Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 13

by Jolynn Raymond

  When she was through, Alliana quickly dried herself and slipped into a dressing gown. Thalia had discretely kept her back turned all through Alliana’s bath, but hearing her Mistress move about, she came forward to assist her as was expected. Thalia knew she had to play her role very carefully with the new Lady Arcos. While it was true, the woman was human; the maid had no idea if her Mistress would run to Mikhal the Merciless, if something displeased her, as his sister always did.

  “Why don’t you sit at the dressing table, and I’ll fix your hair, My Lady.”

  "Thank you Thalia. Please plait it in a simple braid and wind it upon my head." Alliana longed to tear a strip of cloth from her petticoats and use the fabric to make a dilko. The head wrap was a very significant and important article of clothing for a married Gypsy, one a respectable woman was never to go without. Alliana was raised to believe that a married woman’s hair should be bound and covered so it would not be seen by men other than her husband, but she knew that this was going to be another act of shame that was inflicted upon her in her new home. Mikhal would never allow her to cover her hair. He’d whispered sweet compliments in her ear over and over about it, as he’d run his hands through the golden strands last night.

  When she was through, Thalia helped Alliana dress. Her gowns were all beautiful but there was no pleasure in wearing them. She had no doubt that the original owners of the garments had been killed or enslaved, or that some were simple cast offs from Marishka. The thought made her ill, and she immediately felt sullied when she put one of them on. At least there were some that afforded her a bit of modesty. Still, even the ones with the higher necklines didn't conceal the first mark he’d placed on her neck. The twin raised bumps that told the entire world, that the king of evil had bedded her. Anyone who saw his mark of claim would be privy to that fact that he’d taken her.

  She settled on a dark, blue damask gown, with a white lace underskirt and tiny seed pearls enhancing the embroidery of the bodice. It was quite lavish compared to anything she’d ever worn in her old life, and it made Alliana long for something simpler. The fancy dresses just weren’t to her taste. The wild Gypsy girl in her soul couldn’t be free in such finery. Her spirit longed to run wild in the forest, and one simply couldn’t do that in silks and damasks. Once more feeling caged, Alliana sighed and wrapped a lace shawl around her shoulders, pulling it tightly around her neck to cover as much of herself as possible in the fashionable gown. There was no use fretting now. She had bigger worries, one of which would be returning soon.

  Mikhal suddenly swept into the room without knocking, as was his custom; the Mage and another man she assumed was the Seer accompanied him. Alliana cringed at the sight of her tormenter and the others then steeled herself to face him again. "Ah my Dear, you are looking lovely as always." He spied the bathtub and snickered. “I see you had a bath, Pigeon. How nice.” His leering tone and loving endearments made a sharp retort rise to her tongue, but Alliana remained mute. He may have won that battle for the time being, but she wasn’t beaten yet.

  He turned to Thalia who openly flinched at being noticed. "You may leave us. I will ring for you when we are finished here. Lady Arcos will be ready for her breakfast then." Thalia quickly did as she was bid and Alliana was left alone with the three men. The Mage circled her, noting the bite mark that spoke of their mating.

  “You made her your mate?”

  “I felt it was best for my son. She will be more compliant, more content,” Alliana wanted to snort at the gall of his reply. Content? Was he mad?

  “Still, the act of mating seems a bit out of the ordinary. All that was needed was a claim.”

  “You question me, Mage?” The ominous tone in Mikhal’s voice left little doubt of his growing rage, but their dispute had a different effect on Alliana. What was this mating he spoke of? Alliana had assumed it was the act of bedding, the consummation itself, but now she knew that wasn’t the case. It had of course been necessary to bed her in order for her to be inseminated with his seed, but apparently this ‘mating’ was something altogether different. What had her husband done to her? Did it have something to do with the strange pull inside her when he growled? She would have to be bold and question him when they were alone for if he’d done something to possess her body in an even greater way, Alliana wanted to know about it.

