Spectrum: Breaking Light

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Spectrum: Breaking Light Page 4

by Darren Sloan

  "Or they underestimate us. They think we're just cavemen. We've got some pretty big guns of our own."

  "We're trapped in here. The National Guard won't be coming to the rescue here."

  "The Drone Droids. Each of them is an army unto itself."

  "And you really think Kelvin is going to sign off on that? An army of those things to defend me?"

  "I don't know. I'm not losing you! I don't care if I have to go up there myself!"

  "You're talking crazy."

  "I can't lose you again."

  "I don't want to lose you either, but I'm not seeing a lot of options here."

  "It sounds like you've already made up your mind."

  "Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe I can reason with them."

  "Or maybe they're going to kill you."

  "Not without a fight." Tyler forced a smile and Jason took him into his arms.

  "Whoa! Check it out. More channels are coming in!" Heather shouted. Jason and Tyler turned and saw Chief Kelvin was holding a press conference in his office.

  "I expect the criminal known as Spectrum to surrender himself to these alien invaders, but if he chooses not to, I want to assure the people of Towers City that I will put to use all resources to bring him into custody and we will turn him over to these terrorists. I've gone on record that Spectrum would lead to such an emergency and this only vindicates my position. I will also like to let it be known if any aggressive action is taken by these alien intruders, we will not hesitate to strike back in kind. We may not be able to reach out to the armed forces of this great nation, but we have a formidable arsenal of our own right here."

  "Good one, Kelvin. Just what we need. More threats flying back and forth." Jason said as he slammed the television off.

  "What are you going to do?" Heather asked.

  "Like I have any choice? Spectrum is turning himself in." Tyler came up to Jason and threw his arms around him.

  "Please, don't."

  "I have to, baby. There's no other way. Maybe they have a way to take it without killing me. This could be a good thing. I'll be free and we can have a normal life." Jason could feel Tyler's tears smearing against his cheek. Jason squeezed harder.

  "I love you."

  "I love you, too, but if I'm going to keep you safe, I have to do this."


  "Yeah. It's a hero thing."

  "I don't like it."

  "Me neither, but no one said this was going to be easy."

  Chapter 6


  The entire city was paralyzed, but while most people stayed inside, there was a large faction of others who were panicking. Some people tried to escape the city only to discover some kind of force field held them back. The entire city had been surrounded and there didn't seem to be any way to break free, which many learned the hard way as they tried every way they could think of to escape. Some people rammed their cars into the invisible shield hoping to break through, while others attempted to actually dig under the invisible barrier, but it seemed to extend far below the surface.

  Panic began to simmer through all of Towers City and people were growing impatient. A large faction of citizens gathered outside of police headquarters and began chanting for the surrender of Spectrum.

  "I don't think they're going anywhere, sir." Chief Kelvin's secretary said as she glanced out his window.

  "I'm aware of that, but there's not much I can do about that. Any movement on Spectrum?"

  "Nothing has come in yet, but then we're hardly working at full capacity. We're just lucky those old radio receivers we kept in storage are able to work."

  "I want you to compile a list of every person who failed to show up today. They're going to all answer to me once this all blows over."

  "Can you really blame them?"

  "Hey! I saw those ships up in the sky the same as everyone else in this city and I managed to get in to work!"

  "And we are all so grateful for that."

  "Don't get cute. It's been an hour. Has anyone even seen Spectrum?"

  "Not a peep."

  "Figures. The one time I actually want the freak, he decides to go M.I.A."

  "What if they get him and still destroy the city?"

  "If they were going to kill us, they would done so by now."

  "I don't know. Sir, as reassuring as it is that you're still such a pain in the ass with everything that's going on, you don't have to be a hero here. Everyone is scared."

  "Whether I'm afraid or not has nothing to do with the job I have to do. It also doesn't matter if they're from another planet. A criminal is a criminal and it's my job to protect this city. Whether it's from drug dealers or alien invasions. This is where I'm supposed to be."

  "Why do you have to go and get so noble? It makes it so much harder to trash you at the Christmas party."

  "Is it noble?"

  "I think so. It also sounds kind of familiar. Kind of like Spec," Kelvin threw his hand up before she could finish her sentence.

  "Just get those names and let me know the second anyone reports in."

  "Yes, sir." His secretary then hurried out and Kelvin leaned back in his chair as he tried to think of his next move. He had only a third of his full force on the streets and communication through the old radios was often more trouble than it was worth. The whole city seemed to be breaking down into chaos and there weren't a lot of options. There was no way to contact any other city for help and the national armed forces were out of the question as well. Kelvin balled up his fist in frustration and the thought of going out on his own crossed his mind. He looked up and saw Tyler Zane approaching his office. He slipped past his secretary and pushed the door open.

  "Zane. Glad to see you made it in."

  "Of course. Where is everyone?" Tyler asked as he looked back out to the main office. "It's a skeleton crew out there."

  "Apparently when alien warships appear in the sky, people think they can just blow off work. I mobilized the few who did report for duty and they have one order. Find Spectrum. We've got about three hours left, and I for one am not going to get vaporized saving that costumed freak. They want him, they can have him."

