Spectrum: Breaking Light

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Spectrum: Breaking Light Page 7

by Darren Sloan

  "Yes. Both sides used its power against each other. Even though they were evenly matched, the loss of life was profound for both sides, but finally those fighting for enlightenment and evolution won the war. Arkane's empire was destroyed and he and his few followers retreated beneath the surface of Xenos, never to be heard from since. After the New Technologists took control, the first thing they did was erect the wall. The great wall that encloses the city of Xenos today. Here we are able to allow ourselves to grow and improve our lives, while outside the wall, the planet is free to flourish and grow naturally. No one is allowed outside of the wall."

  "And nothing tries to come in?"

  "Nothing so far. We don't wish to interfere with the natural balance of the planet. While we believe in the power of science and rational thought, we understand that we must allow the planet to live free of our interruptions. So far it seems to be a workable arrangement."

  "Sounds like you guys really have it all figured out."

  "In some ways, we do. We have learned a great deal from the mistakes of other civilizations. We learned a long time ago that there is no one, single truth in this universe, but many that fit together and create both the fantastic and mundane. All paths must be respected. They exist whether you believe in them or not."

  I looked back out the window as we made it to the other side of the plaza. I got my last eyeful of Xenos and while Denwall's words filled me with some sense of hope, I realized that order and right and wrong were very strong themes in Xenos' history and I was finding it hard to believe that people whose job it was to uphold those values would be able to turn a blind eye to my unintentional crime..

  Chapter 13

  The Trial II

  We arrived at what I assumed was the upper chamber. It wasn't quite what I expected. It was a small, unremarkable room. The walls were dark and there were lights lined up along the floor. The Council I had heard so much about was seated at a long table at the end of the room. Prime Nero was seated in the middle while the other council members flanked him. Denwall led me toward them and I felt my heart begin to race. It seemed the closer I came to my own doom, the more I wanted to fight against it. It was a natural feeling, I was sure. A classic self-preservation reaction. The restraints on my arms were tight and any attempt to generate any power or energy failed. I wasn't sure what I would do if I could break free. I had no desire to kill anyone, and if I broke free I wasn't sure where I would go.

  "Spectrum of Earth," Nero said. "You are charged with the theft and illegal possession of what will be referred to as the God's Blood. How do you plea?" I felt lost. I wasn't sure what to do anymore. I didn't know what they wanted exactly. I was rather confident if I agreed that I was guilty, they could just take the suit and leave me to die and that would be it. Part of me was tempted to do just that. It seemed like an easier path, but I couldn't just give up. I needed to fight; even if I was destined to lose.

  "Not guilty." I said. The Council reacted with great surprise at my plea.

  "Not guilty? Even though you wear it now, before our very eyes?"

  "Yes. I contend that while I do possess the God's Blood, I didn't take it. It was forced on me." Nero looked at me with great interest.

  "Do you mean to say you want to argue your case?"


  "Very well. What do you have to say for yourself?"

  "It's true I have the God's Blood. I didn't take it though. I don't know who did. I answered an ad to participate in a secret experiment in exchange for money,"

  "Excuse me, but what?"

  "I admit, not the best idea in the world, but they were offering a lot of money and I was in deep need."

  "What is money? We have read about this concept on your planet many times."

  "Don't you have money here?"

  "No. As a society we realize the importance of working for the greater good. The Xenosian government provides housing to the people and they in turn contribute to society in any capacity they are able."

  "Wow. That's pretty nice."

  "We find that it's an effective way to ensure the right people in the correct roles. There is little chance for corruption."

  "Well, on my planet, there's nothing but corruption. Money is a real big deal, and I needed some. I answered the ad and when I got there, I got drugged and woke up with this thing fused to my nervous system."

  "And who did this to you?"

  "That I don't know. They never identified themselves."

  "So, you were imbued with the God's Blood and you just accepted it?"

  "I didn't know what to think. It spoke to me, though."

