Scarlett Red: A Billionaire SEAL Story, Part 2 (In the Shadows)

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Scarlett Red: A Billionaire SEAL Story, Part 2 (In the Shadows) Page 9

by Michelle, P. T.

  When I lean against the table and raise my foot up for him, Sebastian lifts the hem of my dress at the open slit and then tucks the material in my opposite hand resting on the edge of the table. “Hold this out of the way.”

  Grasping the hem, I try not to think about how much of my leg is exposed. Instead, as Sebastian kneels down on one knee, I stare at his close-trimmed black hair. It’s back to the way I remember. Then I allow my gaze to wander over the expensive tux stretched across his broad shoulders. The man really is both massive in size and striking in his devastating good looks. He’s so damn hot, I want to smack the top of his head for lying to me these past couple of days, then kiss him for just being freaking real and not a figment of my imagination.

  I bite my lip when Sebastian runs the pad of his thumb along the arch of my foot, his warm fingers folding around the edge in a firm hold. The angry part of me wants to tell him to hurry up, but the twisted part of me that has never let him go silently begs me to enjoy every second of this.

  He hesitates like he’s waiting for me to pull away, then he applies even more pressure along my arch. Shivers dance across my skin, and I have to work hard to remain relaxed in his hold. Let him think I’m not affected.

  When he slides my shoe on and quickly buckles it, disappointment makes my chest ache. “Thanks,” I say and start to lower my foot from his knee, but his warm fingers encircle my ankle, holding me in place as he continues to stare at my foot.

  “I didn’t tell you who I was, because you’d already rejected me once. Why would I give you a chance to do that again?”

  Rejected him? What is he talking about? “I don’t understand—”

  “Don’t talk.” His fingers cinch around my ankle, then relax. “Just listen.”

  Sliding his thumb along my shin, he firmly massages my calf muscle with his fingers. “When you didn’t recognize me, as much as I didn’t like it, it also occurred to me that Bash had an opportunity with you that, for whatever reason, I’d blown.”

  He must be talking about the fact that I didn’t meet him for coffee. Damn! “Sebastian, that’s not what—”

  He grips my calf muscle tight. “Let me finish.”

  Exhaling, I clamp my lips shut.

  His grip eases and his fingers trace higher, sliding behind my knee. “You were different with Bash, and I’ve always wondered if my…intensity scared you away.”

  Folding his thumb around the bend of my knee, he traces small circles on my sensitive skin. “I need control. It grounds me. I can’t explain it beyond that.” He releases a low, self-deprecating laugh. “I’ve never had to explain myself to anyone before, but for you, I’ll try.”

  His declaration melts away my anger. I would’ve lied for two days straight too if it meant spending time with you, Sebastian. I can’t help myself. I slide my fingers into his silky hair.

  He tenses, then exhales sharply. Moving his hand higher, he clasps my thigh in a possessive hold. “I wanted to know what it would take to get you to open up? I thought that Bash could strip away all your reservations, but the more time we spent together, I began to hate the bastard.”

  “Why?” I ask, my fingers sliding free of his hair.

  He jerks his head up, bright blue eyes boring into me. “The Bash you were getting to know would be too soft with you. Too careful. Too fucking restrained. And that’s not me. When it comes to sex, the real me is gritty and intense. Using kid gloves isn’t what I want. Nor is it what you need.”

  My breath whooshes out of my body. I swallow and try to regain control of my voice. “How do you know what I need?”

  His fingers dig into my thigh, inching higher. “Because you gave yourself to me that night. You trusted me without question. Why did you do that and then walk away?”

  I wish I could tell you, but my past is too fucked up. I shake my head. “I don’t know.”

  His lips twist. “Liar.” Before I can say anything, he plants a kiss along my inner thigh. This time, I can’t control the gasp that escapes. I’m throbbing hard, aching deeply inside and wanting him so much that I grip the edge of the table and breathe out his name.

  “Mmmm,” he says, then pushes my dress out of the way. The moment he sees my G-string, he lets out a deep groan. “Fuck me! You’re trying to kill me.”

  “No, I’m not,” is all I get out before he dips his head and slides his tongue along my sensitive, exposed skin, making me shiver in anticipation.

