Seven Seals, Books 1 & 2

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Seven Seals, Books 1 & 2 Page 18

by Traci Douglass

  “Yeah. Genetics.” Xander held Kagan’s surprised stare for a pointed moment before pulling out his phone and frowning at the blank screen. “Mira, do you have any idea where Zoe is?”

  Mira shook her head. “No. Isn’t she here?”

  “Nope. She and Wyck were both gone when we got back this afternoon. Wyck left a note. Zoe didn’t.”

  “Let me call her.” Mira walked into the bedroom.

  “Maldito cerdo!” Chago shouted.

  Kagan led Xander into the kitchen. “Do you think Tolbert’s behind these attacks on Mira and the vaults?”

  “I checked on Wyck’s research after finding his note.” Xander motioned Kagan over to a computer console. “According to the Tolbert International website, they’re involved in everything from farming to aerospace. Diversified out the wazoo.”

  He printed out a synopsis of their company assets. Kagan scanned the list, his warrior senses prickling.

  “Cristo! A true world conglomerate. I thought we obliterated them two centuries ago.” The half-breeds had done well for themselves in the modern age. Kagan shook his head at the who’s who of their controlling interests, mostly Fortune 500 companies.

  “We were wrong.” Xander crossed his arms and deftly changed subjects. “You marked her, Kagan. I saw the bruise. You understand what this means?”

  Kagan glanced up to meet Xander’s hard stare. The paper crumpled within his clenched fist. He would not discuss his relationship with Mira. Not again. “Si.”

  Xander studied him, his expression guarded. “She’s human, Kagan. Mortal.”

  “She’s mine! And I protect what’s mine.”

  “What about the Seal?”

  Kagan crossed his arms, stance rigid while he struggled against the rising tightness in his throat. Mission vs. Mira. “As long as the Seal’s unbroken, she’s safe.”

  “They’ll continue to pursue her.”

  “They won’t get her.” Kagan’s gritty tone brooked no hesitation. Mira was his Anim Fidelis. He’d lay down his life for her.

  “So Mira’s your fated one?”

  Both men turned to view the topic of their discussion across the expanse of the loft as she paced in the bedroom, her thumbs flying over the keyboard on her phone. Kagan’s answer was simple and final. “Si.”

  “And she accepts this?” Xander leaned back and appraised his second in command.

  “Not yet.” Kagan sat his soda down and raked his damp hand through his hair. A niggle of dread twisted drum-tight in his chest. “But she will.”

  “Then I offer you my congratulations.” Xander gave him a sad smile and held out a hand. “May you have better fortune with yours than I’ve had with mine.”

  Mira stalked past them on her way to the living room.

  “Any luck?” Xander asked, joining her and Chago.

  “No.” Mira pinned Kagan with an anxious stare. “It’s not like her to disappear without a word. I’m worried.”

  “We’ll find her, piccola.” Kagan propped himself on the sofa arm beside her and stroked his fingers through her hair. An idea occurred to him and he shared his suspicions. “Could she have gone with Wyck? They seemed to be growing closer.”

  “I haven’t heard from him yet. Maybe he knows something.” Xander’s voice turned clipped and terse. Kagan hiked a brow. What bee had buzzed up his commander’s ass?

  Xander returned to his seat and nudged Chago with his elbow, sidestepping Kagan’s unspoken inquiry. “My turn yet?”

  Kagan compressed his lips in frustration. Xander wasn’t telling him everything. He could sense it. This was his mission, dammit! He had a right to know. He leaned in to give Mira a goodbye kiss then reconsidered. Kagan retrieved his coat and flashed. If time was what Mira wanted, time was exactly what he’d give her.

  And if Xander wouldn’t share his information, he’d damn well figure it out on his own.

  • • •

  Wyck pulled out his phone to check for service. Again.

  Bars lit up, and he suppressed an elated whoop as he settled back in the chair behind a small café table. Holiday lights twinkled outside the nearby window, a fine complement to the heat from the roaring fire at his back. Curls of steam rose from his mug, and he drew a deep breath of rich, brewed coffee. A cute barista placed a large cinnamon scone in front of him, and he winked at the girl before she turned away. Saucy little baggage.

