Belief (The Hunter Diaries)

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Belief (The Hunter Diaries) Page 4

by Serena Zane

  “Yes.” The man was curt, and gestured to the body, “What happened? Who is that?”

  Ami shrugged, “I have no idea. I was walking back to the Inn when I came upon her body.”

  “What are you doing in the cemetery?” He looked at her with suspicion in his eyes.

  “I’m here with my friend visiting the Festival of Blood, and decided to walk back to my room. The cemetery looked cool, so I decided to check it out.” It was half-way true.

  “You’re going to have to wait by the car.” He gestured to where the light was coming from, and another officer stepped into view. “My partner will keep watch on you. Don’t try and go anywhere.”

  Ami nodded, and headed over to the car. It was best that she did as they asked and didn’t argue. She’d heard horror stories of people being thrown into foreign jails for crimes they didn’t commit, and she didn’t want that to happen to her.

  The first officer looked back at her from the body. “Did you touch anything?”


  The office nodded and went back to his examination. She watched as he did a thorough search of the area, and walked back to the car. He grabbed the CB radio, and started talking into it in rapid Romanian. Ami supposed he reported the crime. When he finished he came back to where she stood with the other officer.

  “Miss, I am afraid we are going to have to take you down to the station. We have to take your statement, and we have several questions.”

  Ami understood, until she was cleared, she would be their only suspect. Great, just great. Hopefully that big gaping hole in the dead woman’s neck had some saliva left behind. She’d seen enough CSI episodes to know that a good dose of DNA would clear her name. He opened the back of the police car for her, and she climbed in.

  Chapter 6

  Ami emerged from the station house interview room tired and dragging her feet. They had questioned her for hours making her repeat her answers again, and again. As she entered the lobby, Beth was waiting there pacing back and fourth wearing a path in the carpet. When she noticed Ami, her eyes widened, and she ran over to her enveloping her in a tight hug.

  “Oh Honey, are you okay? What happened?” She pulled Ami close again and gave her another hug, “Never mind, I’m sure you’re exhausted. Let’s get you back to the Inn.” Beth started to steer her towards the doors.

  Lucian stepped out of the shadows. Ami stopped in her tracks. Vampire. Flashes of the dead woman popped into her head and she hesitated. Her heart sped up, “What are you doing here?”

  Before he could answer Beth spoke, “He brought me. I was still watching the fire dancers and Lucian showed up at my side and told me you were in trouble.”

  Ami met his gaze suspiciously. How did he know I was in trouble?

  “I passed by on my way to the fair, and noticed the police car. When I saw you, I got your friend immediately.” His explanation was plausible, but Ami decided to withhold judgment.

  She hadn’t told the police about her suspicions after all; they’d just look at her like she was crazy. Of course, this was Romania; they probably dealt with things like this all the time. Lucian held open the door laughter dancing in his eyes.

  “Shall we go?”

  Ami forced her feet to move. He was a vampire. So, her mind yelled, that doesn’t mean he killed that woman. He didn’t kill you, she thought. No, he’d told me to run. Why? A little spark went through her body as she brushed past him and their bodies touched for a moment. Damn, what’s wrong with me?

  They filed out of the police station to Lucian’s waiting car. A driver held open the door to a sleek BMW. With a quick glance at Beth, Ami climbed into the back seat. Lucian followed her, and Beth had to take the passenger’s seat next to the driver. The space seemed to be swallowed up by Lucian’s muscular frame, and Ami tried not to press her body against the opposite door.

  Beth spun around so she faced them. “Spill-- I know you’ve been questioned all night, but what really happened?”

  “I’m not sure. I was walking home, and I wanted to look at the cemetery we’d passed several times. A shape stood out on the ground, and I decided to check it out. Turns out that was a bad idea. It was a dead woman.”

  “Crap, I knew I should have gone with you.”

  “Beth, we both would have ended up in the interview room. Luckily, there’s enough evidence on the body to take me off the suspect list. Thank God for CSI. I remembered not to touch anything, so I cleared quickly.”

