Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces)

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Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces) Page 1

by Angel Payne

  Wet For Her Warriors

  By Angel Payne

  Wet For Her Warriors

  The W.I.L.D. Boys of Special Forces, Book 5

  Copyright © 2014 By Angel Payne Writes, LLC

  All Rights Reserved

  ISBN: 978-0-9910118-1-0

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  Edited By:

  Jacy Mackin

  Tracy Roelle

  Riane Holt

  Cover Art:

  Dee Allen

  Using images from HotDamnStock.com


  Meredith Blair


  Have you gone W.I.L.D. before this book?

  Readers and Bloggers across the world certainly have!

  SAVED BY HIS SUBMISSIVE – The W.I.L.D. Boys of Special Forces, Book 1

  — “TOP PICK! Saved By His Submissive is a wonderful, adventurous, suspenseful and erotic read that will have you panting for much more. My emotions were all over the place…I totally love military men, and Garrett is one hot man, but what makes him hotter is his undying love for Sage.” – The Romance Reviews

  — “Wow. This book was a total surprise for me. Truly, this was one of the most beautiful love stories I have read.” – The Delighted Reader

  — “Keeps you glued to your e-reader!” – The Jeep Diva

  — “After reading Saved By His Submissive, I have added Ms. Payne to the short list of writers I will automatically buy a book from…the book provides a refreshing change to the standard romance novel.” –Sizzling Hot Books

  — “I found this was a book I just couldn’t put down. I got hooked from the beginning and then couldn’t stop reading. Garrett and Zeke are…good dream material.” – Love Romance Passion Reviews

  — “The chemistry between Garrett and Sage was scorching. It was very easy to believe how much they cared for each other. This was a wonderful story. I can’t wait for the next book in the series.” – Night Owl Reviews

  — “Angel Payne delivers well-rounded characters, an action-packed storyline that is overflowing with passion, and above all, a love that overcomes and flourishes despite the darkness threatening to destroy the main characters. I cannot wait to meet and fall in love with more of the W.I.L.D. Boys.” – RAW Reviews

  HANDCUFFED BY HER HERO – The W.I.L.D. Boys of Special Forces, Book 2

  — “I am never disappointed with what Angel Payne brings to the table. She always rocks it out hardcore in everything she creates, and Handcuffed By Her Hero is no exception. Zeke and Rayna…have a gritty, suspenseful, and incredibly sexy story that will keep you on your toes and leave you breathless…I caught myself a couple of times holding my breath, and trying to read faster and faster. It was a very emotional read…a story of survival, growth, and love.” – Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

  — “Well-written…overall, a magnificent book. I am hooked on this series!” – Night Owl Reviews

  — “Zeke’s power and intensity are jaw-dropping and sexy as hell. He’s a knight in black leather who…awakens impulses and desires that Rayna has never felt before. The book as a whole is deep and passionate.” – RAW Reviews

  — “Grabbed hold of my heart and never let go. Zeke and Rayna’s intense bond is forged in fire. Thick with passion, smoldering looks, and red-hot dominant sex, Angel Payne has created a sequel to rival its sibling. I am anxious for the continuation of her addicting characters!” – RomFan Reviews

  — “I really loved this book. Zeke is the epitome of the hot sexy military alpha man, and Rayna is one of the strongest female characters that I’ve read lately. Both of these characters are complicated, which makes for a great story, and it worked in such a suspenseful erotic romance. This is one hot and steamy read. I’m still waiting for the fog to clear on my Kindle!” – Delighted Reader Book Blog

  —“Amazing from beginning to end…full of suspense and creativity…I also liked the little details that make the book more ‘real’ for me. The hotness of their ‘scenes’ is off the charts!” –Riverina Romantics

  SURRENDERING TO HER SERGEANT – The W.I.L.D. Boys of Special Forces, Book 3

  —“I think I’m in love with Ethan. I have enjoyed this series, but really enjoyed Ethan’s story. There’s action, explosions, espionage, very hot D/s sex, and even heartbreak. These books are similar to the ‘Shadowlands’ series, but I have to say if Ms. Payne keeps it up, they’ll be just as popular. I gladly give this book 5 stars.” –RAW Reviews

  — “Steaming hot chemistry, intense drama and plot twists like no other…secondary characters weave their way into your heart as much as the hero and heroine…I loved the BDSM elements that added more heat. I can’t wait to read the next book!” – Delighted Reader Reviews

  — “Ethan Archer is an absolutely amazing man. He can take down a drug smuggler with only his words, and can make a girl embrace her submissive side with just a look. He is that good. Ava knows that one command from him, and she’s putty in his hands. But how can she say no to the man she craves and the Dom who brings her to her knee? There is such a visceral need and a raw intensity between these two that you feel it in your gut and in your heart. Five stars!” – Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

