Twins’ Slave

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Twins’ Slave Page 4

by M. Garnet

  * * * *

  Baloko looked at her. “Well, little thing, it is good to see something get under the skin of the commander. He has been in a void for far too long.” He grinned at her. She wasn’t sure why, but she was still mad. “I will send someone back with something to wear. Hmmm, I think it should be sexy, just to keep the commander off balance. What do you think?”

  She looked at him for a moment, then realized he was actually asking her opinion. “No, no.” That came out too loud. She thought he was trying to be friendly. “No, just something practical, like slacks with a shirt and maybe socks if you can’t find shoes to fit.”

  He looked at her pink toes peeking out under the blanket. “Sorry, little one, slaves and auction ones must remain shoeless. Discourages runaways when landing. I will send a ranger in a few minutes, so take a shower, and relax.” With one last look at her, he was gone. The door was closed.

  She decided to take his advice. Wearing the blanket to the bathroom, she dropped it on the floor. She took a chance that the shower worked automatically. She twisted her hair up. She held it, hoping to keep it dry. She got in, and sure enough, the water came on, but it was set for the tall man, so her hair got wet. She gave up and just lowered her arms. She couldn’t see anything like soap so she just rubbed her hands over her body, especially over the bottom of her feet. Surprisingly, they were pretty clean. Apparently, someone or something cleaned up the ship. The water stopped, followed by warm air that dried her body along with her hair. She had no choice but to wear it down.

  She got out and wrapped the blanket around her. She went out to sit on the bunk while she brushed her hair. She heard the door buzz, but didn’t know what to do. Finally, she just said loudly, “Come.”

  The door slid open. There was a young man was standing there with his hands full. He looked at her then he cleared his throat. “Sub-Commander Baloko sent me with these. He told me to wait in the hallway until you needed me.” He looked around, then walked to the wall, touched something, and an empty drawer opened. He laid the folded items into the drawer. She wondered how he knew it was empty. With a full red blush, he nodded then went back out into the hall. The door closed softly behind him.

  She went over to look at the choices. She decided the Sub-Commander had gone for the sexy look, but at least he hadn’t been carried away. She pulled the top-most items out. She found out she had a top and pants that matched out of a soft satiny material in a creamy beige color with just a touch of pink in the light. She pulled the top on. It came to just below her breast. A tie let her pull on it to tie it so it stayed in place.

  The pants were another problem altogether. She looked through the pile but there was no underwear. The bottoms came up to around her belly button, or what the kids on the street called hip huggers. The real problem was the legs were about a foot too long. The material was too soft and at the bottom, too full to fold up. She looked around then went to the bunk and retrieved the wicked looking knife. She took off the pants and sat down on the floor so she could carefully lay out the pants with both legs together. Taking the knife, she cut through the material and whacked off the extra at the bottom.

  She was right about her estimate. The knife was extremely sharp and cut through the layers of material without any problem. Standing up, she put the knife back on the bunk and pulled on the pants. The full legs danced around her bare feet, leaving her toes to peek out when she stood still. She tucked the unwanted pieces into the open drawer, but then, had a thought. She pulled out a piece, cut a strip, then went to the bathroom to pull her hair back into a low ponytail.

  She heard the buzz of the door and assumed her guard was worried. She said “Come.” The door opened.

  “I am to take you to meal now.” He wouldn’t look directly at her, but she caught him turning to her so he could see her out of the corner of his eye. She followed him in what she thought was the proper attitude. After the second turn, she caught her reflection in a polished wall.

  Shit, the Sub-Commander had picked sexy. She might as well have been naked since the soft material clung to her. There was no doubt she had on no bra nor even any panties. She couldn’t do much, but she did pull down on the pants so they did not push into the cleft between her legs.

  They entered the dining room. This was what she chose to label it. As she came into the room, the low rumble of talking among the few men who were eating fell silent. She was aware of all the eyes looking at her. She almost turned around to leave. Then, she took a breath and just followed the young guard as he led her to the head table where she had originally sat with Bleak.

  The young man hesitated by the chairs, as he seemed to be confused as to what he should do next. She just went to the seat she had sat in before. She settled down, happy to have the table to hide behind, keeping her head down from all the eyes.

  She was surprised as someone set a plate in front of her with a glass of water. It became clear to her what she had. It must have been the leftovers from the Commander’s meal. The food was clean and warm, but it had been partially eaten, so she could guess she was seeing about one quarter of what had originally been on the plate. Okay, she wasn’t that hungry anyways. The glass was only about one quarter full of water. There was the very faint trace of where lips had touched the rim.

  She took a deep breath and because she was looking down, saw her breast push against the soft material. Note to self, no deep breaths. Using her fingers, she picked up the small amount of meat, then broke it into two bites to chew and swallow. It was very good. She heard her stomach give a little growl so she immediately picked up the glass to drink, hoping to appease the hungry noise so no one would notice.

