Cornered (The Corded Saga #2)

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Cornered (The Corded Saga #2) Page 13

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “Who are you?” I needed to know.

  “Let me start by telling you what we are not.” She removed her hand and stepped back. “We do not work for Central nor any government. We do not supply traders, clubs, nor any other group.”

  “That is helpful information, but I—”

  “I wasn’t finished,” she continued. “We are an independent community trying to hold on to what makes people human.”

  “What makes us human?”

  “You know exactly what I mean.” She pressed her hand into my chest right over where my heart was. “You know that in here. It’s why you left Central, and it’s why you are here now. You could have left your group many times, yet you are still here.”

  “Our feelings for others? That’s what makes us human?”

  She started down the hill again. “Don’t tell me today. Later.”

  “So what do I do now?”

  “You move into a cabin. You have breakfast and meet the others.”

  “Is there anything else you need to tell me?” I wasn’t quite ready for the conversation to end. I needed something concrete to hold onto. Some real information to work with.

  “Are you afraid I’ll pull you away again?” She chuckled.


  “There’s no reason to worry. I said much of what I needed to say.”

  “Much of? Why not tell me the rest?” I wrung my hands.

  “Because you are not ready to hear the rest yet.” She spoke far more calmly than I felt. “I wanted you to know that I’m here if you develop questions as your suppressed memories come back.”

  “What makes you so sure they are going to come back?” I wanted them to. I needed them to, but that didn’t mean I was confident they all would.

  “Because it’s already starting. Your humanity, your heart, the real you is breaking through. Whatever the animals did to you isn’t strong enough to withstand your enlightenment.”

  “Animals, is that what you call them?”

  “They lack what makes us human, so yes I will call them animals. Do you disagree? When you think of the things they did to those children? To those women? To you? Do you think that is the work of humans? Is that what man should do to one another?”

  She was right, and I found myself nodding, trying to protect myself from the onslaught of emotions flowing through me.

  “From the birth of the human race there have always been those that were not human in the truest sense of the word. But those stories of monsters is for another day.”

  She leaned heavily on her cane. “Now do this old lady a favor and walk me back to the mess hall. I’m ready for some breakfast.”

  I nodded, still partially in a daze. I linked my arm with hers, and we started a slow walk back to the circle of cabins. Thoughts and questions whirled through my head, but my predominant feeling was anxiety to get back to Quinn and Bailey. We’d been gone for far too long.

  “What is your weapon of choice?” Ramona asked just as the cabins came back into view.

  “Weapon of choice?” I tried to follow.

  “We have archery, fencing, and riflery here. Their original purpose was amusement or an introduction to a new hobby, but these skills are still useful in our world.”

  “Wait.” I realized she wasn’t only making small talk. “Are you…?” I trailed off.

  “You don’t have to make any sort decision now. You will have plenty of time to try everything out.”

  “I’m sorry, but I might be a bit confused. Are you implying you want me to train in the use of weapons?”

  She grinned from ear to ear. “My hunch about you was right. You are truly one of the special ones.”

  The scent of something warm, sweet, yet also spicy filled the air as we neared the mess hall. “What is that?”

  “Sausage. You’ve never had it before, have you?”

  “No. We never had anything like that.”

  “Then you are in for a treat.”



  We were living in a fantasy world. I had never seen anything even resembling the camp before. I hadn’t spent much time in the Rurals, but I knew that was farmland. And the city. Forget that. It was completely different.

  I kept searching for evidence that it was all a farce. There had to be at least a thread out of place that if I pulled on it hard enough everything would unravel, but after several hours at the camp I had no evidence of anything being awry.

  Even the people were different. I’d met a dozen, and each was ten times friendlier than any I’d met before. It was predominantly men, but there were four women. They were all relaxed and happy in a way I’d never seen a female before. I immediately hoped Kayla could one day feel that way. I wanted to believe I could give her happiness.

  But despite it all, I couldn’t relax. I couldn’t believe things were truly as they seemed. It was impossible. Something in the back of my head screamed at me to keep searching—keep my eyes wide open. Not as if I was going to let my guard down. The only times I had ever done that had led to disaster.

  I stayed skeptical, but held onto hope that this place would lead us to where we really needed to be. We’d have time to regroup and properly plan. I needed Kayla to continue to trust me, and I would find a future for all of us. I understood Kayla saw no future without Quinn and Bailey. I had no problem including them under my protection.

  The Cording meant nothing here at the camp. No one needed to tell me that. But it had meant nothing from the beginning. I cared for Kayla too much to keep her a prisoner. I could only hope Kayla wanted to be with me, and she wasn’t staying with me out of desperation. She felt something for me—there was no question about that—but was that feeling—that love—strong enough to withstand whatever came next?

  “Mason?” Kayla called my name. She sat across from me at a long wooden table laden with food like I had never seen before.

  “Yes?” I smiled at her, always amazed at how unbelievably beautiful she was.

  “Aren’t you going to eat more?” She filled her plate with heaping portions of food.

  By her side, Bailey reached over and took a fistful of the bright yellow eggs in her hand.