  "So you're just going to find him and serve him up?"

  "On a silver platter, if I could find one big enough. I don't suppose you have any leads."

  "I'm sorry. No."

  "And that's because you really don't, or because you are one of the few men on the payroll who fall under 'Team Spectrum'?"

  "I believe that he is an asset to this city, but I don't let my personal beliefs interfere with my duty."

  "No. I suppose you don't. I'm sorry, Zane. Get down to the cage and get on the road. They'll have a radio for you to use. They're a little out of date, but they work. Everyone is on channel twenty eight. Remember that."

  "Twenty eight. Got it."

  Jason was going around the city trying to get an idea of what was going on. He knew the only answer was to give himself up, but he figured he could take a little time. He didn't know what awaited him once he gave himself over to the aliens, but he was rather certain it wasn't going to be good.

  As Jason biked through the empty streets of the city, he could hear groups of chanting people coming from all around. He turned a corner and he saw a group marching down the street with signs that read 'Take Spectrum Now'. A stranger in the crowd caught Jason's attention. She was a little old lady with gray hair and clad in a modest floral print dress and she smiled at him as they passed. She ran over to him and grabbed his arm.

  "Do you want to come with us, young man?"

  "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

  "Oh, we're just a group of concerned citizens. We're calling for that so-called hero to give himself up to those aliens before they vaporize us all. We can use all the voices we can get."

  "Well, what if Spectrum is planning on giving himself up?"

  "Then why hasn't he? What's he waiting for?"

  "Maybe he's got some people he wants to say
good bye to first. Maybe he's putting his affairs in order. Who knows?"

  "All I know is if someone says they're some defender of the innocent, that person shouldn't hide like a coward when he gets called out like this." Jason felt nervous as he saw the anger come over the little old woman's face. Her words were those of millions of others in the city. Millions of others who were scared and feeling abandoned by someone who they had been led to believe would be their protector. There were those who hated Spectrum before, but a whole new crop were beginning to hate him for letting them down.

  "Maybe I'll catch up with you later."

  "Oh, that's fine. I understand everyone is gathering at the park."


  "All the groups who are calling for Spectrum's surrender. This whole city is going to stand together and demand Spectrum sacrifice himself to stop this invasion. I'll see you there." She said as she hurried to catch up with her group. Jason watched as they disappeared around the corner. He got back on his bike and continued down the street. He found it rather rattling how fast public opinion changed. It wasn't like Spectrum was the new city darling, but there was some significant support, but the second a crisis hits, the story changes. It wasn't like he didn't agree either. He knew that he had to give himself over, but it hurt a bit seeing so many people demanding it.

  Jason decided he had seen enough and headed back home. He figured he could say his final good byes to Heather and Tyler. He wished he could call his parents, but he wasn't able to call out of the city, and even if he could, he wasn't sure what he would tell them. They had no idea about Spectrum and he wasn't so sure he wanted them to know. It felt like one of those things they would have been better off never knowing.

  A loud crash caught Jason's attention and he turned to see some creatures falling from the sky. They appeared to be some kind of robots, but far more advanced than any Drone Droid. Their forms were clearly humanoid, but on a much larger scale. Nearly gigantic. The designs were seamless and smooth, like metal muscle. They were adorned with guns and blades of all kinds and stomped around as though they knew they could kill anything. A smaller figure crashed down and emerged from the dust. It looked like a man in a suit of metallic green armor. His right arm looked normal, but his left arm was a large gun.

  "You have your orders. Put the fear of these peoples' God into them," The man said. "Just tear through as much as you can. Don't kill anyone, if you can help it." As he gave his orders, the robots began attacking everything in sight. They fired their weapons and buildings began to explode and the streets were being torn up. The man in the armor was doing his part as well, firing his left arm gun at cars and causing them to detonate and fly up into the air upon large columns of fire.

  As the destruction went on, people came running out for cover, screaming in terror and several narrowly escaping certain death as artillery shells, laser blasts and other kinds of ammunition flew through the air.

  Jason ran to a small alley nearby and emerged clad in the suit. He leapt up into the sky and he spotted the man in the green armor. He shot down like a bullet, knocking him down. Spectrum stood over him and he stared back up.

  "I believe I was given four hours." Spectrum said.

  "It was felt that a little incentive might be needed. I am Xenosian Hunter Class BB. Designate: Gunther."

  "Xenosian hunter? Like Panther."

  "Almost. The only difference is I intend to fulfill the bounty." Gunther then pulled up his arm and a blast of energy erupted from it. Spectrum dove out of the way, but Gunther was quick. He leapt on top of Spectrum and shot out a rope of chains which spun around Spectrum's leg. Spectrum shot out a surge of electricity, but it only stunned Gunther. Spectrum slipped free from his bonds and shot up into the air.

  "Coward!" Gunther barked. "You aren't worthy!" Spectrum then came down hard, knocking Gunther away.