  She took the one small green thing and put it in her mouth. Not very tasty, but with the small amount he had left her, she forced herself to eat it. Then, a very strange thing happened.

  One of the men at the end of her table, she assumed an officer since he was at the head table got up. He was carrying his tray on the other side of the table to pass by her to go to the area where trays were stacked. He paused with his utensil he put a small bit of meat on her plate. He did not slow down, did not say anything. He didn’t look at her. She looked up in surprise in time to see him hand his tray to a waiting worker and leave the room.

  Gratefully, she looked down, picked up the small piece in her fingers and bit into it. She was aware that someone else was walking by. This one hesitated as water was poured into her glass. That man also was moving on. She watched him with her mouth full of the meat deciding she wanted to make sure she remembered what he looked like in case she met him again. However, while she was looking at him, someone was putting a broken piece of bread on the back of her plate, then moving on.

  This action of filling her plate to overflowing continued for another couple of minutes, then most of the men had left the room. Her guard was standing behind her, but when she looked at him, he was staring straight ahead, as if he had not seen anything unusual. She decided to take the Commander’s advice from yesterday, so she began to eat, using the bread as a utensil.

  Finally, she was full. She pushed back from her chair. She piled all crumbs up on the plate and took it with the glass over to the man who was taking the dishes. He seemed to be surprised and hesitant about taking them as he looked first at her young guide.

  Finally, her guide spoke. “He can’t take it from you. Just sit it down.”

  She set the stuff down on the worktable following her guard out. “Why could he not take the stuff from me?”

  There was a long pause, then he stopped walking but didn’t look at her. “You are beneath him. He can’t wait on you or take things from you. You are a slave.”

  She stumbled as he started walking again. What he said began to sink in. She was a slave. This made her the lowest on the low. Great. “Why did some of the men give me their food?”

  Again, he stopped, but he looked down at his feet not looking at her. “You are a very beautiful fema
le, especially today. They can’t say anything to you. They can’t touch you, or the Commander will call them out, probably kill them. But they were surprised when you came in to the meal. What they gave you would be called their throw away food. It was the only thing allowed in giving you a compliment. They were aware that you didn’t have much to eat in front of you.”

  Great, I was given garbage and it was a compliment.

  She found they arrived at an amazing room. It seemed to be an observation deck. The entire back was a curve that was clear. It didn’t seem to be glass or anything. She had to walk over to touch it, sure that she would feel nothing and would just fall out into space. But her hand did feel something that was rubbery. It gave as she pushed against it. She stepped back so she could look out. The room was dimly lit. She saw what she knew had to be stars, but they were just scattered across the black surface. Off to one side was a blur of soft, white-like fog that turned into blobs of white. She was so amazed, she just stood in awe to stare.

  “I am to leave you here for a period. I will return to take you back to your cabin.” He was gone. She had a feeling he was glad to be away from her. The opening they had come into at the side of the room was wide, almost as wide as the cabin she was being held in. It seemed to be without doors, but they might be hidden. There were some benches. She thought that perhaps the men could come here to sit and just relax.

  She sat for a while, but although she was fascinated by the view, she got restless. She walked back to the opening. She looked into the hallway both ways, but saw no one. She returned to the middle of the room. Facing the view, she started to stretch to do some yoga. She had done yoga for the last couple of years. She found it an excellent way to relax and still build her muscles.

  She went into some of the simple poses. As she worked, she allowed the full legs of the pants just to ride up her legs to give her full extension. She did the Lunge Pose, which was one leg stretched back flat as far as possible, one knee bent in front, hands together and raised over the head. This included arching the hands along with curving the back over the long stretched leg. She counted to twenty, holding the pose. Next, she rose up onto her knees to do the Side Camel Pose, which involved putting one hand on one foot behind then arching the back over the knees. To finish the pose she raised the other hand straight up to the ceiling. Again, she held for a count of twenty then changed arms to repeat the pose.

  She finally sat down, pulled the material of her slacks above her knees to spread her legs apart and bent her knees high. She reached behind her with her right hand so that she could twist her body, then taking her left arm she reached under her left bent knee. She grabbed her right arm behind her back until she felt the strong pull of muscles all through her back, butt and legs. She held for the count of twenty then reversed this to the other side. She was only starting her count when suddenly the Commander was striding across the floor. He had her off her feet and up over his shoulder. They were moving down the hall at a fast speed.

  She immediately started kicking, yelling and pounding on his back. Instead of getting his attention, she got a heavy slap on her backside. It was quick and harsh. It stung, but more importantly, it shocked her. She quit struggling to work on breathing. She wondered what had happened and what she had done wrong. It would seem she was never going to win with this advanced barbarian.

  Chapter Five

  What had happened next was strange for Bleak. He was working at his desk in the small office off the command room. He had left the door open. He noticed Baloko along with several other men looking at one of the monitors. Curiosity got the better of him so finally he came out to see what they were watching, some repair that was not going right?