  Quinn gasped, and everyone else laughed as the child shoved the eggs into her mouth. Bailey giggled while Kayla and Quinn exchanged a look they didn’t need to explain. It was clear as day that laughter from this young child wasn’t something they had heard often.

  Further down the table Addison watched on. “Are you going to take Bailey for swim in the lake? I have never swum in the lake before, but I can’t imagine it would be so different from a pool.”

  Kayla smiled. “It’s funny. You introduced me to a pool, and now you’re getting the chance to experience swimming outside for the first time.”

  “There is a first time for everything.” Addison leaned on her elbow.

  “Yes there is.” Kayla smiled at me across the table, and I tried to guess what the smile meant.

  While I thought about her smile, I looked over at Addison. Something had changed in her. I had never given much thought to her before, beyond making sure the men at the club treated her respectfully, but I could still notice the difference in her. This version of her here felt brave enough to speak freely. I’d liked to believe that the girls at my club felt free, but clearly they didn’t. They’d been prisoners even if they didn’t wear chains. That realization was a hard one for me to accept. It was a reminder that I didn’t deserve Kayla; I didn’t deserve happiness. But was it wrong of me to want it anyway?

  “You will all have to come to the campfire tonight.” Dylan, a red-haired boy around maybe twelve, spoke excitedly. “I bet none of you have even had a s’more before.”

  “A s’more?” Addison asked. “What’s that?” She looked over at the rest of us for help.

  I shook my head. I’d never heard of it.

  “It’s only one of the most delicious treats ever,” Dylan explained. “Bailey will love it.” He grinned at he

  She tilted her head to the side as if trying to understand him.

  “You remind me of my brother when he was your age.” Quinn glanced at Kayla. “Doesn’t he?”

  “Thomas.” Kayla’s voice was low and sad.

  I reached across the table and took her hand. “We’ll find him. I know we will.” It was a promise I might not be able to keep, but I couldn’t bear to watch her look so sad.

  “I know.” She squeezed my hands once before letting them fall on the table top.

  I looked around at the others seated with us. I’d been introduced to many of the residents, but I hadn’t remembered everyone’s names.

  Kayla took her hand back and started to eat.

  “I’m glad to see you eating again.” She’d barely touched any food at Central.

  “Can you blame me for not eating there?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “No,” Quinn answered for her. “I can’t at all.”

  “See, and you barely ate anything there either.” Kayla ate a piece of an apple. “But at least I’m eating now.”

  “I’m glad.” I watched as she spooned some sugary peaches onto her plate.

  “These peaches are amazing.” She ate another spoonful.

  “We have an orchard here. There are plenty more where those came from.” Lane, a woman with dark hair that she wore in a braid down her back, explained.

  Kayla’s face fell again, just as it had when Quinn brought up their brother. I understood the first time, but not this one. Did she have some sort of bad memory associated with a peach tree? I couldn’t ask her in front of everyone, so the answer would have to wait.

  “Is there anywhere to wash up?” Addison asked no one in particular.

  “Of course!” Lane smile. “There are showers right inside your cabin.”

  “There are showers in the cabin?” Maverick asked.

  “Yes, this camp had been updated.” Dylan puffed out his chest. “We have all the conveniences here.”

  “That’s impressive.” I hadn’t been expecting that.

  “Central and the clubs aren’t the only ones who can manage things like this.” Brand, a smaller man that was likely in his late twenties, jumped in. He’d been mostly quiet.

  “I never said they were.” I tried to ease the first sign of tension. Was this the loose thread? Were these people about to show their true colors?

  “What did you do in the city, Mason?” Dylan seemed oblivious to the tension I felt.

  “Me?” I asked to buy myself some time.

  “Yes. Maverick worked as a doctor at Central, but you never told us what you did.”

  Before I could respond, Kayla’s hand found mine across the table again. “He ran the best club in the city.”

  “Yet you still marked women.” Brand pointed to where Kayla’s marking showed from her rolled up sleeve.

  Addison cleared her throat. “Save your criticism. I wouldn’t have survived without Mason. He did what he had to do. The past is the past. Let’s focus on the future.”

  I wasn’t sure what brought about Addison’s defense, but I appreciated it.

  Brand nodded, his expression lightening. “I understand full well we often have to do things we don’t want to for survival. I meant no affront by my questioning.”

  “We all know that well.” Mina, a slight woman with wavy brown hair, held up a hand in front of her. “I agree with Addison, the past is the past. Let us focus on the future.”

  “Thank you, Mina.” Ramona walked over, leaning heavily on her cane. “Once you enter this camp you leave your past behind. Your past does not have to define your future. You make your own choices here, and that is a luxury none of you ever truly had.”

  “If you’ll excuse me.” Kayla stood.

  “Your cabin is ready if you want to see it. It is the last one on the right side.” Ramona pointed out the open doorway.

  “Thank you for breakfast.” Kayla smiled and hurried toward the door.

  “Yes, thank you for the breakfast.” I hurried after her, not entirely sure she wanted me to follow, but unwilling to sit back. If she wanted to be alone, she’d let me know. Kayla had no trouble speaking her mind to me. I loved that.

