Claiming Trinity

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Claiming Trinity Page 16

by Kali Willows

  Trinity cupped his handsome face between her hands and prompted him to make eye contact with her. His brilliant emerald orbs had dulled with sorrow. “I see you as even more beautiful than before.”

  He arched his brows. “What?”

  “I’m a banshee, you’re a gargoyle, and he’s an immortal. We are one hell of a team.” She stood on her tippy-toes and stole a tender kiss from him. “You don’t frighten me.”

  “I don’t?” His worry lightened, and the corners of his full lips curled upward.

  “Not at all, Kane. You excite me. You keep me safe, and you make me feel…alive.”

  Her gargoyle wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tight. “Thank the gods. You’re incredible,” he whispered into her ear.

  Trinity pulled back to find his eyes glistening. She rested her hand on his chest and cherished the thumping of his heart against her palm. “Arawn?” She called him over, and he joined them.

  Flashing a mischievous grin, Trinity faced her handsome men. “If you’ll have me, I consider you both my mates.”

  Arawn glanced at Kane and winked. “We wouldn’t have it any other way.” He planted a feathery kiss on her lips.

  “Looks like you’re stuck with us, darlin’,” Kane concurred then stole his sweet kiss.

  “But before we get to the good stuff”—Arawn nodded toward the entrance where Rekkus and Cyrus entered—“we have some loose ends to tie up.”

  The men approached. “Arrangements have been made,” Cyrus noted. “The Furies are contained in iron cuffs and chains, in a cell in the kennel here until they can be safely transported through the portal to Kaleb.”

  “Kaleb?” Trinity glanced to Arawn.

  “Para Elite Forces. He’s the boss who sent us here for training this week, and Serena’s husband.”

  “Remind me to thank him later.” She bit her lips to conceal her giddy grin.

  “Arawn, you lead the interrogation since you know more about them personally. We’ll listen, and you’ll need this.” Cyrus handed him a crudely fashioned square.

  “What’s that for?” Trinity studied the unimpressive box.

  “Iron can confine any enchanted tools. They need to be disarmed.” Arawn tucked the box under his arm. He motioned to the kennels. “Shall we?”

  Trinity stuck close to Arawn’s side, hesitant to say anything. The cell of cinderblock walls was enclosed with an iron gate, the cement floor strewn with straw. The three repulsive hags sat side by side, chained to chairs as they awaited confrontation. Their chains were anchored to the walls. Tiny rays of sunlight beamed through a miniscule window at the top with more iron bars which allowed air and light in but no promise of escape. A bleak, dank encasement for her now helpless tormentors, which still didn’t fit her idea of the persecution they very much deserved. Not just because of what they did to her and her family, but how they’d used and tormented young Brody to do their bidding. The word evil didn’t do them justice.

  Arawn started out with a stern glare. “Who sent you?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” the yellow-snaked one retorted.

  “Let’s face it, Arawn.” Kane donned a cocky smirk and circled the hideous creatures of olive-gray flesh. “They don’t know anything. They’re hired hands, with no minds of their own.”

  “We know everything we need to know, stone creature,” one snapped. The red serpents in her hair hissed and slithered around her hideous head.

  “Traitor!” the black serpent-haired one barked. “Retribution will crash down upon you.”

  “Traitor?” He chuckled. “You think you know me?”

  “We know each and every one of you. You shall all perish at the hands of the Rescission.” Red glared and bared her jagged green teeth.

  “The Rescission?” Arawn pursed his lips. “So that’s the name they go by?”

  “Shut up, Tisphone!” the black one sneered.

  “I am sick to death of your nagging, Alecto!” she barked back and struggled to break free.

  “Alecto. Then that means the yellow-snaked freak here is Megaera?” Kane smirked. He had successfully manipulated their resolve to stay silent. He took his place at Trinity’s side.

  “Now we have our introductions finished, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.” Arawn stepped closer. He honed his attention on the red one. “Why did they send you after Trinity?”

  “Burn in Tartarus,” she hissed.

  “That much, I can tell you,” Trinity spoke up. “My grandfather is the sovereign of the banshee.”

