Wheelie’s Challenge

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Wheelie’s Challenge Page 12

by Chiah Wilder

  Wheelie laughed. “I didn’t know you started babysitting.”

  Bones rolled his eyes. “Hawk and Banger are busy with getting things together for the San Diego trip; Cara’s in trial, and I can’t remember what the fuck’s the deal with Belle. Something about doing some shit with Emily in Aspen. Anyway, I gotta go.” Bones turned around then looked over his shoulder. “Are you coming to the club tonight?”

  “Nah. Maybe tomorrow. Later.”

  Bones lifted his arm in the air and walked out.

  “I just told you I don’t have five bucks, and I left my credit card at home. Where’s Wheelie?” A woman’s hard-edged voice hit Wheelie’s ears.

  “I dunno. Lemme see if he’s in the office.” Jada picked up the phone and dialed his extension. He could hear it ringing in his office. Since he’d hired Animal’s sister and got rid of Lizzie, the front end of the business was working smoothly. Miranda and Jada seemed to have hit it off right away, and Wheelie was grateful not to have the daily drama that had been the norm for the months Lizzie had worked there.

  “He’s not picking up.”

  “My fuckin’ husband’s been an Insurgent longer than you’ve been alive!”

  Wheelie strode over. “What’s going on?”

  The customer spun around, her eyes flashing, then a huge smile spread over her face. “Hey.”

  “Hi, Doris.” He looked over at Jada. “What seems to be the problem?”

  Before the teen could answer, Doris clucked her tongue and pointed her finger at the young woman. “This one here is being a royal bitch.” She brushed her hand over Wheelie’s chest. “I forgot my credit card, and I don’t have enough money for a wax, but Ruben insists on it for the truck. You know how he is.” Doris glared at Jada for a second then looked at Wheelie. “I tried to tell this girl all that, but she didn’t want to listen. She obviously doesn’t have a clue as to who the Insurgents are.”

  Jada started to open her mouth, but Wheelie shook his head at her. “Animal is Jada’s brother, so she knows all about the Insurgents.” He turned to the cashier. “Comp the wash and the wax.”

  “Will do.” She punched some of the buttons on the cash register then handed Doris a small piece of paper. “Give that to the guys when they’re done with your truck.”

  A satisfied look swept across Doris’s face, and she moved closer to Wheelie and clasped his bicep, digging her talons into the taut flesh. “Thank you. I knew you’d settle this. I hated being treated like a common criminal.” She leaned into him as though she’d tripped on something. Laughing, Doris pulled back a little. “Sorry. Ooh, you smell good. Did you just get back from a ride? I can always smell the wind and leather on a biker.”

  Wheelie stepped a few paces away from her. “No. Is there something else I can help you with?”

  “Keep me company until the truck’s done?”

  “I have a lot of work to finish up; I’m planning on cutting out a little early.”

  A crooked sneer slashed across her lips. “Are you? Have a hot date?”

  Wheelie stared at her. “If you need anything else, give me a holler.” He started to walk away, but Doris grabbed his forearm.

  “Are you still watching out for little Sofia?”

  He yanked out of her grip, and his facial muscles tightened. “There’s no reason for you to disrespect her. She’s an old lady just like you. And yeah, I’m helping out. Bones is too … and Throttle. What’s your fuckin’ point?”

  Doris poked him in the side. “Why’re you being so touchy?” Her pale blue eyes looked like gleaming shards of ice filled with hatred and jealousy.

  “I just don’t like anyone disrespecting another person without a reason for it … especially an Insurgent’s old lady.” Wheelie turned on his heels and headed back to his office.

  Doris’s sandals clacked on the tile as she followed him. “I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just that Sofia always seems so … pathetic. I think she plays that up to get the brothers’ attention. Some women are like that, you know?”

  Wheelie stopped in front of his office and turned around. “And some women like to start up shit just because they’re bored, or they can’t stand anyone prettier or younger than they are. Now … do you know what I mean?” Doris’s hand flew to her mouth as she gasped. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He walked into the room, closing the door on a very red-faced, wide-eyed Doris.

