How to Catch a Cowboy (Riverrun Ranch Book 3)

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How to Catch a Cowboy (Riverrun Ranch Book 3) Page 10

by Karen Foley

  “Have you seen Jessie?”

  Evan shook his head. “Nope. The last time I saw her was this afternoon. She was heading out to visit Rosa-Maria. Do you want me to check and see if she’s returned?”

  Holt told himself he wasn’t worried about her. She was a grown woman, as Emmaline had pointed out. Besides, he didn’t need to give Evan the wrong idea about himself and Jessie. “No, thanks. I think she knows the generator will kick in if this thing knocks out the power.”

  Another deafening crack of thunder caused them both to look upward. “Yep, that’s my cue to go check the windows,” Evan said. “Good luck, bro.”

  Grabbing a flashlight, Holt made his away across the long expanse of lawn toward the barns. The air felt heavy and carried a coppery smell, a sure indication they were in for a fierce storm. At the entrance to the breeding barn, he slid one of the doors open and snapped on the overhead lights. The cows moved restlessly and Holt heard their deep, low bellows. They knew a storm was brewing too.

  He passed the haymow on his left, where they kept several days’ supply of hay and straw. There was a much larger hayloft on the upper level of the barn, but they generally kept several dozen bales on the main floor to feed the cows and line the pens. In the pens themselves, the animals had crowded into a corner, bumping against one another as they sought to escape the booming thunder. Holt grabbed several armfuls of fresh hay from the haymow and tossed them into each pen, hoping the distraction of fresh, sweet grass would help temper their nervousness. Another crack of thunder sounded, causing the cows to startle and scatter to the opposite corner of the pens.

  Overhead, the lights flickered ominously.

  “Damn it,” Holt muttered. He turned to leave just as a flash outside the barn doors was followed almost immediately by another stunning clap of thunder, and the barn was plunged into darkness. Holt could smell the electrical discharge and knew the strike had been close. As he debated making a run for the house, the skies suddenly opened up and released a torrent of water, sheeting down in such copious amounts that it immediately churned the dirt into a river of mud in front of the barn.

  Another flash lit up the yard and Holt muttered a curse. In that brief instant of brilliance, a figure ran through the rain near the paddock, ducking low as the lightning lashed across the sky.


  Fears, pure and hot and primal, drove Holt outside and across the yard. The downpour was so intense, he could barely see. Water gushed off the brim of his hat, instantly soaked his shirt and pants, and swirled around his feet, creating a thick mud that sucked at his boots.

  He ran into Jessica halfway across the yard, her head down as she bolted toward the barn.

  “Holt!” she cried when she saw him. “What are you doing out here?”

  “Rescuing you!” He had to shout to be heard over the thundering rain.

  He wasn’t sure, but he thought she grinned at him through the deluge, before she caught his hand and pulled him toward the structure. Another bolt of lightning rent the air, not as close as before but close enough that Holt bent protectively over Jessie’s slighter form. The accompanying crack of thunder was a heartbeat behind, and then they were safely inside the barn. Jessica leaned forward, hands on her knees, pulling in deep breaths.

  “Are you okay?” Holt removed his dripping hat and swiped the rain from his face.

  She nodded, not looking up. “Yeah, thanks.”

  “Don’t move, I’ll grab a lantern.”

  They kept several battery-operated lanterns on hooks inside the door for just this reason, and Holt quickly retrieved two and turned them on. He set one on a nearby worktable and hung the second from a hook on one of the barn’s enormous support posts. Even in the soft, intimate glow he could see Jessie wore a sleeveless summer dress that was now plastered against her skin. Her dark hair was slicked back from her face and hung in damp ropes around her shoulders, and her bare arms gleamed wetly.

  “Where are your shoes?” he demanded, seeing her bare feet.

  She straightened and waved a hand toward the yard where the rain continued to beat down. “Somewhere out there. They came off in the mud.”

  As if to punctuate her words, lightning flashed again and thunder rolled overhead. Jessie flinched, and Holt saw she was shaking. The air temperature had dropped with the incoming storm and Holt became aware that his own clothing was uncomfortably wet and heavy.

