Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 27

by Jolynn Raymond

  “I heard there was trouble, My Lord.”

  “Yes. Something very unsettling occurred this evening. Tell me Lucian, where were you tonight?”

  “Was I to be on duty, Sire?”

  “Answer the question.” Mikhal’s snarl was fierce and his hands curled into fists as he controlled his rage. He didn’t have time for elusiveness.

  Lucian looked at him with a level gaze, as was his habit for just a moment, and then again gave a small nod of his head in apology. “Forgive me, Sire. I was entertaining a woman. We dined, and then I took her to my bed. I would have stayed here at the castle had you instructed me to, My Lord.”

  Mikhal looked him over slowly, sensing him, reading him, and all he felt was respect and concern. Yes, Lucian dared to meet his eyes more than the most, and his tongue wasn’t as respectful as it should be at times, but he valued the level of courage those actions represented in his first in command. The minion had nerve and that was a quality needed to lead.

  Mikhal again used his newfound empathic ability, and again sensed only a feeling of concern emanating from Lucian, and it gave him a sense of trust for the lesser vampire. Lucian had always been loyal and the feelings coming from him now helped confirm that Mikhal’s trust was not misplaced.

  As he stood sensing Lucian, Mikhal suddenly realized that there could be a favorable side to the curse that had been bestowed on him, a very favorable side. The Mage had been so certain that it would make him weak, but he hadn’t thought of how Mikhal could now find those who harbored feelings of dissent in his ranks.

  “You were well within your rights to engage in such activities. It was others who have betrayed me. There has been trouble within our walls tonight, trouble and treason. Walk with me as I give you the details. I need to find Enid and time is of the essence. I also need you to seize the Mage. He is to be tied in the courtyard at once, and left for the killing light of day.” Lucian’s head snapped around at Mikhal’s last words.

  “Do you have a problem with my last command?”

  “No, Sire. I am loyal to you, and trust you have your reasons. There is something else though. I was on my way to the Mistress’s chambers just now to deal with a situation. Marishka sent a minion to the dungeon less than an hour ago. The fool demanded Andor’s release. You weren’t here to confirm or deny her wishes, yet I did not want to go against her orders. I felt speaking with her to see if you had revoked your command was best.”

  Mikhal’s eyes widened with rage at the thought of Andor being free of his torment. He couldn’t believe Marishka would do such a thing. Lucian continued quickly as Mikhal’s mouth opened and his nostrils flared, he knew Mikhal was ready to begin his tirade about fools who don’t do as they are told and what becomes of them, and he wanted to assure Mikhal the Merciless that he hadn’t allowed such a thing, and never would.

  “All is well, Sire. It hasn’t been done. As I said, I felt I should speak with her before doing any such thing. It was a difficult decision; I admit that. I must try to honor my Mistress as well as honor you, but...”

  “Go on.”

  “She hasn’t been herself, My Lord. The lady’s whims can result in... Shall we say, unforeseen problems? I mean no disrespect.”

  Mikhal again looked at Lucian with narrowed eyes, but still, felt only concern emanating from the other man. Concern and perhaps a bit of relief that Mikhal had returned to the castle.

  “I’m afraid my sister was taking advantage of the fact that I was otherwise occupied. I understand your need to serve her, and I also understand your reserve. She can become a bit... disoriented. I’ve put Enid on watch of her, but Marishka has a fragile mind and becomes easily confused. Simply remember that my word is law in this castle, and until you hear it from my lips, Andor stays where he is.

  “Now that I know the Mage was his conspirator in the woods, I haven’t much use for him, and could gladly stake him myself, but he may be a useful tool in dealing with my sister. She has become quite hard to manage at times these days. His existence pacifies her, even if he is in the dungeon.”

  Again no response of rage or disgust, no hidden inward anger directed at him, no shift of Lucian’s eyes. That was good, very good. Mikhal was enjoying this part of his so-called curse. It allowed him to feel who deserved to be at his side when this battle truly began.

