Whisper To Me In The Dark

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Whisper To Me In The Dark Page 3

by Claire, Audra

  Angelica thought she may faint, feeling him so hard, pressed into her. Feeling his power. She was completely breathless from Cash's searing kiss and leaned against the wall behind the building to steady herself. Overwhelmed by how much she wanted him to finish what he had started, how she suddenly, mindlessly wanted to feel that hardness not just pressed against her like it had been but how she ached to feel it inside of her, possessing her. How she wanted to surrender to him completely.

  "Just wanted to shut you up and show you who is in control. Got it now?" Cash asked, smugly, satisfied that he'd proven his point.

  Angelica was speechless and apparently immovable, as she remained planted against the wall. Cash walked around, breathing in the fresh air, trying to forget the feelings Angelica had aroused in him.

  Chapter 5

  Angelica stood in the shadows, seemingly claustrophobically wedged into a corner of the hallway, a feeling she did not enjoy, intently listening to Cash's normally soothing voice asking she did not know what.

  'Sono venuta a vedre l'appartamento." Cash stated simply, as he stared questioningly at the landlord.

  "Quale? Ce ne sono due," came the reply from the short man. He was obviously Italian, as he spoke it so fluently. The glow from the light in the hallway bounced off his bald head, creating a strangely angelic glow around his square, kindly face.

  Angelica, impatient and tired of waiting in the shadows, raised her eyebrow quizzically at Cash, who sensed her restlessness. "I told him that I have come to see the apartment, but he told me there are two available. So that will solve all of our problems." Angelica, unaware of any so called problems, bit her lip in annoyance as he was always running her life and it irritated her beyond all measure.

  More dialogue was exchanged in this verbal sparring match. Cash ended with, "Molte grazie."

  Angelica, now impatiently tapping her tiny white boot, looked on and poked Cash in his shoulder. "For God's sake, stop it," Cash retorted, exasperated at having to take care of Angelica already. "It's like being clawed by a hawk with those fingernails of yours."

  That only served to infuriate Angelica more, so she gave him a good poke in the back for good measure.

  Cash grabbed her wrist and said, "Do it one more time and I'll give you a good spanking."

  "Just try it," Angelica retorted. She would not be treated like this. Edward's brother or not, she would not put up with his behavior.

  Cash only sighed and rolled his eyes, too exhausted from the long train ride and having to deal with Angelica's petulant mood.

  A quick trip to the landlord's office, some papers signed, money exchanged, and Cash and Angelica were on their way to apparently two apartments.

  Turning the skeleton key in the lock seemed an easy task, but the huffing and puffing from Angelica's admittedly pretty lips were grating on his nerves. "You take your key, and get settled in your apartment. I'll take mine and get settled in mine." He wearily handed Angelica the key as sparks flew from her formerly sparkling eyes.

  "Your apartment?" Angelica nearly screamed. "What in the world are you talking about? I do not need a babysitter."

  "It's already been decided. I will take an apartment next to yours so I can make sure you're still in one piece when Edward gets here. I've already sent him a telegram. Now cool your heels. You know you're not exactly a picnic to deal with. And the fellow who switched cases with you is obviously going to be looking for you and his jewels – ever thought about that little fact girlie?"

  Angelica's seething reply became a jumble of unintelligible words, punctuated by the slamming of her apartment door in Cash's face.

  Cash slumped into the first chair that welcomed him in his new home, exhausted, irritated and just damn tired. It wasn't exactly the lap of luxury, but that's how he liked it. Quiet. Sparsely furnished. Serene. He'd be happy living in a cabin in the woods. Frankly he'd be happy to be anywhere else than here. He didn't believe in past lives but if he had he'd be convinced that he'd done something pretty unspeakable to deserve babysitting Angelica until Edward got there.

  Cash cringed as Angelica slammed her door one final time.

  Angelica seethed, screamed, and if truth be told, threw quite a few things. Cash would ruin it all. She was supposed to get settled. By herself. Herself! Get a job as a dancer. Then finally get her break and become the great actress she always dreamed of being. Plus finally track down the one link to her past. And now he'd ruined it! She threw herself on her tiny bed, curled in a ball, and wept like the petulant girl Cash thought she was. But it was just so unfair. She had it all planned. She would have made it. Become someone - before Edward ever arrived there. Why did he have to go and mess everything up? Bitter tears finally turned into a restless sleep ...

