The Long, Hot Texas Summer

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The Long, Hot Texas Summer Page 15

by Cathy Gillen Thacker

  That, Amanda thought, remained to be seen. “I’ve only been on the job a couple of days.” And so far all she’d felt was overwhelmed.

  “Which is plenty long enough for the situation to throw a monkey wrench into the relationship between you and my son.”

  Her hiring had made things awkward, at least at times. But how had Josie known that? “We don’t have a relationship.” At least, not an official one.

  Josie set the fresh fruit on the counter. “He brought you to the party.”

  Amanda took the smoked meats and cheese and set them in the fridge. “He thought it was a good opportunity to introduce me to the rest of his family all at once.”

  Josie unpacked a box of cookies and another of cupcakes from the Sugar Love bakery. “Did he also tell you he hasn’t brought a woman home since he ended his engagement to Pilar?”

  Trying not to make too much of that, Amanda left the cookies on the counter and put the cupcakes in the fridge. “Maybe he just thought it was time he got back in the saddle again.” As soon as the words were out, she clapped a hand over her mouth. “I didn’t mean for that to come out the way it sounded.”

  Josie laughed. “It’s time for Justin to get back in the saddle and fall in love. For real, this time. I think you could be the one.” A fretful look crossed her face. “I also think working together under such pressure could ruin things for you as a couple, and/or detrimentally affect the boys ranch.”

  Amanda had much the same fear but pushed it away. “It won’t,” she reassured Josie.

  The older woman studied Amanda. “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because,” Amanda replied sagely, “I know what this dream means to Justin. I know how hard he’s worked for it, how much he is willing to give up—” including his pride “—to see it become a reality. I won’t get in the way of the success of the ranch. I’ll quit before I see that happen.”

  * * *

  JUSTIN CAME BACK around seven that evening. Amanda was in the bunkhouse staining cabinets a beautiful honey oak. “Need some help?” he asked, admiring her handiwork.

  Amanda paused, not sure she wanted to feel any closer to him at the moment. And every time they labored together—at anything—they ended up feeling like more of a team. She gave him the skeptical once-over. “Careful. You could get this on your clothes.”

  He tugged on some plastic painting gloves and reached for an applicator. “I think it will be okay.”

  For a few minutes, they worked quietly side by side. “So how did your day go?” Amanda asked eventually.

  “Good. It took some doing, but Lamar and I finally found an aluminum storage shed with a floor that’s big enough to hold all your gear plus a fair amount of wood. It’s being delivered tomorrow morning.”

  Their forearms touched as they both reached for the paint tray at the same time. “That’s great,” Amanda said.

  They finished one room and moved into the next. “I saw a gift basket on the kitchen counter with a card from my mom.”

  Amanda concentrated on the staining. “Yeah. She was here around noon. She wanted to make peace with you.” An awkward silence fell. “She’s sorry the two of you argued.”

  Justin snorted. “But probably not sorry for what she thinks.”

  “She has a right to her opinion.”

  Hurt glimmered in his eyes. “I wouldn’t figure you’d be on her side in this.”

  Amanda shrugged. “That doesn’t mean I agree with her.” Or think this could ruin our...whatever. “I do think she has a right—as your mother—to worry about you.”

  “I’m a grown man. I can take care of myself,” he bit out.

  Amanda shot him a droll look. “I can see that.” She waited until he met her eyes, then continued. “My point is, when I was growing up, I would have given anything if I’d had a mother who worried about whether or not I was doing the right thing.”

  His glance narrowed. “What did your mother worry about?”

  Ruefully, Amanda admitted, “Whether or not I would interfere with her happiness.”

  “And your dad?”

  “Worried about whether or not I would interfere with his happiness.”

  Compassion softened his handsome features. “That sucks.”

  Amanda refused to pretend otherwise. “Yes, it did. Fortunately, I eventually ended up with Granddad and Gran and they showed me the way families should be. You’re lucky enough to have that, so...” Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!