  Beth nodded in understanding. They’d spent many nights together watching the show. In fact, Beth owned the whole series up to this point on Blue-Ray. “Good.”

  Lucian remained silent the entire ride back to the Inn. His dark eyes watched her every move; the man was so still, he could be a statue. When he adjusted in his seat, his leg muscles rippled under his expensive slacks. Ami felt desire in her core, and wanted him to touch her and tell her that it wasn’t him who had committed the murder. She couldn’t be attracted to a cold-blooded killer, she just couldn’t. She wanted to tell Beth too, but now was not the time.

  They arrived back at the Inn, and Ami excused herself to go up to her room. She wanted to get out of the clothes she’d worn to the fair. They felt dirty. The shared bathroom was vacant and she quickly ran to her room, stripped, and threw on the provided robe hanging on the back of her door. She made it before someone else decided it would be a good idea to take a bath. Locking the door to make sure no one could walk in on her Ami filled the tub, running her hand through the hot water. Her heart told her that Lucian couldn’t be the killer.

  The tub finally filled, and Ami slipped off her robe and climbed in. Her mind ran through all the possible scenarios. Did he have an alibi? Where was he when the woman was killed? She gave a shake of her head. No way could she rationalize the man she knew with committing the murder that she’d stumbled upon.

  I’m not the killer. His voice sounded in her head.

  Ami glanced around quickly making sure that the door was still closed. Get out of my head. It really shouldn’t surprise her that he could talk telepathically; she’d read enough books where vampires did just that, but she didn’t want him wandering around in her thoughts. Suddenly a blush rose to her cheeks. Oh God, that meant he’d heard all her previous erotic thoughts. She shrunk lower in the tub.

  Low laughter sounded. Don’t worry Printesa mea, your secret is safe with me. She felt a hand brush down her cheek.

  Oh dear, if he could do that, what else was he capable of?

  I could tell you, but then… His voice trailed off.

  Ami groaned, What do you want?

  For now, just to talk. Later, maybe much, much more. His voice was full of innuendo, and he filled her head with erotic pictures of the things he wanted to do to her. She could tell they were his thoughts, because she’d never even heard of some of the images that filled her head. He must have read the Kama Sutra.

  Her body ached and throbbed with need, Stop it. The images immediately stopped and she tried not to feel let down. What did you need to talk about?

  Not many people know we actually exist. We can’t let it get around. Do you understand? You can’t tell your friend.

  You’ve got to be kidding me. She already believes you exist.

  But it has never been confirmed for her. Please understand. This is important.

  Ami wiped a hand over her face. Fine. She wasn’t going to say more or make any promises.

  Ami, she loved the way he said her name. Make sure you don’t tell her. You would be putting her life in danger.

  What about my life? I wasn’t supposed to know was I? She could almost hear his sigh in her head.

  No, but it couldn’t be helped. You are under my protection now.

  She couldn’t help the little thrill of excitement that ran through her at the thought of being under his anything. He may be a vampire, but she wanted him more than her favorite ice cream, and that said something.

  A chuckle sounded in her head. She smack
ed a hand to her forehead, damn, he heard that. Ami felt fingers slide down her skin and brush lightly over a nipple. It hardened instantly in response. Then he was gone, as though he’d never been in her head.

  Ami finished her bath feeling frustrated. She wanted to tell Beth. Her friend would be thrilled to learn that vampires were real. Ami hadn’t believed it herself until yesterday morning. Man, what a time to learn all that stuff Beth had been spouting for years really did exist? Somehow, it seemed appropriate. Getting out of the bath, Ami toweled off and threw on her robe.

  Halloween was in two days. It was her favorite holiday. She would focus on that. Although, it appeared as though they didn’t celebrate Halloween here in Romania, Ami guessed that they had enough spooky stuff happening year-round. The Festival would be more than enough for her, especially now.

