Two Years Later

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Two Years Later Page 9

by Jones, Lisa Renee


  “Make them leave. We need to talk now.”



  “Reese, send them away,” I say, and try to push away from the balcony railing and step around him.

  He holds me steady. “We need to finish working out the details of what comes next, Cat.”

  “A DNA test is not what we need. We need it over and that delays this and she’s not giving it to you if she’s lying.”

  “If? Now it’s if.”

  “No,” I breathe out. “That’s not what I meant.” I press my hand to my face and then drag it through my hair. “I don’t need the test.”

  “I need it for us.”

  “You can’t end this while asking for the test. Walk away now if we can walk away now. The plan to get her arrested is a good one and if they do arrest her, they’ll take her baby. She’s crazy. They need to take her baby. I think. God, I don’t know what is right. I’m emotional.”

  “And you’re never emotional.”

  My hands come down on his shoulders. “Make them go away and get ready for court tomorrow.”

  “No,” he says. “We’re planning a way to end this and get the DNA test. Royce is waiting for me. I came after you because my gut said you needed me and I was right.”

  “What did Royce say about the DNA test?”

  “It could complicate things, but if it were him, he’d do it, too. He’d want Lauren to know—”

  “I know, Reese. Focus on your trial.”

  “You don’t know, Cat. I know you. I know you like I know myself. You’re not yourself.”

  “You said that before the Debbie thing happened. Remember?” I flatten my hand on his chest. “I have a very special gift for you on your birthday. I have it all planned out and the special project I’m working on isn’t a book. It’s something for you. I’m so freaked out because it’s special and I don’t want this to be hanging over our heads when I give it to you. So I beg of you. End this, Reese. To the best of our ability, let’s end this.”

  “What gift, Cat?”

  “It’s a gift for a reason. It’s a surprise. It’s very special. Please, Reese. End this. I promise you with all that I am that I believe in you and us. I do not believe that you would or have cheated on me. I wouldn’t want to give you this gift if I did and you’ll understand that when I do. Have enough faith in us to wait until then. To know that this gift is about how much love we share.”

  He cups my face and presses his forehead to mine, his thumb stroking my cheek. “You know you’re killing me with this gift stuff. I want to know what it is.”

  My hand covers his where it rests on my face. “I can’t wait to give it to you. You have no idea how much waiting is killing me, but it will make your birthday really special.”

  He pulls back to look at me, his blue eyes soft and warm. “I love you so much, woman.”

  “I love you, too. And I love watching you in court. Let’s get rid of Royce and everyone else and get your team over here. And I have to write my column, but I’ll sit in on the game planning. I love that, too.”

  “Me too,” he says. “Let’s go get rid of everyone together.” He starts to turn and I catch his arm.

  “Let the DNA test go, Reese. The police will handle that if they arrest her and if they don’t, she won’t take a payout if that’s a condition.”

  “We aren’t paying her a million dollars.”

  “Thank God,” I murmur.

  “We aren’t paying her anything if we can play our cards right.”

  “Let’s hope,” I say letting him pull me behind him, and together we walk back to the front living area where we find everyone huddled around the coffee table in some way, shape or form.

  That is, except for Royce and Lauren who are standing at the window, him towering over her petite frame in deep conversation that ends abruptly upon our return. “Okay,” Reese says. “Just make this go away. Let’s set her up and shut her down. No DNA test or money.”

  I’m watching Cole and Lori when he makes this announcement, the two people who have the most to lose with us, as they are partners in the firm, but they don’t look relieved. They just look worried, and I love them because I think they’re more worried about us than themselves. “All right then,” Savage says, rubbing his hands together from where he sits at the edge of a chair. “If we can’t kill the bitch, let’s get her arrested.” He eyes Royce. “I’m still working on my enjoyment of the more means to an end, boss, but you know. I’m getting there.”

