Twins’ Slave

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Twins’ Slave Page 7

by M. Garnet

  Both men moved back at the same time from the pod. She heard a noise behind her. She whirled around and then fled to one side toward a window as an older white haired man entered with two younger men behind him. They were all large like Bleak. She guessed they came from the same species.

  “We’ll take the pod and store it.” The men moved the pod as everyone stood frozen . This gave her the time to look around. The room was immense—a living room of some type, perhaps. The walls and ceiling seemed to be of stone, polished, but she could see the strata of different old layers of deposits, as these slabs were formed by nature. There were layers of furs covering the floor, but she couldn’t identify the animals that had produced the skins. There were several groupings of furniture, all of them large and comfortable, covered with cushions with soft covers. Back home, these would have been called conversation pits. There was the large wrap around wall that was transparent. She guessed, although she couldn’t see anything, that there must be something preventing the storm outside from entering. It had to be like what she had seen on the ship.

  The older man looked over at her and then at his two wards. “I will have the evening meal served here, as I know you will all want to be together right now.”

  He left and she watched, making note of which door was the exit, which would be the one that might lead to an escape.

  * * * *

  Leant watched her in fascination, while talking to his twin, Bleak. Tell me.

  Well, we got her by accident because her world was violent. We lost two good men and had several injured without any chance to appeal for help when all we needed was water. In anger and retribution, we took prisoners. She almost got away. She was trained as enforcement. She actually whacked me on the head and was so smart, she found a place to hide our heat sensors couldn’t find her. I made a mistake, when I found her. I took her to my cabin. Bleak let slip a sight of the small cabin and the heat from their joining.

  She is so small, so fragile. Leant did not move but only looked as he mused in his mind.

  Yes, small, but not fragile. She is strong and hardheaded. When I fucked her, she was so mad at her own body because it responded to me. I was not just going to rape her, but make love to her. Her body responded and she hated herself for the response. Bleak again let slip the feeling of heat. I realized that if someone bought her, they would break her or she would find a way to take her own life.

  Now, Leant was really curious. Why would she resist what her body wants?

  Bleak shook his head. Not sure, maybe something in the way her own people look at the act of sex on her world. She was not a virgin, but you will see. I know that her people didn’t have slaves, so that is a big adjustment also. She is smart enough to get past the slave position, but she will fight the response to sex. Still, there is something more to her. I don’t understand, but it seems to draw out the twin in me. I am drawn to you through her. We need to look at the history of the Twinned Dissnue.

  * * * *

  She was slowly moving away from the men, examining the things in the room. She saw tablets that she recognized from the military ship, so thought that they might have books on them. She saw a wide opening and moved a little toward it, but she saw that it was a bedroom with a very large bed in the center. She immediately moved away.

  “Bleak, you two are exactly alike.” She spoke over her shoulder, not looking at them, making her a little brave. She approached one of the open walls and let out a gasp as she saw that they were hundreds of feet up a cliff above a raging black sea with a storm roaring outside. It took her breath away in its wild beauty. She moved closer, wishing she could feel that wild wind whipping through her hair. She put both hands against the solid barrier that she couldn’t see and just looked at the lightning in the distance, totally enthralled with the primal storm.

  Leant was the first to comment on her attraction to the storm. I think we are going to be in trouble. She likes our mother storm. I would have thought the sweet little thing to be frightened of that, but look at her.

  Bleak shrugged. See what I mean. She keeps showing me reasons for keeping her. How could we let someone else own her?

  Still, with her back to them, she asked again. “Bleak, we have twins on my home world. But you two are different. I haven’t felt either of you move a fraction, and you are not showing any emotion except around your green eyes. You two look like clones. Is that what it is? Have your people reached the technology to be able to clone?”

  She finally turned away from the storm to look at the two big men who stood unmoving, watching her with their eyes.

  “We are sorry, so we should explain. You should sit down, as you are weak from being in the pod. Come sit and we can start answering some of your questions.” He waved at a grouping of furniture behind them, but she looked around. Nodding, she went to a lounging group facing the open wall.

  She sat down and pulled her feet up to hug her knees. Suddenly, the two men were on the lounge, one on each side. For big guys who had stood without moving for so long, now they chose to move so fast she was confused.

  They began to explain, but she had a hard time keeping up. Not because her translator didn’t do a good job, but because they spoke together, finishing each other’s sentences, one starting an explanation and the other finishing it. She listened carefully and found she was getting frightened.

  Bleak started, so she looked at him. “We are called Twinned Dissnue.”

  Leant spoke and she looked at him. “It seems to be a genetic deformity that only happens so rarely that the odds can’t even be determined.”

  “For some reason, several sets have appeared on this planet over thousands of years.”

  “We seem to be clones in the womb, but it is more than that,” Leant said.

  Bleak added quickly, “It comes with a lot of benefits and some drawbacks.”

  Leant was now talking too fast. “We are able to read… help each other mentally.”

