Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 5

by Jolynn Raymond

  "You seem to have misunderstood my command, Andor. I don’t recall telling you to violate or harm her. She is a valuable prize and must be treated gently. No one is to lay a finger on her. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" Mikhal hissed in fury, his eyes blazing with menace, and Andor knew he was a hair’s breath away from death.

  The lesser vampire dropped to his knees and knelt before Mikhal, kissing the ground in front of his Master’s feet, his pose begging forgiveness, fully expecting another blow of chastisement. It took everything in his power not to clutch his tattered arm, but he knew he could not display weakness. "Yes My Lord. I beg your forgiveness, Sire. It will not happen again. How very foolish of me, please excuse my stupidity."

  Mikhal didn’t reply, choosing to let the hapless idiot babble on and cower before him wondering if he would escape this encounter with his life. After Mikhal felt he was sufficiently intimidated, he ordered him to rise.

  "Now then, my lovely Alliana is to be taken to her chambers. See that the servants bring up proper food and a bath." Mikhal looked upon her Gypsy clothing and dirt covered face with a distasteful grimace. Her disastrous evening had taken its toll, and smudges of grime from her fall in the forest streaked her skin and skirt.

  "As for you, Alliana my dear, just because I see you as a valued prize don’t delude yourself into thinking I would not cut you and your kinfolk down in an instant if you made a move to betray me. If you value your life, you will put all thoughts of escape out of your mind right now. It would be an incredibly stupid thing to even consider. I would take as much pleasure in crushing your rebellion, as I no doubt will in other activities. Remember my love, it is always wise to please me. Isn’t that correct, Andor?"

  "Yes My Lordship."

  "Very well then, off with both of you. I shall see you tomorrow pet. We’re to be married. Isn’t that special?"

  Mikhal gazed at her with a smirk on his face and winked. His eyes blazed with unholy fire. When she looked into them, she saw pure evil. He carried an aura of pain and death around him, and Alliana felt as if she could hear the tormented screams of those he had killed hanging in the air around him. Handsome though he may be, his heart was as black as the deepest pits of hell.

  Alliana stood and stared at Mikhal with dead eyes, completely lost now. She was still horrified and numbed at the turn of events, desperately waiting to wake from this nightmare or have someone tell her it was all a terrible mistake. The problem was, she knew it wasn’t a dream. Her nightmare was all too real. The best she could hope for was to go insane.

  As if reading her thoughts, Mikhal reached out and pulled Alliana to him. Holding her close and tilting her head back, he glowered down at her, his face just inches from hers. "You will do what I want when I want, my sweet, and that includes losing your mind. Sanity can be such a wonderful plaything, but we will save those games for later. I need you lucid right now and you should be honored that I have taken an interest in you. Is that understood?" The look in Mikhal’s eyes had turned dark and menacing. The wench was beginning to try his patience.

  "Y... Y ... Yes."

  Mikhal shook her hard, anger at her disrespect beginning to rise inside him. He had to remind himself that she was just a stupid human who still needed to be taught proper discipline, and that she was very valuable.

  "Yes what, Alliana?" The words were hissed between clenched teeth and Mikhal had to fight to keep himself from ripping her throat out.

  "Yes My ...My Lord."

  "Much better, my dear. And Alliana, you should get any thoughts of suicide out of your head as well, because if that were to occur, things would become most unpleasant. Trust me when I assure you that I can easily find your clan. I’ll gladly make each and every last one of them learn the real meaning of suffering, if you are denied me. I hope I am making myself clear."

  He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. They were hard and punishing, and Alliana went rigid. Her blood ran cold and her breath froze in her lungs as evil wrapped its frigid fingers around her heart. Mikhal reached up and ran his thumb over the pulse point in her neck. It was fluttering with pure terror. He broke off the kiss and smiled at his new possession, elated once again at the turn of events.

  "Don't worry pet, you will learn to want me in time. Oh, and one more thing Alliana dear, are you pure? Have you ever lain with a man?

  Alliana shook her head no, confusion filling her eyes.

  "I didn't hear you, sweet." The words were spoken softly, but his eyes promised pain if she should forget herself again.

