Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother ~ Part 1

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Sweet Billionaire Stepbrother ~ Part 1 Page 8

by Harlow Grace

  Sloane pouted her lips and sulked for a few minutes longer until I asked her to dance. Her face immediately brightened up as I lead her to the dance floor. Guilt overwhelmed me for neglecting her. She was a beautiful woman and I should have been showering her with attention like she deserved. She sighed contently as I pulled her closer, her arms automatically circling my neck. She was perfect in every way.

  But she wasn’t Layla.

  My insides were in knots over what was happening in the carpark. All the scotch, self-talk and rationalizing in the world couldn’t convince me that leaving Layla with Matthews was the right thing to do. But the way she had looked at him when she took his hand in hers nearly ripped me apart. Was Layla in love with Seth? Had I ruined her night?

  If Layla wanted Matthews there really wasn’t anything I could do about it. As long as the fucker was honest with her about his intentions and she knew the truth, there wasn’t much more I could do without looking like a fool.

  Letting out a long slow breath, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the buzz the alcohol had caused to run through my body. I imagined Layla in my arms, recalling our first slow dance, and I re-enacted it with Sloane. I danced with my date, I smiled at her, but in my mind I was somewhere else completely.

  This is fucked up.

  I needed to get Layla out of my head. Taking a deep breath, I leaned in and kissed Sloane softly on the lips. She moaned into my mouth and kissed me back. Her arms tightened around my neck, pulling me closer. Damn, she was so into this and all I felt was the thrill of a wet blanket.

  If only Sloane made me feel the way Layla did, everything would be perfect. Feeling like a complete tool, I had to end the night or I’d lose my mind.

  “I’m ready to go to bed,” I said as the song ended.

  Sloane’s cheeks flushed red and lust filled her eyes. Fuck, she misinterpreted what I meant. I rephrased quickly. “Are you ready for me to drop you off at home?”

  Confusion flickered over her face.

  “I’m really tired and I have a big day tomorrow. Is it okay if we leave a little earlier?”

  She nodded but I could see she wasn’t happy with the way things were going but I just couldn’t deal with it. My mind stubbornly stayed focused on Layla and Matthews and the thoughts of what they were doing tortured me to exhaustion.

  Against my better judgement, I’d had more to drink than I should have, so I called a taxi.

  We drove to her place in silence. As if the cab driver sensed something was wrong, he didn’t make small talk either. It was the complete opposite of when I’d picked her up earlier. I was grateful for the quiet, although I knew it usually meant my date was pissed off.

  I told the driver to wait for me while I opened the car door and helped Sloane out. I led her to the front door and watched as she inserted the key and turned to unlock it. Her back was stiff and she wasn’t smiling or flirty like she’d been earlier.

  Feeling like a jerk, I took her hand in mine. “Thank you for a lovely evening. You are a beautiful woman, Sloane.”

  She looked up at me and smiled. “Just not the one for you, huh?”

  Stunned into momentary silence by her accurate assessment, my mouth twisted into a wry smile.

  “That obvious, huh?”

  “You’re just not that in to me.” She laughed, trying to make light of it. “Do you mind me asking . . . is there someone else, Grayson?”

  How to reply? Honesty was usually the best way to go. Besides, I was half drunk and thinking up anything else was more like hard work.

  “I honestly don’t know the answer to that question. Maybe it was just the whole ball scenario. It’s not you, Sloane. You are lovely and any man would be a fool not to like you. To prove it, I’d love to take you to dinner sometime this week if you’re free?”

  Right now I’d do anything to stop my mind being consumed with my stepsister. And Sloane truly was lovely, I wasn’t lying. Maybe if I gave it more time, something real would happen between us?

  “That would be awesome,” she said, her wide smile returning to her lovely face.

  I leaned in and kissed her on the lips, making an effort to focus on her. Sloane was sweet. She’d be the perfect wife for some lucky bastard.

  “Goodnight.” I smiled down at her. “I’ll call you to set up a time for dinner, okay?”