  “You’re chilled,” he said. “Hang on.”

  Taking one of the lanterns, he made his way to the supply room and took down two of the heavy wool bedding blankets and several clean towels they used for calving.

  “Here, let’s get you dry.” He used one of the towels to briskly rub her arms. Up close, her eyelashes were spiky with moisture, and water traced tiny rivulets down her smooth neck. “I’d suggest we make a run for the house, but it’s too dangerous.”

  “I’ve seen thunderstorms before,” Jessie said, “but never like this. I actually thought I was going to be killed.”

  Holt paused in his ministrations. “What were you doing out there?”

  “I almost always go for a walk on the property after dinner is cleared away. I had a phone call from my mother, so I got a late start tonight. I thought I’d be back to the house before dark, and definitely before the rain started, but this storm just rolled in so fast.” She searched his eyes. “What are you doing out here?”

  “Checking on the cows. Thunder spooks them.”

  “Storms are scary, but I love them,” Jessie said. “They’re exhilarating.”

  Holt understood. He felt the same way during storms. He felt that way now, alone with Jessica.


  A little in awe.

  Desperate to kiss her again and hopeful about his future in a way he hadn’t been in a very long time. Rain drummed against the roof of the barn and came down in sheets outside the door but inside, they were cocooned in soft light and warmth, surrounded by the fragrant smell of sweet hay and oats. Jessie was looking at him in a way he found difficult to refuse and suddenly he didn’t want to. He let his gaze travel over her face, taking in the wide, dark eyes, the curve of her cheeks and her full, soft lips. The towel dropped from his fingers.

  He cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs stroking over her damp cheeks. Lowering his head, he covered her mouth with his own. Jessie’s lips parted softly against his and she slid one hand to the back of his neck, drawing him closer. The kiss was as lush and sweet as a summer peach. When Holt finally lifted his head, his heart was beating hard. Jessie opened her eyes and he could see they were a little hazy with pleasure. He wanted to drag her back into his arms and kiss her until she no longer knew or cared that they were in a cow barn in the middle of a thunderstorm. He wrapped his arms around her to draw her into an embrace, but their clothes were soggy and cold, causing them to step quickly apart with startled laughter.

  “Oh, you’re soaking wet!” Jessie exclaimed. “I’m so sorry—that’s not good!”

  “We’re both drenched,” Holt agreed. “Here, wrap this around yourself.” Shaking out the wool blanket, he draped it around her shoulders. “Better?”

  “Yes, but what about you?” She slanted him an endearingly suggestive smile. “You should probably take your shirt off before you catch cold.”

  Holt arched one eyebrow, but began unbuttoning his shirt. “Why am I not convinced it’s my health you’re interested in?”

  He peeled the sopping shirt off and wrung it out before hanging it on a hook, acutely aware of Jessie’s fascinated attention. He kept himself in shape, but he couldn’t recall the last time he’d been this self-conscious in front of a woman. As he reached for the second blanket, Jessie put a hand on his arm.

  He stilled and then turned.

  “What I’m really interested in,” she said, sounding cautious, “is another kiss like the one you just gave me.”

  “Jessica,” he warned softly, even as his heart leaped in anticipation. “This is a bad idea

  “I won’t tell anyone,” she promised. “It will be another one of our secrets.”

  She put her hands on his bare chest and Holt was a goner. He felt the shock of her touch all the way to the soles of his boots. She trailed her fingers across his collarbones and down the shallow groove that bisected his pecs. Holt didn’t dare move in case she came to her senses and stopped. His breathing grew shallow and his stomach muscles contracted when her fingertips traced their way down to his belt buckle and stopped. Hooking her fingers around the belt, she took two steps back to where he’d stacked the hay bales, tugging him with her.

  Holt didn’t resist.