  "No My Lord, never, no one man has..." She whispered casting her eyes downward, as a blush stained her cheeks.

  "That's very good, pigeon, very good indeed. Take her away Andor, and remember, not one finger is to be laid on her. Is that understood?"

  "Yes, My Lord." Andor bowed as he backed away from Mikhal, grateful and amazed he’d escaped with his life.

  "Come, My Lady." The words galled him, but he showed her the proper respect. She was to be the Master’s bride.

  Alliana went to the lesser vampire and allowed him to take her elbow. He held Alliana gently, showing her a reverence she knew he didn’t feel. A tiny bit of pleasure broke through her numb mind. The grudging respect she commanded could definitely be used to her advantage. A small kernel of hope blossomed in her heart. Alliana was not a fool. She understood that her new situation, as horrid as it was, came with a bit of power, and she’d learned two other things that could help her as well. Sunlight would kill Mikhal the Merciless, and he cared deeply for his sister. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.

  Alliana allowed Andor to lead her up the wide stone staircase, feeling like she was treading to her death. He glanced back at her, the hatred in his dark eyes simmering, ready to boil over, reflected by fire from the wall sconces that lit their way. Alliana knew he blamed her for the harsh treatment he'd received from his Master. She’d have to be very careful around him, for Alliana suspected he would bring trouble in her future.

  They reached the top of the landing and went down a long drafty corridor. Alliana shivered, both from the cold, and from her fear. What would happen tonight? Tomorrow night? Lord Arcos had said they wouldn’t be married until then. That was good, very good, but in the meantime she would still have to deal with Marishka. She’d seen the jealousy and anger in the other woman’s eyes. Marishka hated her already and that was a very, very bad thing. If she needed to be careful around Andor, Alliana knew she had to be doubly so around Mikhal the Merciless’s sister.

  Andor abruptly yanking her to a halt signaled their arrival at her room. He swung the door to her chambers open and looked down at her with an undisguised loathing. "Welcome to your hell, My Lady." That said, he shoved her inside and slammed the door, sliding the bolt on the other side firmly in place. Alliana jumped at the finality of the sound and stood there in the blackness, alone, without even a candle to light her new prison.

  Chapter Five

  Minutes passed in silence. How many, Alliana couldn’t be sure of. She stood stone still in the blackness, her need for light and warmth, battling against her desperate yearning to be left alone by the beasts that inhabited the castle. No rays of moonlight pierced the inky depths of her chambers. Any windows were either bricked over, or tightly shuttered to keep out the killing sunlight she feared she would never see again.

  She shivered as the coldness of the stone floor seeped through her worn leather soles, the chill making her teeth chatter. Blinded by the complete darkness, but unwilling to do nothing and be miserable, Alliana stretched her arms out before her, determined to move about and find an area covered by a rug. If she had no fire, she’d find warmth by other means.

  Feeling her way around the room, terrified of the unknown, praying she was truly alone, she inched across the room until her feet felt a cushioning beneath them, and her shins bumped the edge of a chair. Her fingers brushed a thick fur that was thrown over the back of it, and she gratefully pulled it to her, huddling in its warmth.
Then, relieved but exhausted, hungry and completely dispirited, Alliana slumped down, wrapping the fur around her body for warmth, while waiting for whatever was to come next.

  Her chin began a slow descent towards her chest though she struggled to stay awake. The thought of being so vulnerable while imprisoned with the demons of hell, sent chills through her, but sleep persisted, none-the-less. It pried at her mind with persistent fingers, making her eyelids feel as if they were weighted down. The fog of exhaustion thickened insidiously in her brain though she fought it valiantly. She’d never felt so weary in her life. Little by little Alliana gave in to the desire to escape into blissful oblivion, certain she’d awaken when the enemy approached, and praying she’d be ready to face whatever came her way.

  The door bolt was suddenly thrown back, the scraping sound reverberating in the cavernous chamber. Alliana jerked, surprised, a bit confused. Had she slept for long? A man walked in carrying a torch, closely followed by Marishka. She gave Alliana a cold smile that didn’t reach her eyes, as she came to stand before the blonde woman who had stolen her Mikhal’s attentions. Alliana quickly scrambled to her feet, not wanting to be at a disadvantage, the fur throw falling to the floor as she did so.

