Twins’ Slave

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by M. Garnet

  Sometimes there is a question as to who owns whom.

  A special entity upsets most of the entities that are in charge of the worlds in the Federation who are a bit greedy and play the politics game too heavily. That entity is in the form of two men, twins who are born on a very rich world and joined to form one mind that can take over whatever they want. However, what makes the final connection for the Twinned Dessnue—perhaps a small female cop from a small blue planet far away?

  Sure it is scary and exciting to find out as an Earth girl that she is a slave to a pair of special twins born out in the Universe. Twins that can change everything with their powers. But hello, it turns out they need her in order to achieve their full powers. Love is strange when it is times two. And the question is still who owns whom?

  For Lorelei, life is interesting as a police officer in a small town until the call comes in that a flying saucer is landing at the local water bottling plant. She’s sure someone was drinking too much, and it probably wasn’t water—until she and her partner get to the location.

  She learns so much—space travel, legitimate assassins, and two men who can talk to each other telepathically. Only there is more. There is love, lust and something that draws her to the two identical men called the Twinned Dessnue, Two men who everyone else is frightened of except her.

  What she wants is close contact—real close, as she wears the bracelet that proves she belongs to them.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Twins’ Slave

  Copyright © 2014 M Garnet

  ISBN: 978-1-77111-914-6

  Cover art by Carmen Waters

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books

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  Twins’ Slave


  M Garnet


  To Caroleen

  Who really knows how to be a friend.


  The Threads of Targent are a source of great power found in their natural state on only one planet, GigasVnee. They can be artificially produced, but the synthetic threads don’t have the same capacity. They also cost way too much in effort and time to manufacture.

  On a satellite far away from GigasVnee, an unofficial, but secretive meeting was being held. At least, it was as secret as it could be with all the servants, bodyguards, and second-in-commands present to assist the special authorities who attended. Sometimes, when you wanted a change, you had to take a chance.

  The fifteen men and women already seated in the impressive room looked at the three men dressed in black who entered from the side. These three didn’t look like they belonged in this room. The room was a golden box, adorned with multi-colored, jewel-encrusted drapes and hangings. The group who were sitting was also dressed in expensive, jewel-bedecked clothes, and each one seemed to be trying to outshine the other. There were crowns, there were ribbons marking distinctions from the governments of various worlds. Yet most of those governments and worlds wouldn’t have approved of this meeting, at least not openly.

  The newest entrants wore no jewels, no colors, just weapons on leather belts. The first of the new entrants sat down at the table, looking at the faces around him. There was a mixture of races because this group represented many places, many unhappy governments, but the goal was the same for all of them.

  He spoke in a voice pitched to carry around the table for everyone to hear. “You have asked us to join you in what you call a joint operation to try to take over the government of GigasVnee. Why would we be interested in joining a bunch of losers like you overdressed, tasteless morons?”

  The two other men stood behind him, their hands on their weapons.

  There were gasps of shock from around the table. Suddenly someone was clapping. The sharp slap of two hands coming together brought the eyes of everyone to a large, dark skinned man sitting to one side.

  “Excellent entrance, Prime Assassin Misrot. Speaking as an overdressed, tasteless ex-citizen of GigasVnee, I see that for all your bluster, the richness of that planet has drawn your attention. Whoever controls that planet controls the natural Threads of Targent. The natural Threads are better than any manufactured threads that scientists have made. We all know you are interested or you wouldn’t be here. Now, the discussion is open on what is the first step to taking over that little planet.”

  Misrot looked at the large man who was bold enough to speak to him. “Well, you are the brave one at this table, but that planet has produced, after a thousand years, another set of Twinned Dissnue. Their Council was smart enough to put them in charge. Who wants to face them?”

  Another at the table, made brave by knowledge, spoke. “Misrot, you are behind the times. One of the twins is in the Federated Military, assigned to backwater outposts as the Commander of a Federated Ship. He is so many light years away from his home planet and his twin brother that they don’t even communicate. The other twin is buried in a science hall on one of the moons of GigasVnee. They are being kept apart. Want to start over again, or do you want to help with the plans?”

  Another spoke, “As long as they are apart, they don’t have the power.”

  Misrot chuckled in an evil way as he added, “Yes, keep them apart or hope that if they get together, there is no catalyst that joins them. I’m not sure I believe the old tales of the power of the Twinned Dissnue that we hear passed down, but such stories give the common people something to fight for. If you really want to go after this planet, we need to make sure no one believes that the two men can really be that strong. I think the first thing is to get some spies on the planet. We then need to watch carefully before we make a step we will regret.