  “Bitch,” he muttered under his breath as he slid into the leather chair. Doris’s jealousy toward the younger old ladies was inordinately hateful, and there was no way Wheelie was going to let Doris pull Sofia into her bitter, drama-filled world.

  A knock on the door made the anger rushing through him feel like a steel band around his chest, tightening more and more with each thud.

  “I told you I’m busy. Go away.” Wheelie pushed back in his chair, and it banged into the wall. “Fuck!”

  “What’s going on, bro?” Rags asked through the door.

  “Come on in,” Wheelie answered.

  Rags walked in, his gaze fixed on Wheelie. “You okay?”

  “I thought you were Ruben’s fuckin’ old lady. She’s getting the truck washed and spewing shit to piss me off.”

  Rags lifted his chin. “Looks like it worked. Was it about Sofia?”

  “Yeah. I’m sick of Doris. She’s always trying to create a goddamn storm in the club between the brothers and their old ladies.”

  “Did you tell her to shut the fuck up?”

  “Yeah … something like that. Did you come in for a cold brew? I got some in the fridge behind you.”

  “We made plans to go to Ruthie’s for lunch. Throttle, Animal, and Smokey are already there.”

  Wheelie shook his head. “I forgot. What the hell’s wrong with me?”

  Rags looked pointedly at him. “Maybe you got too much on your mind this week.”

  Wheelie stood up and grabbed his keys. “Now, don’t you go starting up shit with me. I’m already pissed off, and I don’t wanna have to beat your ass.”

  Rags sniggered. “It’s too damn hot for that. Let’s get going.”

  As Wheelie straddled his bike, he saw a white Toyota Camry slowly driving by. “That’s the second time I’ve seen that fuckin’ car.”

  Rags craned his neck as the vehicle turned left. “So? I see a lot of the same cars. It’s not like we live in a big city.”

  “I don’t mean that. I can’t pinpoint it, but something doesn’t feel right about it—like the asshole’s trying to find someone or something.”

  “I’ll keep my eyes out for him. Tell the other brothers. We’ll find out what that’s all about.”

  Wheelie jerked his chin and started his bike. The cams shattered the still air, and a flock of birds fluttered wildly then flew away, seeking another tree. Rags rode beside him as they made their way to Ruthie’s.

  “What the fuck took you so long? I’m starving,” Animal said as Wheelie and Rags pushed into the booth.

  “It’s my fault. I forgot about it. Did you order?” Wheelie opened the menu even though he, like the other guys, knew it by heart.

  “Not yet.” Throttle picked up a tall glass of iced tea. “It’s murder working outside in this heat.”

  Brenda came over to their table and winked at Wheelie. “How’ve you been?”

  “Good. You?”

  “Okay. Whatcha havin’ to drink?”

  “Water and a Coke with a shitload of ice.”

  “I’ll have a large banana milkshake,” Rags said.

  “Got it. Be back in a sec to take your orders.”

  As she walked away, Rags kept watching her, shaking his head. “I can’t get what Tigger said about her being a lousy fuck outta my mind.”

  “He said that?” Throttle asked. “How would he know? He was so damn drunk at that party I doubt if he could even get it up.” The men burst out laughing. “I’m totally serious. He was drunk off his ass.” He pointed to Wheelie. “You know that. He started some shit with you in the

  Rags’ eyes lit up. “Then maybe he’s the one who was the lousy fuck. Poor Brenda. Now she’s gonna think we’re all sporting big cocks but can’t do shit with them.”

  Animal grabbed a napkin from the metal dispenser and wiped his eyes, he was laughing so hard.

  “Something must be tickling your funny bones,” Brenda said as she placed the drinks down in front of Wheelie and Rags. “Care to share?”

  Animal guffawed harder and louder.

  Wheelie sat up straighter. “Biker humor. Why don’t you bring me a club sandwich with fries.”

  “Sure thing.”

  After she took the rest of the table’s order, Brenda winked again at Wheelie then ambled away.

  “Now, you can go after her to see if Throttle’s right or Tigger was spot on,” Smokey said to Rags.

  “I’ll get around to it,” Rags replied.

