To Have and to Master

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To Have and to Master Page 10

by Sparrow Beckett

  “Did you watch?”

  “No! That’s not the kind of girl I am. Who would watch such a thing?”

  “Hmm. Was the boyfriend ugly?”

  The pause that followed was long and guilty. “Yes.”

  “So,” he let the word hang in the air just to embarrass her. “It wasn’t that you wouldn’t watch people have sex, it was just that you didn’t want to watch those people have sex.”

  Her one-shouldered shrug spoke volumes.

  As he washed her hair she grumbled, insisting she could do it herself, but submitting when he told her he wanted to do it. She complained again when he let the water out of the tub and he wrapped her in a fluffy towel. He wrapped another around his waist and led her to his office.

  “Aren’t we going to get dressed?” Varushka gripped her towel, as though the idea of it falling off worried her. As though they hadn’t just taken a bath together.

  “No.” He brought her to his office where he sat at his desk and coaxed her onto his lap. There were two layers of towel between them, but somehow it felt more naked than clothing. Probably because with one tug he could be inside her.

  He logged into his laptop and typed a search into his web browser.

  “I’m going to show you something.”

  That won him a disapproving scowl, but he ignored it and called up an erotic massage video. It started off slow, with the girl’s ass covered by a towel and the male masseuse sliding his hands over her bare back. Konstantin slid his hands over Varushka’s shoulders like he had in the bath, then worked his way down, pulling the towel lower with his strokes. She clung to it, trying to keep her nipples covered, but eventually gave in and let it puddle around her thighs.

  She watched the video, transfixed, as the man worked around the girl’s towel, removed it, then had her turn over to work on the front of her. Konstantin copied the man’s actions when he could, considering Varushka wasn’t lying down. He teased and tortured her nipples when the man onscreen did it to the girl, and Varushka’s deep breaths turned into throaty but wordless complaints.

  Slowly, Konstantin slid a hand down her belly and her thighs parted automatically.

  “You like it when I touch you here?”

  She nodded, blushing, but moved toward his hand when it was taking too long.

  “I can stop if you want me to,” he reminded her.

  “Why would he put his fingers in her?” she whispered, pointing at the screen.

  “Does it look like she likes it?” The girl in the video was gasping and moaning, but he was happy to see she wasn’t making fake porn faces. That always disappointed him when he messed around with a girl. If a woman had the presence of mind to fake faces like that to impress him, it meant he wasn’t doing his job right.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “But don’t do that to me. I think it would devirginize me.”

  Devirginize? He coughed to cover a laugh.

  Konstantin slid his fingers down to her pussy and tickled along her labia, then exposed the hood of her clit. He brushed his fingertip along the sensitive skin around it, and Varushka started to pant and squeal, but her efforts to back from him only ground her ass against his throbbing dick. A gentle graze of his finger along her clit hood and she cried out.


  The bad word from her innocent mouth made Konstantin laugh out loud. Varushka glared at him, as though the swear was his fault. She covered her mouth with her hand, maybe afraid of what else might pop out of it.

  “I didn’t know your pretty mouth could say such filthy words.”

  “I never said that before. Don’t tell my papa, okay?”

  He snickered. “Why would I do that? If I did, I’d have to tell him why you said it.”

  This time her blush mottled her all the way down her chest to her belly. “You won’t tell?” she whispered.

  “Things that happen between a man and woman are usually kept secret between them, unless they do them in public.”

  She nibbled on the end of her finger, but nodded. “If you do it again, I’ll try not to say bad words. It just surprised me. It doesn’t feel that way when I wash there.”

  “Do you wash there . . . a lot?” He raised a brow.

  “Don’t be rude! Not like that.”

  God. She was so adorable he could eat her.

  The guy in the video was about to plunge into the girl when Konstantin closed his laptop with a snap, suddenly deciding she didn’t need to see that crap when he could just show her things himself. He urged Varushka up onto his desk. There hadn’t been a woman on this one yet—it was about time it got broken in.