  Lucian simply gave a brief nod of respect to show he understood his orders. “Yes, My Lord. It shall be done at once.”

  “Very good.” Mikhal gave a curt nod, then the two men continued to walk in silence towards Marishka’s chambers, one to find help for the one he loved, and one to remove the traitor from their midst.


  They arrived at Marishka’s chamber’s to find Mikhal’s sister lounging on the massive bed. Gone were the ceremonial robes, they had been replaced by a thin gown of silk that left nothing to the imagination. She was, no doubt, waiting for Andor to return to her. Mikhal felt not a bit of pity for her as he felt the expectation that emanated from her upon his opening the door. It mattered naught that she would be angry at his refusal to release the minion. Marishka had no business ordering his release when Mikhal was gone in the first place.

  Mikhal’s gaze swept the chamber further, taking in the situation. The girl was still tied upon the altar, skin white as the snow that blanketed the courtyard in death, the last drops of her blood having long since splattered the cold stone floor beneath her.

  The Mage was standing before his tome of magicks, and looked up as they arrived. Mikhal both saw and sensed his tension as the man looked upon the Master he had so recently damned. He gave him a chilling smile and tilted his head in the Mage’s direction. This would be fun and interesting. No one toyed with Mikhal the Merciless and came out of the game unscathed.

  “You have your orders, Lucian. I want him near the east wall. Let him ponder his fate in the hours between now and noon. I want him to be in the shadows, watching, waiting, as his space of refuge shrinks smaller and smaller. Let the treasonous bastard bid his death hello as it inches closer and closer and finally turns his disloyal heart to dust.”

  The Mage’s eyes showed shock at this proclamation, and he backed away as Lucian came towards him, shaking his head.

  “What? Did you think you would not pay for your part in this curse that has been bestowed on me? You stood on the ramparts and shouted with glee about how feeble I would become. Pity for you, I haven’t become feeble. Not in the least. I’m not weak now, and I’m not the one who will have his flesh seared by the sun until nothing is left but dust.”

  “Mikhal! What is this? The Mage helped me with a little spell. It was nothing but a game. Come to me, Sweet.”

  Marishka rose from the bed slowly and tottered once, slightly off balance and dreamy because of the milk of poppy that Enid had given her. She then composed herself, moving towards Mikhal with the grace of a stalking panther, turning on her allure, running her hands down over her body, doing her best to seduce her brother, as she did so. She intended to show Mikhal her love for him, meant for him to feel what she did. The spell had been cast and now her Mikhal would experience again what he’d felt for her before. He would feel all her passion, lust, and need, and remember how glorious it had been when they were together.

  She flung her arms around him, pressing her lips to his, drawing a razor sharp fingernail down his cheek then lapping at the blood in a gesture that was both sensual and possessive, and in that moment, Mikhal did feel all that was inside her. He felt it all, but he also felt her selfishness, her cold-blooded, evil love for herself, and it left him empty. The only true love that existed inside Marishka, was the love of her own precious self and that knowledge made him realize that she had been playing on his sentiments all these years. His baby sister was gone, long gone, and all that was left was a shell of a woman who looked after her own desires above all else.

  While it was true she may care for him, and while it was certain that she lusted after him, everything she did, be it a p
out, smile, tantrum, or tears, were meant to satisfy her own needs. Even when he was at his worst, he had not preyed on the sentiments of his sister like she had done to him. The realization both angered and saddened him.

  Mikhal wiped at his cheek in disgust. “I am not your ‘Sweet’ and that was not a little game. Your Mage shall be executed and I’d do the same to you if you weren’t of my flesh. As it is I should toss you below with the rats, but as I said, you are my sister, and that must be taken into account.

  “I am wise to your ways Marishka. You expected me to return your love once I felt what was in your heart, but you failed to think of the blackness that truly dwells there. I could never love you as much as you love yourself, and I certainly don’t care to try. Another claims my heart. ”

  “She is nothing!”

  “She is my mate, and now I feel what lies within her.”

  “What lies within her is hate for you.”