  After the men finished eating, Brenda came over and put the bill down on the table. “You want some more Coke?” she asked Wheelie.

  “I’m good. Thanks.”

  “Oh … I almost forgot. I met a friend of yours yesterday.”

  The table went silent.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He came into the dinner and asked if I knew you. He said you went to high school together in Denver.” She darted her eyes around then leaned in closer. “I’m not supposed to tell anyone, but he’s a movie producer from LA and was scouting out our town to see if he wanted to film his next movie here. He’s going to, and I’m gonna be in it. It’ll probably be just a real small part, but it’s all so exciting.” Brenda’s eyes sparkled.

  Wheelie’s lips pressed flat as adrenaline rushed through his body.

  “He was real sorry he couldn’t hook up with you. I was supposed to have drinks with him last night, but he got a call and had to head back to LA.”

  “What was his name?”

  “Sam Nichols. He doesn’t want it blabbed all over town because he doesn’t want anyone knowing he was here. Being a big producer and all, that makes sense.”

  Wheelie glanced at his brothers’ stiff faces. When someone came looking for an Insurgent, the members always thought the worst. The omnipresent threat of violence and death were part of the outlaw world in which the bikers lived.

  “What did you tell him about Wheelie?” Throttle asked.

  “Not much.” Brenda glanced at Wheelie, regret lingering in her eyes. “I don’t know all that much about you.”

  “Did you tell him anything?” Animal said.

  “Uh … I told him you ride a metallic red Harley with a lot of chrome. I also told him it was wicked-looking.” She grinned.

  “Did you happen to see what kind of car he was driving?” Wheelie asked.

  She crinkled her brow and looked out the window as if trying to conjure up the image of the man’s vehicle. “I’m pretty sure it was white. It was probably a rental car. I’m not good with models or makes. Are you beginning to figure out who he is? I think it’s so cool that you have a big Hollywood producer as a friend.”

  I knew something wasn’t right with that white car. “I think I know who it is. I’d heard he went to LA to get into films after we graduated. If he happens to come back, or you spot him on the street, do me a favor and don’t tell him you told me. I wanna surprise him.”

  Brenda bobbed her head in agreement as she crossed her heart with her fingers. “I promise I won’t. I hope he does come back into town. I know he’d love to see you. He told me not to say anything to you ’cause he wanted to surprise you. How funny that you both thought the same thing.” She glanced over at a table that called out her name. “I gotta go, but I just want you to know that I only told you about him because he left. I don’t want you to think I can’t keep a secret.”

  “I don’t think that.” Wheelie glanced out the window and scanned the lot and street for a white Toyota Camry.

  When Brenda left, Smokey reclined against the black vinyl cushion. “This is a crock of shit. Who’s gunning for you?”

  Before Wheelie could answer, Rags slammed his fist down on the table. “We saw the fucker drive by the car wash before we got here. Wheelie said he’d seen the same car a couple of times.” He looked at Wheelie. “You called it, dude. You said something didn’t seem right.”

  “Do you think this has anything to do with that fucker getting outta prison?” Animal asked.

  “He’s out so soon?” Throttle said.

  “Yeah. They released him early.” The words tasted bitter in Wheelie’s mouth. “I’m sure Elmore sent someone to take care of me before I get to him. I don’t know if the fucker made me in the parking lot or is just looking at everyone who has a Harley.”

  “He didn’t act like he made you. I mean, he slowly drove away but continued looking all around before he turned left,” Rags added.

  “We gotta find this sonofabitch and get rid of him,” Smokey said. The other men nodded in agreement. “We only have one car rental agency in town. It shouldn’t be too hard to find the fucker.”

  Wheelie splayed his hands on the table. “He probably rented the car in Denver at the airport. I’m gonna talk to Hawk about trying to get some info. In the meantime, let’s cruise the motels in and around Pinewood. We should take our cages.”

  “We’ll get all the brothers involved so we can canvas the area faster,” Throttle said.

  Smokey drained the last bit of water in his glass, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and slid out of the booth while picking up the check. “You should stay at the club until we get this sonofabitch,” he said to Wheelie.