  The shock was Lorelei, doing some type of very erotic workout in the observation room. Baloko looked over at him with a mischievous grin as he commented. “Well, she is very flexible.”

  He slammed his fist down on the button that turned off the monitor, making most of the men jump. Several of them even tried to scurry away, but he used his military voice.

  “Halt.” Everyone froze. “It seems the command staff has no work to keep them busy. Every one that is here in front of this monitor will leave now to go to the warehouse level. I want the floors scrubbed, tonight, which means everything will have to be moved from side to side to get it clean for my inspection tomorrow, and no one is excused from duty tomorrow for lack of sleep. Any questions?”

  The men stood at attention. No one was stupid enough to ask a question.

  “Now!” he barked, and the team fell over each other getting out of his sight. He started for the door to retrieve his problem from the observation deck. At the elevator door, he looked back at Baloko.

  “Sub-Commander, unless you intend to handle the shift yourself, get some replacements up here now. Don’t let me even see one smirk on that face of yours or you will be meeting me for a workout tomorrow.” He was gone.

  * * * *

  They reached his cabin and she knew she was in deep trouble when he not only threw her across the room to the bed, which knocked what little air she had in her lungs out, but as she began gasping, she saw his large hands ball into fists as he approached. She had nowhere to go, but she did try to sit up. He grabbed one ankle, pulling her toward him. He yanked the full-legged trousers off, then they flew behind him.

  He dropped the belt with the weapons, undid his pants, and slid them down without even taking them or his shoes off. He was on her immediately. She tried to twist away, but his strength was so overpowering. He had his large member into her with one full thrust. It hurt, as she was dry, but immediately, as he pumped, her traitorous body began to produce fluids. That unusual contact of need hit them both.

  His heavy hard use of her just pushed her back into the mattress. Her head hit the back wall as he was still standing. He grabbed handfuls of her butt to pull her into him as he thrust forward. Just that fast he was done. He pushed liquid seed into her, his entire body locking up in a seizure of the need to send that important solution into the deepest recess of her body.

  He shuddered as he pulled out. He pulled his clothes into place grabbing his weapons belt as he was out the door. She just lay there, tears slowly sliding down the sides of her face. It took her a long time to move then she just pulled into a fetal position and hugged herself. Why was she crying—was it because he had started so fast, or stopped so fast. This sex was so strange, but she had felt the feelings from him.

  Finally, she slowly got up, stripping off her top she moved to the bathroom to step into the shower. There she let the tears really flow. The water washed away his fluids from her legs and her tears from her face. The air dried her hair, but the tears still leaked on her cheeks. She went back out and without dressing, returned to the bed. She got under the covers just waiting.

  Hours later, the young guard opened the door. He set a tray of food on a pull out counter, but didn’t say anything as he left. She wasn’t hungry, so she stayed in the bed until she finally slept. She woke later to find the lights on the dim mode. She didn’t know if he had returned or if the guard had done it, but she just rolled over and fell asleep again.

  * * * *

  The Commander was working in his office with the door open. A couple of his officers were reporting when Baloko came and leaned against the doorframe. He dismissed his men. He leaned back to look at his friend.

  “We will be at the Military Outpost on Diral within hours.” Baloko reported, still leaning casually.

  He looked at Baloko as he pushed tablets away from him on his desk.

  Baloko continued. “Bleak, this is one of the best slave trading ports. I have gone down to see to the cleaning up and chaining for display of the sales items. You know, in all the turmoil we didn’t get a good look, but these little ones are going to bring top price. At first, I just was side tracked by their size, but I got to take a close look at them. They are all very fine. They are going to be bought as toys that will bring
more than we originally thought. We do have a problem, though.”

  The Commander rubbed his head as he spoke. “Baloko, I have a headache as big as this room. I don’t need problems. That is why I have a Sub-Commander. Can’t you handle it?” He leaned his elbows on the desk and put his head into his hands.

  Baloko rose to stand upright as he answered. “Well, I suppose I could, but it kind of affects you. Remember, I told you we had five officers, not counting you, that could put in a claim for a slave. Up to this time, no one had issued one. Well, now four of them have. I am the only one who hasn’t, but I am thinking of staking a claim on that little traitor. It seems that she is a female that is into pain, and right now, until I get bored, I am enjoying getting off on the whole thing.”

  Bleak leaned back in his chair, allowing himself to look at Baloko. “I always knew you were one sick warrior. Have her, and sell her for a good profit when the fun wears off. As for the other four, my officers are good men. If they want four women, that won’t cut into the profit that much, let them have their choices.”

  Baloko came into the room, took a seat, and propped a boot onto the boss’s desk. “Well, that is the problem. They all want the same woman.”

  Now, he was looking down at his belt, totally interested in the way it fastened. “All four want yours.”

  It was never quiet on the ship. Personnel moved around, voices could be heard echoing down hallways, vibrations from machinery could be heard through the metal floors and walls. Now, the space between the Commander and the Sub-Commander was frozen with dead silence.


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