  His phone vibrated. Wyck discovered twenty-five missed calls, voicemails, and text messages, all from Xander. Figured. He typed in a quick response to Xander’s latest blurb—Sorry. No cell service but instant messaging works. Weird—then wondered how long his un-tech-savvy commander would take to figure out the lie.

  Laptop up and open, he retrieved the bio for Dr. Strickland. Instinct told him she was the key. His fingers raced across the keyboard as he hacked into the lab’s database then proceeded to set up his own employee file. His phone beeped repeatedly, interrupting his flow. Bollocks! He checked the caller ID and rolled his eyes. Maybe Xander wasn’t so Stone Age after all. Wyck hit Save on his keyboard and answered. “Wow, I figured at least a couple of hours for you to figure it out.”

  “Figure what out?” Xander said, impatience flooding his tone. “Why are you in Colorado? Giving your own orders now?”

  Wyck winced. Yeah, he’d violated protocol. “Sorry about that, but I needed to follow up on the lead I got this morning.” He e-mailed the article to Xander’s phone. “I just forwarded you the information. This project the lab’s working on is called Tabas. Tolbert’s the only backer. Tabas. It’s an Enochian word. Know what it means, Xan? To rule.”

  He waited for a response from his commander. The unbroken silence on the other end wasn’t comforting. “I don’t think the name’s coincidence. Do you?”

  “Tabas—to rule.” Xander sighed into the phone. “A tad obvious, even for them, don’t you think?”

  “They never were the sharpest knives in the drawer.” Wyck smiled. “Besides, only someone versed in the language of the angels would understand. I guess when you have the financial numbers they do, you don’t have to be subtle, right? Besides, how many humans do you know who speak Enochian?”

  “Fine. See what you can find out.” Xander hesitated. “Is Zoe with you?”

  “No.” Wyck frowned. She should have been back at his apartment by now. He’d waited as long as he could before leaving, but finally had to skedaddle without saying goodbye. “She left for a walk shortly after you guys went to the crime scene this morning. Said she needed some air. Why?”

  Xander cursed. “She never came back. Mira can’t get a hold of her, either.”

  “Christ! I didn’t know. Do you think Tolbert has her?” Kidnapping an innocent woman would be right on par for those stinking, half-breed knobs. Wyck squeezed his mug so hard it cracked and coffee leaked out.

  “It’s possible. I’ve had some . . . inklings. Don’t worry, we’ll find her,” Xander said. “When are you coming back?”

  “Should be home tomorrow. I’m finishing up tonight.” Wyck snapped his laptop shut. Xander’s premonitions usually signaled big troubles ahead, and fuck-all if the man was ever wrong. “If you need me before then, let me know. You’ve got my number.”

  “Something big’s going down. Keep the others alerted. Right now we’re running surveillance only. But when we go in for the final assault, I’ll require the full contingent.”

  A loud cheer sounded from the background of Xander’s call. Wyck smiled. Another whoop followed by a gruff curse echoed through the phone line. “Sounds like you guys are having too much fun. Just please try not to break anything, okay?”

  Xander snorted. “I’ll do my best, but with Chay here, I can’t promise.”

  “Brilliant.” Wyck thanked the cute barista who placed a fresh coffee to go cup before him. She hovered a moment and he mouthed the word “later” with a wink.

  “Hey, I need to go,” Xander said. More catcalls sounded. “It’s my turn again.”

; Wyck hung up. He stuffed his remaining things into a messenger bag before shrugging on his coat. After a stop at the register to pay and get the barista’s digits, he walked out into the snowy evening, casting only a cursory glance at the prim woman tucked into a dark corner. Her hair was wound into a severe bun, and her eyes camouflaged behind thick black glasses that reflected the fire’s glow.

  He hesitated outside the entrance and glanced back into the café. Couldn’t be her, could it? The cute barista waved from behind the counter and drew his attention once more. When he looked back toward the dark corner, the mysterious woman was gone. Bugger it.

  Wyck winked at the barista once more before stepping off the curb and into the snowy evening. Yep. Tonight would be satisfying indeed.

  • • •

  Mira bustled around the kitchen, pulling out pots and pans and banging them down on the stove. A brown paper bag crinkled on the counter while she removed eggs, bacon, cheese, and a loaf of bread. She carted gallons of milk and orange juice to the fridge. God, she loved to cook and rarely got the chance. Not so awesome with only one mouth to feed. Now, with three hulking warriors at her mercy, she planned on running with her opportunity. She glanced at the clock. 6:04 in the morning. Time to rise and shine.