  Kayla continued walking past the cabins and down the steep grass hill. I followed behind her silently until she reached the shore of the lake.

  “It is beautiful here.” Kayla spoke without turning around.

  “You knew I was following you?” I joined her at the shore.

  “Of course. I expected you to.”

  “Did you want me to?” That was the real question.

  “Yes. I’m glad you followed without my having to ask.”

  “You never have to ask me.” I turned so I was looking at her more than the lake. The water was pretty, but it held no comparison to Kayla’s beauty.

  She looked into my eyes. “Is that because you know me so well, or because you were worried about me?”

  “Both,” I answered without hesitation.

  She laughed. I loved her light, sparkling laugh, especially when it was real like this and not a coping mechanism. A light breeze blew her hair away from her face, and her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. I couldn’t help myself. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. My lips connected with hers, soaking up her taste, as I cradled her soft body in my arms. She groaned as I deepened the kiss, needing more of her. I let my lips and tongue convey all the feelings my words couldn’t. To remind her of how much she meant to me. How much I needed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, holding on tightly, as if she were afraid I’d fly away. I’d never leave. She needed to know that.

  “Mason.” She sighed my name into my mouth as we broke the kiss.

  I kept her in my arms, giving us just enough space that I could stare into her eyes.

  “I’m not supposed to enjoy that so much.” There was a deep sadness in her voice, but her eyes were still light. It was as if two sides of her were waring.

  “Why not?” I needed to push away the sadness, to let the lightness win.

  “Because there’s still so much going on in our world. So much I need to do.” She ran her teeth over her bottom lip.

  “Not that I want to quote the people here since I still don’t know if we should trust them, but we need a break. We need little bit of time to rejuvenate. Yes, there is so much more to do, but we can’t do that if we don’t take care of ourselves.” What I meant was if we didn’t take care of her. I was fine. I could do anything as long as I knew I was protecting her.

  “Thank you.” Kayla smiled. Really smiled.

  “What are you thanking me for exactly?”

  “It’s just a thank you.”

  “Kayla?” I spoke her name softly.


  I might regret this later, but I had to ask. “Inside, about the peaches…”

  “Can I tell you later?”

  “You don’t ever have to tell me. I mean unless it directly impacts your safety. Then I need to know.” I hoped I didn’t sound too pushy, but I couldn’t completely change even if she wanted me to.

  “I want to tell you one day, just not now right now. I want to think about that kiss and this amazing weather. I want to think about the lake and the way Bailey grabbed a fist full of eggs and shoved them into her mouth.” Kayla’s eyes twinkled.

  “That was comical.”

  “It was normal kid’s behavior. At least I think it was, but I’ve never seen Bailey do anything like that. She’s always been so reserved and afraid. It’s our fault. From the moment she was born she was taught to be quiet and to make sure no one ever noticed her. No matter what I think about this place, we’re not hiding her, and I need to believe that’s okay.”

  I cradled Kayla’s face in my hands. “I think she’s safer now. That’s not saying I think it’s okay for us to leave her alone with anybody who we didn’t come with, but I think if we take turns and make sure she is always with one of our group she will be okay.”

p; “I think so too.” Kayla leaned her cheek into my hand. “As much as I don’t want to stop fighting and running, we need this break. We need to get ready for whatever it is that’s going to come next.”


  “I think I finally accept the truth though.”

  “Which truth?” I ran my thumb over her cheek.

  “I can’t go home. I have no home there anymore. Even if Thomas got away, and I need to believe he got away, he wouldn’t have stayed there.”

  “He got away.” I looked into her eyes. “You told me about him. He’s strong, and smart and clever. He’s missing you, and Quinn and Bailey, but he’s okay. We’ll find him even if it takes time. One day you will be reunited.” I felt a sudden burst of hope, as if I actually believed the words rather than just speaking them for Kayla’s benefit.

  “I don’t know where all this optimism is coming from.” She looked at me out of the corner of her eye.

  “Right now you and I are standing at the shore of a lake. There’s no one else around, your sister and her daughter are nearby, and you’re looking at me with some semblance of happiness. If this isn’t a moment to feel optimistic I don’t know what is.”

  She stepped up onto her tippi-toes and wrapped her arms around me pulling my head down to her. “Kiss me again. Please kiss me again.”

  She didn’t have to ask me twice. I pressed my lips against hers, quickly pushing for access to her mouth, losing myself in her taste and scent.



  The nightmares were worse. Far worse. The monsters were stronger, faceless, and far more menacing than any I'd dreamed of before. The beasts surrounded us, breathing out a steam that made us choke. I covered Bailey’s mouth and nose, my heart breaking as I watched the fear in her eyes and knew with resounding certainty we were living our last moments. Everything went black as I woke up with a start.

  It didn't make sense. We were out of Central. Bailey was back by my side. My mind should have been more at ease, but instead it was the opposite. Alarm bells rang through me, and I knew there was no chance I was going back to sleep. I sat up and looked over at where Bailey slept peacefully beside me. At least the monsters weren't haunting her.


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