  "It did?"

  "Through my dreams. When I slept it showed me things. They didn't make sense at the time, but now it's all starting to come together for me."

  "Explain to us why you took on this personae, 'Spectrum'." I could feel sweat forming under the suit. I didn't know why I was growing so nervous, but I couldn't crack in front of them.

  "When I figured out what my powers were, as such, I chose to use them to help people. I'm not sure if it was really my idea or the suit or maybe it was both, but it was what made sense. I saved people. I think I actually was helping." Nero turned to the others at the table and I could hear them muttering about something. I tried to focus more in order to hear, but it seemed like the walls absorbed all sound. When Nero was done with the others, he turned back to me.

  "Based on the study we received pertaining to your time on Earth, it seems you did indeed help people. We even have record of you dealing with an individual known as Sur Reel."

  "Yes. I'm not really sure who, or what, he was, or even if he's still alive. To be honest, a lot of all of that is really foggy in my head. I remember getting stabbed, but after that it's all gray." Nero flipped through some more papers in a folder that was sitting in front of him. I wasn't sure what he knew about me, but it was clearly more than I realized.

  "Your local police force seemed to be under the impression that you were a hazard."

  "Yes. I'm sure you know that the people of Earth tend to default to fear when it comes to anything new."

  "That is true. One of the many ways your people prove ill equipped to join in the universal community."

  "There are others?"

  "You humans seem to be under the impression that your planet was the only one blessed with intelligent life. There are countless worlds beyond yours and forms of life that exist in ways you could barely comprehend. I'm sorry, but you are to us as your primate apes are to you on your planet."

  "I get that. I do."

  "I'm sure you are only understanding a little about why this is so crucial to our people. It is the last vestige of our darkest time and brightest hope. It is our responsibility and duty to use what brought so much death to bring life. It is a balance we must fulfill. It is the last remembrance of our past and the greatest hope for our future."

  "I do understand. If I may be so bold, you may be underestimating the Earth. There are those who are still doing backstrokes through the primordial ooze, but every generation brings forth more enlightenment. I think we're getting better."

  "From where you are, I'm not surprised." He said. I wasn't totally sure if I should have been offended or not. I thought for a moment and decided I had to do something exceptional to get their notice. I closed my eyes and I felt the suit slowly slip away from my skin and retreat back to where it usually stayed. I stood before them not as Spectrum, but as Jason Randwulf. They all looked upon me with great interest. I wasn't sure if that was because I chose to expose my true face, or if it was because I was standing before them in just my underwear. I didn't really care.

  "I am human and I feel no shame in that. I also don't think it should be used as some argument against me. This suit found its way to me for some reason, so maybe it's telling you that this honor, or duty, isn't exclusively Xenosian. You talk about other alien life forms as though you are all part of one single community; but as you wallow in your superiority over Earth,
you exclude and belittle us. You cast us off as inferior and therefore beneath your notice or care. Your God's Blood doesn't seem to see it like that."

  "You just don't understand."

  "And there it is. That tone. You talk to me like I'm some impudent child, but I do understand. I have eyes. I can hear. I may be catching up a little bit right now, but I'm not blind to any of this. The suit has granted me clarity and I'd say that is one of its more potent powers."

  "This has been entertaining, Spectrum."

  "Jason. My name is Jason Randwulf. Of Earth."

  "Fine. Mr. Randwulf. It is the opinion of this council that while you did not steal the God's Blood, you do possess it and as such, it shall be removed. Your survival through this process is less than likely and we commend you for your services up to this point. You should be very proud." Nero said. The guards came up behind me and forced me along. I heard a door open behind me and I saw them bringing Panther in. If I was to die, so was she.

  "Wait!" I barked.

  "Excuse me? What?" Nero asked. I broke away from my guards and ran before Nero.

  "Give me the test."

  "The test?"