  Gripping my thighs in a firm hold, he says, “Say yes to us,” in a hoarse voice before tracing his tongue down the G-string’s narrow material. Dipping inside my sensitive folds, he follows the length of the material in a slow, tantalizing tease, but doesn’t move it out of his way.

  “Don’t stop,” I whisper desperately.

  He lifts his head, desire turning his eyes a deep turquoise blue. Determination flashes in them briefly as he reaches for my left hand. Before I realize what he intends, he slides the diamond ring off, his possessive gaze snapping to mine. “This goes while you’re with me.” Once he pockets the ring, his hands move with determined purpose, sliding under my dress and along my hips. Snapping the edges of my underwear with a swift twist of his fingers, he says, “I can’t wait to devour your sweet pussy. I’ve missed your arousing taste.”

  While he pockets my underwear, my brain tries to re-engage and remind me that we’re in a public place, even if we’re mostly hidden, but his hands are already working their magic, tracing purposefully along my thighs, and my body is too amped to care.

  Sebastian grips my hips in a dominant hold, but instead of diving in like I expect him to, he takes his time with slow torturous kisses, meandering his way up my inner thigh. He might say he wants this, but his measured control is infuriating.

  I thread my fingers in his hair once more, breathing heavily. “Don’t you dare make me wait this time!”

  Warm breath rushes across my leg, punctuated by a decadent chuckle. “I’ll do as I please, and you’ll love every second of it.”

  “Arrogant.” I huff my frustration.

  “Confident,” he counters, pressing a lingering kiss to the tiny triangle of red hair between my legs, so close to where I want him most. “Such a beautiful sight,” he murmurs in his deep baritone, rubbing his nose in the patch of hair. Glancing up at my face, he scans the tendrils that have fallen from my French twist. “You have no idea how much seeing your real hair color turns me on even more. Scarlett red is a perfect description.” Lowering his mouth to my body once more, he exhales his warm breath intimately across my sensitive parts. “Best damn sight all night.”

  “You can sight-see later,” I pant, digging my fingers into his hair and tugging slightly.

  “Hands,” he commands, jerking his head up.

  “Really?” I sulk, but comply with his curt nod, telling me to put them back on the table.

  He flashes a pleased smile then dips his head. The second his mouth brushes fully against my sex, his tongue sliding deep, a man steps around the corner. I push at Sebastian’s shoulders at the same time the guy registers us, then quickly averts his gaze. “Oh, sorry!” Pivoting in the opposite direction, he mumbles, “Got turned around getting off the elevator.”

  That curly dirty-blond hair! Recognition instantly dawns and horrified embarrassment grips me. I quickly pull away from Sebastian and adjust my skirt, hoping like hell he didn’t get a good look at my face—

  “What the fuck!” Nathan raises his voice as he strides back around the corner, hands clenched in tight fists. Gesturing to Sebastian, who’s straightening to his full six-four height, Nathan’s voice raises, echoing in the small alcove. “How many times did I offer? And here you are, in public, giving it up to some spoiled meathead—”

  Before he can say another word, Sebastian grabs his tie and dress shirt and yanks him against the wall, growling in his face. “Watch your mouth or you’ll find out just how hard this spoiled meathead can hit. You don’t deserve her. You never did.”

  Worried that
Nathan is angry enough to say something stupid and set Sebastian off, I tug on Sebastian’s arm. He towers over Nathan, his wide shoulders and muscular strength dwarfing Nathan’s medium-build. “Let him go, Sebastian.”

  Sebastian shoots me an annoyed glance before his fingers ease from Nathan’s clothes.

  The moment he’s released, Nathan jerks his shirt and tie straight and scowls at Sebastian. “I need to have a private conversation with my fiancé if you don’t mind.”

  “Ex-fiancé,” I correct him, not even bothering to look in Sebastian’s direction. As Bash, he’d made one too many assumptions about my reasons for being at Hawthorne. Did he really think I was here for a last minute fling? Pffft. He didn’t deserve the truth about my engagement. Sebastian didn’t give me a chance to tell him.

  Nathan frowns. “I’m working on that.”

  “Obviously you failed in key areas,” Sebastian says in a smug tone.

