MC Chronicles: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 5

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MC Chronicles: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 5 Page 8

by Bink Cummings

  Big lifts his chin my way and slaps Gunz on the shoulder. “I already got what I want, brother. She’s right there.”

  Oh. My. Bejesus. He’s trying to kill me.

  I clutch my chest as every single one of the sisters “aww” a dreamy sigh.

  “I love you,” he mouths.

  “Love you, more,” I mouth back, stomach flipping like a schoolgirl with her first crush.

  Jizz makes a retching sound in his throat. “Ew. Gross. Get a room, Prez. That’s my sister,” he teases, thus breaking the romantic spell Big’s cast on me. The room erupts into a fit of laughter. Big flips my brother off before he tears into his present with one hand. He pulls out a plush dick and chucks it at Jizz, hitting him in the stomach, not far from his junk. It bounces off and lands on the floor. Pixie picks it up and hands it to me. I hug the soft penis to my chest. It’s adorable with its flesh-colored body and beady eyes. There’s a white string sewn to the tip, representing cum. So stinking cute. I’m keeping this little guy for sure.

  Big and Gunz exchange a few hushed words before the present exchange is concluded. My man stands and throws his wrapping paper in the giant black bag we’re using for trash. He drains his Bud and tosses that away too. I meet him halfway between the garbage and where I was standing. One second I’m preparing to wrap my arms around his middle for a much-needed hug. The next, Big’s throwing me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold.

  Expelling a squeaky laugh, I punch at his ass, my hands full of gifts. G-string and plug in one and the plush peen in the other. “Big, what the hell?”

  “Say goodnight, everyone. We’ve got some fucking to do,” my giant asshole declares to the room.

  A round of g’nights and Merry Christmases are shared.

  Most of the Sacred Sisters sneak around Big so I can see them. They take turns patting me on the back and wishing me Merry Christmas firsthand. I return the sentiment, blood rushing to my head in this position. I try to turn and look at them, but my neck cramps so I give up.

  “You ready, babe?” Big spanks my ass hard.

  I yelp.

  “Put me down. Now! It’s not sex time! It’s drinking time. Partying time. Not. Sex… Sex later.”

  Big laughs, it’s deep and full of life. The vibrations carry through his shoulder into my stomach.

  Hand planted on my bottom, the jerk doesn’t say another word as he saunters from the common room, down the stretch of hall, and into his clubhouse bedroom that’s still devoid of much more than a bed and a few odds and ends. Kicking the door shut with his boot heel Big drops me onto the bed. I land with a bounce, gifts falling from my hands onto the neatly made bed.

  “Big,” I grunt on impact, ready to knee him in the gonads.

  Ignoring me, Big shucks off his cut and pulls his shirt over his head by grabbing a section of the back and yanking upward. The armholes slide down his biceps until they reach his hands. He discards it and his cut on the foot of the bed.

  “Take off your clothes.” Big gestures to my fully dressed state with two fingers and a chin lift.


  That’s not happening.

  Like I’m gonna miss this strip show.

  Not likely.

  It’s Christmas Eve. If he wants sexy time, I want the Big show, the whole enchilada. Including the tightly formed abs, he’s been working on. Before, he had a nice stomach. Really nice, actually. Now, he’s smoking hot. The ridges are sharp, rippling beneath taut, tanned skin that’s decorated with ink. Harley’s birthday and handprint being his newest addition. Big doesn’t have the body of a fifty-one-year-old, that’s for damn sure. Those pecs have bulked up more. Brown nipples, continuously hard. The light dusting of hair across his pecs has turned a light gray, as has the small treasure trail down the center of his stomach he let grow. It leads to the sharp V at his hips that’s never been this defined before. For all the bitching us chicks do about the brothers’ newfound fitness appreciation, we get to reap the benefits. Big has also given up shaving his facial hair daily, so I get a delicious man-candy three-day scruff that turns my crank in the best of ways before he shaves it off again. The handsome man lets it grow for me. I know this. And I love him more for it every day. Just as I love him for everything else he’s given me.

  “Bink,” Big warns, arching an impatient brow when I make no effort to move. His belt buckle flips open.

  I rest on my elbows, ankles crossing as they hang over the edge of the mattress.