  “You are of no blood to the sovereign,” Tisphone, the red one snarled.

  “No, I’m not, I’m thankful to say, because the sovereign was infertile.” The truth she learned of her family history offered Trinity a sense of strength. She knew this entire nightmare had been manufactured by a flawed being who didn’t measure up as a man in his own eyes. “When my grandmother couldn’t conceive his child, he threatened to kill her, so she strayed with an empath, and my mother, Lila, was born.”

  “An impure spawn who had to be destroyed.” Slime oozed down Tisphone’s grotesque teeth as she spat her hateful words.

  “They managed to hide my mother’s true paternity until her empathic talents emerged in her teens. My father saved her life and hid her away in the mundane world, while the sovereign murdered both my grandparents and cast a curse on my bloodline.”

  “They will obliterate the weakness of the paras who crossbreed,” Tisphone yammered.

  “I don’t buy it.” Kane shook his head and pressed his lips tight. “Weakness from crossbreeding?”

  Arawn propped one hand on his hip and narrowed his eyes. “Prior to abdicating my claim to the throne, I had an eternity to observe the inner workings of the Underworld leadership. The Patriarchs don’t fear weakness. They covet it.”

  “You know nothing of the matter,” Tisphone sneered.

  “What they fear,” he continued with tenacity, “is the threat that crossbreeding creates to their rule of the Underworld.” He dropped his hand to his side. “When new talents emerge from a blending of species, the new generation becomes unpredictable, which translates to the leaders’ inability to control and dominate the masses.” He took a fleeting glance back at Rekkus and Cyrus.

  “They don’t want me dead because I’m weak, but rather because I’m a force to reckon with, as you’ve all recently discovered.” Trinity glared at the hags. “You’re now powerless against me. My mother’s ability to read the sovereign’s evil intentions made her a threat to his rule, not to mention, made him realize his defect of sterility. So, out of this scenario, who is the real weak para, those of us with exceptional gifts and resiliency, or the one with an inability to breed?”

  “This is not over. They will come for you…all of you.” Tisphone frothed at the mouth as she fumed. “Hate us all you want. We are the enforcers of the Underworld’s wrath.”

  “I don’t hate you hags, I pity you.” She approached them and curled her lip.

  “Pity?” Tisphone snarled. “Why would you pity us? We drove you and your mother mad,” she boasted.

  “Because, you wretched hag, with all the power you possess, you’re still mindless drones with no free will of your own, whatsoever. You don’t have the ability to make choices for yourselves, be it good or bad, but you are governed by loyalty to whoever rules you.” Trinity clamped her hand on Tisphone’s right wrist and tugged off her chained bracelet then her Rescission ring. She did the same to the other two and dropped the gruesome jewelry into the crudely crafted iron box Arawn held open. “And now, you have no power, over anyone.”

  A blare of new thoughts screamed inside Trinity’s head, and she backed away.

  “Torture is it, then?” Alecto snarled. “Or execution? Whatever our fates shall hold, be done with it now.”

  “We don’t torture, unlike you, and we aren’t mercenaries.” Arawn closed the lid and tucked the sealed iron box under his arm
. “You’ll be handed to the Syndicate to answer for your crimes against innocent paras. Your fates will be in their hands, not ours.” Arawn wrapped his arm around Trinity’s shoulders and escorted her out of the cell.

  By the entrance of the kennel, Trinity paused and gripped Arawn’s hand with fright.

  “What is it?” He tilted his head.

  “When I took their jewelry off, I read their thoughts for the first time.”

  “What did you read?” Kane frowned.

  “This retribution…it runs way deeper than we thought. I saw a group of different Underworld leaders with several agendas. The hit list runs further than anyone knows. There are several lists, more than even the Furies are familiar with, I’m sure. I saw lists and private meetings with other leaders they weren’t allowed into. Each leader who is part of the Rescission has their own, for their self-serving reasons, and their pawns to exact their version of justice.”

  Kane let out a low growl and stepped closer to Trinity. “How do we find out more about this?”

  Cyrus drew in a slow inhale. “We need to hand all the information we have over to the Syndicate.”