  She nodded. “Cool. Goodnight, Grayson. And thanks for being my date tonight. I had fun.”

  Back at the mansion, I went straight for the fully stocked bar next to the pool area. I needed another drink—or two—to help me sleep. If there was one thing I hated, it was tossing around restlessly in my bed.

  I threw back a shot of tequila, and then another, making a face as the liquid fire burned down my throat to my chest. This kind of pain I could deal with. I understood the cause of it. It made sense to my logical brain.

  I poured a stiff drink from the hundred-and-fifty year old top notch whisky Dad kept hidden inside the cupboard. He’d argue that I didn’t know the difference between this and cheap shit, but I did. I had a feel for the good things in life and because it was kinda off limits, it tasted so much better.

  Sliding the door open, I made my way outside to the pool. I loved sitting out there between the plants, listening to the water fall from the fountains while the cool breeze swirled around me.

  As soon as I finished my drink, I stripped down and jumped into the cool water. I swam a few laps until my muscles were fatigued and exhaustion took me over. I was ready to pass out and let sleep take over.

  19: Grayson

  Wrapping a towel around my waist, I scooped up my clothes and made my way to the laundry room, depositing them on the counter to be dealt with later.

  As I made my way up the stairs, I noticed that a light was on in Layla’s room. Was she home or had she left a lamp on before she left? It was only when I crept quietly toward her door that I heard the sobs coming from her room.

  Layla was crying? What the fuck! If Matthews hurt her, I’d go hunt him down and fucking kill him.

  Tightening the towel around my hips, I stood at the door for a few minutes unsure what to do. My brain wasn’t as clear as it normally was. Damn. I cursed at myself for getting carried away with the booze.

  Her sobs were growing louder, tearing at my fucking heart. I had to see her. Check that she was okay.

  I knocked on the door. “Layla?” My voice sounded out louder than I intended. It echoed through the otherwise silent house. Fuck. I didn’t want Taylor to wake up and find me like this, but I had an urge to see Layla that I couldn’t ignore.

  “Y . . . yes?”

  “Can I come in?”


  “To talk?”


  I turned the knob and pushed the door open. My gaze lingered on her tear stained face as she looked up at me. She was lying on her stomach, clutching a pillow that had black blotches all over it presumably from her mascara. Her hair was a half-up, half-down mess.

  My gaze swept over her body, drinking in every detail. Wearing only a panty and matching bra, she looked vulnerable and oh so fucking gorgeous.

  Becoming aware of my gaze, her cheeks flushed and she averted her eyes shyly. Biting her bottom lip, she pulled a sheet over her body.

  “Don’t hide from me, Lala.” I begged.

  With a few long strides, I crossed the room until I was at her bedside. She stared up at me with impossibly large eyes.

  “Why so serious? I’m not hiding, Dr. Forbes.” A small smile twisted at the corners of her mouth. “Did you learn this at med school? Wearing a towel instead of a white coat?”

  I laughed softly. This was my Lala. She always made jokes to hide her insecurity.

  She laughed too, soft and sexy.

  Was it the alcohol that made my knees weak? Damn. I was intoxicated and unable to tear my fucking eyes away from her. I sat down on the bed next to her, holding on to the edge of the mattress as I searched her face.

  “Why were you crying

  She turned her eyes down. “It’s nothing.”

  My finger wiped over her cheek. “Did Seth hurt you?” The urge to protect her overrode every other need in my body.

  “No . . . yes and no.”

  My chest tightened. The fucker was going to pay. Dearly.

  I took her hand in mine and squeezed.

  “Don’t frown like that. It’s not what you think.”

  “What is it then? If he hurt one hair on your head—”

  She shook her head as she laced her fingers through mine and squeezed back.

  “I’m such a damn fool for believing Seth asked me out because he wanted to be with me. I . . . I don’t know how I could make such a stupid mistake.”

  With my thumb I rubbed small circles on her skin. Clearing my throat, I said in a low voice, “Seth is a fool. A girl like you isn’t just a random fuck. He had no idea what he was planning to take from you. He has no right.” My jaw set tight as I ground my teeth. “I want to kill him for this. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. I should have known better. Why would a guy like Seth ask a girl like me?”