  "Forgive me, My Lord. I didn’t mean to give that impression. I was a bit surprised, that is all. I’m sure it was a wise decision. Tell me Sire; was she pure when you took her? You planted your seed several times?"

  "Oh yes." Mikhal gloated. "She was quite untried, and I took her throughout the night."

  "And the potion? Did she drink it all as instructed?"

  "Every drop."

  "Then your son should be growing inside her. If she is not with child, then it will be her fault. She will have performed some sort of trick. Humans cannot be trusted."

  "If she is not carrying my son she should start praying, because I will drag her down to the dungeon to extract the nature of her deception."

  Alliana had enough. Their conversation was revolting. "My Lord, I have done no trickery. Your heir grows inside me. I can feel him. I knew the moment he was conceived." It was true, as the last rush of pleasure had died from their coupling, Alliana had known with the certainty of a woman’s intuition that the deed had been done.

  "We will know soon, my Sweet. Seer, please tell me if my wife is with child.”

  “Certainly, My Lord.”

  “Does she need to disrobe?" Mikhal asked with amusement. He wasn’t at all serious, but his rebellious wife didn’t know that. He was taking pleasure from her shame, and wanted to be sure she knew who had the upper hand. Alliana shrank back, away from the Seer and Mikhal the Merciless at his words. How many indignities would she have to bear? She couldn't disrobe in front of the two men. It was marime’. Husbands didn’t allow other men to look upon their wives! Didn’t he have even a shred of decency?

  "That won't be necessary, My Lord."

  Alliana let out a sigh of relief at his response, and closed her eyes. He placed a hand on her abdomen as his eyes turned into blank black orbs, and he looked at things only he could see. Everyone’s attention focused on Alliana and the Seer, as they waited for his word, and the room grew deathly still as the minutes passed. Alliana knew in her heart that Lord Arcos’ son had begun to grow in her womb, but there was still a knot of fear inside her that whispered 'what if’?

  Just like that, the man straightened and moved away from her, smiling. “Congratulation, My Lord, your heir has taken hold. Your wife shall give birth to your son. I saw him as a healthy infant." The Seer then took a knee in front of Mikhal. "I bow to my all powerful and wise ruler, and to his heir. May evil reign for eternity."

  "I too offer my congratulations, My Lord." Intoned the Mage. “Let the tower bell toll for this is truly a day of celebration."

  "You may tell the masses Mage. Let it be known that we will have a celebration in the great hall tonight."

  After the two men left, Mikhal focused his attentions on Alliana once more. "You have pleased me, my love. We will have a grand party tonight to celebrate our wedding and the conception of my son.” Alliana remained mute. How could she celebrate all that had happened to her in the past two days? Mikhal, becoming angry at her improper response, began to throw out the cruel barbs once more.

  What’s the matter Kitten? Won't it be fun? You shall be crowned the Lady of Evil, as the other poor humans are forced to celebrate. Your servant will be instructed to dress you in something enticing. I want to show you off this evening. I think the serfs will be especially interested to see who will be responsible for bringing my heir into the world."

  Alliana lowered her head to hide her tears of shame and anguish, but replied all the same because she knew it was expected. "Yes, My Lord." She mumbled the litany as a sob caught in her throat. The deed had been done and there was no way to stop the horrible events that would happen now. She was destined to carry
the child that could destroy her people forever. The power her husband would have with their son at his side would be tremendous. What would it mean for the future of the world?

  Mikhal frowned, she wasn’t happy at all and it was making him increasingly irritated with her. "What was that my Dear? I didn't quite hear you?"

  "Yes, My Lord" Alliana managed to speak a little louder. The effort it took to stop her sobs before they escaped made the blood pound in her ears and her throat close up, making it hard for her to get the words out, but she’d be damned if she were going to let him know how very miserable and lost she was.

  Mikhal crossed the room and stood directly in front of Alliana. He tilted her head back until she was forced to meet his eyes. They were so cruel and vicious that her tears welled up anew much to her distress. The gentle man had fled again, just when she needed a scrap of feeling from his cold dead heart. She blinked furiously, determined not to let her tears fall, but the horror of her new life was squeezing her heart, and she could do nothing to stop the pain.