  Again, I think, he’s joking. Mostly. Maybe? Royce doesn’t look amused and ignores him. “I have the number. I’ll make the call and set the meeting. We’ll record the entire conversation, but I’ll see if I can get an active detective to sit in.”

  “No,” I say. “Too often they leak to the press. We can’t risk that.”

  “No one we trust,” Savage says, “would leak or they would end up dead.” He glances at Royce and amends. “More like they’d wish they were dead.”

  “We have a reputation of taking down dirty cops,” Royce says. “They’d regret it. I won’t call in anyone I don’t personally trust.” He motions to Savage. “We’ll get this under way and check-in in a few hours.”

  “When are you going to make contact?” Reese asks.

  “Once we have recording devices in place,” Royce replies. “And we have men following her now. We’re looking for an accomplice which brings me to a suggestion. I know we want to end this but we need to know who we are dealing with. Savage and I, as well as our team, have chatted in the past fifteen minutes, and the consensus is we need a few days to play this right.”

  “What if she goes to the press?” I ask.

  “Then she gets no payday,” Reese says. “She won’t. Take the time. End this right.”

  Royce nods and Savage does the same. They head for the door and Lauren stops beside me. “You want a ride in the morning? I’ll come to court unless I’m taking down Debbie.”

  “Yes, please,” I say, certain she can update me in the morning.

  She nods and leaves but not before she squeezes my arm.

  Cole and Lori step in front of us and Cole is the first to speak. “We’re in this all the way, no matter what that means.”

  “Of course we are,” Lori assures us as well.

  Cole motions to Reese. “Walk me out,” he says, and the two of them head toward the door.

  Lori stays with me. “Do you need to talk?”

  “Not yet,” I say, hating the way I’ve shut her out. I love her. We are so very close, but if I talk to her, I’ll want to tell her about the baby, and I just can’t. It’s not fair to Reese. “But soon,” I add.

  “I can’t be in court tomorrow. I wish I could, but I’ll call you.” She hugs me and soon she is gone.

  I stand there, waiting on Reese, and when he returns, he stops in front of me, the two of us just staring at each other. I expect him to lay something heavy on me, but instead, he pulls me close. “How many orgasms is it going to take to find out what the surprise is early?”

  I laugh, the way only he can make me laugh, under this much stress. “Two hundred,” I say, giving him an unreachable number.

  He arches a brow. “That’s a big number and since you have to write your column I’ll have to make this one fast.” He picks me up and starts walking toward the bedroom and for now, Debbie doesn’t exist. I love that about us. We can make everything else disappear. He makes everything else disappear and for the first time since Debbie appeared, I realize I’m certain this is all going to work out. Of course, Debbie thinks the same thing. She thinks it’s going to work out for her.



  Reese carries me up the stairs and lays me down on our bed, his big body coming down on top of mine. “I love you, woman.”

  “I know you do,” I promise. “You have nothing to prove to me. I told you. My reac
tions are about this surprise.”

  He leans up on his elbows. “Tell me what it is.”

  My hand goes to his face, tenderness overcoming me when I think of what I have to share, but I haven’t even gone to the doctor yet. I’m not telling him now. “You have to wait until your birthday. I promise. It’s worth the wait.”

  “You’re killing me, Cat. I can normally take your teasing, but now—”

  “You can take it,” I tease. “You’re ‘Mr. Hotness’ and by the way, the blogs about you have already started again.”

  “Fuck,” he growls. “Not more of the Mr. Hotness craziness.”

  “I like it more now,” I say.

  “And why is that?”

  I scrape my teeth over my lip and then kiss him. “I’m the girl who got Mr. Hotness.”

  “You do have me, Cat. All of me. You have from the moment you called me an asshole.”

  I laugh and it feels good, all the emotions I’ve been feeling seem to be fading in a wave of calmer hormones that might not last but I’ll take it while I can get it. My hands slide under his shirt. “You weren’t the asshole I thought you were.”

  “Glad to hear that since you married me,” he says, lips brushing mine. “I’m going to fuck you now. I have to. You know that, right?”

