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Vigilante Page 15

by Velvet Vaughn

  “My mom made me learn,” he explained as he led her around the floor. “She was a former dancer and she thought men should be able to dance with their significant others at events.”

  “Well, thank her for me because this is nice…being in your arms.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Sawyer was able to stay along the perimeter and avoid anyone who might recognize him most of the evening. When he noticed his mother whisper something in his father’s ear, the old man’s head snapped up and he scanned the area with furrowed brows. Sawyer ducked behind one of the columns that surrounded the ballroom, feeling a little ridiculous. He took evasive measures twice more when he spotted his dad in the vicinity. He did not want a confrontation tonight. Thankfully his parents’ table was on the other side of the room so he could enjoy dinner in peace. When Alex pulled Olivia on the floor to dance, he stood to hit the restroom.

  “Sawyer Oldham, as I live and breathe. Is that you?”

  Damn. He knew that voice. Intimately. He forced his lips into a semblance of a smile and slowly turned. “Blair. You’re looking well.”

  “It is you!”

  He barely had time to brace as she threw herself in his arms. Her surgically-enhanced breasts bounced against his chest and ginger hair smacked him in the face. He spit out a few strands that found their way inside his mouth.

  “I can’t believe you’re really here.” She leaned back and her unnaturally plump lips twisted into a pout. “Why haven’t you called me?”

  “I don’t have time. I’m in town for a job.”

  She cuffed him playfully on the arm. “You don’t have time for an old friend?”

  He didn’t, and maybe that was because he didn’t consider Blair a friend. Their fathers had been fraternity brothers at Princeton, so they had grown up together. Before he found the courage to rebel against his dad, he’d even dated her. Their families always assumed they would get married, but Blair was spoiled and entitled and a bona fide snob. Diamonds winked in her ears, around her neck, on both wrists and several fingers. Frankly, he had no desire to marry a woman as superficial as his mother.

  She pressed against him again and tunneled a hand through his hair. “I’ve missed you, Sawyer,” she whispered in his ear. “Come home with me?”

  Damn if his body didn’t react. It’d been too long since he’d been with a woman if Blair could turn him on. She was more plastic than human. He peeled her wandering hands off and stepped back. “I can’t. As I said before, I’m here for work.”

  “I refuse to take no for an answer.” Her fingers stroked his biceps. “Dance with me?”

  “I’m sorry, Blair, I need to find my co-workers.”

  “They can wait for one dance,” she chided.

  “No, really—”

  She ignored his protests, grabbed his hand and practically drug him to the dance floor. God, would this night never end?


  Alex couldn’t remember the last time he enjoyed dancing. He hadn’t wanted to take lessons when he was young. He’d rather be outside throwing the football with Dorian and roughhousing with his friends. Now he was glad his mom insisted. Olivia fit perfectly against him and even though he hated wearing a tuxedo and mingling with the elite crowd, he’d happily do it to be this close to her.

  He glanced over to see Sawyer swaying with a stunning redhead dripping in diamonds. He’d been shocked to learn that his co-worker belonged with this crowd. Oldham Financial. He shook his head. That was some serious wealth.

  Olivia sighed against his chest. He dipped his nose against the silk of her hair and inhaled. Instead of smelling her flowery scent he smelled—

  “Is that smoke?”

  As soon as the words left Olivia’s mouth, fire alarms shrilled and excited voices rang out. Someone grabbed the microphone and instructed everyone to file outside immediately and in an orderly fashion. Sawyer instantly moved to Olivia’s other side so she was sandwiched between them.

  “My Spidey sense is tingling,” Sawyer uttered.

  “I don’t like it, either,” Alex agreed, his gaze roaming the area for any sign of a threat. What were the odds that a fire just happened to start on the same night they were attending the event? “Change of plans.” He took Olivia’s hand and pulled her out of the line of evacuating guests. “We’re going to use an alternate route.”

  “I know another way out of here,” Sawyer said. “Follow me.”