  The floor chilled her bare feet and she hurried to her room. She went to pull her suitcase out and grab some new clothes, then paused when she saw the bag with all her books stuffed in it. The author would be here in two days, on Halloween, for the signings. Ami had forgotten all about it in the excitement. She shrugged it off. She’d remember when the time came. Right now, she had a vampire to deal with. Meeting her favorite author seemed to pale in comparison to that fact. Throwing on some clothes, she went down to the tavern to grab some dinner.

  Chapter 7

  Ami hadn’t seen much of Lucian in the two days since the incident; he’d dropped by to escort them around the fair a few times, but remained distant. Only his eyes seemed to burn her with their intensity. Tonight was Halloween back in the States. Ami decided to dress for the occasion. After all, she’d met with her favorite author, got her books signed, and now, she had a date. Lucian asked her to his home tonight. In fact, he’d invited the whole faire, but who was she to complain? It had become apparent in the last two days that Lucian played the benefactor for the fair, and their last night there would be a huge party at his estate.

  Admitting that she felt a little nervous, Ami tossed on a short black skirt that swished around her thighs, and a long sleeved red cashmere sweater. Yanking out her lace-up knee-high black boots, she smiled at the effect in the mirror. She presented just the right picture for a night out in Romania on Halloween. At least, she thought so.

  Ami wondered if Lucian would make another move. The last few days, he’d been nothing but the perfect gentleman. Opening car doors, and escorting them around the fair, and leaving her with a light kiss each morning at her door. She felt so frustrated she could scream. After the little stunt he’d pulled while she took a bath that second night, she wanted more-- a lot more. Tonight, she was going to do something about it if he didn’t. With a decisive nod, she marched over to her door, yanked it open, and went downstairs.

  Beth waited by the car that was sent for them. She gave a low whistle, “You look good.”

  Ami smiled. “Thanks. You too.” It was true. Beth was dressed in a formfitting black dress with long sleeves that flowed to points and was made of some black lacy material. “Where’d you get that?”

  “I picked it up at the costume shop before we left the States. I figured it would be appropriate.”

  Ami agreed. Her friend practiced Wicca, and looked rather magical. The night sky was lit up by the full moon, and stars glittered overhead. They may not be in the States, but for Ami, this was her Halloween. Who could ask for more? Vampires, magic, murder, and a touch of romance-- what a great week! And the night had only just begun.

  The drive to the estate took only about five minutes. It stood on the other side of the village from the Inn. She and Beth chatted about things that had happened during the week, and Beth shared that she’d booked a booth for the next year.

  “That’s great! We can come back.”

  Beth nodded excitedly, her blond ringlets bobbing up and down, “Yup. I have big plans. Lucian and I are even talking about possibly extending the business out here if things go well. The area’s ripe with people interested in all things supernatural.”

  “I suppose that makes some sense, but who would run it?”

  “Well, I hoped you would… since you and Lucian are getting along so well, it would give you a chance to know him better. Plus, I know you like it here.”

  True, Ami had grown to love the little town in the week she’d spent there-- all except the cemetery. A little shiver passed over her. They still hadn’t found the killer. Lucian revisited the scene and had determined that it wasn’t another vampire, but a human who had killed the woman. Something about power signatures, that meant that some person walked around the fair and killed someone. Not good. The police hadn’t run all the DNA tests yet, and had called her in once more for questioning, but nothing had come of it.

  The BMW pulled up to the estate. Ami and Beth exited the car and stood transfixed before the massive structure in front of them. Designed in the old Gothic style of architecture, it even had gargoyles adorning the corners, standing guard. Lucian stood waiting for them on the steps of the entrance. His hair was qued back in a black ribbon she wanted to mess up, and he wore a matching black silk shirt. His slacks fit him to perfection and Ami could imagine running her hands over the soft material feeling his hard muscles underneath.

  Their eyes met, and his flared with passion which he quickly banked. Letting out a little puff of disappointment, Ami moved up the stairs. He met her half-way taking her arm.

  “Welcome to my home Ladies.” They approached the entrance and Beth kept going while Lucian stopped Ami for a second just outside the door, “Do you enter my home of your own free will?”