  Xander was the first to awaken. He pushed up from his sprawled position on the sofa with a yawn and a stretch then sat up to rake a hand through his mussed black hair.

  “Morning, sunshine,” Mira said, twirling a long serving fork. “Hope you’re hungry. I’m making breakfast.”

  He gave a perfunctory wave on his way to the bathroom, scratching his rear before the door shut behind him. A rumbling wheeze rolled from Chago in an endless rhythm, and Mira smiled.

  Xander’s phone rattled against the counter. She peered down at the caller ID then answered. “Wyck?”

  “Who’s this?” Wyck grunted, his voice thick with sleep. “Oh. Hey, Mira. Is Xander around?”

  “Yeah. Sleeping Beauty just entered the throne room.”

  Wyck’s raspy chuckle made her smile. “Nice.”

  “Where’d you disappear to?” She cracked eggs into a bowl, cradling the phone between her shoulder and cheek.

  “Colorado. Got a lead I had to follow up on.”

  Through the line, Mira heard the distinct rustle of sheets followed by a feminine groan. “So that’s what they’re calling it these days? Must be a hottie for you to trail her across the country.”

  “Nah. Ugly as a board.” A pause, followed by more rustling and muffled voices before he continued. “Hey, can you let Xan know I called and I’ll be back later today?”

  She couldn’t help grimacing when the sounds of kissing and groans filled the line. “Yeah, I’ll tell him.”

  “Thanks, darling.”

  Mira wasn’t sure if the last was directed at her or the woman moaning behind Wyck. She hung up and wrinkled her nose. Men.

  “Who called?” Xander asked as he returned.

  “Wyck.” Mira glanced at him then turned to beat the eggs. “He said to tell you he’d be home this afternoon.”

  “Perfect.” He moved around her to survey the goodies. “You need help?”

  “Nope. I got it, thanks.” She smiled. “I like to cook. It relaxes me.”

  “Really?” He glanced at the frumpy apron wrapping her waist and snuck some grated cheese from her pile. “Okay, Granny.”

  She stuck her tongue out. “Wouldn’t be a bad thing if you guys knew your way around the kitchen too. A lot of women think a man who cooks is sexy as hell.”

  “Right.” He grabbed more cheese then slipped away when she slapped at his hand with the serving fork. “Here I thought they liked a guy who was good with his hands in other places.”

  Mira snorted and Xander leaned back against the counter beside her. The eggs sizzled and popped in the frying pan as she turned to face him. Xander coughed and stared at the blender with sudden fascination. His voice was quiet when he spoke. “He’s a good man.”

  Shit. Mira’s hands trembled as she reached past him to put the bowl in the sink, her stomach toppling to her knees. “What are you talking about?”

  “Kagan.” Xander smiled, watching her. “You won’t find anyone more loyal or trustworthy. He cares for you. A lot. But he’s had many tragedies in his past. The Praetorian Guard slaughtered his entire family while he was away on a mission for the Romans. He never forgave himself and claimed full responsibility for their deaths. It’s one reason he’s so focused on his work now. Avoidance is a powerful motivator.”

  Her heart clenched at the mention of Kagan’s past suffering and betrayal. Mira forced her expression into serene blankness as she adjusted the burners. Her feelings were still too new, too raw for sharing. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I thought you should know.” He shrugged.

  She frowned and twirled the long fork in front of her. His past explained so much. Yet Kagan hadn’t been the one to tell her. Xander had.

  She’d trusted Kagan with her secrets. Why wouldn’t he trust her with his? Mira trailed her fingers over the tender mark on her neck. He’d called her his Anim Fidelis—his fated one. She’d only recently adjusted to being his lover. Could her battered heart handle his burden as well? More importantly, did she want to try?

  Xander gave her a kind smile and walked to Wyck’s closet to rummage through his clothes. He pulled out a pair of jeans and a black turtleneck sweater and tossed them on the bed before grabbing some briefs and socks from the dresser. Mira caught him as he walked into the bathroom.

  “Hey, Xander?”

  “Yeah?” He peeked his head around the door.