  “Build a fire in the hearth, and light these candles. It’s far too cold and dark in here for the new Lady Arcos; shame on Andor for not seeing to you properly. Such a naughty, naughty boy.” Though Marishka said the words of reprimand, her eyes held a merry amusement. It thrilled her that her special minion had made Alliana suffer.

  “Why you could catch your death in this chill. Isn’t that right, Dear?” The terms Lady Arcos and Dear came out in a sickly sweet tone, dripping with malice, as Mikhal’s wicked sister came even closer. Alliana took a step back without thinking, and the action made Marishka smile at her show of timidness.

  Marishka continued, hoping to draw the proverbial blood. If she couldn’t have this one in reality, she’d cut her to shreds with words. “I’m so sorry you had to wait, but I was otherwise occupied. Then again, I’m sure you’re used to being cold and dirty. Hungry too, I imagine. Just look at you. You’re nothing but a scrawny, filthy, ragamuffin.”

  Marishka’s eyes glittered with merriment; it was such fun to poke at Mikhal’s new toy. He’d told her no touching, but he didn’t say she couldn’t make the bitch suffer in other ways. “Such deplorable rags you’re dressed in. I can’t imagine how you wear those next to your skin. I suppose you get used to it over time. No matter, Mikhal likes silks, velvets, and lace. He’ll dress you up all fine and fancy before he tears them all back off. Won’t that be fun? Mikhal likes to rip and shred pretty things.”

  Her smirk was very much like Mikhal’s as she prattled on, and Alliana wanted to slap it off her face. She glanced around warily and saw that the others who had entered the room were very much interested in the drama playing out between their Mistress and the Lord’s new bride. All wanted to see if this new one could hold her own. Most were probably hoping she couldn’t.

  Alliana didn’t reply to Marishka’s barbed comments, instead, she held her chin high and looked at the other woman with her own degree of haughty disdain while placing her hands on her hips. Alliana knew she couldn’t upset her too much, Marishka had Mikhal’s heart, but she also knew if she didn’t make a stand, she’d be at the bitch’s mercy for the rest of her days.

  Marishka gave a small frown at Alliana’s refusal to be baited. Her eyes narrowed, determined to get the best of Mikhal’s new toy. “You’ll have to tell me all about your fascinating life before you came to us, Alliana. Is it true your kind steals for a living and sells their children?”

  Anger flared in Alliana’s eyes as rage filled her. How dare this ... thing... disparage the very people that had been torn from her only hours before hand? “Is it true your kind eats children!”

  Marishka looked at her and began to laugh, clapping her hands in delight, not at all perturbed by Alliana harsh comment. She closed her eyes blissfully, and tilted her head back, slowly moving it from side to side, seeing something no one else in the room saw.

  “Well of course, you silly chit. They are just the sweetest, little things. I cuddle them all up like their mummies, until they get naughty and start to cry. I tell them hush, hush, hush, but they never listen. It makes me get all cross, then the bad things happen.”

  Marishka rocked her arms as if they contained a baby, then did that odd little twirling dance that she’d done downstairs again, swaying to the music inside her head, raising up her arms to toss her hair from her back as she did so, lost in her own world. It was then that Alliana realized she was quite insane. She thought of the child they said she was to have, and a chill of fear ran up her spine.

  “You’re revolting. If you ever dare to get near my child, I’ll kill you.” One of the men who had come to prepare the room suddenly rushed forward, his face changing as he advanced on her, hissing in anger, spittle dripping from his fangs. Alliana shrank back in horror and Marishka laughed shrilly, waving the vampire off.

  “Don’t be naughty, Ratif, Lord Mikhal said no touching. Get the water for her bath.”

  “A kettle of hot water, two towels, and a cloth will be fine. I shan’t be taking a bath.”

  Marishka turned up her nose, sneering in disgust. “Don’t be insolent. You’re filthy and your hair is a mass of tangles. Why it’s full of leaves and twigs. You’ll take a bath and change.”