  “Have to,” I agree, as his hand slides under my shirt and over my breast, his fingers tugging down my bra to tease my nipple. “Definitely.” He drags my shirt up and over my head or he tries.

  The doorbell rings and I catch it at my neck. “Oh God. I called my brothers. Why did I call my brothers? If you pay her off they don’t even need to know about Debbie.”

  He rolls us to our sides, facing each other. “Relax, sweetheart.” He cups my face. “I know your relationship with your brothers is tense, especially Reid, but the very fact that they rushed over here says they care. And Reid’s a beast. If anyone is going to represent us legally on this, unless you’re against it, he’s a good choice in my book.”

  “Let’s not tell them. Let’s say it’s something else.”


  “I don’t want to tell them.”

  “You’re embarrassed,” he says, sitting up as the bell rings again. “Fuck. Of course, you are.”

  “No.” I scoot to the edge of the mattress beside him. “I’m not. I’m not—I don’t want anyone to assume we’re broken.”

  He glances over at me. “No one, your brothers included, who I work with frequently, who knows me, and us, believes we’re broken or that I cheated. Reid is a good choice, Cat.”

  I swallow hard. “You’re right. It’s just so awkward with him.”

  “I say him being here shows he’s trying to change that.”

  “If he’s here. It might be just Gabe. He’s the one on the approved list at security.”

  “I put Reid on a long time ago.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes. I hoped you two would mend your relationship.” He kisses me. “Let’s go find out.”

  Mend. That’s a hard thing when Reid disapproves of my career and pretty much all of my decisions, but I nod. Reese stands and takes me with him, and when he would turn away, I grab his arm. “I’m sorry.”

  His eyes narrow on me. “For what, Cat?”

  “Me being emotional and embarrassed isn’t me showing you how much I believe in us, but I do. I swear, I do.”

  He pulls me to him and kisses me. “I know you do. Don’t apologize for anything. You’ve handled this far better than I might have.” His cellphone rings and he snakes it from his pocket. “Reid,” he says, glancing at his caller ID. He releases me and motions to the door as he answers the call. “Yes, Reid. We’re on our way to the door right now.” He motions me through the doorway and when I would pass, he catches me and kisses me. “Reid will help. This is a good thing.”

  “I know,” I say. “He’s a bastard. You want the resident bastard in your corner and for once, maybe he’s my bastard.” I walk down the stairs but I don’t even think about getting the door and Reese knows I won’t. He knows me. I head away from the door and he catches my hand. “I’ll feel them out before letting them get to you.”

  I nod and rush toward the kitchen where I brew a cup of coffee, not even sure how that works with pregnancy. Can I drink coffee? I google it. I get “moderation” as my answer, and that’s good enough for me. I need something warm to burn away the chill Reid always delivers. My cup is full and piping hot when Reid, in all his arrogant good looking asshole glory, walks into the kitchen alone. “Where’s Gabe?” I ask.

  “Talking about a case he’s on with your husband.”

  “I see.” I hug myself.

  “Stop acting like I bite, Cat.” He steps to the opposite side of the counter. “I’ll bite for you, but not you.”

  “You’ve done plenty of biting where I’m concerned.”

  “I’m proud of you, Cat.”

  I blanch. “What?”

  “I am proud of you. I am.”

  I should revel in this. Instead, I feel angry. “Says the man who shut me out because I didn’t join the family firm.”

  “I had reasons for what I did and felt.”

  “Yeah—dad. He made you think there was no other life but the one he chose for us.”

  “That’s not true,” he says.

  “I can’t do this now. I have—I have way too much on me now.” My stomach rolls and I swallow hard. “Not now.”


  “Everything okay?” Reese asks from the door.

  My gaze jerks to the archway to find him and Gabe standing there, and both look concerned. Gabe and I have had our issues, along the same lines as those I’ve had with Reid, but they were never as bad as with Reid, and Gabe and I have come a long way, while Reid and I are nowhere close to that in my book. He’s just hurt me too much.