  —”Wow! Just Wow! Ethan and Ava sound like an unlikely pair, but the storyline is perfect. This is a must read. Angel Payne is an amazing author, and I can’t wait to read the rest of this series.” –We Love Kink

  — “An enjoyable thrill ride with just the right amount of kinky sex…anyone who likes a good action novel, mystery and/or romance will find the story interesting and well-written. The love story is touching, realistic, heart-warming and very hot. With just the right amount of conflict between the two main characters, the story builds tension without overdoing angst.” – My Book Addiction Reviews

  —“I loved Ethan and Ava together! They had great chemistry and just enough turmoil to keep things hot and fulfilling for a reader. I highly recommend this story!” –Illustrious Illusions


  The W.I.L.D. Boys of Special Forces, Book 4

  —“Heartbreaking, emotionally draining, and beautiful.” –Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

  —“I couldn’t wait to catch up with all the couples…Ms. Payne did not disappoint! I laughed, cried, and had to take a cold shower. This book is hot!” –Delighted Reader Reviews

  —“All of these stories are great reads, and…will pull on your heartstrings. I enjoyed revisiting all the characters…the love they have shines through in everything that they do.” –BDSM Book Reviewsr />
  The author acknowledges the following trademarked names in this work of fiction:

  UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship)


  Grey Goose






  Super Bowl

  Pop Tarts

  Life is good


  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles




  Bugs Bunny

  Author’s additional note:

  The purpose of adding native words to Lani’s dialogue was due to a duality of reasons. First, I truly wanted to honor the beauty of her Hawaiian heritage. Second, I felt strongly about instilling readers with the same incredible feeling I’ve always gotten from Hawaii and its people: that they are deeply tied to their past, and proud of it. Many people of the islands attest that these words are no longer used, so I’d like to say a huge Mahalo for the opportunity to take creative license with these fun phrases, to add to the color of this work of fiction.


  Now more than ever, this work is dedicated with all my heart and soul to the man who makes it possible. My Sir, my Heart, my Husband my Mau Loa—my forever love. Thank you!


  I’ve been talked down off more ledges than usual in creating this book. Thank you to the friends who held my trembling hands through it all: Shayla, Tracy, Shannon, Laurie, Cheryl. I have no idea how to ever convey my gratitude.

  I cannot let this opportunity go by without thanking the INCREDIBLE goddesses of my Angel’s Wing Street Team. You ladies lift my days and brighten my smile more than you can ever know! When the USA Today fireworks hit, you were all the first I wanted to scream with (besides Sir…hee hee). Thank you for all the love, laughter, droolicious hunks, and fun that you all provide!

  And thank you to all the new readers who have started supporting the W.I.L.D. Boys. It is an honor to bring these men and their women to life, and every letter, note, and email is deeply, profoundly appreciated. Mahalo!!

  As always, thank you to the brave, selfless men and women of our nation’s military. Part of the profits from this book will go toward giving back to you through donations to the following organizations:

  Special Operations Warrior Foundation

  DAV Homeless Veterans Institute

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  About The Author

  Chapter One

  “Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear the first time, gentlemen. If either of you moves, I cut your balls off. Got it?”

  The two men sprawled at Lani Kail’s feet—and the end of her Bowie diving knife—gave instant, silent nods. Hell. Why did she have to have trespassers stumble onto on her West Kauaˋi beach tonight? And why did they have to be a pair of the most beautiful males she’d ever laid eyes on?

  Trepidation gripped her again. Maybe they hadn’t “stumbled” at all. They were breathtaking, the kind of hunks a resort developer bully like Gunter Benson liked on his “support team.” The first of them, though clearly between three and thirteen sheets to the wind, was a mesmerizing mix of rugged and beautiful. His blazing amber eyes were framed by a messy head of hair in a slightly darker shade. The other filled out the yin to that yang, his silky gray gaze and spiky dark hair no less arresting. They were both built like the walls of Waimea Canyon, huge and hard and covered in taut bronze skin. Their open shirts, thrown over wrinkled khaki shorts, made it sinfully easy to confirm the conclusion.

  Throwing them into a comparison with her island’s stunning tourist attraction brought a warning pulled straight from the canyon’s hiking brochures. Distracted by the scenery? Prepare to fall to your death.

  She gulped, tightened her grip on the knife, and re-firmed her face. No sense in letting the hulks think their presence here was a shock, despite the fact that it was. Since the main highway ended a mile away, the sunset-seeking tourists kept mostly to the beaches south of the Barking Sands base, and thrill-seekers on their way to Na Pali usually only made breakfast stops here. So where had these two come from, and why had she found them in the middle of a fight that looked like a failed audition for a UFC slot?

  There was only one answer that made sense. They had to be part of Gunter’s goon squad, sent out here in preparation for the “casual meeting” their boss had requested for tonight up at the ranch’s main house. And this move just screamed “casual,” didn’t it?