  “Blame your brother for that! I’ll wash, but I’ll not get in a bath. They are marime’ to my people. I refuse.”

  “Whatever does that mean?”

  “If something is marime’, it means it is dirty to us. Baths are marime’. They’re against our customs. We wash in flowing water or use cloths. We don’t sit in our own filth, it’s disgusting.”

  “Look at you, my dear. You are a bit disgusting at the moment. You’re dirty from head to toe, and you’re trying my patience. I promised my brother you would be perfect and this silly insolence will not make Mikhal happy. I don’t like it when Mikhal isn’t happy. I don’t like it at all. He becomes very nasty and mean. Haven’t you learned that yet, foolish girl? It’s not wise to anger my Mikhal?”

  “I don’t care what ‘Mikhal’ wants. It goes against all I believe. You can imprison me here, but you can’t take away what I know in my heart is right. Why do you call him that ridiculous name anyway? It isn’t very dignified for a grand Lord.”

  Marishka gave her a hideous smile and Alliana knew at once she didn’t want an answer to her question. “Oh, that. That was such fun. He used to play this amusing game that involved pointy sticks and the heads of naughty villagers. Would you like me to go on?”

  Alliana paled at her words, sickened. She shook her head and turned away, not able to look at Marishka anymore. The conversation had turned insane. Again Alliana felt as if she were trapped in a nightmare, struggling to wake up. Alliana dug her fingernails into her palms as she stood with her back to Marishka, taking deep breaths, trying to quell the nausea churning inside her.

  “Oh don’t be such a prude. He always gave them a head start before hunting them down, so it was somewhat fair. Of course he had his horse, and all they could do was simply run like mad.” Marishka began that insane little giggle once more, and Alliana thought she was about to go mad as well.

  “Stop it!”

  “Oh dear, I’ve upset Mikhal’s little pet. What a pity.” Her insane laughter filled the air, louder and louder as she danced around, and Alliana cringed, dying to throw her hands over her ears, her pride preventing such a display of weakness. Finally, when Alliana was on the verge of breaking down, she abruptly stopped and drew near once more.

  “There, there now. Don’t be dismayed, sweet. Your bath has been brought, and you’ll use it if you know what’s good for you. A supper tray has arrived as well.” She strode to the wardrobe and pulled out a fine silk nightdress and tossed it on the bed. “Put this on when you’re clean. A comb and brush set are on the dressing table. I suggest you
make use of that as well, or is that against your beliefs too?”

  Alliana’s hands were clenched into tight fists and she longed to fly at Marishka and beat her senseless, but she refused to even turn around and acknowledge her comment. Seeing there would be no more fun had at the expense of Mikhal’s new toy, Marishka suddenly tired of her game. Her victim simply wasn’t taking the bait; they’d have to play another day.

  “You’ll be left alone unless you ring for something. My dear brother wants you to get your rest. I’ll pick out your wedding dress before I retire, and a servant will come to begin the preparations later on tomorrow. There will most certainly be a bath again then. I would make use of it if I were you, especially if you don’t use this one.

  “I promise it would be extremely unwise for you to anger Mikhal on the eve of your wedding night. He has given you a short reprieve my dear, but that is all going to change. I personally don’t care if he tears you apart, but you might, especially as he’s doing it. He’s wonderfully talented in the art of love, but can be a very rough if enraged.” That said, with a swish of her skirts, Marishka left the room, slamming the door and sliding the bolt firmly in place behind her.

  Alliana didn’t move for a moment, she couldn’t, but then the trembling started at last. Her knees weakened and she slumped to the floor, her head falling forward, her chin fell to her chest, eyes squeezed shut in utter misery. She was finally alone, and all the feelings she’d been battling since Mikhal the Merciless had begun his mad pursuit of her in the forest that night, came crashing down upon her.

  The tears came then. Huge sobs that shook her, wracking her body as she held herself, and as she sobbed, one word rang through her head over and over. Why? Why did she go to the orchard? Why did he have to catch her? Why did he have to know who she was? Why did he have to tear the medallion off of her? Why did he have to have such a diabolical plan with his insane sister? Why, why, why?


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