  “I’ll be good. I’m going to a concert in Roaring Fork tonight.” Wheelie stood up and pulled the hem of his shirt down.

  “You going to see Jason Aldean?” Animal asked.


  “Are you taking Sofia?” Throttle said as he slid out of the booth.

  Wheelie glanced at all four men then nodded.

  “Fuck, man. You got all sorts of shit exploding around you,” Rags said.

  “I’ll talk to Hawk about getting info on the rental car.” Wheelie followed the men to the cashier then walked out with them in the parking lot. They all darted their eyes around before heading to their Harleys.

  “Later,” Wheelie said as he bumped fists with each of the brothers.

  On his way back to the car wash, Wheelie had no doubt in his mind that this guy was aiming to kill him. It hadn’t occurred to him that Elmore would have the balls … or the money … to hire an assassin. It was a good thing the asshole had spoken to Brenda about him. Now, his suspicion that something felt off was confirmed.

  Someone was watching out for him.

  Wheelie parked in the back near the door to the rear entrance and under the big oak tree. Before going into the building, he tossed his head back and looked at the clear blue sky.

  Thanks for watching my back, Kendra. I got this.

  A gust of wind kicked up suddenly, wrapping around him, hissing in soft whispers as the branches of the weeping willow tree across the street undulated in the breeze. A light scent of roses danced in the air. Wheelie inhaled deeply. Kendra’s favorite flowers. She’s here. I feel it. Strands of wind-blown hair swept across his face as he got off his bike and walked to the back door.

  Before he went in, he paused to let himself get lost in his emotions as he looked up at the sky once more. “This isn’t over yet. I’ll kill the fuckin’ bastard, then you can finally rest in peace.”

  The wind swallowed his words, carrying them far, far away.

  Wheelie locked the door behind him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tucked under Wheelie’s arm, Sofia nestled closer to him as they walked through the large lot. Truck after truck filled the parking spaces, and loud music blasted from tinny speakers as groups of people grilled, sang, and guzzled beer.

  It’d been a long time since Sofia had been to a concert, and she’d forgotten how charged the air was with excitement and ener
gy. Since she’d woken up that morning, Sofia had obsessively clock-watched as if that would’ve made the time go by faster. After Bones had left, she’d gone into her closet and tried on practically everything she owned, finally settling on faded blue cutoff shorts and a yellow crocheted crop top. At the last minute, Sofia had grabbed her green flannel shirt and tied it around her waist just in case the night became cool.

  “You don’t like tailgating?” she asked after they entered the outside venue.

  “I do. We usually do it with Throttle’s or Animal’s truck.”

  “You didn’t want to tonight? I know we drove in your SUV, but we could’ve set up something.”

  Wheelie bent down and kissed her. “We got a late start in coming here,” he whispered in her ear while he patted her behind.

  Sofia licked her lips and felt her neck flush as images of Wheelie’s face buried in her slick folds ran through her mind. Sofia was elated when he’d come over earlier than planned, and the minute she let him in through the back door, he had her pinned against the wall, devouring her mouth while his hands touched every inch of her body.

  “Let’s get something to eat,” he said, guiding her over to one of the booths.

  “I’ll take the biggest nachos they have with extra jalapeño,” Sofia said, perusing the menu board, “and a Coors Light and water.” She looked up and saw Wheelie’s raised eyebrows. “What? I’m hungry.” For a split second Sofia heard Tigger’s voice echoing in her head, telling her she’s too fat and she couldn’t have any nachos.

  Wheelie shook his head and smiled. “Order whatever you want to eat. I can’t believe you chose light beer. It tastes like piss, baby. But … if you like it.”

  “I really don’t, but I thought since I’m pigging out on the nachos that I should cut a few calories somewhere.”

  “We’re at a concert. Who gives a fuck about calories?”

  When he placed their order, Sofia heard him say “two Coors,” and it made her heart swell and her skin tingle. She raked her fingernails down his back then kissed him on the jaw. “Have I told you how sexy and awesome you are? And sweet too.” She swatted his arm as he grimaced. “Yeah … that’s right. You’re this badass biker on a killer Harley, but I know you’re really a sweet ol’ softie.”


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