  “Many of them are on the lists, too.” Trinity hugged herself to ward off the chills of despair. “But I did sense that there is vulnerability within the Rescission. They’re not completely established yet. Because it is disjointed and somewhat anarchic, there is room for the Syndicate to eradicate the uprising before it hits epic proportions.”

  “For now, we’ve done all we can here. We’ll see what the Syndicate decides is the best course of action.” Cyrus nodded.

  Rekkus narrowed his eyes and growled at the mention of the Syndicate.

  “Can I ask you something, Rekkus?” Trinity raised her brows with curiosity.


  “How did you come up with the idea to trap them with a net?”

  He cracked a one-sided smirk. “We’ve had a few issues with rogue vampire bats who have tried to hunt on the island. It had originally been intended to round them up.”

  Trinity chuckled and then took note of his stern glare. “Oh, you’re serious?”

  “Rekkus isn’t much for kidding,” Arawn whispered beside her ear.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “How did we manage to get so lucky?” Kane crooned as he and his comrade plopped down onto the couch in the cabin. “This week, we were supposed to be getting our asses kicked by Rekkus. Instead, we’re happily mated with the most gorgeous, intelligent creature we’ve ever set eyes on.” He propped his feet up on the coffee table.

  “I’m not sure.” Arawn tucked his folded hands behind his head and exhaled. “But I’m grateful.”

  The handle to the front door turned, and Kane’s heart skipped a beat. “She’s back.” He took his feet down and sat up, eager to greet Trinity.

  In she strolled, sporting an ear-to-ear grin. She spun around and waved good-bye before she entered the cabin and closed the door.

  “Hello gentlemen.” She giggled and sauntered over to them. She twirled around but remained standing, obviously waiting for them to make room for her to sit between them. Kane scooted over and she nestled between them with an exasperated exhale.

  “Everything okay, darlin’?” He stroked his fingers through her silky platinum locks. He cherished the softness of her luscious curls and his good fortune of earning her trust and acceptance of him—a gargoyle.

  “Couldn’t be better.” She hummed a cheerful tune.

  Kane waited and tapped his foot with impatience. “Well? What did the Rowans want to discuss with you?”

  She remained silent while her lips twitched in a mischievous grin.

  He glanced at his friend and cocked his head. “I can’t be the only one here dying of curiosity, can I?”

  “No.” Arawn twisted toward her. “Come on, tell us.”

  “After they saw how I worked with Brody, in dire circumstances, and given my practice in New York has dwindled to nothing, they offered me a chance to remain on the island and offer my services for grief counseling and intuitive healing for guests.”

  “Really?” Kane’s chest tightened with anticipation. “You’re gonna stay here, on the island?”

  “I am!” She folded her hands and clutched them between her jean-clad knees. “They offered me this cabin, and….”

  Kane growled with impatience. “And?”

  “It’s big enough for three.” Her exhilarated demeanor shifted, the corners of her lips curled down, and she lowered her shoulders.

  “What’s wrong?” Arawn brushed his knuckles along her cheek.

  “I could get awful lonely here, all by myself.” She hunched her shoulders and stared up at the ceiling.

  “Trinity?” Kane smirked. “Any chance you need a couple of roommates?”

  “Well….” She shrugged. “If you know anyone who might be interested. I mean, I’m not easy to live with. People have complained about loud screams, the occasional crying, and the fact that I’m a relentless sex addict.” She jumped up and waltzed to the kitchen.

  “I don’t know.” Arawn tossed his hands up in the air. “It’s a tough sell.”

  “Get back here,” Kane commanded.

  Trinity sauntered back to the couch and stood in front of him, hands on hips. “What?”

  With a chuckle, he grabbed her wrist and tugged her onto his lap. Arawn inched closer and slipped her legs over the top of his thighs. “You don’t have to convince us. We’re your mates, remember?”

  “How could I forget?” She gazed into his eyes with affection.

  Kane devoured her lips with insatiable hunger. Before he got too lost in the moment, he retreated. Concern clouded his joy.

  She stroked her fingers through his hair as she stared at him. “What is it?”

  “To be clear, being on the Para Elite Force, we travel a lot for work.”