  • • •

  Kagan strode in as Mira served up the food. Once more, he tamped down his desire to touch her. Keep it cool, cazzo. He joined Xander and Chago at the kitchen table and straddled a chair. Soon, Mira placed a heaping plate before him and he dug in. His woman could cook too. He smiled, knowing Mira would skewer him with her long fork if she heard him refer to her in such a way. Too bad. He liked thinking of her as his woman.

  He spoke around a mouthful of eggs. “So what’s the game plan?”

  “We need to find Argus,” Chago said, devouring half a slice of toast.

  “Agreed. And I want to know exactly what this does.” Xander tossed the pendant into the center of the table. “Lucifer was quite interested. Divinity told me it’s from his vaults.”

  Mira joined them and eyed the metal triangle with disdain. “Looks like bad seventies jewelry.”

  Chago snorted then shoved the rest of his toast slice into his mouth.

  Kagan kept his attention on Mira. Cristo! She was lovely in the morning. He shook his head and tried to focus on the task at hand. “After what the relic did yesterday in the minion realm, it obviously has some kind of power. If Lucifer and Argus both want Antares, it’s valuable.”

  “I’m hitting the shower.” Chago chugged the remainder of his orange juice, then rose to put his dishes in the sink. “Thanks for the meal, Mira.”

  “You’re welcome,” she called as he disappeared into the bathroom then turned to Xander. “I can do some research, if you want. I’m no guru, like Wyck, but I’ve done my share of Internet surfing.”

  “Great.” Xander walked into the kitchen and placed his plate beside Chago’s then returned to the living room and clicked on the TV. “I’m taking Chago to track down the address where Argus is staying.”

  “What’s my assignment?” Kagan called over his shoulder, his gaze still on Mira. How could any woman look so delectable while eating? Her tongue peeked out to lick an errant bit of egg from her lip. It took all his willpower not to drag her from her seat and ravish her on the spot. Oca! He stifled a groan and forced his attention back to his commander.

  “You find out more about Tolbert’s involvement. It’s no coincidence they showed up at the crime scene yesterday,” Xander said. “If the end is near, you can be damn sure they’ve got their dirty little h
ands in the pie.”

  Kagan picked up the amulet. A vibration of dark power skittered up his fingers and traversed his arm. He dropped it. A wave of perverse pain coiled around him. The embedded ruby twinkled beneath the overhead lights, glowing like a red eye, knowing and malicious.

  “What’s wrong?” Mira said, her gaze darting between his face and the amulet.

  “Nothing.” Kagan rose and walked to the sink. The power waned, and his previous good mood returned. Feeling frisky, he waggled his brows at Mira. “You want help researching?”

  “No, thanks.” She giggled. “I think I can handle the situation.”

  He crouched beside her chair and ran a finger along the side of her lips, catching a drop of strawberry jam. He sucked the sugar from his fingertip. “Yummy.”

  Mira’s pupils dilated and her gaze fell to his mouth, her breath panting and her cheeks flushed. He wanted nothing more than to make love to her right there on the hardwood floor. His cock strained against his button fly, and his mind flooded with memories of her taste and the sound of her groans as she climaxed beneath him. He reached for her and she swayed toward him.

  Chago banged the door against the wall as he came out of the bathroom, breaking the erotic spell.

  Mira pushed away and collected their dishes. Kagan followed her, watching as she set the dishes on the counter and picked up a plate for rinsing. He locked his arms around her and pulled her back against his chest. “I missed you last night.”

  She smiled and continued with the dishes. “That’s nice.”

  Nice? He’d show her nice. He nibbled her earlobe then bit down gently. She leaned over to put a fork in the dishwasher then gasped when her butt brushed his rigid length. How’s that for nice, carissima? He gave a deep chuckle and gathered her close. “I miss you now too.”

  His hand slipped beneath the baggy T-shirt she wore to caress her abdomen. She was so damn soft. She tensed and swatted at his wayward touches. “Kagan, stop! People will see.”

  “I can’t help myself when I’m around you, carissima.” He trailed his lips down the side of her neck to the mark he’d made, savoring the taste of her. His long fingers brushed the underside of her breast, and he smiled. Mira trembled against him, her breath hitching. He pressed her closer and buried his nose in her hair. Her eyes slipped closed. A throat cleared behind them. Mira jumped from his arms to land somewhere near the stove.


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