  It was a strange question, and Ami felt sure it was some sort of formal ritual. She hesitated for a moment searching his earnest eyes for some hint. He wasn’t giving her any. She shrugged her shoulders. “I do.”

  His gave her a brilliant smile and whisked her into his arms planting a kiss on her lips. A current of passion swept through her, and when he pulled away, they were inside the foyer. Beth had somehow disappeared, and Ami guessed that she’d moved on to let them have a bit of privacy. Ami wondered if her friend knew that Lucian was a vampire. She gave no hint, and yet, at times Beth appeared to know things she shouldn’t.

  “Come on, I have something to show you.” He took her hand and led her through a maze of halls, and down a steep winding staircase. Wondering if she should be nervous, Ami shrugged it off. He’d not done anything so far to warrant her fear, except that first night. A shiver passed through her as she recalled the look on his face as he’d told her to run. She squelched the thought; he’d never hurt her, at least not intentionally.

  She noticed the muscle in his jaw clench, and then relax, the only indication that he listened to her thoughts. They reached the bottom of the stairs, and Ami stopped for a moment. The chamber was filled with magnificent marble statues, and portraits of people in different forms of dress throughout the centuries lined the walls. She wondered how old Lucian really was.

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “What?” She asked, forgetting for a moment that he could read her thoughts.

  “How old I am. You don’t really want to know.” He quirked a little grin at her.

  Ami couldn’t help teasing him back, “Just how old are you?” She braced herself for the answer.

  “Eight hundred and seventy-one.”

  Ami’s eyes flew wide; she’d known and expected him to be a couple hundred years old, but not that old, “Talk about robbing the cradle.” She backed up a step, but he still held her hand. “I think you’re too old for me…” She said teasingly.

  He growled and pulled her to him. “I’ve waited for you my whole life, I am not too old.”


  “Okay? Is that all?”

  She gave a nod as his power washed over her and she could feel his possession-- she was his. Lucian put his strong arms around her and pressed his body into hers as he laid a kiss on her lips. Ami got lost in the moment, and forgot about everything else but the feel of his m
outh moving against hers. She opened her lips, and his tongue swept inside taking control.

  Lucian moaned and swept her up in his arms not breaking the kiss. They were across the room, and he pulled on a hidden lever. Ami barely registered that a door in the wall slid open, and then shut behind them as they entered another room. He laid her down, and Ami noticed they were in a bedroom opulent with rich colors. She didn’t get a chance to see much more before Lucian was with her again. His fingers stroked her breast through her sweater.

  “So soft…” His voice was husky as he nuzzled her neck.

  A small flare of alarm flashed through her.

  “Shhh.” He moved to kiss her again, and the fear went away to be replaced with burning passion.

  His hands worked magic on her body as they pushed up her sweater and tweaked her nipples. They responded instantly hardening to little peaks. Lucian stopped kissing her and took one of the buds into his mouth.

  Ami practically came off the bed as her body responded from the combination of pleasure and pain. Riding the waves of the orgasm that washed through her, she screamed as Lucian pushed her panties aside and delved his fingers into her soft flesh. He rose above her.

  “I don’t think I can wait, Iubita Mea.”

  “Then don’t!” Ami cried out wanting him inside her.

  Lucian ripped off her skirt and panties. He rose, and in an instant, was gloriously naked. The man looked gorgeous, and Ami reveled in the sight. She squirmed wanting him inside her. Lucian clasped his hands around her hips angling her just right, and drove into her.

  An instant orgasm started to crest in Ami as the length of him drove into her again and again. She grabbed at him raking her nails down the front of his chest unable to control herself.

  Lucian growled again and leaned forward. Their lips came together, and Ami tasted a coppery richness in his mouth. He continued to move within her, and another orgasm started to build. His tongue was at her neck, at that same sweet spot. She felt a sharp sting, and suddenly her body clenched around his. Ami felt him shudder in release, and little electrodes seemed to short circuit in her brain as she reached the largest climax she’d ever experienced.


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