  I shoot Sebastian a murderous glare at the same time Nathan calls him a “fucking son-of-a-bitch” and takes a step toward him.

  I put myself between the two guys and address Nathan in a detached, matter-of-fact tone. “What are you doing here?”

  Tearing his furious gaze from Sebastian, Nathan takes my hand and pulls me a couple steps away. “I came to talk to you about a time-sensitive opportunity—” He pauses and gives Sebastian a pointed look over my shoulder. “Alone.”

  When Sebastian doesn’t move, but instead crosses his arms, a determined look on his face, I sigh. “Can you give us a moment, Sebastian? He’s obviously here for something important.”

  Sebastian’s gaze on Nathan’s hand around mine is so intense, I honestly worry he’s going to go after my ex again. Just as I pull my hand away from Nathan’s hold, Sebastian turns his back on us and leaves.

  The sense of panic that grips my stomach scares the hell out of me, but I force myself to remain calm and not think too hard about Sebastian walking away. I can only deal with one testosterone-enraged guy at a time. When I turn back to Nathan, it feels odd to be eye-to-eye with him, but also empowering. The spiked heels’ height gives me an extra boost of confidence. It’s the first time I’ve seen him in person since I broke it off with him. He carries himself differently. Less happy-go-lucky. More mature. “How did you even know where to find me?”

  “Your doorman told me when I explained how important it was that I get in touch with you.”

  Though I know Jeremy thinks he was doing me a favor by telling Nathan where to find me, I’m going to have to talk to my doorman. Only my aunt is on the need-to-know list. No one else. Sighing, I spread my hands wide. “What’s so important it couldn’t wait until I got back to town?”

  Nathan gives me a cocky smile. “I got your job back.”

  “What?” My face flushes and I mentally count to ten before I reply so I don’t scream at him. “If I’d wanted my old job back, I would’ve reapplied like everyone else. I told you to leave it alone, Nathan. Why is that so hard for you to get?”

  “Because you didn’t deserve what happened to you. And yes, I’m not going to lie, I can’t accept that there isn’t an us anymore, Talia.” He takes my hand and locks his fingers with mine. “I want you to let me love you, really love you.”

  I pull my hand free. “If you really care about me like you say you do, you would’ve listened when I told you that I didn’t want my old job back. Certainly not like this…with you going around behind my back asking for favors.”

  His eyes widen. “I didn’t ask for favors. I just talked to a couple of people. They’re impressed with your success as a mystery author. They said it would be a great way to bring you back, using the book angle as a jumping off point for your return.”

  “Why didn’t they come to me, then?”

  “Once I pointed out to them what a great asset you can be, the contacts you’ve made with all your research, believe me, Talia, they’re all on board. Henry was worried you wouldn’t take this job offer if it came from him, so he asked me to extend the offer to you on his behalf. The catch is, they have to fill the open slot by next Friday. They want you, but they’ll need to know if you’re coming back by Thursday. That’s why I’m here.”

  Of course my old boss would think I would refuse any job offer coming from him. He’s the one who gave me the hardest time. “Henry was right not to call me. I will never work for that asshat again.”

  Disappointment flickers, then Nathan’s brown eyes light up. “What about Stan? Would you work for him? He’s been promoted and is Henry’s peer now. He was also the biggest supporter of you coming back, but because Henry knew you first, he let Henry make the offer.”

  I like Stan. He was always a straight shooter. I chew my bottom lip, wondering if I can balance the demands of working for the paper while writing on the side. I might actually be able to swing it. “Tell Stan I’ll come see him on Wednesday.” When a huge smile spreads across Nathan’s face, I hold my hand up. “I appreciate you helping me out, but I want to be very clear that if I come back, you and I are just colleagues.”

  He nods. “I know I screwed up. I’ll just be happy to see your face around the office again. You were truly missed. I can’t tell you how much.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not agreeing to anything, yet. I’m just going to talk to Stan.”

  “Understood.” Nathan runs a hand through his hair. “I’m not going to lie, Talia. Seeing that guy go down on you—” He pauses and exhales a shaky breath. “Damn, that was hard as hell.”

  I arch my eyebrow. “Welcome to my world.”