  He rubbed the back of his wrist beneath his chin. Squinted. “Hmm. Remind me of what my parents think about my life’s work?”

  Exasperated, Amanda replied, “You have a dad who thinks you’re on the wrong path and a mother who thinks you might be on the right path but worries that if you stay the course, you could mess up your...” Oops. Damn. She hadn’t meant to reveal that part of her talk with Josie.

  “Mess up my what?” Justin demanded.

  Amanda went back to painting. “Whatever this is with us.”

  He blinked. “She said that?”

  Amanda drew a deep breath, expecting to inhale paint stain and instead getting a whiff of the soap and sunshine scent of his hair and skin. Still working, Amanda eased away. “Actually, I think she said our working together might throw a monkey wrench into our relationship.”

  Justin finished up the inside of a cabinet, without taking his eyes off her. “My mom called it a relationship?”

  “Her word, not mine.”

  Justin’s eyes gleamed mischievously. “I like that word.”

  With effort, Amanda continued to concentrate on her task. “Even if it’s not apt?”

  “Who says it’s not?”

  Amanda moved on to the next room. “You’re digressing.”

  He picked up the paint tray. “I am.”

  Amanda settled before yet another cabinet. “And you are bringing the personal into the workplace.”

  Justin set the tray down. “Since the ranch isn’t officially open yet and it’s only the two of us, I don’t think anyone else will mind.”

  She turned. “Justin...”

  He stripped off one glove then the other, dropped them and took her by the shoulders.

  “Just one kiss, Amanda.” His lips hovered just above hers. “And then we’ll get back to painting....”

  “Staining,” she corrected.

  His eyes shuttered. “Whatever.”

  The next thing she knew, he was kissing her and she was kissing him back.

  “So, what’s the verdict?” he asked when he had finally lifted his head. “Is working together helping our relationship?”

  Well, it certainly wasn’t hurting it. Amanda lifted her lips to his for one more kiss. His head lowered, slowly, deliberately, and she said, “I think it just might be.”

  Chapter Eleven

  It was midnight by the time they had finished. As Justin walked Amanda away from the bunkhouse toward the lodge he caught her hand in his. “You can’t go back to the trailer tonight.”

  Amanda swung around toward him. It amazed her how much she wanted him, how much she always wanted him. The ferocity of her need put her off balance, and she pulled away from him but couldn’t quite make herself disengage her fingers from the warmth and strength of his. “I’m tired.”

  He let go of her hand long enough to encircle her shoulders and pull her close. His lips brushed the top of her head. “Exactly.”

  His casual gesture felt profoundly intimate and conjured up an even deeper need for affection. Aware that it would take very little for her to go up in flame, and reveal just how deep her need for him went, she forced herself to create some distance between them. Then she flashed him an officious smile and said, “Seriously. I want a long, hot shower.” Preferably with you in it
. But we can’t have everything....

  He fought a smile. “We have that here, you know.”

  “I need clean clothes.”

  He let out a low laugh, his eyes dark with desire. “You can borrow some of mine.”

  Amanda quivered, thinking just how sexy it would be to sleep in one of his shirts and nothing else. Aware of just how close she was to surrendering to him, heart and soul, she lengthened her strides. “I also want a bed to sleep in.” Reading the seductive direction of his thoughts, even as he fell slightly behind, she said over her shoulder, “My bed, not yours.”

  He caught up with her easily, and his gaze caressed her face. “Lucky you. We have a bed just for you right upstairs, down the hall from mine. In fact, we have an entire bedroom suite with your name on it. A bedroom, I might add, you are already supposed to be moved into.”

  Noticing her boot lace flapping, Amanda stopped at the front steps of the lodge, propped her leg on a step and bent to tie it. “I’m getting there,” she replied irritably. Not sure why she was resisting the inevitable, just knowing that she was.

  He paused beside her, his eyes roving her bare knee and calf with a lover’s intent. “Not fast enough.”