  They made their way through the ballroom, and Alex felt like a car going the wrong direction on a one-way street. Everyone else was rushing to leave through the designated exit, so they had to bob and weave through the throng. Soon they were navigating hallways that twisted and turned until Sawyer found the way out he was looking for and pushed through doors that opened onto Central Park South. Alex flagged down a cab and they slid inside. He gave the driver the address to the television station so they could pick up the SUV. Traffic was light so they were pulling up to the station in no time. Sawyer paid the driver and they departed the taxi.

  After skirting around the building and loading into the SUV, Olivia said, “I should let someone know that we won’t be taking the shuttle back.” She sent a quick text to Jonah. Her phone chimed almost instantly. “That was quick,” she mused and then her breath hitched. Alex spun around in his seat. She held the screen up for him to read. “It’s from the Vigilante.”

  “What does it say?” Sawyer asked, glancing in the rear view mirror.

  “Check your mailbox.”

  “Let’s head there now,” Alex instructed, and Sawyer took the next right to swing by her apartment. They were lucky to find a spot down the street and Sawyer hopped out to retrieve the package.

  “Jonah texted back,” Olivia told him. “He said there was some kind of commotion when everyone was standing outside. It sounded like a gunshot but could’ve been a car backfiring.”

  “Did he say if anyone was hurt?”

  Her fingers flew over the keys as she asked the question. “Not that he heard. The crowd dispersed quickly.”

  “It might’ve been nothing, but I’m glad we didn’t stick around to find out.”

  “Me, too,” she agreed.

  The door opened and Sawyer slid back inside and handed a package to Olivia. “Man, I feel bad. There’s a blind man who lives in your building.”

  “Mr. Dawson,” Olivia said.

  “His golden retriever is really friendly and I started petting him before I realized he was a service dog. I hope I didn’t distract him from his duties.”

  “The same thing happened to me,” Olivia commiserated. “The dog is so sweet. You feel bad if you just ignore him.”

  “I apologized to the man but he didn’t respond.”

  “I think he might be deaf as well.”

  Alex had his laptop fired up, ready to see what the Vigilante had in store for them next. Olivia opened the package and handed him the flash drive and then scooted to the gap between the seats. He placed the laptop on the console and clicked the folder. “There are two files this time. Long, Gordon and—”

  Olivia inhaled sharply. “Graves, Callie.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Olivia swallowed roughly, dreading what they would see when Alex played the video. He was so in tune to her feelings, he reached back and clutched her hand. She clung to it like a lifeline.

  Callie’s face appeared on the screen and Olivia winced. Her eyes were red and swollen and mascara ran in black rivers down her cheeks.

  “M-my name is Callie Graves and I…please don’t make me do this!” There was a small sound and Callie gasped. Olivia turned away, willing the seven course meal she’d feasted on earlier in the evening to settle in her stomach. It was hard enough to watch a person being tortured, let alone someone you know. She gathered her strength and turned to the screen again. Callie blinked, her eyes barely open. “My name is Callie and I stole an envelope addressed to Olivia Larrson. I knew what it was and I did it for my career. I wanted the recognition
she was getting. I’ve been at the station longer. It was wrong and I apologize.”

  White text on a black background scrolled across the screen. This is not to be played on air. It was personal. But let this be a warning…disregard my instructions and there will be consequences. Since Callie Graves was acting alone and I am not a monster, I will give closure to the families of Mr. and Mrs. Wicks and Morris Clarke. An address popped up, with a note that indicated their car would be found at the bottom of the lake.

  Alex navigated to the next video and hit play. This man looked resigned. “My name is Gordon Long. I killed my wife, Erica Long. I wanted a divorce, she said over her dead body, so I did what I had to do.” The video ended with the same instructions that Olivia introduce the clip on Monday night.

  Alex closed the laptop and ran a hand down his face. “I should call Benson and Kramer. They’ll need to call in a dive team to drag the lake.”

  “If the Vigilante sticks to his MO, they’ll find Morris Clarke’s body as well,” Sawyer pointed out.