  He gives a resigned sigh. “It really does drill the point home rather painfully. For what it’s worth, I feel the need to say it again. I’m truly sorry that I hurt you. I’ve regretted it every day since.” When I nod, he gestures toward the elevators. “You want to get a drink with me for old times sake?”

  “If I take the job, I’m sure there will be a celebratory round of drinks at Cooper’s. I’ll raise a glass with you and the other staff at the pub then.”

  “Fair enough,” he says, sliding his hands into his black slacks’ pockets. “Well, I guess I’d better go check in.”

  I blink at him. “You’re staying?”

  He shrugs. “I took the last ferry over, so yeah, I’m here for tonight at least. Might even stay tomorrow. We’ll see.”

  I don’t know how I feel about my ex staying in the same hotel. Talk about awkward, but it’s not like I have any say-so in what he does. “Okay, well, please convey the message to Stan for me.”

  He nods. “Absolutely.”

  As I start to walk away, he falls into step beside me. “You’re heading back to the ballroom, right? I’ll walk with you as far as the lobby.”

  “Um, sure.”

  Once we reach the lobby and I start to turn off toward the ballroom, he calls after me in a low voice. “You look especially beautiful tonight, Talia. I hope he knows what a lucky bastard he is.”

  “Thank you, Nathan.” I have no idea what Sebastian thinks. “Enjoy your evening.”

  My stomach clenches as I enter the ballroom once more. The crowd has dispersed some, with people moving off to talk in smaller groups or by the cash bar. I scan the room, but when I don’t see Sebastian anywhere, nor in the main restaurant’s bar, I wonder if he went back to his room. A waiter passes by and offers me a flute of complimentary champagne, but I decline and leave the ballroom.

  A few minutes later, I knock lightly on Sebastian’s door. When he doesn’t answer right away, growing tension knots my stomach. Where did he go? Is this his way of saying, “Screw it?”

  I don’t even know his number—actually he doesn’t have a phone anymore unless he replaced it—so I can’t call or text him. And with no pen in my purse, I don’t have a way to write him a note. Sliding my invitation under his door, I walk away with a heavy weight pressing on my chest.

  I’ve only taken a few steps when the entire one-sided phone conversation in his car hits me. Mina’s pregnant! The realizatio
n makes me smile past the ache in my chest, then frown again when the rest of his conversation replays in my mind. He must’ve been talking to his stepmother, Isabel. What paperwork did he sign? He’d talked about tabloids and his lawyer drawing up papers, then right before he hung up, he said, “Get used to it.” What would infuriate his stepmother so much?

  Ah… my smile broadens and tears fill my eyes. He took his father’s last name, which is why his stepmother was so pissed. She’d hoped her husband’s illegitimate child would stay hidden from the public, and in doing so he could keep his part of the massive Blake inheritance. I’m so glad Sebastian stepped out of the shadows. I just wish he would do that with me. I suspect there’s far more to his past than I’m aware of. Then again, I have my own dark secrets. It’s not really fair of me to expect him to bare his soul if I can’t.

  Once I reach my room, I take my time undressing, dragging out the entire process. In my heart, I hope Sebastian will stop by, but when another half hour passes, I brush my teeth and wash my face before crawling between the cool sheets.

  I don’t know how long I lay in the dark, staring at the ceiling. At least an hour. I jump when the air-conditioning kicks on, my nerves on a raw edge. Curling into a tight ball, I force my eyes closed. After last night’s lack of sleep, my early-morning crazed swimming, and the very busy day I’ve had, it’s finally catching up, and I can’t hold my eyelids open any longer.

  I awake with a start in the darkness at the jarring sound of knocking on my door.

  “You there?” Sebastian says, knocking again.

  Heart racing, I roll over, and just as I start to throw the covers off my legs, both my calf muscles quickly cinch into horrific cramps, the kind that steal your breath. Unable to speak, I moan low in my throat and try to flex my ankles while massaging each muscle, but the cramps are just too intense.

  “Let me in,” he demands, his tone changing, turning harsher.

  Wanting to respond, I push my rebelling legs over the edge of the bed and try to stand to force the cramps out, but the second I attempt to put weight on them, my right ankle gives out completely and I pitch into the nightstand.


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