  Chapter One

  He looked her over as she struggled between the two rangers holding her. He had to smile. She was one angry hellcat. He felt the blood drying at his temple where she had hit him with something metal. Part of her hair had come down. It was long, brown with reddish tones. Her blouse was dirty and torn, showing white skin underneath. She looked very small between the two rangers. This was normal for the people on this planet compared to his people, especially the men in the Guards, as they were chosen for size as well as intelligence and stamina.

  Actually, she had almost gotten away except for one of her own, a stupid female who thought she would gain a reward by giving away the hiding place of the last holdout.

  The battle had been short and totally unintentional. They had needed supplies. They actually needed water, due to a problem with the ship’s processor. They decided to drop out of hyperspace to find a planet with water. This would allow them to make the long trip back for their next assignment. Well, they had found a planet that had lots of water, but it had lots of people who just started shooting like crazies. They had some type of reaction to a ship landing from outside their system. They didn’t want
to talk.

  He would think about the whole mess later, taking it step by step and wondering if he could have avoided anything, if he could have saved the lives of his crew members. His ship was one of the best, outfitted not only with top of the line equipment, but also with top of the line people, trained helmsmen, crews that knew how to handle and maintain the streamlined star jumper in top shape. There were the Guards, fighters from birth who were sent with him, probably as much to protect him as well as to fight alongside him. He never could run away from his heritage.

  They had all been though everything together. They had been in the front lines of battles in two of the ugliest conflicts that were part of the turnaround in the civilized worlds, which ended in allowing each planet or group to rule themselves. Live and let live. He had not lost anyone in each engagement. Here, for water, gods be cursed, he had lost two.

  It had been easy to locate a water bottling plant after a simple pass over the surface. The plant had water already stocked in all types. There were all sizes of containers. He had his crew put up their shields. They went in to grab what they needed, but then a type of local law enforcement showed up. Soon a type of military also showed up. Several of his men were injured, but worse, two were killed. Not with mind weapons, not with honor weapons, but with hand held weapons that propelled metal at a high speed, hitting vital body parts. These took away his men.

  He only wanted water. He would have left never to return. In anger, he ordered his men into strike mode. He instructed them to take prisoners. Their weaponry was far superior to anything the people on this planet had. They quickly wiped out the air transports that hovered overhead until the attackers were smart enough to move back. Their shield covered a large area, not only their ship, but also the building that held the water. It covered the many land vehicles that were waiting to move the water to other locations.

  A great number of the locals trapped within the shield gave up without a fight, obviously not law or military, who they didn’t really want to fight. Of course, if they knew what was in store for them they might have decided to fight because, since they had damaged some of his men, he was going to take some for sale to slavers. A few got caught in the trap within the warehouse who must have been enforcers of some type. These fought, and this female was one of them. She wore a type of uniform. She had originally had a weapon before she had been taken down.

  She had caught him by surprise as he came around some of the containers. She swung something metal against his head. He caught only a glimpse of her before he saw the bar in her hands. He tried to turn away from the blow, but she'd caught him by surprise. He was down and she was gone.

  It took his men hours of searching. They did find a couple of others hiding, but they didn’t find her. He was determined—he had a headache that he owed to her. So, he kept his men going over the boxes again with heat detectors and pulse detectors, but they were all getting frustrated.

  He had a group loading the water. They reported the job was done when one of the Rangers brought up a female. He was dragging her by one arm, but she was smiling.

  “You looking for the lady cop?” She looked up at him and threw her hip out suggestively.

  He looked at the Ranger holding her, who smiled a wicked grin. “You have information?”

  “Sure, big guy. But first, I want to know what it’s worth. Like, will you let me go? I don’t care about the rest.” She waved her hand at the rest of the people huddled at the other side of the warehouse. “But it seems if I am nice and give you good information, you could be nice back and let me go. You guys won’t miss one little girl, right?” She blinked her eyelashes.

  “So, I just agree and you will tell me where the female is?” He leaned back against a container. He looked at Baloko who was holding her. “What do you think, Baloko, can I trust her? Should I reach an agreement?”

  She immediately looked up at the man holding her, putting on a big smile. Baloko looked down at her as if she was something to eat, but evidently, she didn’t sense the danger she was in, because she actually brushed her breast against his arm. They had been talking through the translators, which made their voices sound like a monotone, but Baloko growled his reply. “Maybe she could take us to the female, which would show us how nice she is.”

