Blind Delusion

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Blind Delusion Page 10

by Dorothy Phaire

  “Hamilton,” said Deek and shook her outstretched hand briefly,” Detective Lieutenant Degas Hamilton, D. C. Homicide. I work for the city so my pockets are hardly deep, Ms. Perry.”

  Renee knew that Deek was smart enough not to reveal his financial status to her. She knew the fact was that, Deek didn’t need to rely on his income from the city. He simply enjoyed tracking down criminals and bringing them to justice. He had once told Renee that he had sold the rights to a complicated encryption program that he developed while working as a systems engineer at IBM before joining the police force. As a result, he lived quite well from his investment dividends. If LaToya knew Deek was not only handsome but financially secure, she’d probably beat Renee down to get to him.

  “It’s LaToya to you, handsome,” she said in a seductive voice and moved closer.

  Deek took a step backwards. “It was nice meeting you, Ms. Perry. Renee, may I speak to you in private for a moment?” he asked and without waiting for a reply took her arm and led her towards the stairway leading to the Atrium Hall.

  LaToya stood there for a shocked moment with her mouth open and one hand on her hip. Renee could feel her staring at their backs as they walked away.

  “Thank you,” whispered Renee, latching onto Deek’s arm.

  “Don’t mention it. You looked like you needed a quick rescue.”

  “Seems like you’re becoming good at that, Detective Hamilton. Rescuing me, that is.”

  They slipped into a private room upstairs that appeared deserted. The walls were painted hunter green and radiated a soft light. Instinctively, they chose a corner far away from the door and hidden from any passerby who might happen to peep into the room. They sat facing each other in plush, velvet green upholstered chairs. Although the conversation did not cross the boundaries of friendship, the familiar intimate dance between them began nonetheless. Renee stared out the window at the blackened sky lit by stars and streetlights. She tried without success to avoid gazing directly into his eyes.

  “By the way, congratulations on your promotion to lieutenant. I saw your picture and write-up in the Washington Post’s Metro section a few months ago.”

  “Thanks. Taking that bullet this summer did me some good I guess. Got a promotion out of it and a new assignment at least. I’m working on a task force with the FBI and MPD called the DC Joint SOS Task Force. SOS stands for Save Our Streets. It’s gotten a lot of support from the Mayor.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard about it on the news. Sounds dangerous though,” she frowned.

  “Comes with the territory, Doc. Anyway, you know I like danger. As soon as Medical released me from desk duty, I was back on the streets.”

  “I’m not surprised.”

  “For the last three weeks I’ve been reporting to FBI headquarters downtown. The FBI’s been conducting a long-term probe on this drug kingpin we’ve been after for drug trafficking, gang related homicides, and a laundry list of other federal violations.”

  “That must mean you’re finally free of your old partner, Lieutenant Melvin Bradford,” Renee said, crossing her legs, “What an obnoxious man.”

  “Mel’s not so bad. He’s retiring at the end of the year anyway and he actually wished me well on my new assignment. I still have other cases I’m working on so half my time’s still at police headquarters, and he’s still my partner.”

  “I never cared for that man.” A momentary awkward silence rose between them.

  “Renee, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?” Deek whispered, out of the blue.

  “Sure. But I can’t promise I’ll answer it.” Renee folded her hands in her lap. She felt she knew where this might be headed.

  “Are you happy with your decision to go back to your husband?”

  Renee looked away. Although she’d suspected he would ask her something like that, she was not prepared to answer.

  Deek touched her cheek and cupped it in the palm of his hand. “I know it’s not my place but you just don’t look happy. Today’s your birthday and this is not the face of a woman who’s loved the way she deserves to be.”

  “How did you know it was my birthday?”

  “Why wouldn't I know? I remember every single detail you ever told me. It’s permanently locked in my memory bank. Unfortunately, I remember too much about this past summer. That’s why I miss you so much.” He stopped abruptly. Then went on, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be saying these things to you.”