  “Why are you putting me up here?” For a girl with such a disapproving expression her body seemed willing enough to obey him.

  “Maybe I just want to look at you,” he teased.

  “Why? Are you so old that you can’t see me unless I’m close?” Her eyes narrowed with mischief and he found himself smiling. He didn’t like brats, but he was pleased that Varushka was getting more comfortable with him. He didn’t want a doormat, or a mindless sex doll. Personality made a girl interesting.

  He stood, and with gentle guidance he posed her the way he wanted her—lying on her back, damp hair pulled from under her head and spread around her. Her lips were parted and her eyes half-lidded by the time he stepped back to admire her.

  “You’re a very beautiful woman, Varushka.”

  For once she didn’t look away. She watched him, calm and obedient as she yielded to his whim. Her earnest desire to please him was lovely.

  Konstantin leaned down and kissed her, long and thorough, enjoying her quiet moans as she kissed him back.

  “There are things we can do other than have sex the way you know about.”

  “And I’ll stay a virgin?”

  “Yes, like I said, in the ways that matter.” He smiled reassuringly, but he groaned inwardly. Could he hold off from sinking his dick into her tempting softness until he married her? Possibly. But only if they got married in the next week or so. Or if she absolutely insisted.

  “But isn’t there only one way?”

  “No. Several different parts of your body can bring me pleasure.”

  “Like my hands, like you do to me?”

  “Yes. Or your mouth, your thighs, your ass . . .”

  Her brow creased. “What would you do with those?”

  “Should I show you what a mouth can do, to start?”


  When he moved to stand between her knees, she tried to bring them together, to hide herself, but he didn’t allow it.

  “If you don’t like it, I’ll stop.” He stroked her thigh and the tension there eased.

  She gasped when he kissed the inside of her knee. He pushed her legs apart, not relenting when she covered her eyes. A groan escaped him when he got an unimpeded view of her pussy and ass. They were so pretty he was tempted to grab his camera. Everything she owned was so tight that fitting his cock into her might be impossible without training her body to accept him first. But that was a challenge for another day.

  He moved farther between her legs with each kiss, moving so slowly that she twisted and begged beneath him.

  “Please, Sir!”

  “Please, what?” He blew a stream of air over the tuft of red hair just above her pussy and nipped her hip bone.

  “Stop? I don’t know.” She gasped for breath, then placed a staying hand on his shoulder. “I think I know what you’re going to do and I think it’s a bad idea. My cousin told me that sometimes girls let guys put their . . . parts in their mouth. I’m pretty sure that’s just in movies though. So if that’s what you were going to do to me, don’t. Just because you see something on TV doesn’t mean people do it in real life.”

  Corruption fetishists everywhere would drool on themselves just listening to her talk. Teaching wasn’t normally his thing, but showing her what her body could do was fascinating. The last time he’d played with a virgin, he’d been one.

eople do this, Varushka. It feels good. Let me show you.”

  She sighed dramatically. “Fine. But when you hate it, don’t expect to cry on my shoulder. I warned you.” She lay back, her lips pursed, looking fully convinced they’d both regret what he was going to do.

  This time he nipped his way up her thigh, then up the other, enjoying every astonished squeal. She was panting by the time he got the juncture of her thighs, and her legs were spread wide out of his way. He kissed the hollow between her leg and pussy, and when her hands crept into his hair he raised a brow at her.

  “Hands flat on the table,” he barked.

  She flinched, and did what she was told.

  “First you don’t want me to do it and now you’re rushing me?” Konstantin clucked his tongue and shook his head in mock disapproval.

  “Maybe I do want you to do it. Just hurry, please!”

  “And why am I hurrying?”

  “I need an orgasm,” she confided. “Really soon.”

  “Sometimes men like me will tease a girl for hours and not let her orgasm.”