  Big catches on to my game. “You wanna watch?” That sexy pink tongue sweeps across his bottom lip, leaving a sheen in its wake.

  My insides quiver, wondering what he’s gonna do with that naughty tongue once my clothes are off.

  Lips hooking in a private grin, Big pops open the button of his jeans with deft fingers, leaving the zipper intact. The white band of his boxers plays peekaboo from the tiny slit.

  “Oh. Yeah. I wanna watch.” I nibble my bottom lip so he knows how fucking hot this makes me. My nipples pebble in my bra. Pussy clenches, yearning to be touched.

  Big blushes the littlest bit, hiding a schoolboy smile by smashing his lips together. His attention darts away from me to where his thickness is concealed—ready to come out and play.

  That’s right, baby, your dick’s perfect. Come to mama.

  “Keep going,” I rasp, head lolling to the side as I rake my hooded gaze up and down the fine male specimen that’s mine… all mine.

  An innocent nod is Big’s response a moment before he slowly lowers his zipper, tooth by tooth. Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his jeans and boxers, he shoves them down his legs in one muscle-undulating swoop. Bent in half, the expanse of his strong back is on full eye-banging display as he undoes his boot laces before returning to his full height. In an adorably shy manner, Big scratches his pec, gaze cast on the floor. That perfect cock sways like a baseball bat above two heavy sacs. My mouth waters, eager to swallow it down my throat… to let him fuck it raw until I can’t breathe and tears spill down my cheeks, lips going numb—swollen, well-used.


  My man’s gorgeous.

  I’m the luckiest bitch in the land.

  Big takes his time, knowing full well I’m watching this hot-as-sin show. He toes off one boot then the next, leaving nothing but a bit of fabric looped around his ankles.

  “Now the pants,” I order in a low seductive tone.

  “You want me to take off my pants?” He fists his massive erection and pumps it like he has all the time in the world. A clear bead of pre-cum bubbles on the tip. Big uses it as lube to jack himself. A pleased moan battles in his chest as it begins to rise and fall between laden breaths. Needing more pleasure, he cups his balls, squeezing and kneading the sacs until his abs tighten in ecstasy, lips parting to emit a groan.

  Fuck. He’s killing me.

  Teeth sinking into my bottom lip until it hurts, I hum my approval. Then toss the reindeer G-string at his abs where it hits and drops straight to the floor, landing on top of his foot.


  “Please put it on.” I want to see him wear it.

  A sharp shake of his head, ponytail swaying.


  Knowing Big isn’t gonna do what I want without a little incentive, I scoot to the edge of the bed, slide off my cut and set it atop his. My legs dangle, toes close to touching the floor, as I reach out and wrap my fist around his cockhead. There’s plenty of shaft for us to play with together. Silkiness bathes my palm as he growls a string of wanton expletives upon my touch. I use my grip to pull him closer, to get what I really want.

  With Big’s hand jacking his pole at the base, I quickly remove mine from the tip and swallow his thickness down.

  “Fuck!” He shudders, grabbing a fistful of my hair.

  I pull off just enough to speak and look up at him. “Fuck my mouth.” Pre-cum balms my lips as I trace them with his crown.

  The fingers in my hair tighten as does Big’s grip on the base of his shaft. �
�Christ, babe. You sure?” he husks, then swallows thickly, throat working overtime.

  To get my point across, I tease his slit with the tip of my tongue, tasting his silky essence, smiling like a wanton club whore. “Yes.”


  God. Yes! Make me choke.

  I swirl around the crown, flicking the tip to drive him mad. If that’s not a yes, I dunno what is.

  Big throws his head back. “Fuck!”

  “Do it.”

  Getting his need under control, my man inhales until his chest expands then slaps the side of my face with his spit-soaked shaft, leaving a wet imprint on the exhale. “You’re a naughty ol’ lady.”

  “Your old lady.”

  “Shit yeah, ya are.” A growl bellows, nostrils flaring. Big’s abs tighten as if he’s holding himself back from losing it. Which is what I want him to do. Let go. “So perfect… Are you wet?” he adds.

  “What do you think?” I tease, batting my eyelashes.

  “Take off your pants.”

  “No.” Not until I get what I want.

  Another cock slap to the cheek. “If you want me to fuck that pretty little mouth, you’re gonna take off those damn jeans.”