  “True, but even before the curse, she called to me, we were bonded. Now I feel her grief and her pain and it tears at me as nothing else ever has. It tears at me, and I will make it right.”

  “I feel grief too. I have lost your love.”

  “You never had it. Not like this. Our love was not some great joining of the heart. You do not grieve for my love, you grieve because you have lost your favorite toy and you see no way of getting it back.

  “The Mage failed to tell you that your curse would open my eyes to what everyone was feeling Marishka, not just you. You were a fool to think it would only make me care for you, make me feel your selfish love and give it back in return. All it has done is make me better able to find the traitors in my ranks and make me see that my mate is a woman who should be cherished, loved, and protected.”

  The Mage tried to break away from Lucian at Mikhal’s words, determined to save himself. He knew he needed the support of those around him to survive. “Love! Love is for the pitiful. He is already weakened by his feelings for the Gypsy wench. Marishka, he is not fit to be Master if he loves a human. Lucian, you mustn’t listen to him, he will not be fit I tell you. Our leader must be powerful.”

  “Do I appear weak Mage? You thought I would feel your pain when you heard your death sentence and relent perhaps?” He paused and gave a harsh chilling laugh. “Your pain does nothing but excite me Mage. You betrayed me. Why should your suffering cause me to grieve? It seems the master magician is not aware of all the tricks his curses contain either. Take him away. His fear disgusts me.”

  “Lucian.” The Mage called out one last plea but it fell on deaf ears.

  “My Master has given me his orders. He in no way appears weak in my eyes. You, on the other hand, appear to be a traitor. A leader incapable of power would not mete out such swift justice. Everything will be done as you wish, My Lord.”

  The Mage struggled but Lucian was twice the man he was and the battle was over easily. Marishka, ready to begin a tantrum of her own to save her little world, cared naught for the Mage’s fate. He had failed her and if he were to be put to death, so be it. She put on her pout and allowed tears to fill her huge dark eyes, tilting her head, doing her best to look like the forlorn little girl.


  “Enough Marishka. My wife is in need of care. You are not to leave your quarters. I am putting a guard on your door until Enid can return. Part of me still wants to stake you out in the courtyard next to the Mage for what you have done to me. You should be very glad that you are my sister. Do not test my patience further. I know you have those who are loyal to you here Sweet, but I am Master, and I will remain Master.”

  Marishka stomped her foot in rage and let out a shriek. “You can’t keep me prisoner! You can’t...”

  “Silence, Marishka. I’ve had enough.”

  As his sister stormed across the room and flung herself on to the bed, Mikhal walked to the corner where Enid stood. The old witch had been watching the proceedings with a careful eye. She’d known the curse would have a dramatic effect, and not one that would be pleasing to her Mistress. Her only consolation had been that she had tried to stop Marishka from her fateful plan. Granted, she had failed, but she had tried. Now she wanted to see what the outcome would be.

  As she’d waited for Mikhal to come back with the Gypsy, she’d mulled over what was to be done. Enid knew that if Mikhal did indeed become weak because of the weight of emotions that would bombard him constantly, then he wouldn’t be fit to rule, but thankfully, so far, he’d shown an even greater strength.

  Her friend had easily dealt with the Mage, meting out swift justice, Andor was nowhere in sight, so his release obviously hadn’t happened, and best of all, Marishka was unable to bend him to her will any longer. As much as she loved Marishka, it was clear the woman was mad, and her leading the clan would have serious repercussions; probably ones that would be worse, if Mikhal became weakened by his love for his mate.

  All these things had gone through her head while she waited, and now here the object of all her questions was storming across the room to where she stood, a look of pure fury on his face. Enid met his expression with level eyes and clutched her walking stick with both of her gnarled hands.

  “Why are you still here witch? I summoned you to tend my wife and yet I find you in my sister’s chambers with those who would plot against me. Tell me, have they convinced you to be part of this too? Were you in on the spell my friend?