  There was now a grin on Baloko’s face to match the Commander’s. She was too stupid even to guess what was behind the look that Baloko was giving her. She was flaunting her female form. Evidently, this had gotten her what she wanted in the past, but this time it was going to get her something different.

  She raised a finger as she pulled away. Both men followed her. She even wiggled her ass as she led them down between the pallets. They came to an area with lots of pipes and ductwork. The two men nodded as they saw the heating device for cleaning the water. It would prevent the detectors from finding any body heat.

  Bleak motioned to his man. He went one way and Baloko went the other. He let Baloko move faster to flush the female out. Sure enough, as he slowly rounded a corner, he saw her crouched over and backing toward him. She appeared to be watching Baloko’s shadow coming toward her. He just stood up to let her back into him.

  Bleak wrapped his arms around her, lifting the screaming, kicking female off the ground. He just ignored all the fuss she was making and took her back to his team. He grunted once as her heavy boot connected with his leg. He tightened his hold until she could not get air. She finally slumped, and then he turned her over to two of his men. They held her between them, stretched out so she couldn’t reach them. She stood, breathing heavily, frustration showing on her face.

  Baloko showed up with the other woman in tow. In their own language, without the translators, he asked, “What are your orders?”

  Bleak observed the warehouse. “Look over the people, take only the young, healthy ones. Make sure the rest are unconscious when we leave. Put the men in the holding area in the back of the ship. Let our men have a choice of the women, or a young man, if they are so inclined. Any of the females not picked, keep separated in the cell area. We need to get off this rat hole and bury our comrades in space.” He frowned at the thought of losing two good men on such a backward place.

  Baloko nodded in agreement. “What about these two?”

  Bleak looked at the little one who had hit him. “Put her in my cabin, but take those damn shoes off first, I have a bruise on my shin already. As for the traitor, you know we all hate those types, she is yours to do with as you please, so make it uncomfortable.”

  Bleak turned, ignoring the scene behind him, but he heard the uproar as he entered the ship to go to the control room. His little spitfire was uselessly resisting the two big men who were taking off her shoes and tossing them on the floor of the warehouse. The other woman was sputtering as Baloko dragged her onto the ship after his men stripped her naked. She was trying to explain about some type of misunderstanding, then calling him a big dumb something that the translator didn’t explain.

  It pleased Bleak that the spitfire didn’t argue or cuss, but just kept fighting the men as she was stripped of anything that might be a weapon, but left with some clothes. Finally, she was brought aboard. She would have bruises, but the men wouldn’t do anything but restrain her. They would dump her in his cabin where she couldn’t hurt herself. She couldn’t get out without the combination.

  Within minutes, the big ship was ready, his efficient crew having everything closed up, and it shot into the air, leaving the unhappy planet behind.

  Chapter Two

  She sat on the bunk with her knees drawn up and her arms wrapped around them. She had examined the small room repeatedly when she had first been thrust into it. She had found nothing but the bed. The metal walls were plain, but broken by lines. She had a feeling that these were drawers and cabinets, but she couldn’t find any way to get them to open. She was in a room with a ceiling that shed soft light. She noticed three dull-metal walls with lines rising to the ceiling. Some lines we
nt to the sides, creating squares and rectangles. There was a cold metal floor. The bunk was solid underneath, and it took up the entire side of one wall.

  The bunk was not wide, but it was long, so it would fit one of the tall men who were on this ship. The bed was comfortable, with a deep, soft mattress covered by several blankets, but no pillows. She had felt several bumps of movement from the ship. She was afraid that they had left her home planet and that the ship was taking her into space.

  She had time to think about what had led up to this prison, as she assumed she was being held in some type of detention. She had served on the police department long enough to go through two partners. The first had been one near retirement who was there to take care of teaching a newbie. He had been good to her and liked her. He stayed with her until his actual retirement. Her next one, Mike, was not a newbie, but hadn’t been on the force as long as she had, so she was the lead.

  They both thought the call to report to the warehouse was a prank. Aliens in their little town. Sure.

  The strange craft was not anything that looked like it came from the U. S. Air Force. It also didn’t look like a flying saucer. It glowed, so it was hard to see a shape of any kind, but there were people coming down out of it. It had set down at the bottling plant.

  She and Mike decided to get in close to see what kind of terrorist had some type of new mode of transportation. Within the hour, the Air Force showed up, she was trapped in the warehouse, and Mike was dead.

  Oh, it got worse. They really were aliens. It was a flying saucer, well maybe not a flying saucer, but an actual spacecraft. She was locked up in it. She was probably on her way toward some distant place away from Earth.


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