  Renee abruptly stood up and walked in front of the huge window. She spoke without facing him. “I can’t go through that again Deek. This summer with you was like an escape for me but I’m not the kind of woman who can have an affair and still feel good about myself. Besides you seem to be doing all right without me. You’ve apparently met someone. I saw that pretty young woman in red that you’re with tonight. I’m much too old for you anyway and …”

  “Wait a minute.” Deek stood up and turned to face her. “First of all, Special Agent Santos is my new partner on the SOS task force. She’s here for the same reason I am, to support the Boys and Girls Club and to case out the target of our investigation. We received a tip that he might be here tonight.”

  “A gang leader dealing in drugs and ordering murders—here at this fundraiser?” Renee was incredulous.

  “Yeah, this guy’s real slick. He leads a double life. I suspect not even his own wealthy, upper-crust parents know what he’s involved in. He poses as a legitimate businessman but looks for deals and buys up property in other people’s names so he can launder his ill-gained drug money. We estimate he’s pulling in several million a year. He’s cagey, the type of guy who’ll one minute help an old lady across the street or carry her groceries, then the next minute shoot someone in cold blood because they missed a payment.”

  “And as for you being too old for me, …” he stopped as if gathering his thoughts, “Look Doc, your age does not compute with me. That’s your hang-up, not mine. When I see you and talk to you, I see a young, beautiful, vibrant woman with so much untapped passion that if it ever fully erupted … Well, you get what I’m saying, don’t you?”

  “I do want to be appreciated, Deek,” she said, “but you’re so young and handsome. I’m afraid that if we did get together, one day you wouldn’t want me anymore and …”

  “Well, you’re wrong, Doc. Dead wrong. Whenever you’re ready for me to show you, I’ll spend a lifetime proving it to you.” He instinctively grasped her hand, but her look of discomfort caused him to release it.

  “I think we’d better go back now,” she whispered and retrieved her evening bag from the chair. “I suppose Bill will be wondering what happened to me.”

  “Okay but come with me to my table first. I’d like to introduce you to Agent Santos and a few of my friends, including my brother’s girlfriend, Sasha. She’s a lovely girl from Peru. Sasha rode here with Agent Santos and me since my brother Luke’s away in Atlanta on a training assignment.”

  “Your brother?”

  “Yep, Luke’s my only sibling. Our grandmother had the final say in his given name as well. If you think Degas is bad, Grann Katia named my big brother JeanLuc but he calls himself Luke for obvious reasons.”

  “So he’s the oldest?”

  “Only by a few years. He’s a lieutenant for the D. C. Fire Department. He’s attending an intensive seven-month training program in Georgia in fire investigation and defusing bombs. He’s still got another three months left to go in the program. When he gets back to Washington, he and Sasha are to be married and I’m to be the Best Man. I really miss him.”

  “Your brother sounds like a great guy, Deek.”

  “Luke’s amazing. I’ve always looked up to him. If everything goes as planned, early next year he and I will be working together with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies on an anti-terrorism task force. Luke will have the
bomb skills and I have investigative experience. This SOS task force mission I’m working on now is like a trial run for me.”

  “Well, I hope you get your man, Detective.”

  “I always do, Doc. It’s my women I seem to be having trouble with.” Deek smiled lightheartedly and Renee returned his playful glance.

  Deek and Renee continued talking about nothing in particular as they walked through the green room on their way back to the dining area. Upon passing a French silk screen that concealed an obscure hideaway, they heard the unmistakable sounds of moaning. Deek pressed a finger to his lips to signal silence. They stepped behind the screen and flashed a brief, mortified look at each other. Propriety dictated that they exit the room quietly but they were mesmerized and could not move.

  Amidst the muted shades of olive green walls trimmed in gold leaf, on a tufted back sofa, a man and woman groped each other feverishly. Plush, velvet pillows lay strewn on the floor, along with a black lace slip dress. A late Victorian wall fixture emitted a thin beam of light to the otherwise pitch-black room. It spotlighted the couple like a camera recording a soft-porn movie.