  She kissed him, her mouth fusing softly with his. Her lips were warm and velvety and she tasted of sweet tea and lemons. Holt angled his head, seeking more contact and was rewarded when he felt the sleek slide of her tongue against his. Groaning his approval, he gathered her against his body. The wool blanket slid from her shoulders and onto the floor, and through the damp warmth of her dress, he could feel her supple curves.

  He wanted to consume her. He wanted to lay her down on the hay bales and peel her dress off. He wanted to use his hands and mouth to worship all the smooth, golden skin that he’d only fantasized about. He ran his hands over the rounded curve of her hips and filled his palms with her perfect derrière. Jessie speared her fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss. Holt’s body had gone hard the moment he felt her tongue pushing against his. He’d been celibate for too long because the feel and taste of her caused every cell in body to stand up and take notice. He was painfully aroused.

  Breaking the kiss, he bent her over his arm and dragged his mouth along the side of her neck, pausing at the hollow of her throat to press his lips against the spot where her pulse visibly throbbed. She clutched his bare shoulders and her breath came in warm pants against his cheek.

  “May I see you?” He needed to see her. He’d never wanted anything more in his life.

  Her dress had slender straps and it took only a flick of his fingers to push one over her shoulder and down her arm, freeing her breast. Her breath hitched as cool air wafted over her bare skin and caused her nipple to tighten. Holt nearly groaned out loud at the sight. He covered her with his hand and gently cupped the round, firm flesh.

  “You’re so damned pretty,” he said with heartfelt sincerity. Cupping her breast, he bent his head and drew the dusky tip into his mouth. Jessie made a soft gasping sound and arched upward. Holt swirled his tongue around her nipple before drawing sharply on it, and then rolled the sensitized nub gently between his fingers, watching as Jessie’s eyes drifted closed and her mouth parted on a soft oh of pleasure.

  He kissed the side of her throat, inhaling her fragrance, before nibbling his way to the tender spot beneath her ear.

  “I want you to touch me.”

  “I am touching you.” He smiled against her soft skin.

  “No. I want you to touch me . . . here.” Taking his hand, she brought it down to the apex of her thighs.

  Holt swallowed hard, feeling both moved and excruciatingly aroused by her boldness and her trust. Dragging the hem of her dress up, he flattened his hand over the satiny skin of her stomach and then slid his fingers beneath the scrap of silk she wore. She widened her stance as he dipped lower and explored her soft, wet folds. He fastened his mouth over hers, tangling his tongue with hers as he parted her and pushed one finger into her welcoming tightness. She made a deep groaning sound of pleasure as Holt slowly stroked his finger in and out and used his thumb to torment the tiny rise of sensitized flesh. Jessie clung to him and her hips strained against his hand. Suddenly, it became important to him that she reach climax. He wanted to see her come apart in his arms and watch her expression as he brought her to the peak of pleasure.

  “Come for me,” he breathed against her mouth. His words seemed to enflame her. Outside, the rain drummed down on the ground but he was so absorbed in Jessie’s response, he barely noticed. Her body flooded his fingers with slick moisture. She was intensely aroused and the knowledge filled Holt with supreme satisfaction. He had done this. He had aroused her.

  She closed her eyes. Her breathing was rapid and uneven, and her fingers dug into the muscles of his arms. Holt knew the precise instant when her orgasm hit her. She clutched at him and cried out, even as her entire body tightened and shuddered. Holt kissed her, spearing his tongue into her mouth and absorbing her soft cries. He’d never experienced anything so erotic and he didn’t stop stroking her until he’d wrung every last shiver from her, and she finally went limp and pliant against him. Lifting his head, he carefully adjusted her clothing, drew her down onto the hay bale bench, and gathered her into the curve of his body. She laughed softly and turned her face against his shoulder.

  “I can’t believe we just did that.” Her voice was muffled but Holt heard the blush in her voice. “I’ve never done anything like this, really.”

  He tightened his arm around her and when she lifted her face, he bent and covered her mouth with his own. The kiss was soft and sumptuous, her lips generous and yielding beneath his. She caressed the bare skin of his chest and stomach with one hand, but when her fingers moved to the buckle of his belt, he covered her hand with his.