  Another quiver ran through her. Aware her nipples were hard beneath the soft cotton fabric of her T-shirt, Amanda straightened. She ran a hand through her bangs, pushing them off her face. “You,” she muttered with a beleaguered sigh, “are incredibly persistent.”

  His lips curved with a tenderness that she found even more distracting than his ardor. “And hungry,” he allowed. He hooked his thumbs in the front belt loops of his jeans and rocked back on his heels. “Let’s raid that gift basket my mother brought. She may not know how to cook for her five sons, but she does know how to feed us.”

  The culinary gifts had looked delectable. And, like it or not, she was too tired to cook, and there were no open restaurants anywhere close.

  Amanda gave in—on this. “Okay, I will make a deal with you. I’ll shower here and borrow your clothes, but only because mine are so sweaty. And I will sit down to eat with you, but then I’m going to my trailer to sleep.” Her look confirmed there would be nothing after that for either of them to regret.

  He relented, eventually, shaking his head in admiration. “You drive a hard bargain.”

  “I do.” Together, they walked inside, stopped to pet the dogs then headed up the stairs to his quarters. Not about to go anywhere near his bed, Amanda lingered in the doorway while he plucked a chambray shirt from the closet and a pair of gray cotton jersey workout shorts from the shelf. He stopped at his bureau. “Boxer briefs or commando?”

  Amanda smiled, knowing how dangerous it would be to go there. “You will never know,” she teased. “And neither, thanks.”

  His eyes glinted in return. “Soap? Shampoo? Towel?”

  That was easy. “All of the above, please.”

  He produced the necessary items, and left her with the ease of a Texas gentleman, born and bred. “I’m going to shower, too. I’ll meet you downstairs in ten.”

  Amanda called after him, “Make that fifteen.”

  * * *

  AMANDA TOOK HER time in the shower, hoping the hot, invigorating spray would loosen the tightness of her body and the need throbbing through her. Instead, all it did was give her time to think about what it would be like to make love with Justin again, and to figure out if she could do so without falling hopelessly in love with him.

  The answer? She wasn’t sure. All she knew, as she got dressed in his shirt and shorts, gathered her dirty clothes and work boots, and walked barefoot down to his kitchen, was that she would never stop wanting him. Never stop relishing what they already had.

  As she expected, he was waiting for her in the kitchen. He, too, was barefoot and wearing a pair of dark gray workout shorts that hit at midthigh and left his long, muscular legs open to her perusal. A white V-necked knit shirt nicely delineated his broad shoulders and flat abs. Crisp hair was sprinkled below his collarbone and on his limbs. She inhaled the soap and cologne scent of him and felt her mouth grow dry.

  He handed her a tall glass of icy lemonade. He seemed to intuit that her emotions were in turmoil, even though his expression was casual. He brought the platter of hickory-smoked meats and cheeses to the table, and added a loaf of hearty sourdough bread and some spicy mustard from the fridge. “You’ll be happy to know I texted my mom.”

  Amanda watched him open jars of olives, pickles and jalapeño peppers. She thought about the conversation they’d had earlier—one that had seemed to go nowhere at the time. “What did you say?”

  Grinning, he brought down two plates. “‘Thanks for the peace offering. Amanda likes you a lot even when you’re wrong.’”

  Amanda laughed ruefully. She added napkins and silverware then sat beside him at the kitchen island. She propped her chin on her hand and studied him. Although not yet dry, his hair was rumpled and very touchable. “You always have to have the last word, don’t you?”

  He turned on his stool so he was facing her. He tugged at a lock of her still-damp hair. “Pretty much.” His husky voice sent shivers down her spine.

  Amanda swallowed. “Did she text you back?”

  His gorgeous blue eyes crinkled at the corners. “Yep.”

  Their eyes met, held. “What did she say?”

  “‘I love you.’”

  The sober words hung between them. “That’s it?”

