plate with an assortment of portions. “I think he started coming around when I was about eleven. But my parents split up when I was still a baby.”

  “Oh,” was all I could say to that. I came from a family where the biggest issue we’d had was Laney and I fighting over the remote. I couldn’t relate to her childhood. Maybe it explained some of her need to be so cautious.

  “I got to spend a lot of time with my dad, but I mostly lived with my mom. Then Aldo came along, they got married, and Jay arrived.” Her smile kicked up at that. She was obviously crazy about her brother.

  “Did your dad ever remarry?”

  Her smile turned stiff. Uh-oh. “Yes. Several times, in fact.” She took a sip of her wine.

  Time to reroute the conversation.

  “Here, try the quail.” I pushed the plate toward her. “It’s delicious.”

  She smiled gratefully, seemingly aware I’d let her off the hook, and took the plate from me.

  We continued to chat over dinner, conversation easily flowing right on into dessert and a second glass of wine and beer. My instincts about her had been spot-on and my attraction grew as the evening progressed. I didn’t know what I wanted more—for her to keep talking to me in that lyrical voice, or for her to let me walk her out to her car and kiss the ever-loving daylights out of her.

  The choice was taken from me when a yawn broke her face, causing her to give out a cute little squeak and cover her mouth in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry!”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “It’s fine. Looks like I kept you out past your bedtime.” I looked at my watch and noticed it was already ten-thirty. The time had flown by, and I was hoping she’d had as much fun as I had. I signaled the waiter for the bill and quickly paid it, ignoring Emmy’s attempt to split it. What kind of man did she think I was? Oh, that’s right. She thought I was a kid, not a man at all. I suddenly felt a bit deflated. I guess I’d just have to work harder to prove myself to her because, after tonight, I wasn’t about to let her just walk away.

  She stood and I neglected to tell her that her top had shifted again, this time dipping low enough that I caught a glimpse of black lace and more skin. I made myself look away, not wanting to be a perv. Instead, I led her to the door, my hand on her back. She pointed to her car and I followed her, even when she tried to turn around and say goodbye outside the door to the restaurant.

  I finally let her turn once we reached the driver’s side of her Volvo. Really? A Volvo? She was much too young and sexy for this car. She belonged in a sports car. Sleek, fast, and elegant.

  “Well,” she began. “Thanks so much for dinner. I had a lovely time.”

  “Me too,” I responded, letting my hand lift to her face to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. The breeze blew it right back into her face and I smiled.

  She returned it, and I took that as my cue to lean forward for a goodnight kiss. It started sweet and gentle, our lips barely grazing each other’s, but ratcheted up as soon as the tip of her tongue slid along my lip. I hadn’t expected her to be the one to deepen the kiss, but didn’t hesitate to join right in. I held her hip with one hand as the other snaked behind her back. Her hands cradled either side of my neck and I could feel my pulse point beat into the palm of her hand as our mouths melded together in a wet slide. She tasted like wine and chocolate from our dessert, but I still detected that hint of sweetness that seemed to just be her.

  I groaned into her mouth and adjusted my position so I could pull her further into me. She pulled back for a breath and her eyes were wild with lust, her cheeks pink and hot and her mouth swollen from our kiss. Her gaze flicked from my lips to my eyes and back again, her expression turning to one of almost bewilderment.

  “You’re a really good kisser,” she said on a quick exhale.

  I grinned. “Right back at you.”

  She stepped back and out of my arms. I wanted nothing more than to pull her back in and then take her home with me where we could make excellent use of my big bed. But she was skittish, this I knew. So I took in a breath and continued smiling at her.

  “I should go.” She smoothed her hair back with one hand.

  “Okay.” I didn’t argue. “But I have two questions before you do.”

  She looked hesitant but asked anyway, “What are they?”

  “One, when does this tournament start?”

  She relaxed. “Next weekend, I think. I’ll have to let you know.”

  I held up my hand with two fingers raised. “And, two, when are you free for our next date?”

  The doubt was back, as I knew it would be. I tried not to get
discouraged and told myself to remember the kiss we’d just shared. The fuck-hot kiss where she’d all but unraveled in my arms.

  “Oh.” She tried to back up another step but ran into the door of her car. “I think I’ll have to let you know about that too.” She turned to open her door and only glanced back over her shoulder once to thank me again for dinner.

  This was turning out to be more difficult than I’d anticipated. But I was up for the challenge. Hopefully.

  “Where is he? Where is that little fart factory?”

  I used my key on my sister’s front door without bothering to knock first. It may not have been my home anymore, but she’s my sister, so it’s my job to annoy her any chance I can get. This time, however, it completely backfired. I’d have to take a Clorox shower to recover from the sight that greeted me when I strode into the kitchen on a search for my nephew, Rocco.

  The kid was not in the kitchen. Laney and her husband, Nate, however, were. My sister was up on the island and Nate was…well, I don’t want to ever think about what Nate was doing again. Let’s just say, I was never eating any food made in that kitchen until the end of time. Which sucked, because Fiona often cooks at my sister’s house.

  I retreated to the back deck and sat on a lounger, rocking back and forth until Nate came out and handed me a beer. He sat in another lounger next to me and scratched the back of his neck. We both stared at the treehouse in silence for a few minutes until he reached over and opened my beer for me. I mean, really, it was the least he could do.

  I stopped rocking and took a huge gulp of the cold liquid.

  I could see out of the corner of my eye that Nate was about to speak and I threw a hand out to the side to stop him. “Nope.” The asshole had the nerve to grin. If he weren’t one of my bosses I’d punch him in the throat. He eventually got up and patted my shoulder a couple times on his way back into the house. I stayed where I was and drank my beer.

  “Oh, for God’s sake. Get over yourself,” came my sister’s voice from behind me. She pulled the lounger Nate had just left closer to mine and stretched out on it. She was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, I was relieved to see.


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