Clearwater Romance

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Clearwater Romance Page 4

by Marissa Dobson

  Tiptoeing away, so as not to wake him, she led Goldie into the kitchen and heated the roast from the previous night's dinner, and made sandwiches. She was just finishing the preparations when she turned to find him standing by the counter.

  “The aroma woke my stomach. I’m starving.”

  “I thought you would be. There’s more where that came from. Go ahead, get started. I’ll grab drinks.”

  He grabbed the plates and headed for the dining room table. “Anything but beer, please.”

  She grabbed two cans of cola. In the dining room, she found candles lit and the lights turned down low.

  “I wanted to make it up to you. I planned on cooking dinner for you when you decided to come out. Sorry I fell asleep.”

  “You know how to cook?” She couldn’t keep the surprise from filling her voice.

  “My mother thought a man should know how to cook, and clean. She even taught me how to sew, well mostly how to sew a button on. I was always playing with my shirt buttons as a kid until they would fall off. She got tired of me doing that and as punishment, I had to sew the button back on. Threading a needle is hard work.”

  “It sounds like your mother is a great woman. She tried to turn you into the perfect husband.” Granny would approve. She believed in self-sufficiency. “So why didn’t you ever settle down?”

  “Mom’s been on my case for years now. She wants grandbabies. But the military is hard enough, and harder with a family. I was always deployed. I guess in the end, I never wanted someone stuck at home worrying about me, wondering if I would make it home, or if a man in uniform would show up at her door telling her the bad news.”

  “Instead, that would happen to your mother.”

  “I know.” Regret colored his voice. “My dad was a Marine, she’s a Marine wife. She’s damn tough.”

  “She might be used to it, but that doesn’t mean she wants her son doing it. But I understand why you did it. You’re a hero…”

  “I’m no hero!” He shook his head. “I let my best friend die in my place.”

  “Jordan, it wasn’t your fault. There was no way for you to know what would happen.”

  “I heard the dryer buzz, why don’t you handle that? I’ll clean up.” He grabbed the dishes and escaped to the kitchen, shutting her down. Again.

  On her way to the laundry room, the cell phone on the coffee table vibrated. She didn’t remember leaving her phone out and grabbed it to answer. If Ryan called and she didn’t answer, he’d show up.


  “Umm…I’m calling Jordan. Do I have the wrong number?” A woman on the other end asked.

  “Umm.” She pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at it. It wasn’t until she really looked at it. That she realized it wasn’t hers. It was the same phone, but hers had a jeweled cased that clipped onto the back. Shit! “If you hold a moment I can get him.”

  “Wait, who am I speaking with?”

  “Chloe, I own the bed and breakfast he stumbled upon.”

  “Stumbled upon?”

  “It’s a long story, but a snowstorm has him stuck here. He was heading to Idaho. To…umm…sorry I’m not sure the name of the person he’s visiting there.”

  “Megan O’Malley.” Sadness darkened her voice. “He feels it’s his duty.”

  Everything was clicking for her. “You’re…”

  “James’ wife. But I’m surprised he told you.”

  She would have never answered the phone if she realized it was his, but now that she had and someone was on the line that might be able to help him. She couldn’t let the opportunity pass. She sat on the couch and let out a short laugh. “I wouldn’t say told me is the correct words. But yes I know.”

  “Then you know he blames himself?”

  “Yes. He thinks you blame him too.” It wasn’t her place, the woman was a widow…but her husband was dead and Jordan was here.

  “But I don’t. I tried to tell him that. No matter how many times I tried, he just doesn’t listen. It was war, things like this happen. There was nothing he could do.” Megan sounded desperate on the other end. Her tone said she wanted to help Jordan but didn’t know how. “He needs to forgive himself, or he’ll never be able to move on.”

  “I know.” It was all Chloe could say, but it wasn’t enough.

  “Have you known him long? You seem to care about him.”

  Before Chloe could answer, Jordan walked into the room. “Ahh.”