  The young woman, clad only in her black, satin, corset bustier, satin thongs, garter-belt and ultra-sheer black stockings, lay underneath the man. One stiletto-heeled foot was draped across the plunging back of the velvet-covered sofa. His still fully dressed body straddled hers. From the look on her face and the continuous moans of pleasure, she appeared to wallow in a state of ecstasy. His fingers explored her breasts and his tongue reached for deep-throated kisses.

  She began to slowly unbutton his silk shirt. He slipped his arms out of the tuxedo jacket. It landed on the floor, crumpled up next to her evening gown. With eyes closed and mouth parted in bliss, his hands brushed up and down her thigh. He lowered his head to kiss the inside of her smooth, tan-tinted thighs. After bringing her to another heightened level of pleasure, he raised himself up to meet her eyes and smiled.

  “You’ve made this easy for me, baby,” he said and reached down to unfasten his trousers, “No panty hose to struggle with.”

  “I hate ‘em too, baby,” she agreed, “Just like chastity belts. Impossible to get in and out of.”

  “My kinda woman,” the man whispered and kissed her neck.

  It was Deek who interrupted them. “Hey, man. You and the lady need to take this home. This is not the time or the place.” The couple stopped kissing and looked up. At that moment Renee recognized them. She knew the young lady well and had just met the man earlier that day. The woman was her stylist at Good Looks Beauty Salon, Cha-Cha or Charis Taylor as her new boyfriend preferred. She also recognized the man as the same one who had come into the shop earlier that afternoon for a haircut—James Ian Mathias. Who could forget that name with Cha-Cha reverently repeating it all afternoon?

  Ian leaped from the sofa and adjusted his trousers. Cha-Cha frantically slipped back into her gown and smoothed down her hair while Ian stood before them fully composed in his Giorgio Armani one-button tuxedo. Deek and Ian glared at each other. Cha-Cha’s once perfectly made up face turned crimson red from embarrassment. Her glossy red lipstick and smoky-lidded eyes were smudged. She whipped out a mirror from her tiny bag and repaired the damage with a spit-wet finger.

  “Mathias, I’m not surprised that you’d put the young lady in this compromising situation just to satisfy your own selfish desires,” said Deek.

  “Why am I not surprised to find you here, sniffing around?” said Ian Mathias, “You need to be out solving real crimes, Detective, instead of spying on innocent people just out for a little fun.”

  “Innocent, huh? We both know despite that clean-cut, baby face of yours, Mathias, you’re nothing but a criminal in a three-piece suit.”

  “Why don't you get a life Detective? You’re just envious because I’ve got it all and you ain’t got jack. You and your clumsy Fed buddies need to back the fuck off. You ain’t got shit on me.”

  “If nothing else, you can both catch a charge for indecent exposure,” Deek threatened calmly.

  “Criminal? Not me, Detective. I’m a businessman. A real estate investor to be exact.”

  Mathias reached in his jacket and Deek instinctively positioned his hand on the gun tucked under his waistband.

  “Chill Brother. It’s just a couple of C-notes,” said Mathias, holding out a handful of one hundred-dollar bills, “Why don’t you go buy your lady something nice on me.”

  Deek pushed away Mathias’s outstretched hand, “You disgust me. If it’s the last thing I do I’m gonna be sitting in that courtroom when the DA puts you away for life. I should write you up for trying to bribe an officer even if it means I’ll be at the precinct all night filling out paperwork.”

  Renee pulled his arm and shook her head, “No, Deek. Let’s go. Please.”

  “Consider yourself lucky that I don’t feel like doing the paperwork on you Mathias. Get the hell outta here.”

  “C’mon baby, let’s roll,” Ian said to Cha-Cha, holding his shoulders back and signaling for her to follow. Mathias, then offered his arm to Cha-Cha and as they walked away he turned around to face Deek.

  “Maybe I can’t grease your palms with my loot Detective but everybody has their weak spot. Even a straight up cop like you. Give me some time and I’ll figure out what your angle is.”