  “So I can eat your pussy when I’m done using your perfect whore of a mouth.” Big hooks his thumb into the corner of said mouth, giving it a slight tug. “Such a pretty place for my dick to claim.” A long pause descends as Big looks at me, those baby blues tracing every inch of my face. “Fuckin’ Christ, Sugar Tits, how are you real?” My man shakes his head as if he doesn’t understand how this is possible. That makes two of us. There was a time in my life I didn’t think I’d ever fall in love. Ever feel true soul-transformative pleasure. Then he swooped in and took what he wanted and here we are.

  Someone pounds on the door, not giving a damn we’re in the middle of something. “We gotta problem, Prez.” It’s my dad, the club’s VP. Shit.

  Big snarls at the interruption, body going rigid. Our eyes meet. His look equal parts pissed and apologetic. Not sure how that’s possible, but he pulls it off. “Yeah, we fuckin’ do! I’m with my old lady. This better be end-of-days important, asshole!” Big strokes a knuckle down my cheek and mouths a sincere “sorry.” It’s amazing how he can be the rudest prick to one person and the sweetest to me in the same breath.

  I nod, understanding. This is what you have to get used to when you’re the old lady to thee Sacred Sinners prez.

  “Run issues. Tacoma,” Daddy explains.

  “It can’t wait thirty?”


  “Fuck! Bring me my goddamn cell.”

  “Already got it.”

  “Fine,” Big sighs, not in the least pleased. “Open the door with your eyes closed, fuckhead, ’cause you ain’t about to see your daughter suckin’ my dick. Then back the hell out. I don’t wanna see your ugly mug again for the next twelve hours, am I clear?”

  I swear I hear my dad chuckle beyond the door a second before it opens. I shut my eyes not wanting to be scarred for life if my father doesn’t heed Big’s order about keeping those peepers locked down.

  There’s movement and a gruff, “Now get the hell out,” from Big before the telltale snick of the door coming to a close eases the tension in the space.

  I breathe a sigh of relief and reopen my eyes one at a time as Big takes the call right where he stands. One hand with the phone, the other threaded through my hair. He positions his still hard prick at my lips and thrusts forward to breach my mouth. I take the tip inside without complaint. If he wants me to play, I’m gonna play, interruption be damned.

  “Suck it, babe. It’ll make this a lot less fucked up. We aren’t losin’ momentum ’cause some dumbshits need me to hold their prissy bitch hands.” Big grates the last bit into the receiver, and I get to work swirling my tongue around his thickness before sucking it deeper into my mouth, growing wetter and wetter the more he fills it, stretching it to the max around his girth like I hope he’ll do to my pussy… later.

  Flattening both palms atop his thighs for balance, they shiver beneath my touch as Big sets a slow and steady pace of fucking my mouth. Out of respect, I try not to listen to his conversation. Instead, I savor his taste and smooth glide of the velvet steel as it owns me, body and soul.

  Three sentences into the conversation and I realize it’s gonna be damn near impossible not to overhear bits and pieces when my man’s loudly admonishing the sad sucker on the line.

  “You don’t just lose a shipment. Double check inventory… Did you bring the prospect along?”

  Big bottoms out in the back of my throat and rests there, fingernails scraping across my scalp as he peers down at me, appreciating the view with a lazy smirk. My heart punches my breastbone, reveling in the way he looks at me, mouth full of cock. It’s not triumphant, it’s sincere adoration. Jeez, it’s almost sickening how much I care for this man. How much he turns me on, not only physically but emotionally. How much we fit. Even now when he’s on the phone, he’s attuned to me and I him.

  A heartbeat later our moment’s severed when he resumes pumping in and out of my lips and imparting wisdom on a fellow brother. “Dumbasses, the whole lot of ya. How many times I gotta tell ya, Smitty, the boy’s green? Did he touch the shipment? – See, that’s the problem. Trace the steps. Don’t come cryin’ to me ’bout this shit. Handle it yourself. I don’t care if your prez is gonna put a bullet in one of ya. You should’ve thought about that before you sent a dumb kid on a run… A dumb kid that shouldn’t even be a prospect, to begin with…”

  Words fizzle into nothingness as I squeeze my thighs together. A spark ignites there, hot and needy. I unsnap my jeans and shimmy them down my legs, careful not to lose suction on Big’s cock.