  She pouted. “That’s the saddest thing I’ve heard since I came to America. Those girls must be very bad to earn such a punishment. If I was bad, I’d hope you’d just spank me, then give me orgasms anyway.”

  “Now why would I do that, if you were bad?”

  “I would say please,” she explained reasonably. “Besides, if you spanked me, I already would have been punished.”

  “But you like being spanked.”

  “That’s not my fault. You must be doing it wrong.”

  Konstantin pinched the bridge of his nose to distract himself. His ribs hurt from holding back his amusement.

  Her eyes were wild. She was stalling.


  “Yes, Sir?”

  “Shut up, sweetheart.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Her thighs trembled under his hands as he held her down.

  Chapter Seven

  She’d tried everything to distract him, but he still looked determined. The way he stared at her, his dark eyes full of menace, made it feel like something was buzzing under her skin. The feel of his hands gripping her thighs was almost enough to make her come, as he put it.

  More than anything she wanted to please this man, and if that meant letting him do scandalous things to her body, so be it. She was pretty sure that if she went back to the church and asked the priest, he’d tell her that letting Konstantin kiss her between the legs was very wicked. Maybe if she didn’t ask, she could pretend she didn’t know any better. She wanted to know how it felt, and the need for release was making her not care about Hell so much.

  Palms sliding along the smooth, cool glass of the desktop, she wished there was something for her to dig her fingers into.

  Desire and anxiety warred, but anxiety was losing fast as the ache between her legs intensified. She wished he’d hold her down and put himself inside her. Having to choose for herself was hurting her head. She wanted him, but she was supposed to make him wait until they were married. Why was being good all her responsibility? It wasn’t fair. If he just went ahead and did it she wouldn’t have to feel so guilty.

  “You remember your word to make me stop?”

  She arched a brow. “Is there a word to make you go?”

  He smacked the inside of her thigh and the sting went straight to her privates. She moaned involuntarily and his responding growl compelled her to edge closer and wordlessly offer herself to him.

  His mouth fastened down on the inside of her thigh and he sucked there until it hurt. Her bottom came up off the desk, and she grunted, the discomfort ramping up her arousal. When he pulled back, he’d left a purple mark behind. She stared at it, loving the idea that he’d marked her.

  “What did you do to me?”

  “It’s a hickey. It means you’re mine.”

  A shiver ran through her. If she was his, she could do anything he asked without second-guessing his commands. Wasn’t that what a good, obedient wife did?

  She touched the mark, wondering how long it would stay. It made her happy.

  Konstantin caught the finger she traced the mark with in his mouth and sucked on it. Although she was prepared to be disgusted, it felt sexy.

  Slowly, she pulled her hand closer to where she wanted him.

  He chuckled. “Okay, little one. Put your hands on your thighs now and hold them open for me.”

  Varushka did as she was told.

  “Mmm. Good girl.” For a moment he moved back and admired her, and she struggled to contain her lust and humiliation.

  He brought his fingers to her and explored her sex, exposing the area that made her feel weak and fevered.

  “Your clit looks lonely, poor thing.” He brushed his lips against her there, and her muscles bunched up at the jolt of pleasure. Doing her best to stay silent, she bit down on her lip as he planted little kisses on the sensitive skin he’d bared. The tip of his tongue darted out, and he flicked a series of featherlike licks around the part that ached. His hands stayed over hers on her thighs, keeping her immobilized. Every touch of his tongue made her want to scream with frustrated pleasure.

  “Are you ready?”

  Oh god, there was more? “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered.

  He drew his tongue over a part of her that made her cry out, even though she was trying to hold it in.

  “That’s your clit. Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, no. Please,” she begged.

  He licked her again and she screamed, the pleasure almost blinding. She started to struggle, unable to process the sensation, but he didn’t let her go. His mouth latched down onto her and he sucked, his lips and tongue driving her mad. Lower he went, drawing a finger through her wetness.