  He gave Renee a sly grin and stared at her for a few menacing seconds then left. She placed her hand on Deek’s chest to hold him back and could feel his anger swell from his heartbeat. Deek hugged her waist protectively as he walked alongside her. Watching Cha-Cha and Ian in the throngs of passionate lovemaking reminded Renee how much she missed being with Deek. She couldn’t repeat that torrid summer romance with him under the same terms—married to Bill and sneaking around laden with guilt afterwards. She had hoped that her birthday would end in a romantic evening with Bill but she knew that was out of the question now. She would spend her birthday night at home like every other night, frustrated and lonely.

  When Deek and Renee returned to his table, they walked up on animated voices and laughter. Deek introduced her to Special Agent Ana Santos and Luke’s fiancée, Sasha Rojas. Both young women were striking in their own way. Agent Santos had the lean and buff physique of someone who worked out in the gym regularly. Her outfit was definitely not FBI issued, Renee noted. Agent Santos wore iridescent topaz earrings and matching necklace that set off her red form-fitting dress with spaghetti straps. Her warm brown hair fell in casual waves around her shoulders. She had pulled out her chair and sat casually with her crossed legs in ankle-strapped heels and ultra sheer stockings. A gold mesh shawl had been draped across the back of her chair. After having met Agent Santos, Renee’s comfort level about Deek’s new partner on the special task force, quickly plummeted. “Pleased to meet you, Dr. Hayes,” said Agent Santos with a slight Spanish accent and a sincere smile. Agent Santos reached out her honey-colored hand for Renee to shake.

  Renee’s eyes then drifted to the other Latin beauty, Sasha Rojas who was equally lovely, but in a more innocent and girlish way. Sasha wore a pink satin gown that showed off her tiny waist. She had a heart-shaped face with a small button nose and large expression brown eyes. Her thin pink-tinted lips formed a pleasant smile as she greeted Renee. Sasha was going to be a beautiful bride, thought Renee. Both of Deek’s companions for the evening made her feel welcome, along with everyone else at his table whose names she did not remember as soon as they had been introduced. Renee sat down sandwiched between Deek and Sasha while Agent Santos sat next to Deek. Renee enjoyed the jokes and upbeat camaraderie at Deek’s table. On a few occasions she felt uneasy when Agent Santos and Sasha leaned past her and spoke to each other in Spanish. While Deek did not actively join in their conversation, he clearly understood the language. This made her feel isolated. He must have been able to sense her discomfort because when he said something to them in rapid Spanish, b
oth women nodded and resumed speaking only in English. Other than this one unpleasant episode Renee enjoyed being around these friendly fun-loving people. That is, until she looked across the room and spotted Bill coming in their direction. He hadn’t seen her yet and she didn’t want him to find her with Deek.

  “If you folks will excuse me,” said Renee suddenly getting up to leave, “It’s been a pleasure meeting all of you but I must get back to my own table.”

  Deek rose as well and kissed her on the cheek as she stood up to leave. At first, she headed in the direction of her table then detoured towards the ladies room. As she ascended the long, winding staircase, she felt someone’s close presence. She thought it might be Bill sneaking up behind her. At the top of the stairs she turned to look and collided into Clifton Corbin Shaw. She caught him stretching his neck to admire her rear end, then he shook his head.

  “Damn, baby. All that backyard and ain’t nobody playing in it,” he said as if talking to himself, “My boy Bill must be a damn fool to ignore a woman as fine as you.”

  Renee bristled at his comment and cut a stern look his way. When she tried to pass by he touched her arm and gently pulled her back.

  “If you let me, I know how to treat a woman right. I can tell you’re not having much fun tonight, are you Sweetie?”

  “It’s Dr. Hayes,” she said coldly.

  His actions and words just confirmed her suspicions that he was a sleazy creep. Here he was trying to hit on her, his new business partner’s wife. Shaw stood too close and for an uncomfortably long time. Renee winced at the strong scent of his heavy-handed cologne and alcohol-laden breath.

  “By the way, Dr. Hayes, have you seen LaToya?” he asked, “She left with you to go to the little girls room over an hour ago.”


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