  Olivia couldn’t stop shaking. “What about Callie? Do you think she’s dead?”

  Alex’s voice was gentle. “I can’t imagine he or she would let her live if she saw a face.”

  Olivia closed her eyes and swallowed around the lump in her throat. “I need to call Jonah.”

  “It’s going to be another long night,” Sawyer murmured.


  Olivia knew she should protest when Alex scooped her out of the SUV and carried her to the hotel room. Usually she was the one taking charge. She was strong and focused and determined but right now, all she felt was weak and heartsick and defeated. She had no strength left.

  It had taken a dive team less than thirty minutes to find the car with the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Wicks inside. Morris Clarke’s body had also been found at the lake…along with Callie Graves.

  Roddy and Phil arrived and she gave a breaking news report, leaving Callie out of it for now. Her family hadn’t been put on alert.

  Much like Darla, she and Callie had never been friends, but her death still hurt. Callie had been selfish, secretive and vindictive, but character flaws weren’t worth losing her life. Whereas before, the Vigilante was eliminating people who’d gotten away with murder, Callie’s sins were minor in comparison. The Vigilante crossed the thin line from justice-seeker to cold-blooded murderer.

  Olivia jerked awake when Alex placed her on the bed. She must’ve nodded off on the ride up the elevator. He carefully removed her shoes and massaged her aching feet. Once again, he read her mind. When she was almost asleep again, he coaxed her to sit up so he could remove her dress. The bodice had a built in bra, so as soon as he pulled it over her head, she was left in only a lacy black thong. She didn’t even try to cover herself. She didn’t have the energy and Alex had already seen every part of her body. He eased her back down and slid her legs under the sheets. She really needed to stop being such a wuss. She took care of people…not the other way around.

  Once he had her settled on the pillows, he dusted a kiss across her lips and turned off the bedside light. She made a desperate sound in her throat and held out her hand. “Please, stay.”

  He clasped her fingers and swept a strand of hair from her forehead. “I’m just going to get out of this suit and take a quick shower. BeBe would kill me if I wrinkled the tux. It’s a rental.” He kissed her again and padded to the bathroom.

  She jerked awake again when the bed shifted and Alex slid in behind her. He smelled like soap and mouthwash and something that was uniquely him. She curled into him and he pulled her close.

  She buried her nose against his naked chest and fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Mindy smiled as she stuffed her purse under the reception desk. Usually she dreaded Monday mornings but today, she was on top of the world. She was in love!

  She dropped to her chair and spun around in circles. She’d spent most of the weekend with Ray and it was amazing. He stopped by on Saturday afternoon and they’d fallen into bed, where they stayed for almost a full day. She’d wanted to get dressed and go out to eat on Sunday morning, but she couldn’t talk him into it. Then he had something to do in the evening, so he left. She considered calling in sick and coaxing him into coming back over, but it was only her second full day on the job. She didn’t think Uncle Pierce would appreciate her slacking on the job so soon.

  The phone rang and she answered with the standard greeting. “NYC-TV3. This is Mindy. How may I direct your call?”

  “Hey, sweet thing.”

  “Ray! I was just thinking about you.”

  “Yeah? In these thoughts of yours, was I naked?”

  “Very,” she purred and he chuckled.

  “I’m going to stop by later. Do you think you can finagle an interview with Olivia Larrson for me?”

  Mindy couldn’t believe the woman she thought was Olivia was actually Callie Graves. When Uncle Pierce called and asked about the package, she assumed she was in trouble. She’d let the woman take it because she believed she was Olivia. As soon as she hung up with her uncle, she went back to the bedroom to tell Ray but he was asleep. She’d so enjoyed informing him on Friday that the woman he wanted to interview was a stuck-up bitch. Now she had to admit she’d been wrong. When he made a noise and rolled over, she hurried to her desk in the living room and searched the internet. She clicked on the station’s website, typed in Olivia’s name and her heart plummeted. Olivia was drop-dead gorgeous and her smile seemed genuine. She had long hair, striking blue eyes and a straight, white smile. Mindy had brown hair and eyes. They couldn’t look more different.