  “I know all about it. Those were some of the pros and cons we discussed before I accepted.”

  “You’re okay with us being away for sometimes weeks at a time?” Arawn confirmed.

  “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, my beloveds”—she glanced back and forth between him and Arawn—“it’s that life is short. I’ll take whatever stolen moments I can have with you, both of you. If Kaleb and Serena can make it work, I don’t see why we can’t.”

  “You’re sure we’re the right guys for you?” Kane teased.

  “Well, the mundane are not strong enough to contend with the likes of me, and I’ve never grown so fond of any other paras before you two,” she crooned.

  Kane’s heart sank. “You’ve seen other paras before?” He cringed as the words slipped out. “Never mind, it’s not my business.”

  “It’s okay. Truth is, I dated a were-cat once, but it didn’t work out.” She flashed a playful pout.

  “Why not?” Arawn took the bait.

  “It turns out, I’m allergic to cats.” She giggled and slapped her thigh with amusement, and they had a good chuckle along with her.

  “We need to celebrate, baby.” Kane planted a long, slow-building kiss on her lips before he prompted her to her feet.

  “How so?”

  Arawn stood and adjusted the front of his pants, grimacing.

  “Dude,” Kane grumbled.

  “Unavoidable. She gets me riled up.” He tugged the sides of his T-shirt out from his waistband and pulled it over his protruding zipper. “We still have Twister and some ouzo.” He snickered.

  “As I recall, we owe you a massage,” Kane declared with triumph.

  “Pampering with the hands of my beloveds. I can handle it.” Their banshee lifted her shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. Next, she reached behind her and unlatched her pink lace bra and tossed the garment at him. She shuffled toward the king-sized bed and unfastened her jeans as she kicked off her sneakers.

  Kane scampered toward the kitchen and fished through the cupboard. He returned to the bed with
a jar in hand and held it for Arawn to see. Coconut oil. Should make for a sensual massage.

  Kane opened the jar and both scooped up a generous amount, the divine aroma wafting up his nose. They knelt on the bed on either side of their naked, waiting beauty. Damn, she’s gorgeous.

  Enamored with her clean-shaven pussy, he licked his lips with anticipation. “Roll over.”

  Trinity complied and lay on her tummy. He took in the coveted view of her heart-shaped ass. They slathered the slippery oil over her heated skin. Arawn worked her shoulders, neck, and arms. Kane focused on her legs, ass, and lower back. A delicate purr rumbled in her chest and made his cock strain against his zipper.

  “I really enjoy this pampering, but there’s something I really need right now to soothe my tattered nerves,” she moaned.

  “Another cup of Sage’s herbal tea?” Kane taunted.

  She turned her head to the side. “Not what I had in mind, stud muffin.” She reached for the button of his pants. “I want your cocks,” she crooned and flashed a seductive leer. “Both of them.”

  Kane glanced at Arawn, and they jumped up and tore off their clothes. Their banshee rolled onto her back and lay waiting. Arawn took point between her thighs while Kane claimed her lips. He swept his tongue into her mouth. She reached for him and teased his length with her fingertips. Kane shuddered under her touch. His flesh came to full attention in her grasp, and she guided him toward her luscious lips. Inch by inch, she took him into her hot, wet mouth. He caressed her tits and brushed over her pink nipples. The peaks stiffened as he pinched and rolled them between his fingers. She cradled his head on her tongue and hummed. The incredible sounds in the back of her throat shot straight to his cock. Eager to drag this session out, he retreated and planted a feathery kiss on her lips again.

  “Oh, my.” She shivered and glanced down to where Arawn feasted on her. “I need you both inside me.”

  Their mate gripped Arawn by the hair and pulled him to her kiss. “Please?” she whispered.

  Trinity patted the bed for Kane to lie down. Once he’d settled in place, she eased her leg over and straddled him. He gripped his throbbing head and rubbed it along her slick folds. She glanced over her shoulder, where Arawn knelt in place behind her and kissed him hard. She held her hand over Kane’s and slipped the tip of his cock into her tight, wet entrance then eased down over his thickness and groaned.


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