Blind Delusion

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Blind Delusion Page 46

by Dorothy Phaire

  In one quick move, Renee lifted her free foot to land a swift, hard kick in Odessa’s groin. Odessa jumped back to get out the way and in the process released her hold on Renee. Odessa lunged at Renee with outstretched arms and renewed anger. Odessa ran towards her. Instinctively, Renee moved out the way. While in pursuit, Odessa slipped on a loose floorboard and sailed over the banister. She landed with a thump.

  Renee looked down at Odessa’s curled up body lying motionless on the floor. She rushed downstairs to check to see how badly she was injured. When Renee checked her pulse, there was no sign of life. Odessa’s eyes stared out in a transfixed state and blood drizzled from her mouth. Odessa Dillon was dead.

  Renee staggered up a narrow, two-lane road and saw its street sign, Linden Lane. She walked in the middle of the road and waved her arms over her head to stop a passing car. When the motorist stopped, she explained what happened and used his car phone to dial 911.

  Chapter 42

  For the next few nights after Renee’s narrow escape from death, Deek wouldn’t let her out of his sight. He insisted that she stay at his place for a couple of days. Not wanting to be alone all night, she didn’t put up any resistance. It was almost time for her to move into her own Victorian townhouse on 24th and I Street, NW with her newly adopted, infant daughter, Katia. There were many wonderful changes to come in her life, but right now being with him in his familiar surroundings felt safe. Her mind was a jumble of thoughts as she lay stretched out on Deek’s bed, only half watching a British film classic called Brief Encounter, and waited for him to come home from the station. The television was the only thing she could figure out how to operate in this high-tech house full of gizmos and gadgetry. She sipped from a glass of burgundy and its rich dry flavor warmed her insides.

  Every now and then she caught more of the Noel Coward movie, and at some point she began to relate to the heroine’s overwhelming feelings of love for a man that she could not share her life with because they both already had ties and obligations to someone else. Renee did not want to let in old doubts about her future with Deek and mar her current happiness. Instead, she recalled that exact moment when she realized that she wasn’t going to die and had actually managed to overpower Odessa without anyone coming to her rescue but God. She thought, “Maybe there is a purpose for me and a reason why my life was spared.” At this point she didn’t know what that purpose was but there was still time to discover it. She reflected back to a few nights ago on the first evening they arrived at Deek’s house, after surviving her ordeal with Odessa Dillon.

  Deek unlocked the front door and stepped aside for her to enter first. All of a sudden Renee felt her vision turn blurry and her feet give away from under her. He caught her before she collapsed.

  “I’ll be okay,” she said, “being out in the cold and battling with Odessa must have drained my strength.”

  “Would you like me to fix you something to eat?” he asked.

  “No, thanks, Sweetheart. I think I’ll just lie down for a while.”

  Without saying a word, he lifted her up in his arms. Renee clung to his muscled shoulders as he carried her upstairs to his bedroom. Deek gently laid her down on the bed’s black, cotton-sateen sheets. She fixed her gaze on him as he removed his sports jacket and folded it neatly across a chair. He loosened and snatched off his tie, then unfastened his gun holster and the one strapped to his ankle and set the weapons aside. Deek nuzzled beside her on his queen-sized bed, both fully clothed. She fell asleep just like that, exhausted but feeling completely safe and protected.

  The next night her minor bruises and scraps had pretty much heeled and she was more rested, having slept most of the day while he was at work. Once he arrived home that second night, he had barely managed to remove his tie and weapons before they started kissing. Erotic passion mingled with a strong, metaphysical force that could not be stopped by either of them even if they had wanted to stop.

  Renee quickly pulled off her dress and stretched out on the bed before him in panties and a black lace bra. He, simultaneously, unzipped and removed his slacks. She helped him unbutton his shirt, which he took off. This time they lay side by side in each other’s arms wearing nothing but their underwear. They kissed slowly and gently as if savoring every sensation. Deek’s warm tongue wandered under and between her breasts until her nipples stood up and reached out to his kisses. His lips continued to roam downward as he discovered new pleasure points on her body that she didn’t know existed.