  “Let me.” She searched his eyes in the muted light. “Let me do for you what you just did for me.”

  “You don’t have to do anything for me,” he said, but behind the zipper, he was rigid with arousal.

  “But what if I want to? Holt—” But whatever else she might have said was lost as the figure of a man appeared in the open doorway of the barn.

  “Holt! Are you here?” Evan called.

  In his entire life, Holt had never felt the urge to hurt his brother, but right now, he could have cheerfully choked the younger man. But he also acknowledged his timing couldn’t have been better. He’d saved Holt from doing something he’d probably regret tomorrow. Recognizing what it must have cost Evan to come down to the barn in the middle of the storm, he drew in a deep, steadying breath.

  “Over here,” he replied, watching as Jessie wrapped the wool blanket around her shoulders and moved to the far side of the hay mow, away from him. Holt retrieved his wet shirt and pulled it on.

  Evan came forward until he stood near the opening of the hay mow and his gaze flicked between the two of them. “So, you found Jess. When you didn’t come back, I thought I should check that you didn’t get swept away. It’s like a river out there.”

  “Yeah, Jessica got caught in the worst of it. One of the strikes came down just outside the barn door.” Holt retrieved his hat from the hook. “You didn’t bring an umbrella by any chance, did you?”

  Evan shook his head. “Nope. I’m not a fan of turning myself into a lightning rod. We’ll have to make a run for it.”

  Holt turned to Jessie. “Think you can do that?”

  She gave him a smile that was full of meaning. “Why not? After all, I’m already wet.”

  An image of her in his arms came rushing back—as if he would ever be able to forget the sight of her face in the throes of an orgasm. Holt dragged in a deep, steadying breath. He needed to get a grip, because he badly wanted to haul Jessica somewhere private and show her just how much he wanted her.

  “You go ahead with Jessica,” Evan said. “I’ll close the barn doors.”

  They stood for a moment, looking at the driving rain. Holt could see a porch light on at the main house, which meant the generator had kicked on. Now he looked at Jessica’s bare feet and the swirling river of red mud she would need to navigate before they reached the grassy lawn.

  “Do you want me to carry you?”

  “Definitely not. Let’s go.” Without waiting for him, she dashed into the storm, using one hand to protect her face as she ran toward the house. Holt helped Evan slide the big doors closed and secured them before they bolted after her.

  Gus waited for them on the covered porch with an armful of towels.

sp; “Best get into a warm shower before you catch a chill. The generator is working so you should have plenty of hot water.”

  “Great idea.” Evan shook the water from his hat. “I could use a drink too.”

  “Come down to the study when you’re dry,” Gus said. “I have a good bottle of Cowboy Bourbon.”

  “Give me ten minutes,” Evan replied, and disappeared into the house.

  “Will you join us?” Gus included both Holt and Jessie in his invitation.

  “Thank you, but I think I’m going to soak in a warm tub and then curl up in bed with a good book,” Jessie said. “Good night.”

  Before Holt could say anything to stop her, she fled into the house.

  “Everything okay, son?”

  “Yeah, I was checking the cows. They’re fine.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  Holt glanced at his father, then sighed. The old man was still as sharp as a tack and didn’t miss much.

  “I know.” Holt walked to edge of the porch and braced his hands on the railing as he watched the rain. “Dad? Have you ever wanted something you had no right to want?”

  “Every day, son.” Gus came to stand beside him. “She’s a lovely young woman and she obviously has feelings for you. How long have you been interested in her?”

  “Am I that transparent?”

  “Only to me and only because I know you so well.”

  Holt scrubbed his hands over his face and then looked at his father. “I worry that I’m not right for her, that she’ll tire of me within a year. I’m the responsible one, remember?” He gave a huff of laughter. “When has that ever been exciting?”

  “She strikes me as someone who appreciates the meaning of hard work and understands the importance of family. I believe her values are aligned closely with your own.”

  Holt angled his head to look at his father. “She doesn’t know me. Not really.”


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