  She glowered harder, though thanked the gods she’d discovered the intruders now, thanks to being paranoid enough to conduct a preliminary property sweep. The only thing she regretted about the decision was not thinking out her wardrobe better. With her mind consumed by anxiety about the appointment, she’d walked out of the house without thinking, still dressed in nothing but her bikini and thigh sheath—a factor clearly noticed by her detainees.

  Damn it.

  The gray-eyed stranger tried playing chief negotiator. He raised a placating hand, as if her knife was nothing but a quill pen. “We’ve got the message loud and clear, sweetheart. So why don’t you just lower—”

  “I’m not your sweetheart.” She flicked the knife, making sure the blade reflected the light back into his face. But that meant she had to meet his gaze once more. Why did the man have to possess such mesmerizing eyes?

  He lowered the hand. “Fair enough. Maybe you have a real name I can use?”

  “Nice try.” Like he didn’t know her name already. The man’s persistent sociability, even with her Bowie at his nose, answered that well enough. What the hell was Benson’s game this time? Why had he sent in a pair of his “cabin boys” to act like drunk frat brothers on the beach like this? Did he think she wouldn’t see through this game? That she wouldn’t see him trying to “survey” the beach that wasn’t even his yet?

  She winced at her mental default.

  His yet?

  No. No. This battle was far from over, no matter what Benson believed or connived to make her believe. There was nothing on this ranch—her ranch—that belonged to Benstock Development, including this sand. And she vowed, with renewed determination, that no grain of it would. She knew what the man and his company did to the lands they gobbled, to the people they took from their homes in the pretty and not so pretty ways.

  Right now, Benson was making a run for the “pretty” angle. Shallow, devious coward.

  “All right,” she snapped. “Stand up. Both of you. Slowly. Hands visible. No funny shit. I can gut a blue fin in two minutes with this thing, and your testicles won’t be half the challenge.” She rolled her eyes as Golden Eyes mangled his obedience, staggering more than straightening. “Okay, the act’s going to get old real fast, pretty boy.”

  “Huh?” It was the first thing she’d heard out of the guy since she’d found the pair wrestling out here, pretending they were out for each other’s blood, even hurling booze bottles into her garden during the performance. But she knew better.

  “The ‘soused and stupid’ act?” she countered. “It’s all right to cut it now. I know what’s really going on here, okay?”

  “Oh?” He managed a sarcastic grin that looked lopsided due to a slightly crooked canin
e tooth. “Hmmm. Maybe you can fill me in, dreamgirl, ‘cause I’m a little lost.”

  He leaned over, forcing her to deny better sense and steady his gait with a hand to his waist. He really was solid as a granite cliff. Thanks to the wind, she confirmed he really had hundred-proof vodka breath, too. Aue. She didn’t know whether to slap him or laugh at him. Normally, guys who did “drunk with a twist of cute” were more tempting than chocolate to her, but right now, she was much more ready for a Godiva than any of Benson’s brutes. Still, a new resolve took root. She’d have to keep her guard up with both these bozos.

  “A ‘little lost,’ huh?” She shoved him away and pulled up on her stance again. “And I’m the goddess Hina, newly awakened for my nighttime adventures.”

  “That explains a few things.” Mr. Intense Eyes and Dark Hair—and, she observed now, Endless Legs—surrendered that in a tone of a thousand nuances. She dared a glance at his face, to find his stare still fixed on her, looking like he deliberated the pieces of an intricate jigsaw puzzle.

  She looked away before the man evoked the pull of a god in his own right. Just as fast, she added an angry huff. God? He barely should’ve gotten the courtesy of “man.” Both of these hulks were on Benstock’s payroll, which placed them somewhere between banana slugs and heroin dealers in the evolution chain.

  “I’m taking you both back to the house,” she declared. “Sorry to cut your romp out here a little short, but since our friend arrives in less than fifteen minutes, you’ve given me no choice.”

  “We’re goin’ to your place?” Golden Eyes cracked a woozy grin. “Suh-weet.”

  To her surprise, McDark-And-Dreamy was just as ready with his hospitality. “Like I said before, we’re not here to cause trouble. And I’m sure any friend of yours will be a friend of—”

  “Save it.” She hardened her posture, still baffled by the angle these guys were playing. Usually Benson selected his groupies for the clean-and-cute image so he could be the alpha dog with his fitted suits and expensive charm. These two apes didn’t fit an inch of that M.O.. But Gunter had never sent any of his men to play real estate recon on her beach before, either. The bastard was busting out an arsenal of new tactics, which only made her queasier about his agenda for the upcoming meeting itself. “Let’s go.” She pulled Gray Eyes forward by fitting the knife’s tip into one of his shirt’s button holes. “You’re taking lead, Yin Man.”


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