  Renee slid on top of him. Her fingertips caressed and tongue kissed his hard body. She touched the healed gunshot wound embedded on his lower abdomen, an injury he had sustained that summer while attempting to save her from a killer. She stroked every part of him. No words were spoken, only moans of pleasure. Longing to taste him, she eased downward until her mouth reached his rigid, throbbing flesh. She licked and tasted more of his sweet juices. He groaned and quivered in pleasure.

  She moved upwards to face him and rubbed her anxious pelvis against his. If she felt faint or weak now it was only from her growing excitement. After donning a condom that he quickly retrieved from the nightstand, Deek grabbed her hips and arched his body forward into her and she willingly received him. She felt him enter, very gently at first.

  From making love to her before, he knew she wasn’t used to his size yet. Not wanting to hurt her, his movements started slow and gentle. But as her body relaxed more and blended into his, their pace and intensity increased.

  They grabbed, pinched, and kissed each other frantically while making love. The movements felt wild and untamed. Suddenly, her body tensed and a million tiny nerves of pleasure washed over her. Renee kissed Deek’s neck and licked inside his ear. He closed his eyes tightly. His body stiffened and quivered, followed by a burst of liquid that felt warm inside her. They trembled in ecstasy and clung to each other for several more minutes after that. Renee closed her eyes and rested her head on his neck as their breathing slowed down. They held on tight as if trying to prevent each other from falling off the bed. She hadn’t realized they had both drifted off to sleep for a quick nap until some time later when her movements caused him to stir. Deek kissed the top of her head and smiled. He turned on his side, facing her and supported himself on a raised elbow. She glided her fingertips across his chest and shoulder.

  “Tell me, what’s the best part of your day?” she asked, breaking their silence.

  “Well, that depends, Doc,” he said, staring into her eyes, “Everyday is uncharted territory for a homicide detective but there’s one thing I know for sure. Right now, this moment is the best part.”

  “And why is that?” she smiled, tickling his side playfully.

  “Because … ,” he grabbed her hand forcefully then said with a serious look, “I can do something you’ll never be able to do.”

  Renee frowned, “What can you do that I can’t?”

  “Look down and see your lovely face.” He climbed on top of her, without relaxing his full body weight and smiled down at her.

  “If you don’t stop with all the flattery,” she said, punching his biceps playfully, “I’m going to have to peg you as a hopeless romantic, Detective.”

  “I won't argue with that, Sweetheart,” he said, and rolled back onto his side then touched her cheek, “You bring it out in me.” His dark eyes caressed her with a loving look as he held her around the waist. Renee draped her arms around his shoulders then eased her body under his once more. They started making love all over again. Throughout the night, she lost count of how many times they made love. But each time Deek ripped open a new package of brightly colored latex condoms. She feared she might collapse from exhaustion but her stamina held out. Eventually, Renee and Deek fell asleep, entangled in each other’s arms.

  She realized the film had ended because something else was now playing on the TV. She clicked the remote to turn the television off. She had
been so caught up in reliving the last few nights with Deek that she didn’t know how the heroine’s romance in Brief Encounter had worked out. It didn’t really matter to her because that movie was fantasy. What she had now with Deek was real.

  Chapter 43

  Over the next four days after leaving Deek’s house to return to her Foxhall Crescent Estates home, Renee busied herself by counseling a few patients, getting ready to move, and preparing for Katia’s release from temporary foster care that Child Protective Custody had arranged. She still hadn’t gotten used to thinking of herself as a mother even though she’d visited Katia daily at foster care, fed her, played with her, and held her until she fell asleep. It was much like her caretaker role of Baby Susannah this past summer, except a major difference was that Susannah had been seriously ill whereas Baby Katia was healthy and completely normal. Another major difference—Katia would be hers!