  "Why my Pet, whatever could be the matter?" Mikhal hissed with a sneer on his face, her lack of delight over her pregnancy putting him in the mood to toy with her. She should be grateful to have been chosen to carry his son, and if the little bitch didn’t see things that way, well then he’d teach her some respect.

  “Alliana, you are carrying my child. He grows in your womb as we speak. You should be filled with pride at the great honor I have bestowed on you, not standing here sniveling like a frightened tot. I think it’s delightful, and I expect you to act accordingly. Now tell me how happy you are, Sweet."

  Alliana shuddered in revulsion. How could he be so very cruel? He knew she was tiptoeing on the fine line of sanity and was more than willing to give her a little push just to let her be even more desperate and despondent for a while.

  Again, the low growl of anger rose up; making it clear she better do as she was told, and again the cries of the little boy filled her ears, urging the expected reply. “I’m happy, My Lord. Ever so happy.”

  Alliana looked at him, her green eyes full of anguish, her bottom lip trembling, her heart breaking anew. Mikhal thought she looked lovely. He pulled her against him and she could feel he was swollen with desire. Tormenting her sparked his passion, and lust was sending fire through his veins. Cold dread filled Alliana and the tears that she had been fighting so hard to keep in check spilled down her cheeks.

  Mikhal bent down and licked them from her face, relishing again in the taste of her despair. Alliana closed her eyes, and her body began to shake, dreading what was to come, thinking that at any moment he was going to begin to undress her. He held her close, absorbing her fear, sucking it in like potent elixir, before sighing and letting her go.

  "Alas, I have business to attend to today. You will have to wait. Perhaps I can find time for a quick visit before the celebration. I will have you escorted back to your chamber so you may rest. Remember that we keep different hours than you humans. You would do well to become accustomed to them, because I shall expect you at my side through the night.

  No one will dare touch you now, so you may move about the castle. You are my mate and the mother of my son so it is quite safe. You see he is protecting you already. Be certain that you do the same for him. You are to eat your meal, then take a stroll with your servant. The midwife says you need to move about. Do not defy me in this, my Pet. It would not bode well for you if I were to find you hadn't followed my orders. Do you understand Alliana?"

  "Yes, My Lord."

  "Very good then, goodbye my Dear. Marishka may drop in on you today if she’s done with her games, but don’t worry. She won’t be touching you again. Be a good girl, my love. I shall miss you. See that you rest. It will be a grand ball, and will run well into the night." He lovingly ran his hand over her belly and gave her a quick kiss before striding out the door, a huge smile of pride beaming from his arrogant face.

  Chapter Eleven

  Alliana’s day to herself had flown by, and now Mikhal was assessing her appearance once more. He was taking in her hair and dress with a critical eye as she stood stone still, waiting for his approval. It was important to him that she looks enticing. He’d told her as much that morning and she knew it was because he wanted to show her off. Alliana knew her happiness and the lives of the children near the castle hung on Mikhal the Merciless’s satisfaction, so she had taken great pains with her appearance. Finally he nodded and smiled, a twinkle of delight sparkling in his eye.

  Mikhal stepped back and applauded her then bowed. “My Dear, you look ravishing. Just perfect, my Pet.”

  “Thank you, My Lord.”

  “Everyone will simply want to eat you up.” Mikhal chuckled at his own joke then chucked her under the chin, eyes sparkling and full of mischief. He was thrilled with how she looked and couldn’t wait to present his prize to his minions. She was his trophy to be displayed. To the winner goes the spoils, they say, and he was, after all, the champion of games. He was the victor of everything, as far as the eye could see, including his Gypsy bride.