  "I was given four hours to surrender. As far as I'm concerned, you guys coming down here and ripping up my city is an act of war. I was going to go peacefully, but after this, I'm going to rip you to pieces." The robots became aware of the fight and began to close in on Spectrum. They moved easily and with lightning reflexes. They were considerably larger than Spectrum, but had the grace of a ballet dancer. Spectrum found it difficult to avoid them, much less attack them as they didn't seem to stand still for a second. Spectrum planted his feet in the ground and concentrated as hard as he could. He slammed his hands together and a powerful wave of energy erupted from his fists and enveloped the immediate area. When Spectrum looked up, the robots had been destroyed and Gunther was splayed out along the ground. Spectrum approached Gunther as he began to regain consciousness. He leaned down and looked right into his eyes.

  "You touch my town like that again, you're going to get a matching right arm. Now why don't you scoot on back to that flying war machine up there and I'll be over when I'm damn good and ready!" Gunther narrowed his eyes at Spectrum and stood to his full height.

  "I will report this. What the Captain does is out of my control." Gunther waved his hand and a small silver sphere appeared out of nowhere and he whispered something to it. It began to glow and a door made of red light appeared in the air. Gunther stepped through the door and as the silver sphere passed through it, the door closed.

  "What the Hell was that?" He asked himself. He then heard applause. Spectrum turned to see a wall of people standing before him, cheering. As the applause died down he walked toward them. "You're welcome. Now I'm sure you're all dying for me to go hand my head over to these aliens."

  "What?" A woman in the crowd asked. "No. We don't want you to surrender to those monsters. We want you to go and kick their asses, like you just did."

  "You do? Even though me giving myself up means those monsters all leave?"

  "We don't want to give you up." The woman said. "Last month, you stopped a robbery in the store I own. They wanted the money that was in the safe in the back. I had been saving that money for over six months. That money was just enough to cover my husband's Chemotherapy for that month and they wanted to take it, but you stopped them. He, and I, owe you so much. Ever since you showed up here, you've been helping so many. You are a hero and this city has never needed one more than now; and heroes don't surrender." Spectrum looked out across the crowd and it seemed like the sentiment was shared among everyone. It never dawned on him that while there were people who hated him, there were a few who loved him, and it was for them he had to fight.

  Chapter 7


  Spectrum was flying over the city and as he approached the park, he saw the growing crowd below. There were two sides on either side of the park. On one side there were signs supporting Spectrum and on the other signs that were condemning him and demanding that he leave. He was a bit disheartened to see that the side crying for his blood was significantly larger than the other.

  Spectrum landed between the two groups and his presences seemed to ignite tempers instantly. There were cheers of praise from one side and screams of disdain from the other. Spectrum noticed some activity from his supporters and he saw someone emerge from the crowd. It was Trevor. He raced up to Spectrum.

  "Trevor? What are you doing here?"

  "I heard about what was going on and I just thought I should be here. You're not surrendering to those aliens, are you?"

  "Not exactly."

  "I don't know how this is going to go, but I wanted to let you know I spoke with my parents the other night. They understood."

  "That's great. Congratulations."

  "I guess all of this puts that into perspective."

  "Trust me. It took you much more bravery to deal with that than it's taking me to deal with this." Spectrum said as he looked up at the ships above.

  "I find that hard to believe, but thanks."

  "Now take my advice and just go home. It's way too dangerous out here. Between whatever is waiting up there and the hate brewing down here; I'd feel better if you were someplace safe."

  "Fine. Don
't do anything stupid."

  "I make no promises," Spectrum said. Trevor shot him an uneasy smile. "Now get out of here. Go home. Wait this thing out."

  "I don't feel right leaving."

  "Trust me. You'd be doing me a favor. Just go home. Be with your family. Let me take on the heavy lifting."

  "All right. I'll go. Good luck."

  "Thanks." Spectrum said and Trevor turned and ran off and was soon clear from the park. The jarring cries from his opponents began to break through his concentration and he turned to see them shouting at him and spitting their vile hate.

  He then focused his attention to the ships hovering above. He shot straight up toward the largest one. He assumed that was the ship where the man in charge would be. As he got closer, he saw how big the ship really was. It had to have been a hundred football fields wide and even more in length. There were smaller ships shooting across the skin of the ship, as if they were parasite fish latching onto the skin of a shark.

  Spectrum landed on top of the ship hoping to see some way inside, but it was solid and smooth without a door or passage to be seen. He heard a familiar noise behind him. It sounded like one of those light doors opening. Spectrum turned to see Captain Denwall approaching, clad in his uniform and close behind him was Gunther.

  "So glad to see you making a sensible choice." Captain Denwall said.

  "I just came here to tell you to leave now. Release the city, leave and never come back."

  "We aren't going anywhere. Not without the God's Blood."

  "It's not yours anymore."

  "We were hoping to go about this peacefully."

  "Really? Is that why you sent your armored thug over there to tear up my city?" Denwall seemed caught off guard by the accusation. He turned to Gunther who bowed his head.

  "Gunther? Is this true?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "I gave no such order. What made you think you could do such a thing?"

  "These apes need to be shown who is superior!" Gunther barked. "This should have been over long ago. It's only because we tread so softly that these lower life forms feel they can hold the God's Blood for ransom!"


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