  “Lala. You have it backwards.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Seth is the asshole who’s not good enough for you.”

  She sucked in a breath. “You really think that?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  She gave me a half smile and my heart melted. I wanted to pull her into my arms and tell her just how fucking gorgeous she was, how she deserved a real man who would adore her with every breath he took.

  She peeked at me from under her heavy lashes that were still wet from her tears.

  “After you left, we talked.” I could hear the pain in her voice. My insides heated with anger. Short sharp breaths escaped her lips as she spoke. “Seth explained how the bet came about and apologized. Said he never intended to hurt me. That at first it was a joke and he’s sorry that he did it.” She fell quiet for a few moments and started pulling at the ends of her hair. I held my breath as I waited for her to continue. “Then he told me he really likes me a lot—”

  Fuck. Did Layla feel the same about him? Did he fuck her? Make her his?

  The possibility ripped a hole in my heart.

  “I see.” I don’t want to.

  “He asked me to be his girlfriend.”

  “He did?”

  She bit into her lip and a deep frown set between her brows.

  “Yeah. First time a guy asked me. You sound as if you can’t believe somebody wants me.”

  “Of course I believe somebody would want you. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Because I’m a geeky nerdy girl. Because I’m not pretty like my mother or Taylor . . . or Sloane.”

  “You are beautiful. Inside and out. You have a heart of gold.”

  She laughed. “That’s what people usually say to the not-so-pretty girls and the geeky awkward girls to make them feel better about themselves. But I can tell you, it doesn’t work. I still feel ugly, as if nobody could want me.”

  She stated it matter-of-factly. Not for pity or being whiney. But because she truly believed it.

  “Oh Lala, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I think you’re beautiful, and smart, and witty, and charming. And sexy as hell.”

  Her eyes widened. “You do?” She was genuinely shocked by my revelation.

  I cupped her chin in my hand and stared into her eyes so that she could see that I meant what I said. Her lips were so fucking inviting, I just wanted to kiss the shit out of her.

  “Hmmm, I’m having trouble thinking straight when I look at you.” I grimaced. “What did you say to Matthews?” My heart skipped a beat as I waited for her reply.

  “I said I’d think about it.”

  Thank fuck.

  I sealed her lips with mine, giving in to the want and need I felt deep inside. I was tired of being rational. God, I wanted her so fucking badly that my whole being ached for her. I put everything I had into that kiss. All the sweetness she deserved, but also all the passion and lust she provoked in me.

  Moaning into my mouth, she kissed me back like I’d never been kissed before. She’d raised herself up from the bed and pressed her tits into my chest, her hands twisting in my hair. My hands slid down her torso to her hips, pulling her flush against me.

  Jesus. She was intoxicating. I wanted more. I wanted everything.

  My hand snaked up her back and into her hair as I ran my tongue along the insides of her lips. I grabbed a handful of hair and plunged my tongue inside her mouth. She tasted so fucking good that a groan rumbled through my chest.

  I broke the kiss. My chest heaved as I looked down at her beautiful body. My cock stirred, ready to claim her as mine. “Layla, don’t you get it? I want you.”

  Her lips were bruised and her hair even wilder than earlier. But it was her eyes that told me what I wanted to know. She wanted me too.

  “Grayson. Oh God.” The raspiness in her voice drove me—and my dick—crazy.

  She tilted her head to the side to give me access to her long slender neck. I kissed and sucked and nipped my way down to her chest until I reached the rise of her breasts. Skimming over the silky fabric of her bra, I sucked a nipple into my mouth.

  Her breaths were coming in short pants and she moaned loudly as she held my head to her breast. Fuck me if my nerdy girl wasn’t a little tiger in bed. I bit down on her nipple, eliciting a squeal from her before moving to the other breast. I pulled the fabric down with my teeth, exposing her naked nipple to my mouth. The pink bud was already hard, begging for my lips to suck and lick it.