  “Is that my phone…?” He moved closer to her. “Who’s on the phone?” Jordan snatched the phone from her.

  She mumbled an apology and slipped away to deal with the laundry.

  * * *

  “Who’s this?” Jordan asked, as he watched Chloe slip out of the room. He should be angry with her instead he found his gaze lingering on her swaying hips as she rushed away. He fought the urge to call her back, to wrap his arms around her.

  “Jordan, it’s Megan. I was worried when you didn’t arrive, and this storm. I thought you might still be out in it.”

  “Megan.” The weight of the world landed on his shoulders with a hard thump. “I’m sorry. The car broke down and I’m stuck in Clearwater, Wyoming. I found a little bed and breakfast to wait out the storm.”

  “I’m glad you’re safe. I was worried about you. Jordan…”

  When she failed to continue and the silence dragged across his nerves, he asked, “What?”

  “Don’t mess this up. I can tell from her voice she cares for you.”

  Before he could tell her that she misunderstood the situation, and Chloe was the owner, she ended the call. Instead of calling her back, he stood by the fire wondering if Megan was right. Does Chloe really care or is she just being friendly?

  Chapter Nine

  Chloe took her time in the laundry room. She folded the bedding and straightened things up, anything she could do to avoid facing Jordan. She didn’t know how to explain what happened without sounding intrusive and guilty. She wasn’t used to guest just leaving things lying about, especially something that closely resembled her own phone. She’d invaded his privacy and she barely knew him. She had no right to answer his phone, but at the same time she was glad she did. Knowing Megan O’Malley didn’t blame Jordan might have been fate’s way of helping her help Jordan. It might be the key that would help him let go of his guilt. If she could only figure out how to help him.

  “Chloe, are you hiding?” Jordan called from the top of the steps.

  “No.” She hollered, but she was sure he could hear her guilt, just like her Granny always knew when she was lying. “Just dealing with the laundry.”

  He descended the stairs and watched her from the bottom step. “I haven’t done laundry in a while, but I’m pretty sure it never took me this long to fold things from the dryer.”

  “Okay, fine. I’m hiding.” She turned to face him, certain she had guilty stamped all over her face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was your phone. I saw it there, and it looked like mine. I just grabbed it.”

  “I’ll forget about it if you forgive me for being such a jerk since I walked through your door.”

  “I was never angry at you…well okay, I was earlier. But you deserved that.” Way to make an apology.

  “You’re right, I did.” He grinned, letting her off the hook. “Come upstairs and let me make it up to you.”

  * * *

  After his conversation with Megan, he realized he could face his pain and fear or he could let it continue to cripple him. Maybe he’d just met Chloe, but she could quite possibly be the best thing in his life. He found some spare blankets and took pillows from the bedrooms upstairs to make a bed up in front of the fire. He lit candles around the living room and added wood, stoking the flames.

  Tonight he was going to show Chloe the affection he felt for her. He would make tonight count, and live like there wouldn’t be a tomorrow. You never know when your number’s up. James always said that…

  Tonight, for the first time i
n a long time, he wanted to reap the benefit of being alive. He wanted to live.

  Leading Chloe into the living room with her eyes closed, reminded him of Christmas morning as a kid. When she opened her eyes, he could tell she was surprised.

  “Chloe, I made a mistake earlier. But I hope you will give me the chance to correct my ways.”

  “What do you have in mind?” A playful smile softened her face.

  He answered with a kiss. “You’re beautiful. Come.” He pulled her towards the fireplace.

  Easing down next to her on the blankets, he faced her so he could stare into her eyes. “Since I walked through that door, I wanted to protect you from me, but I can’t keep myself away from you. I’m a protector; it’s what I do. But I can’t protect you from myself. If you want me to stop just say so. You deserve so much more than I can give you, but I want you. You scare the hell out of me, because I’ve never wanted a woman the way I want you—like a lit match in a powder magazine.”

  “Jordan, you’re what I want.”