  Seeing the towers of packed boxes pushed against the walls throughout the house that she had shared with her estranged husband, no longer bothered her. Until it was time to move she alternated her time between patients’ therapy sessions and shopping for baby essentials with Brenda’s help. Even Deek had managed to take off one day to meet her at the new house to assemble the crib and paint the nursery pale pink. Along the floor’s edges of the nursery, he installed a wooden white-picket fence with painted on leaves and lilacs while Renee pasted up a lilac border to match the flowers. As Deek affixed the fence pieces to the wall, she realized that her notion of the ‘white picket-fenced’ perfect family had changed. She had adopted a baby without a husband by her side to help raise her. Yet, as time passed she grew more hopeful that Deek would be there to fulfill that role. Everything had been set in motion for Renee to take custody of her newly adopted baby daughter after she moved into her new place and got settled.

  Tomorrow was moving day. She had finally accepted the fact that Bill could never express the depth of emotional attachment she craved in a relationship, no matter how much he may have wanted to. It wasn’t anyone’s fault but she knew she could no longer settle for less. This would be her last night at the Foxhall Crescent Estates residence. Though many changes and uncertainties awaited her, Renee finally felt brave enough to rip that phony, organized world of hers apart and enjoy each day as if it were her last. She decided that from now on she would not let fear of the unknown prevent her from accepting and giving back love.

  Any pre-moving day trepidation had now been overshadowed by the baby shower that Brenda, Veda and Cha-Cha had planned for her. In addition to moving boxes scattered throughout the house, the living room was now decorated with multicolored balloons that floated towards the ceiling in hues of pastel pink, yellow, baby blue, and mint. A banner saying, “Welcome Baby Katia! Congratulations, Renee!” stretched across the entranceway of the living room.

  Remy, the limo driver arrived early, wearing a ‘jaw stretched’ grin and carrying an armful of his favorite CDs. He immediately volunteered for the role of DJ. Deek’s FBI task force partner, Ana Santos arrived early as well and brought a bowl of her aunt’s famous ceviche with a side dish of canchita. Chizuko, Renee’s housekeeper, received the steady stream of friends and other guests who came to share in the happy event. Chizuko placed their baby gifts in an adjacent room on top an accumulating heap of other presents. For those who brought dishes of food to share, Chizuko found an empty spot on the jam-packed dining room table.

  Visitors filed into the living room to ahh over pictures of Katia that Renee had strewn about and to wish her well. It didn’t take long for her to dispense with trying to formally introduce everyone. As the room filled up, the guests chatted amongst themselves, nibbled from the buffet table, and mingled while she divided her time between each cluster of guests and answered the same questions repeatedly. When will you pick up Katia? How will you manage your practice and take care of her? Do you already have a babysitter? Or will you get a live-in Au Pair? She answered them as best she could.

  Remy dominated the selections with a pulsating blend of Cameroonian music until Ana Santos asked him to play some of her CDs flavored with a Latin-beat that she pulled from her oversized purse. Not only did Ana Santos, Cha-Cha, Veda, and Remy contribute their favorite music, they each had brought an assortment of ethnic food to compliment the catered menu. Thanks to Chizuko, a fresh bouquet of red-rimmed, pink Amaryllis adorned the dining room table as its centerpiece, and provided a nice garnish to the smorgasbord of international and traditional soul food dishes crowding the table. Between the music, laughter, and multi-ethnic blend of accents and voices, Renee felt exuberant. Brenda had brought her three-month old son, Justin and his eyes flickered about at all the activity. Amazingly, the noise didn’t seem to disturb him because he didn’t cry once.

  Renee glanced around the living room at the smiling faces and jovial laughter. She was relieved to see that Ana Santos had brought a date and he was busy teaching Cha-Cha how to salsa. Brenda and Sasha, Luke’s fiancée, had just met at the shower but talked as if they were old friends. Of course, Deek’s brother Luke could not attend as he was still away in training. It was good that Brenda and Sasha had bonded. They chatted away like they had lots in common to talk about. Brenda appeared to be almost as excited about Sasha’s upcoming wedding next February as the bride-to-be was and offered to help Sasha with the planning. Renee knew that would be a relief to Deek since he could then gracefully bow out of helping Sasha pick out china patterns in his brother’s absence.