  "Panther told me that before The Intended are given the God's Blood, you put them through one final test to prove their worthiness. Give me the test." I said. Nero looked at me with careful consideration.

  "The test is to be given only to Xenosians!" One of the council members shouted.

  "I realize that, but either I make it and prove myself worthy, or I don't and you get your God's Blood back and me dead; as you apparently want."

  "This council wishes no death to anyone," Nero said. "Very well. You will be tested."

  "Nero! This is outrageous! To test an off-worlder! It's blasphemous!"

  "It is my choice. There seems to be a significant connection between the God's Blood and this human. This could prove to be very interesting."

  "We aren't here for interest. We're here for justice!"

  "And this will be justice. As he said, if he passes, he passes. He fails. He fails."

  "And Panther?"

  "We can't test the two of you, as she is already a hunter, but considering the nature of the test, I think it would be fitting for her to join you. This is an unprecedented turn of events."

  "What do you mean? I mean, what is this test anyway?" I asked, feeling as though I probably should have asked before.

  "It's simple. We send you out via a Wurmhole to a random point outside the wall. Your objective, and only objective, is to return to Xenos alive. Panther can serve as your guide. As an off-worlder, you'll need one."

  "That's it? Just get back alive?" I asked. Nero smiled and I felt a bit unsettled by his grin.

  "Take them back to their cells. They're going to need all the rest they can get before tomorrow."

  Chapter 14

  Tour of Duty

  I tried to get some information out of Panther concerning the test, but she seemed as ignorant about it as I was. It seemed too easy. Denwall had said that no one was ever allowed outside the wall, but clearly the exception was made for the test. What he had said about the history of Xenos and the subject of magic kept coming back to me. What was past that wall? I could only imagine. It seemed that their science was well past my understanding. I could only imagine what their magic and mysticism would prove to be like. I stared down at my arm. I was once more clad in the suit and I felt its power surge through me. I felt a bit of comfort for that. I had the power of the God's Blood. Whatever horrors that there were, I was sure I could deal with them.

  When I woke up the next day, I saw Denwall and his guards approaching my cell. The walls shut down and Denwall walked up to me. He was holding some kind of suit in his arms and one of his guards had a large duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

  "What's this?" I asked as I stood up."

  "Retract your suit now."

  "What?" Denwall then tossed the suit down onto the bed.

  "Retract the suit and change into that." He ordered. I nodded and the suit slipped away from my flesh and I could feel it pushing through my veins. I picked up the suit that Denwall had brought. It was some kind of utilitarian activity suit. The material was breathable and it seemed to have a good measure of give. I pulled it on and fastened the clips. It wasn't bad. It was tight on my frame, but not uncomfortable.

  "Is this some kind of ritual thing?" I asked. Denwall then produced a small metal cuff and with a single, smooth move, he clamped it over my neck. I fell back and tried to pull it off but it was locked tight. "What the Hell is this?"

  "The time has come. Follow me." Denwall said and marched away. I got up and hurried after them.

  We went back to the upper chamber but the whole room was brightly lit and the table The Council sat at was gone. They stood at the end of the room and seemed to be waiting for me. I soon heard Panther being brought in behind me. I turned and I saw that she was free of her prison garb and was outfitted in the black bodysuit she had been wearing when I first met her, and the bandana over her eyes was returned.

  "Good morning." Nero said as we approached.

  "Hello. What's going on?" I asked.

  "You are about to begin the test. The bag," Denwall's guard then dropped the bag he was carrying and dropped it beside me. "In that bag are the most basic essentials for survival in the wild."

  "And what about this necklace?"