  “It’s fine,” I say tightly, and Reese is quick to join me on this side of the island, while Gabe steps directly across from him. I’m still directly in front of Reid.

  Reese’s hand settles on my back and he looks down at me. “What do you want to do, sweetheart?”

  “You tell them,” I say. “Please.”

  “You’re sure?” Reese asks.

  “Holy hell,” Gabe says. “Tell me now. Is someone sick?” He looks at me. “Cat?”

  “No,” I say. “No, that’s not it.”

  “What is it then?” Gabe says.

  “First,” Reese says, “I’m innocent and need legal help.”

  “What does that mean?” Reid interjects tightly.

  “I had a stalker before I met Cat,” Reese explains. “It was pretty crazy. I slept with her twice, and she became obsessed. She showed up everywhere I went and then she was just gone.”

  “She’s back?” Gabe assumes. “Is she after Cat?”

  “She’s back,” Reese confirms. “Pregnant and claiming it’s mine. I haven’t seen this woman in years and she confronted Cat to deliver this news.”

  Reid looks at me, his blue eyes fierce before they shift to Reese. The two men stare each other down, and I hate Reid in this moment. I hate the accusation in him that would call my husband a cheater. I hate that this is how my brother finally decides to protect me. It’s wrong. He’s wrong. “This was a mistake,” I say, turning to Reese. “This was a mistake.” I turn to my brothers. “Please leave. No, not please. Just leave.”



  “Leave,” I repeat, looking at Reid but speaking to him and Gabe. I don’t need them working against Reese. I don’t need them judging me or us at all.

  “Cat—” Reid starts, but I cut him off.

  “Say nothing, Reid. I don’t need this right now.”

  His jaw sets hard. “I do not think he’s guilty. That’s not the look I gave him. You’re looking for what isn’t there.”

  Reese’s hand comes down on my back. “Cat,” he says softly. “Sweetheart. He
doesn’t believe I’m guilty.”

  “I damn sure don’t,” Gabe interjects.

  I twist around to face Reese. “But he—”

  “No,” he says, his hands coming down on my arms. “He didn’t look at me with accusation, but rather anger that this is happening.”

  “But I—”

  He kisses me hard and fast. “He’s on our side.”

  My lashes lower but I don’t turn back to my brothers.

  “Cat,” Reid says. “Let’s talk alone.”

  I rotate to face him. “No. Now is not the time for you to—”

  “Please,” he says softly.

  I blanch. “Did Reid Maxwell just say please to me?”

  “Yes, little sister, I did. Let’s talk alone.”

  “I—well, you said please so yes, but do not accuse my husband—”

  “Reese didn’t cheat on you, Cat,” Reid says. “I know that.”

  I swallow hard and Reese leans in close. “Gabe and I will go to the front living area.” He kisses my temple and then rounds the island. In another thirty seconds, I’m alone with my brother who I’ve had a tenuous relationship with my entire adult life.

  “I know that we’re broken,” he says, using the same words Reese and I have today, as well, only with Reese and I it’s not true. With Reid and I, it is.

  “That’s an understatement, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, and I had reasons for everything I did, namely to protect you.”

  “Rejecting my goals and dreams was protecting me?” I challenge.

  He looks skyward before casting me in a turbulent stare. “Right now, you have a big problem I can help you fix so I am not going to make this about me. It’s about you and Reese but that said, I read mom’s letter she left you when she died, and Reese is not dad.”

  “The letter where mom told me to chase my own dreams and to never be with a man who cheated like our father did on her. And?”

  “I didn’t know dad cheated on her like that. I thought—fuck, Cat—I thought she was the one thing that kept him human. If I’d known, I’d have done something. Just like if I thought Reese was cheating, I’d drag you out of here, but he’s not. Let me help. I’m good at ending bad situations. I’ll represent you both if you’ll let me. And I’ll protect you both.”


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