  He placed a hand on the side of her face. “I hope I can live up to it.” He kissed her. Their lips met with passion and desire. The air sizzled around them.

  He broke their kiss to lift her sweater over her head. “You have too many clothes on.”

  “You too.” She grabbed the waist of his sweater and pulled it over his head.

  He laid her back to rest against the pillows before pulling her jeans down her legs. Her cute pink panties called to him, grabbing them with his teeth and pulled them. She laughed at him. “You’re beautiful.” He kissed his way back up, taking time to kiss her flat stomach. Moving her pink and white bra aside he trailed wet, teasing kisses to each of her hard dusky pink nipples. He wanted to linger, but the faint shadow of bruises on her neck stilled him.

  “I’m sorry.” He whispered, throat tight.

  “Shh…it’s okay. You didn’t hurt me. You stopped. I’m right here.” She tugged him upwards and fused her mouth to his, silencing his objections.

  Never again. I’ll never hurt her again. He pulled away long enough to shed his clothes. Her gaze scorched as it swept over him.

  “Do you like what you see, beautiful?”

  “Maybe” she said coyly.

  “Just maybe, huh? Let’s see what we can do about that.” Confidence and cockiness surged through him.

  He slid on top of her, taking hold of her nipple with his mouth. Teasing it with his tongue, causing her to arch her back under him. He caressed each inch of her body. “I want you.”

  “You have me. All of me.”

  “Good.” He lowered himself to draw her dusky pink nipple into his mouth. His eyes never left hers as he sucked and played, before kissing across the valley to her other nipple. Letting her nipple slip between his lips, he gazed up at her. “I don’t have condoms. I wasn’t expecting…”

  “I’m on the pill.”

  He didn’t want to rush, not when he could savor the moments. Her unabashed reactions to his touch were a miracle.

  “Please Jordan, I want you now.”

  “We have all night.”

  “Then give it to me now, and we can have another round or two.” There was a twinkle in her eye as she spoke those words.

  “Your wish is my command, beautiful.” He placed his hands gently on her knees, spreading them, giving him the access that he desired. Teasing her sensitive flesh with his fingers before finally sliding himself in to her warm wet core. A cry of desire and need escaped her lips. Her body arched, she licked the side of his neck.

  Her moans of pleasure spurred him faster. Their bodies, bound together, found rhythm and passion vibrated through him desperate for release. He fought the ecstasy, fought to hang on and drive her to her climax. Digging her nails into his back, she writhed. Their lips meet again and again. She screamed against his mouth and he held on for another few seconds, prolonging the beautiful agony until his release burst free.

  He knew he wanted more of her, doubted he would ever get enough. Collapsing next to her, legs still entwined, their energy spent for the moment. She curled her body into his, her hand resting on his chest.

  “Looks as though you enjoyed that, beautiful.” He wrapped his arms around her.

  “Oh yes.” She lazily ran a hand up and down his chest. “Ready for another round?”

  He snickered. “I might have been a Marine. Always ready to go at a moment’s notice, but I do need a little recovery time.”

  * * *

  The sun was coming up when they finally had enough of each other. The fire flickered low, and the candles were long out. Propped on her arm, she watched him doze and traced the tattoo of the globe, anchor and eagle on his arm. Sleep beckoned, but she didn’t want the moment to end.

  “Jordan, you know Megan doesn’t blame you, don’t you?”

  His eyes remained half closed. “Yes, she told me at the funeral. But if you were in her place, wouldn’t you blame me?”


  “Come on, Chloe. Somewhere deep down, you would have to blame me. I took away her husband, the father to her daughter.”

  “No. It was war. You didn’t deliver the killing blow. When Megan married him, she knew the risks. There was nothing you could have done. You need to be grateful you’re alive. Live in the here and now. I’m so grateful you’re alive.”

  Chapter Ten

  The next few days passed in the blink of an eye. They started working on the guest room, referring to it as the writer’s retreat. They could handle most of the interior renovations and save the external for after the storm.