  "Oh, that," Nero said with a grave smile. "That collar is designed to restrict your use of the God's Blood while you're out there. You see, we must know that the man who carries the mantle is a warrior in his soul as well as his body. If we dropped you out there with full use of your powers, there would be no challenge at all. You must prove that who you are, without the powers, is worthy of this honor. The collar will allow you one minute of access to the suit for every eight hours that pass," I was starting to feel a bit less confident. Nero looked over at Panther and she bowed on her knee before him. "And to you Hunter Panther. For your crimes against Xenos and her people, you will face the same fate as this human. Your sword." Nero then turned to one of the guards and he produced a rather large, sharp-looking sword from his belt and held it out to him. Nero took the sword and offered it to Panther and she took it with a humble nod.

  "Thank you, Prime." She said. Nero then snapped his fingers and another one of those silver spheres flew in.

  "This Comm-Sphere will be your only contact to us. It will monitor your progress continually. Keep that in mind as you proceed on your journey." The sphere began to glow and a door made of pure light opened up in the middle of the room. Panther and I stood before the portal. The light was bright and I couldn't see anything past the opening. I looked over to Panther and her stare was fixed on the portal. I felt like I had to say something, but I didn't know what I could say. I thought back on Tyler and everyone on Earth. I wondered if there was anyway the portal could have taken us back home; my home. I looked over to Nero and he had his arms crossed over his chest and I was getting the feeling he was growing impatient. I took a breath and started toward the light. I was blinded for a moment and I then felt a violent jerk, as though someone were pulling at my spine, and when the light faded, I found myself face down in snow on a mountain top. The sky was clouded over and the icy air was whipping against my face. I got up and turned just as Panther came through the portal. After she was clear, the door closed and only the silver sphere remained as it floated over us.

  "Are you all right?" Panther asked.

  "I think so. Where are we?" Panther looked at the sky and then surveyed the area.

  "My best guess is that we are on top of the Northern Range Mountains."

  "All right. Translate that for me. Where are we in relation to Xenos?"

  "We're far. Let me just say that."

  "How far?"

  "I don't think you want to know. I think the best thing for us to do is get down off the mountain and get our bearings." I thought for a moment about simply changing into Spectrum and flying down t
he mountain, but I wasn't sure if I could fly down to the bottom in less than a minute, and I wasn't sure I was willing to bet that I could.

  "Fine." I said.

  Panther insisted on taking point, so I followed her along. We pushed through the snow for a bit until Panther found a climbing path that we could use to get down.

  "What do you have in the bag?" She asked. I opened up the bag and right off I could see that there was some kind of sleeping bag. Some food and provisions and at the bottom I found some climbing tools and a length of rope.

  "I guess they pack for every possibility, don't they?" I asked as I pulled out the climbing tools. There were some stakes, an ice hammer and pick.

  "As far as I know they give you a little bit of everything you may need to survive in any environment," She said. Panther took the rope and tied it to a rather large rock near the edge of the path and tied the other end to her belt. She took the hammer and the stakes as well. "I'll go ahead. Follow my path exactly. It doesn't look too far, but until we get below the clouds, I don't think we should take any chances." She said. She then slid down and after a few feet, she disappeared from sight. The cold was beginning to pierce through my clothes and I felt my bones beginning to chill. The rope then jumped and I took that as a sign. I carefully climbed down the rope and I found that Panther had left strategic footholds all along the way. I was able to climb down and soon, as the darkness began to give way to light, I could see her waiting below. We were still on the mountain, but since we were below the storm, I could see things more clearly. I got down off the rope and walked to the edge of the plateau we were on. From there I could see Xenos and I was mesmerized; and a bit defeated. As large as it was, from our distance it looked like some kind of miniature model. It did allow me to see the full expanse of Xenos and it was humbling. The wall looked like it went on for thousands of miles and it was beautiful. Beyond anything I had ever seen before. Past the wall, I saw a large skyline which looked familiar as the city center, but there was so much more that I failed to see. The area expanded by miles in all directions and even though it was a walled property, it seemed to be boundless. I could see the full mountain range within the boundaries of the wall as well as a large sprawling forest, a great, big blue body of water. I could even make out a bit of a desert far off in the distance. It looked as though they had managed to stuff an entire world within those walls.


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