  He nodded. Another poignant silence fell. “I’ll give her this,” Amanda said, feeling a hint of moisture gather behind her eyes. “Your mom knows how to put an end to an argument.”

  Justin nodded, looking touched, too. “That she does.”

  Talk turned to the ranch, and all that had yet to be done, as they made sandwiches and savored each bite. They finished off their late-night snack with German chocolate cupcakes from the Sugar Love bakery. Replete, they rose to put the leftovers away and do their dishes. In a corner of the kitchen, the five mutts watched them with sleepy eyes.

  Amanda walked over to give them their post-meal tidbits. Finished, she patted each one on the head. “The dogs are tired.”

  Justin nodded. “They’re wondering why we aren’t asleep.”

  Amanda realized there was still so much she wanted to know about Justin. She sauntered back to him, acutely aware of what she was wearing and what she was not. If she weren’t so worried about having her heart broken again, they would have headed straight to bed. Working to keep it casual, she sat down to put on her boots, without socks this time. “What’s your normal bedtime?”

  His eyes gleamed wickedly. “Depends on what I’m doing.”

  Best not go there. She sent him a casual look over her shoulder. “Quit dodging the question.” They needed to get back on non-innuendo-laced turf.

  “On a normal work night, I am usually in bed by eleven. Weekends can be later.” He paused, expression deadpan. “Lately, there have been nights when I’ve hardly had any sleep at all.”

  She chuckled despite herself. “Got to watch that. Some habits can be hard to break,” she warned with mock solemnity.

  He came toward her. Taking her hand as if he were a knight assisting a princess, he drew her to her feet. His hands circled her waist, bringing her closer so her breasts grazed his chest. “There are some habits I don’t want to break.”

  How well she understood that, Amanda thought, as an aura of pent-up longing surrounded them.

  Tingling, aware she should have put her bra back on whether it was sweaty or not, she withdrew her hand from his and took a step back. “Well. Thanks for the meal.”

  He held her eyes, a lot more intimately. “Thanks for keeping me company.”

  Her yearning multiplied. She struggled, then calling on every bit of self-control she possessed, found her resolve. “But I b
etter go.”

  He touched her arm. “I’ll escort you.”

  Amanda slipped away from him, grabbing her bundle of dirty clothing and her purse. She held them in front of her like a shield. “Thanks for the offer, but that’s really not necessary.”

  He leaned down and touched his lips to her temple, clearly aware she was using politeness as a shield. “Exactly why I’m doing it.”

  Amanda thought about arguing but decided that it would delay the inevitable.

  She got in her pickup truck. Justin got in his.

  It only took five minutes to reach the campground and drive through the rows and rows of trailers until they reached hers. They both parked their vehicles.

  The grounds were quiet and mostly dark.

  He followed her to her door. She looked at the handsome contours of his face and felt a tremor go through her. “I really am not inviting you in,” she whispered.

  He stepped closer and she forgot to breathe.

  “A good-night kiss here will do just fine.” Her heart racing, Amanda lifted her hands to his shoulders. Their lips met. And once the kiss started it seemed impossible to stop, even more impossible to control. She groaned. “You really are testing my willpower.”

  He brushed his thumb across her cheek. “And you’re testing mine.”


  Aching with need, she pressed her face into his shoulder. Her heart and body sent conflicting signals to her brain. Her body won.

  She let out a heartfelt sigh, lifted her head and looked into his mesmerizing blue eyes. She could pretend all she wanted. Deny it all she wanted. But the truth was, she wanted to take it to the next level with him. Wanted...well, she wasn’t sure what she wanted, except him. And that wasn’t going to change. She splayed her hands across his chest, felt the rapid thud of his heart and slid them lower. She itched to undress him. To...

  Amanda caught her breath, then whispered, “I’m thinking you better come in before we give the other campers a show.”

  His voice caressed her as surely as his eyes. He bent to kiss her temple. “I’m thinking the exact same thing.”


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