  “We are able to learn faster than almost anyone else.”

  Leant was answering too quickly. “Whatever one learns, the other knows.”

  Bleak nodded and filled in next. “We can do things together that no one else can do.”

  “That scares people...”

  Bleak’s words were on top of Leant’s. “…people like Governments.”

  “People that would like to use the powers of Dissnue.”

  “As I said…”

  “Hold it. You guys are giving me whip lash. Okay, I get it, you are brothers, and being together, you have special powers. Great, so I am the slave to one of the brothers. How do I get out of this?” She wasn’t looking at them, she was looking at the storm. There was silence for longer than she was comfortable with so she finally looked over at Bleak. She saw that he was also staring at the storm. She looked over at the other one and he wasn’t moving, just looking at the storm also.

  “Hey, do you guys talk mentally, telepathic, something like that?”

  They both looked at her without any expression as she went from one set of green eyes to the other.

  Finally, Bleak spoke without the help from Leant. “Lorelei, look at the bracelet.”

  She twisted to where she could look at him closer, but he was looking back at the storm. She raised her wrist and looked at the bracelet with its beautiful engraving. The beast, some type of jungle cat with dangerous claws exposed as it stood upright on its hind feet, revealing its large male genitalia with hairy balls against the strong legs that supported the body over the curled tail. The dangerous front feet held aloft with the deep claws extended to tear whatever came close. The wide strong neck held up the two heads facing in both directions, preventing any enemy from approaching. She looked at the two heads longer and it slowly sank in—not a slave to one, but a slave to both.

  She flipped backwards and was off the lounger. She was crouched in the middle of some fur rug, staring at them. They had ignored her as if the storm was t
he most important thing in their life at this moment. She whipped around the room, trying each door, pushing against all the open walls, trying to find a means to escape.

  * * * *

  Leant was impressed. She is very smart.

  Bleak agreed. Yes, it gets her in trouble.

  Leant was thinking of the back flip she had done to get off the couch. She is very athletic. Does she do something to work out?

  Bleak smiled in his mind. Oh, you are going to love this. She does something called Yoga. She takes poses that strain her muscles to make them stronger. If you watch her, you will break down a door to get to her and fuck her because the poses are so erotic.

  Bleak finally looked over at her as she was wearing herself out pacing back and forth. “Lorelei, the door on your left is my room. Your stuff is on the bed. There is a bath in there that looks like a pool. We will stay in here and not bother you. Go in there and relax. Take some time to clean yourself up before the meal.” He heard her snort at him as if she didn’t believe him. “Lorelei, you have a few minutes to bathe yourself, or Leant will entirely enjoy bathing you. Make your choice fast.”

  She stopped pacing, rocked back and forth a couple of times, then finally stomped as loudly as her bare feet could make noises into the bedroom.

  Leant returned the mind smile. I almost was wishing that she had resisted so that I could have washed her. Does she always create that need to dominate?

  Bleak reached into his brother’s head with a picture of a rock salamander grinning. Want me to send her to the market for sale, since we have never owned a slave?

  Suddenly, there were pillows in the air, partly from the men’s hands and partly from the telekinesis, so that they just floated, slamming into each other. There was laughter, with arms and legs moving faster than the eye could see. The two bothers wrestled in unfair holds because they could tell as each move happened. They slipped from each hold to try another. More soft items floated, but then, there was a loud noise and the two men stopped in mid action to look around. Pillows flopped as gravity called them downward.

  The noise was Dee, who had several servants with trays behind him waiting at the door to enter. He had done nothing but clear his throat, but to the elevated senses of the brothers, it was all that was needed to get their attention.

  “It is good to have you here, Bleak, and to have Leant complete, but I think housekeepers are going to have to buy some new cushions.” He motioned the servants in. He had them put the trays down on a very large low table surrounded by low couches on four sides. The servants started to clean up the tossed pillows and torn material.

  “Will you join us?” Bleak asked, but Dee shook his head.

  “No, you need your time. Later, we will have time for all of us. Good night, my sons.” He left and they heard the security system make a small ping.

  Who is the security for? Us or those who might break in? By this time, it was hard to tell whose thoughts belonged to whom. They moved over to the food, taking seats across from each other. They were not aware that they reached out at the same time, using the same hands, taking the same foods and chewing slowing.

  Is she enjoying the bath or just delaying joining us? Leant looked toward his room.

  “Lorelei, join us for the meal. Five minutes before I push the button on the remote attached to your bracelet.” Bleak reached into a pocket of his loose pants to pull out the gold remote.

  There was the sound of splashing accompanied by some words that the translator didn’t explain, but both brothers smiled as they were pretty sure they were cuss words. For her sake, it would be important that she not learn offensive words that others could use to force punishment against her. She finally came out in one of the shirts, but she hadn’t found either necklace to use as a belt so she just let it hang loose almost to her knees.