  She’d tried questioning Ray several times over the weekend about his movie, hoping to finagle an audition, but he kept changing the subject. After seeing a picture of Olivia, she wondered if he was just a groupie of the pretty blonde anchorwoman and wanted to meet her. What if they were introduced and Olivia tried to take him away from her?

  Mindy shook her head. She would do everything she could to keep Ray from Olivia.

  “I’m sorry, Ray, she’s in meetings right up until she has to go on air.” She crossed her fingers, hoping that would lessen the karma of her lie. She actually had no idea about anyone’s schedule. She just answered the phones.


  Mindy’s eyes widened. That was easy. Almost too easy. Maybe he wasn’t a stalker after all. They made plans to meet after work and she hung up with a smile on her face.


  Alex watched Olivia finish the broadcast after announcing the latest video from the Vigilante. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Even when her buffoon of a co-anchor was talking, his gaze stayed glued to her.

  A hand slid around his arm and squeezed. “Hello, love,” the woman said in her proper British accent. He looked down into the brown eyes of the weathergirl. He scrambled to remember a name. It was something different. He glanced at the promotional poster featuring Olivia’s team. Quenby Allsopp. Now he remembered. Everyone called her Queenie.

  She was squeezing his bicep and purring. “Uh, is there something I can help you with, Queenie?”

  “Oh, love, there is so much you could do for me.” She winked. “But I do believe that would cause a right to-do. Olivia would give me a good going over.” Queenie wiggled her fingers and he glanced over to see Olivia staring at them with narrowed eyes. “Don’t worry, she knows I’m a big tart.”

  He wasn’t totally up on British slang, but he was pretty sure a ‘right to-do’ meant a fight, and a ‘good going-over’ meant to beat up, but he had no idea what she meant by tart. His confusion must’ve shown because she smiled. “That means flirt. Anywhodoodles,” Queenie continued. “Don’t you drive that big black Caddie in the car park?”

  He was going to have to download a British slang app to converse with her. “Car park…parking lot?”

  “That’s what I said, love.”

  He chuckled. “I do drive the Cadillac. Why?”

Well, I ran outside to suck a fag—” Alex choked. She was grinning widely at him. “I so love teasing you Americans with that. A smoke, love, I went for a quick smoke. I saw a bloke crawling on the ground near your four by four. Strange, that. I caught him bang to rights so I called out and the bloody wanker scrambled from underneath the bonnet, spared me one quick sken and scarpered off.”

  Ice ran down Alex’s veins. He didn’t even bother to translate, he understood the gist of her message. “Did you get a good look at him?”

  She shook her head, still stroking his biceps. “No. Definitely a bloke.” She squeezed his muscle as she said this. “But he wore a black hoodie with the hood up and a bandanna around his face. Sunglasses, too. That can’t be good, right?”

  No, that definitely couldn’t be good. He extracted his arm from her grip and patted her hand. “Thanks for letting me know, Queenie. I’m going to go check it out.”

  “Anytime, love, and hey, if you get bored with Olivia,” she winked, “come find me. Cheerio.”

  He gave her a half-smile and jogged to the Green Room where Sawyer was playing cards with Benson and Kramer. “The woman who does the weather report on Olivia’s team was just outside and she saw someone crawling under the SUV.”

  Sawyer tossed down his cards. “Shit, car bomb?”

  “That would be my guess.”

  “Let’s go take a look.” Benson sprang to his feet.

  “If it’s a bomb, we don’t know what might set it off,” Alex said. “I had to do this once with the Chicago PD when we didn’t have time to wait for a bomb squad. We need to fashion a device to look underneath without getting too close. Susannah, do you have a compact?”

  She thrust a fist to her hip and huffed, “Do I look like a girly-girl to you, Mylonas?”

  “Well, yeah.”


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