  He knew many of his minions found humans to be desirable, even if they were pitiful stupid creatures, and he had found a most luscious and special woman to show off indeed. Most vampires felt Alliana’s kind possessed a certain beauty and allure. There was just something enticing about all that soft pliable skin and Mikhal knew he’d be the envy of everyone in the castle tonight because of the lovely creature before him. Sighing he reined in his thoughts, there wasn't time to partake in his Alliana's charms. His disciples were awaiting their Master, and he wouldn't deny them his company.

  "I see the dress I chose is simply perfect; you look delectable, my sweet, with all your charms prominently on display, and a hint of fear in your eyes. Your vulnerability adds to your beauty. All of my men's eyes will be on you tonight. Do you like that? Do you get a sense of power knowing they will be lusting after you Pet? I don’t suppose you do. You’re far too innocent for those types of games, and that is how it should be. Never the less, you will stir my minion’s needs and many will go and chose a human of their own for the night. Think of it Alliana, you could be the reason some of your kind are raped and abused all ... night ... long."

  Alliana paled. Why oh why must he taunt her so? Hadn’t she done all he asked? He’d seemed pleased with her but a moment ago. Didn’t he realize how his cruel words cut her? Why did he have to hurt her? Wasn’t she wearing the gown he’d chosen? Hadn’t she stood still for his coarse inspection? Wasn’t she even now carrying his son in her womb? Her next words came out before she could stop them.

  “Why won’t you leave me be? Do you get such a thrill from tormenting me? Am I that much fun to taunt? You’re like a horrid, spoiled child poking a stick at a wounded animal. I am your wife, the mother of your heir. Doesn’t that gain me anything? What must I do to find peace in this place?”

  “Why Alliana, love. I simply enjoy seeing your spirit. I’m just teasing you. You would deny me my simple pleasures?”

  “Simple pleasures?! You taunt me with cutting words. You do things to break my heart if I dare to overstep my bounds. You toy with me at every turn, and then act the part of the concerned husband the next. How am I even to know what my boundaries are? I am not a plaything Sir; please don’t act as if I am. You may think of me as a lowly human, but this human carries your child.”

  “Alliana I have done things to ensure your safety. Things you may not even be aware of. I have been tender with you, given you pleasure in bed, and allowed you many liberties. Is it so much that I ask your respect in return?”

  “Respect! What you ask for is not respect. It is blind obedience and permission to treat me as if I have no feelings. You act as if I was some beast of burden, or mud upon your boot. That My Lord is not respect.” Alliana almost choked on the words. He was incredulous. The arrogant, evil, vile, egotistical... “Don’t you dare speak to me of respect, for it is all I have shown you, Mikhal.”

  Tears were run
ning down Alliana’s cheeks and she knew she should stop her tirade, but the words spilled out in a rage unchecked. “I am no fool. Do you think the cries of that poor child don’t still ring in my ears? You have gotten nothing but honor from me, My Lord because I am terrified to show you anything but. You say you enjoy my spirit, but that isn’t the truth. What you enjoy is teasing me until I become so enraged that I can’t hold my tongue any longer, and then you revel in the agony my consequences bring me. And now I imagine I have just caused the death of some poor babe because of my tirade, and my soul shall rot in an even deeper hell because of my impulsiveness.”

  Mikhal looked at her, his head cocked to the side, eyebrows drawn together, face a mass of confusion. She was truly a mystery to him. There she stood, her chest rising and falling with the effort to control her breathing, eyes wild with fury, fear, and uncertainty, cheeks aflame with indignant ire and the tracks of her tears, and he thought she’d never looked more beautiful.

  “Alliana, I truly meant no harm. Come Pet, don’t fret. It’s all right. I won’t punish you. I told you I enjoy your fire. See? I do give you greater liberty when were alone. I am understanding, Sweet. I do care for your feelings. You are simply quite difficult to comprehend.”

  As he said the last words, he ran one of his fingertips along the low neckline of her dress making her shiver with revulsion. He was trying to mix tenderness with passion once again, not being able to separate the two. She simply stayed mute, happy to have escaped her tirade without punishment even if she hadn’t gotten her point across. At least she felt better for having given him a piece of her mind.


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