  She approached the area where they were sitting. The four soft seats didn’t have backs, just lots of extra pillows. She sat on the backside of one between the two men and scooted over until she was at the front.

  She is so small, like an exquisite doll.

  Yes, a doll that bites, I had a scratch for days.

  I would enjoy the pain of lust.

  Why, Leant, you naughty boy.

  She sat looking at the food, then looked at the two men. They had quit eating and were just staring at her. There was no movement, no emotion showing and it was creeping her out.

  “Look, I am here. What should I eat? I don’t know what all of this stuff is.” So, together the guys filled a plate and two hands held it out to her. She waited a moment, looking at the two large hands holding the big plate full of so much food. “ Okay, I am the Lilliputian in Gulliver’s Travels, but I can’t eat that much. Do you guys do everything together? I mean, this is all freaking me out.”

  Bleak, a lot of that didn’t translate, but can we feed her?

  Right now, Leant, I think she would bite our fingers.

  “Lorelei, we don’t know what you are referring to, but just try the different foods. You only have to eat what you want.” Bleak spoke softly, trying to keep her calm.

  She took the plate, set it on the couch and crossed her legs at the ankles, letting her knees flop down in both directions, making sure her shirt was tucked in to hide anything the guys might want to see between her legs.

  Oh, bless the gods, look how far she can spread her legs. I don’t want to eat food, I want to eat her. Leant had indeed quit eating as he spoke in Bleak’s mind.

  Easy big boy, she needs some sustenance.

  She looked up to find two pair of green eyes on her. Shit, this was wrong, just wrong. “Bleak, I have no underwear.”

  Bleak blinked and then answered her. “Slaves don’t need the extra clothes.”

  She took a deep breath. “Okay, this is embarrassing, but…well…women have, well, see, we bleed for a few days each month, and I need some special products and panties for those days.”

  Suddenly, both men sat up and she could tell there was a different posture to their bodies.

  Both were mind speaking.

  Leant let shock show in his mind. She ovulates?

  Bleak’s mind was true confusion. How should I know?

  She can have children!

  She may not be compatible with us?

  She may be compatible with the whole fucking universe.

  “Lorelei, we can have a medical check you and prevent that monthly problem. It won’t change anything, but just make you more comfortable. We will arrange it as soon as possible.”

  She looked at him. “What is a medical?”

  She heard him let out a long sigh.

  “It is a team of a person and a machine. Now, eat.”

  She stopped with the one bite in her mouth. A machine probing her—no way. “I’m not having a machine going over me. I’m not hungry.” She threw the dish and flipped back over the couch. The men caught an enticing glimpse of a bare ass before she gained her feet. She was moving toward the door she had seen the old man use. She got to it and had her hands gripped the handle hard, but felt no response to the pressure she was applying.

  Chapter Eight

  She was suddenly aware that there was a brother on each side of her. She put her forehead against the door to take a deep breath. She felt two large hands pulling her against a solid chest and was aware that it was Bleak holding her. She felt Leant leaning down to pull her chin up and look into her eyes.

  “Where are you going, little one?” Leant asked from behind. I would like to try that mouth.

  She felt Bleak shift one arm around her, pinning her arms against her. He went around her waist to pull her up off her feet as Leant bent his head to touch her mouth. She gasped and tried to turn her head away, but he held her chin firmly. He was lowering his head as he placed his mouth at hers. Her head was against the solid chest of Bleak. She froze as he ran his tongue over her lips very softly. It caught her by surprise. She was being held so t
ightly she had expected a rough violation, not this soft tasting. She watched as he tilted his head and gently continued to push his tongue over her lips and moved between them to smooth over the teeth that were clenched together. She closed her eyes, wondering when she had let the muscles of her jaw relax. She was aware that he had gained entrance and was slowly, softly, exploring the inside of her as if he had found a new sweet treat to savor. He was taking his time. He deeply pushed into her and she found it difficult to breathe. She felt a heat start to build in her body.

  She didn’t care that she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t need air, she needed the feel of that mouth tasting and taking everything from her. When at last he pulled back, she kept her eyes closed, not wanting him to see her emotions. She was still so surprised by the softness of Leant’s mouth. She wanted something to fight, not something that left her breathless. Finally, she opened her eyes to look into the green eyes that were watching her without any emotion. That did it for her. If he had shown anything, anger, lust, a smirk it would have been better, but nothing on that strong handsome face brought out her own anger. She instantly brought up her strong knee, the muscles toned by her exercises. She caught him totally by surprise as the full force of her small leg came up with force against his erection.

  He went down with a sigh as the air left his lungs. Bleak immediately pulled her back, taking her quickly across the room. He tossed her at a couch then turned around to look at his twin on his knees on the floor. The problem was that he also felt the grip of pain resonating from his twin. His own male organs were pulling inward in response to what Leant was feeling. But the usual teasing that had always been there between the two came into his mind.

  Nice kiss, brother?


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