  Every day they worked side-by-side, then spent the evening in each other’s arms. But in the back of her mind, she knew their time together was coming to a close. She wanted the storm to stay, but it was moving past their little town the sun once again came out. The promised ten feet of snow blanketed the landscape, drifting twelve and fifteen foot deep in places. The road crews worked overtime to dig them out. Soon Jordan would be leaving to see Megan, and her heart was breaking.

  Jordan cooked dinner while she looked through the new J.C. Penny catalog to find items for the bedroom. Having colors for the bedspread and curtains would make picking a color for the walls easier. The domestic intimacy created a blissful bubble—and made her sad at the same time.

  “What’s wrong?” He kept an eye on the chicken breasts grilling on the stove.


  “Chloe, I have come to know you better than that in the last few days. I can tell something’s on your mind. What’s wrong?”

  The tears glistened in her eyes. “You’ll be leaving soon.”

  “I’m glad you brought that up.” He sat the tongs aside, turning down the chicken he came to the table. “I don’t want to leave. What we have is special. Marry me?”

  “What?” she asked. Marriage? She didn’t expect that.

  “You heard me. Marry me. Make me the happiest man on earth. I know this isn’t the romantic way, and I don’t even have a ring. But we can take care of that after the storm.” He got down on one knee. “Chloe Frost, marry me.”



  Six Months later…

  The whole town gathered at the pond behind Winterbloom. She wanted to wait until the rooms were finished to allow guest to stay.

  “Chloe?” A woman called from behind her.

  “Yes?” she said without turning around.

  “I’m Megan.”

  Chloe turned around and was face to face with the woman and her little girl that helped bring them together. “Wow. Sorry, Jordan said you wouldn’t be able to make it.”

  “I know. I told him Stella here was sick. She was, but she made a full recovery. Plus I really wanted to surprise Jordan. I’m so happy for him…for both of you.”

  “Thank you. Have you seen him yet?”

  “Yes. I talked him downstairs. He’s come a long way. I think he finally believes it wasn’t his fault, and that I don’t blame him. I wanted
to ask if you’d both consent to being Stella’s Godparents. He accepted, and I hope you will also. The last few months…he’s become a brother to me, it only seems right that we’ll be like sisters. I want Stella to have a strong family around her. What do you say?”

  “Yes. She’s adorable. Jordan has shown me all kinds of pictures of her. I can’t believe she’s already a year old.”

  A knock at the door interrupted their bonding moment.

  Jennifer poked her head in the door. “It’s almost time. Are you ready?”

  “Jennifer, come met Megan and my Goddaughter Stella. Megan, this is Jennifer, my best friend and Maid of Honor.”

  “Oh yes, I have heard a lot about you. You were the one who talked Jordan into redoing your coffee shop.” Megan said as Stella bounced happily in her arms.

  “Guilty. It needs something fresh, and he did such a wonderful job here. I don’t think it will be long before the whole town is bugging him for different jobs. I know Ryan already asked him to come on as a deputy, at least part time. We don’t get a lot of problems here, but Ryan deserves a break from time to time, and they’re sometimes called to help up at Jackson Hole.” The sheriff’s turnaround where her “visitor” was concerned surprised her at first, but the men seemed to connect on a level that didn’t include her. A storm drove Jordan into her life…and the promise of so much more kept him there. She was grateful for little miracles…and the snow.

  A holler from outside made them return to the present. “Well, are you going to get married or not?” Megan asked.

  Chloe gazed around the beautiful yard. The sounds of laughter and people talking filled the air. The butterflies filled her stomach and she grasped Jennifer’s hand for friendly support. Goldie waited next to Jordan.

  “Let’s have a wedding. I’m sure Jordan’s a bundle of nerves by now.”

  Unexpected Forever


  The stick turned blue and Tessa Bradley’s world fell apart. But unplanned turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to her. Add a marriage of convenience to her best friend and unplanned just might give her the happily ever after with the man she’s always loved.


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