  “This is where I’ll put my cock when you let me. Not today, but when you’re ready.”

  She remembered the girl from the video and wished he’d put his fingers in her like that. He licked her there, instead, and she ground her teeth together. His finger tickled lower, and she gasped and tried to inch away, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “Your asshole is sensitive, too.” He touched her there again and shocks of pleasure darted through her. She moaned with discomfort and need. “I could slide my finger into you here, or my cock, and you would still be considered a virgin.”

  In her bottom? He hadn’t been kidding in the bath? The lurid picture his words painted both shocked and aroused her.

  His mouth went back to her clit, but his fingers kept toying with her ass, not penetrating, but tickling and touching, making the tension in her body unbearable.

  “Please, Sir.”

  “Please, what?”

  “I need . . . something. I need you in me.”

  Konstantin said some very bad words in dangerous, guttural Russian, but it only made her want him more. His fingers stopped touching her for a moment, then they were back, wet, and sliding over her back hole. She whimpered, desperate.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth and prodded her ass with a slick fingertip, and she felt him slowly broach her. The sensation of having him inside her, even just a little, was exhilarating and forbidden. She cried out. Her body took the pleasure he gave her and twisted it into an orgasm that made every muscle pulse. Her other senses shut down, and she was lost in it, only vaguely aware of the animalistic sounds she made. Her fingernails dug painfully into her thighs. His finger persuaded its way farther into her bottom, and his mouth and tongue coaxed her tender clit to a second orgasm.

  When she was shuddering through the aftershocks, he slid his finger out of her.

  “I’m going to use your thighs now,” he grumbled as he manhandled her down off the desk. He leaned her over, then urged her legs together. Her heart was thudding so loud it felt like it was shaking the desk. Whatever he was planning to do, she wanted it.

  There was the sound of a package tearing and then his cock wedged between her thighs. He held her still while he slid in and out of the tigh
t space. He reached around the front of her and forced himself up closer against her sex. The motion and sensation had her rocking her hips to meet him. The groan in her ear made her quiver, arch, and she came again. Konstantin’s fingers were like metal on her hips as he pumped between her legs a few more times and then shuddered to a halt. The feel of his naked hips pressed against her ass frustrated her, and made her want him even closer.

  It made her want the real thing.

  Konstantin covered the back of her neck and shoulders with shivery kisses and wrapped his big arms around her, making her insides purr.

  “You’re such a good girl for me, little bird,” he whispered against her nape.

  God, she wanted him.

  She was never going to last until their wedding day.

  * * *

  Everly poured Varushka another drink. “I can’t believe you drink this stuff straight up.” She scrunched her nose.

  “I can’t believe you call that watery crap alcohol,” she countered, feeling proud she was learning the American lingo.

  Kate hiccupped. “How are you not drunk yet?”

  “Seriously.” Everly fell onto the couch in a heap. “I’m buzzed and you’ve been drinking all night.”

  Varushka almost laughed. She was more than buzzed. They’d been giggling for the past hour. They’d started this “girls’ night” by watching what they’d insisted were the best American chick flicks while piled onto the L-shaped couch in Everly’s living room. The guys had gone to see a band Everly and Kate didn’t like so they’d promised to take care of Varushka. Did that include trying to get her drunk or did American girls always do this? Some sort of initiation ritual?

  “We drink vodka like water in Russia,” she explained, hiding a grin when Kate hiccupped again.

  “Oh!” Everly shot up. “Movie’s over! My turn to pick.” She stumbled across the room and held up the cover of a DVD.

  Kate groaned. “Zombieland is not a chick flick.”

  “What? It has romance.”



  “Let Varushka decide.”

  They both turned to her. She hadn’t liked any of their so-called classics. A movie about zombies? She shuddered. Everly had interesting taste. Not that the sappy romances Kate had picked were any better. At least they’d given her a better grasp of the culture and language. What would Zombieland do, other than give her nightmares?


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