  “I am still here because your sister required my attention. I do not care to give her my potions and then leave her alone. To be honest, I expected Andor to arrive to keep watch over her.”

  “The Mage was here.”

  “He wasn’t to be trusted. I gave her the potion, I stayed.” Enid shrugged her shoulders as if to say she would speak no more of her decision.

  Mikhal snarled at the old woman and raised a hand to strike her, but Enid stood her ground, her gaze piercing, steady. He paused as her emotions came to him, reading her, sensing her feelings for treason, but even now, as he stood ready to hurt her, she emanated love and compassion for him. No fear, no anger, just caring mixed with intense concern.

  She looked from his raised hand, to his face, and shook her head. “Calm yourself. I had no part in the events of the night. Before you left to retrieve your wayward wife, part of me wanted to warn you, but you were too far-gone. I also had my doubts about you since it’s clear the girl has managed to worm her way inside you. In my mind, this is a test, Mikhal. If you can withstand the curse and all it means and still be the leader you’ve always been, then I will stand at your side. If you become weak, well...”

  “You are saying you would betray me?”

  “I am saying I would do what was best for those who reside in this castle. Your sister is demented, but I love her dearly, and she needs looking after. I expect you to still fill that role no matter how much you love your human.”

  “Enough of this. There is no time. We shall deal with your misdeeds later.”

  “I have done nothing, and we will not deal with it later. If you have something to say, say it now Mikhal.”

  “Did you help with the curse? Did you wish to see me crushed?”

  “No, you are a friend, even more so than Marishka is. I simply could not stop them. I am but an old woman, Mikhal; tough yes, but no match for Marishka and the Mage, especially when your sister gets angry.

  “I did my best to explain that the spell would not work to her liking, but she turned a deaf ear. Marishka does what she wants. Now, well, I shall stand by you both and help as I can, but I won’t allow you to forsake the clan for your wife. Tend her Mikhal; care for her if you must, but never forget your other responsibilities. You have many of them in your position, and your sister is one of them. She would die if left alone.”

  Mikhal knew Enid spoke the truth and that there was wisdom in her words. “You are the only one who I allow to be so forward with me, you old hag. You know that don’t you?”

  Enid cackled and took his arm, smiling. “Of course I kno
w it Mikhal. I also know you find me entertaining. All those around you bow and kiss your shiny boots, but not me, and you find it amusing.”

  As they began to exit the chamber, a scream rang out inside Mikhal’s head and heart, and he knew in an instant that Alliana had awakened. She was awake and she was hurting, both physically and emotionally. Mikhal quickened his pace and looked at the midwife at his side, his face turning deadly serious as he made haste towards Alliana’s chambers.

  “I find you amusing to some extent my friend, but that amusement will disappear completely if you fail me now.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Enid gave a harsh laugh at Mikhal’s barely veiled threat. “Aye, my friend. You haven’t lost your edge because of the curse have you? At least not around the rest of us in this castle, we shall see how the Gypsy affects your heart. Your worry for her is plain for all to see.”

  “My concern for my wife really isn’t any of yours Enid, and no, how you feel about how I react to her, doesn’t matter to me one bit. It’s as I told the Mage. I am Lord of this castle and I shall continue to be, no matter what feelings the little chit stirs up inside of me.

  “I always knew she despised me. I knew the things I did to punish her hurt. They were meant to. The fact that her pain is more evident now doesn’t change things. She may be my wife, but she is still but a human, and while it is true she carries my son, and I’m concerned about his well-being, her feelings about what happened are incidental. In fact, she will be punished for her disobedience.”

  This time the old hag’s laughter rang out down the hall as they walked. “You fool yourself, Mikhal. I do not need to be cursed with an Empathy spell to read your emotions or predict the future stirrings of your heart. I saw how the mating bond brought forth feelings for the girl long before tonight, and now that you will experience her pain, well, it will change you even more. As powerful as you are, you won’t be able to stop the emotions churning inside you. Let us not play games with each other my friend. I will do what must be done to help deliver your son, and you will have faith in me to stand by you through this.”


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