  “Layla, you are so fucking beautiful.” I rasped, my voice hoarse as I kissed down her ribs.

  I reached around behind her back and unclasped her bra. She let it slide down her arms as she gazed into my eyes.

  She was on fire.

  I sucked in a breath as I fucked her tits with my eyes. She smiled seductively as she pushed her chest forward, inviting me closer. One hand closed over her left breast while I leaned in to feast on the other.

  My towel fell away between us. Layla let out a gasp as my erection poked her stomach. She reached between us and gently caressed my cock with featherlike strokes. Her thumb slipped over the tip, rubbing the pre-cum into my skin while her other hand cupped and gently squeezed my balls. It felt so fucking good that I wanted to come in her hand.

  “Baby, you’re going to make me come if you keep doing that,” I warned.

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

  “Both. Jesus, Layla, I want to come inside you so bad.”

  Biting the side of her lip, she leaned back until she was lying flat on the bed. Her hands pulled on my shoulders, giving me permission to love her. I kissed her mouth, along the edges of her jaw, down her chest and ribs until I got to her stomach. Her hands held both sides of my face, caressing my temples as I rimmed her navel with my tongue. Kissing all along the edges of her panties, I hooked my thumbs under the lacy fabric and slid them down her legs.

  Jesus. Fuck.

  Her pussy was beautiful. Smooth. Inviting.

  “Open your legs, baby,” I growled, “I need to taste you.”

  “Grayson?” she asked in a quivering voice.

  “Be in the moment, Layla. It’s just you and me, nothing and nobody else exists. Can you do that?”

  I watched in awe as her face transformed from shy to one filled with lust and want. She could undo me with that look alone.

  Slowly her legs spread open and she exposed her core to me as I watched in amazement.

  “Christ, you are so fucking beautiful.”

  A shy smile spread over her face. She loved my praise and I loved telling her how gorgeous she was. She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen and I needed her to believe me.

  “I’m going to kiss your pussy. Then I’m going inside you.”

  She licked her lips then nodded her head.

  I kissed and sucked the insides of
her thighs, coming closer and closer to her sex. I was saving the best for last.

  “Oh God!” she moaned as she arched her back, offering herself up to me. She wanted this as much as I did. My head disappeared between her legs as I licked over her pussy, tasting her in one long sweep.

  Her legs jerked as she let out a cry. Both of her hands were on my head, her fingers twisted in my hair, edging me on to make love to her pussy. I licked, sucked and kissed her clit, making her moans grow louder and louder.

  I loved how responsive she was. My dick reacted by throbbing, aching to get inside her.

  Both of her feet landed on my back, her heels dug in as she thrusted her hips rhythmically while I ate her pussy. I could tell she was close to orgasm. Reaching up, I grasped both her hands in mine, lacing our fingers together.

  “Grayson!” she cried on an exhale, and squeezed my hands as her body shook. I loved hearing my name on her lips as she spiraled into ecstasy. It was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard. Her juices gushed into my mouth and I continued lapping her up.

  20: Layla

  I couldn’t believe this was happening. It was as if I was in one of my dreams, only the long, hard cock hovering over me was real. I wanted it inside me so badly that I would do anything to make it happen.

  “Layla, condom?” Grayson panted. His eyes were nearly bugging out of his head and his cock throbbed on my stomach. He wanted in as much as I wanted him there.

  “It’s okay . . . I . . . I’m on the pill,” I said, eager to feel him inside me. I didn’t want him to stop and find a damn condom. “Take me, Grayson. Please,” I begged, opening my legs wider, ready to take his cock inside me.

  “Are you sure? I can go find—”

  “I’m sure. Just do it. Please.”

  He kissed me, tenderness mixed with lust and hunger, driving me crazy. My nails dug into his back and I pushed his ass with my heels, wanting his cock like I’d never wanted anything before.

  As he slipped the tip of his erection up and down my slick pussy and rubbed against my extremely sensitive clit, he groaned before he pushed his head inside me slowly.

  “So fucking wet for me, baby. I love it.”


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