  “Mmmm,” I hum around the girth. It twitches as if communicating with its lover.

  “You’re killin’ me,” my man mouths, jaw clenching as I scrape the underside of his shaft with my teeth, sending tiny shivers throughout that yummy frame. Even his fingers tremor in my hair and lips part as he ousts a breathy groan, eyes slamming shut. A burst of pre-cum bathes my palate and I swallow it with relish, emitting my own groan steeped with hunger. He better finish this call soon. We have more pressing matters to attend to… Like this achy pussy of mine that’s desperate for his touch. She hasn’t gotten proper tongue action in two days. In our sex crazed world, that’s a lifetime.

  More pumping ensues, in and out in practiced thrusts. Big’s eyelids droop, the lines around them accentuating as they focus on me.

  “So perfect,” he whispers before laying into the jackass intervening on our personal time. “I don’t give a flyin’ fuck if he was the Pope’s son! He’s weak. Cut him loose. – What do ya mean what’re you gonna do if ya can’t find it? You do realize it’s Christmas-goddamn-Eve, I have my old lady’s sweet lips wrapped around my cock, and I’m your national prez. You don’t call me for this shit, Smitty. Handle your business.”

  There’s a brief pause from Big as the brother on the line blathers on without taking a breath. I can make out bits and pieces of broken syllables.

  When Smitty carries on far too long, Big shuts the inconsiderate bastard down. “Hey! —Yeah. Yeah. You’re sorry. You will be when your prez finds out and loses his mind. – No. I ain’t tellin’ him jack. That’s not on me. That’s on you. You gotta patch for a reason. Man the hell up. And don’t call this number again. This is your problem. Fix your shit. Peace.” Not waiting a reply Big ends the call with a frustrated growl and chucks his phone to the other side of the bed where it lands on a pillow.

  Heaving a sigh, he traces a knuckle down my cheek once more, head shaking in disgust. “Fuckin’ morons. Remind me to punch your dad in the dick tomorrow for makin’ me handle that bullshit.”

  I nod, mouth too full of cock to speak. I’ll do anything he wants as long as he doesn’t stop to punch him now.

  “Steel’s lucky you’re his kid, or he’d be visitin’ the shed for the st
unt he just pulled. Wanna bet the assholes I call my brothers gave him a hundred for puttin’ that on me. They know better. He knows better. Unless someone’s dead or in jail, you don’t mess with family time.” Big’s anger isn’t blowing over. It’s getting worse the longer he stews on the interruption. He’s right, though, they know better. And the brothers probably put their VP up to this. They like to razz people for the hell of it. Although, they don’t usually include Big in their childish antics since he doesn’t like it. But it is Christmas and they’re some ballsy motherfuckers when they wanna be. Alcohol has a way of adding extra hair to your chest and bigger cojones below your prick. Come December twenty-sixth they better run for the hills ’cause Big will be gunnin’ for them. That, I do not doubt. And I’ll be there supporting him the entire way, as I do with most things. We’re a team. They mess with him. They mess with me. And the brothers know better than to screw with a Sacred Sister if they wanna eat homemade delights anytime in the foreseeable future. Ask Runner how his screwing over Beth’s been working out. Let me fill ya in, it’s not.

  Redirecting Big’s thoughts, I pull off his shaft and lick my lips to stop them from dripping. I place a palm on his abs, staring up at the hottie. “I know, babe. It’s over with,” I utter softly to ease his temper.

  “Yeah.” His upper lip snarls, shoulders stiff. A fist clenches down at his side, ready to brawl.

  “You can kick their asses soon enough.”

  “You can fuckin’ count on it.” A fierce growl.

  I chuckle despite his foul mood. “You’re sexy, even when you’re pissed.” To endorse that statement, I gently remove Big’s paw from my hair and scoot back on the bed, where I kick the rest of my jeans off. They drop to the ground in front of him as I lean onto my elbows, knees bent, thighs spread for him to dive on in for a taste. Wetness trickles down my slit, in need of attention.

  Knowing this lewd display may not circumvent Big’s rage, I go for broke and sit up to remove my shirt and nursing bra. The pads inside are almost as soaked as my pussy. I ball the fabric up and toss the pile onto the floor before returning to my elbows, naked save for the striped Christmas socks that reach my knees.


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