  Renee beamed when her longtime friend and mentor, Dr. Helen Stone arrived. Helen said she couldn’t stay long since she had afternoon appointments with patients but just dropped by to wish her well. Helen looked thrilled to find out that Renee’s new office where she’d be seeing patients, wasn’t too far from her own downtown office. They planned to meet in a few weeks over lunch.

  After Helen left, once again Renee found herself seated alone on the loveseat. She looked about and saw Deek huddled nearby in a corner with his partners, Detective Melvin Bradford and Special Agent Ana Santos. The law enforcement trio engaged in their own private discussion, but Renee easily overheard their conversation without trying.

  “So Bradford, any plans now that you’ve only got two months before retirement?” asked Agent Santos.

  “Why the hell do I need plans? What’s wrong with sitting on my ass all day?”

  Santos rolled her eyes towards the ceiling, “Figures.”

  “I got an idea, Mel,” Deek piped up, “Why don’t you work with my brother Luke and me at one of MPD’s volunteer learning centers for troubled kids?”

  “Say what? Volunteer?”

  “Yeah. The Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Club run these learning centers. They’re staffed with retired teachers, school counselors, and police officers who volunteer their time,” Deek explained. “Luke and I can only put in a few hours once a week. But after you retire, I think you’ll be able to really do the kids some good, Mel.”

  “Isn’t that one of those places where students who get suspended for long periods of time go to keep up with their school work?” Santos asked Deek.

  “Exactly, in addition to a lot of other mentoring activities.”

  “That’s a good idea Bradford now that you’re retiring. Why don’t you check it out?” Santos agreed.

  Bradford looked at them both incredulously as if they’d suggested he go through an 8 week stint on Survivor and swim through shark-infested waters with an open cut.

  “Let’s see now,” he said, drawing his eyebrows together as if giving the matter serious consideration. “We got choice A where I sleep late, sit on my ass all day, and don’t do a damn thing. Or choice B, get up early to go holler at a bunch of bad ass kids all day for free? Hum, that’s a tough decision, Partners,” he said, rubbing his chin. “But think I’m gonna pick the A vowel this time, guys.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” said Santos, shaking he
r head.

  “Hey Santos, if I were you, I’d mind my own business. Looks like you’d better keep an eye on your date over there instead of worrying about me.” Bradford pointed to Ana’s boyfriend who grasped Veda around the waist and twirled her around on the dance floor. “He seems to be making the rounds,” Bradford chuckled.

  At that moment, Deek caught Renee’s eye and his gaze settled on her instead of the dancing couple. Earlier that day he had asked her out to dinner on this last night before leaving there for good. What else could she say but yes. Renee did not have any intentions of ever again saying no to the man she loved. As they stared into each other’s eyes, they both seemed to be able to read one another’s thoughts—how nice it’ll be to spend time alone together later tonight. Neither one bothered to eat much at the shower since they planned to go out.

  Detective Bradford eyed the buffet table then went to fill up his plate with a second helping. As Brenda passed by to go check on Justin who was now asleep in the study, Bradford stopped her.

  “No hard feelings, Mrs. Johnson?” he said between chews, “Nothing personal, I was just doing my job.”

  “I understand Detective Bradford, I forgive you. We all make mistakes,” Brenda said warmly, “Please excuse me while I go check on my son.”

  Renee admired Brenda’s capacity to forgive and not hold grudges against people who wronged her. As for Irene Adams, Brenda had paid off all her mother’s credit card debt with the insurance money she received after Detective Bradford dropped the charges against her, once the hold on her claim had been lifted. Even though Brenda overlooked her mother’s selfishness, Renee could not and was relieved when Mrs. Adams declined Brenda’s invitation to the shower.

  Deek wandered over and sat down on the sofa next to Renee while her cat, Angel slept at her feet.

  “I’m sorry about Mel being here. He heard me talking to Ana about the party today. I didn’t invite him but I should have guessed he’d show up when she mentioned the dish her aunt was making to add to your buffet,” said Deek.


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