  Cash's hands caressed her soft skin as he slowly moved inside of her. Cash was so virile, so masterful, so powerful. Possessing her completely as she desperately arched her back, taking him deeper, becoming one with him. His hot mouth ... Angelica jumped up out of bed, nearly unable to breathe, only aware of the morning light streaming through her new little apartment window. It was a dream. It was just a dream! What was wrong with her? To have a dream like that about him? For a split second she didn't know if she was relieved or sad that it had only been a dream - a fantasy.


  "I trust that you are in a better mood this morning," Cash asked, as he knocked on her door, half yelling through the barrier.

  Angelica blushed, the memories of Cash throbbing deep inside of her still in her mind, making her legs weak. Desperately trying to compose herself, she yelled through the still unopened door, "Meet me at the restaurant down the street. I'll be there in only a moment."

  Happy that Angelica was at least in a pleasant mood Cash decided not to argue and left to start the hopefully bright day ahead of him.


  Weeks later ...

  "I'm never going to get an acting job ..." Angelica sighed dejectedly, exhausted after the long weeks of auditioning and constant rejection.

  Cash continued to stare at the piles of papers sitting before him on the rickety desk. "Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way."

  "That's beautiful. Where is it from?" Angelica asked.

  "It's a Native American saying," Cash replied, barely paying attention to what Angelica was chatting about, too engrossed in his work to notice how intently she was staring at him.

  "You can speak Italian fluently. You know everything about your Native American heritage. You know French. You've done everything. You've been everywhere. You really are a Renaissance man," Angelica sighed, strangely sad over the fact she felt she'd done nothing with her life.

  "Just call me an enigma," Cash laughed, as he combined the five piles of papers into one and shoved them haphazardly into the desk.

  The weepy mood Angelica was in started to show as the tears welled up in her sparkling eyes and began spilling down her beautiful cheeks.

  Cash stood up slowly and walked toward Angelica. "Come on Angel. It's just a job. You'll get one soon. The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears."

  Ok, that officially sent Angelica over the edge into weepy, girly, sobs. God, she was such a pathetic girly girl. Why couldn't she just control herself sometimes? Cash had every right to be annoyed at her by her erratic behavior.

  Cash could deal with a screaming woman, a mad woman, a moaning woman but one thing he could not deal with was a weeping woman. He needed to be just a little drunk to put up with her moods. "Here I'm going to pour myself a whiskey. Do you want one?"

  Angelica had never imbibed anything alcoholic before in her life, but the constant stress she'd been under lately made it seem like a good idea at the time. "Ok, just a very little one."

  "I seem to only have one cup," replied Cash, as he perused the contents of his tiny kitchen.

  "I've got one. Let me get it." Angelica ran to her lavishly decorated apartment to get the crystal goblet she'd just bought. She may not have had an income
, but it didn't do anything to change her spending habits when it came to her refined taste in clothes, jewelry, and even dishes.

  Cash appeared in her open door, wondering if she had found a cup. He needed a drink and he needed it sooner rather than later. "You know your room would make a good brothel. Not that I've ever been to one that is," Cash winked, as he chuckled out loud. "The pink walls. The stuffed cushioned chairs. The lights strung across the room. If you don't find an acting job soon you could always go into that profession."

  Angelica giggled hysterically and blushed. Cash could always make her feel better, no matter what dark mood she was in.

  "But then again I'd have to arrest you I guess, since that is my job, isn't it?" Cash replied.

  Cash yawned and stretched lazily, "Come on already girlie. I'm dehydrating here. Get a move on already."

  Angelica handed over the intricately etched glass and followed behind Cash like a lost puppy. She was feeling much more giddy already and she hadn't taken one sip.

  "So what got you wanting to be an actress and all that?" inquired Cash, genuinely interested in Angelica's story.

  Angelica took a gulp and coughed, her eyes popping out of their sockets a little bit. She spluttered, "I mean this in a nice way, but this stuff is wretched."

  "Tiny sips Angel. You're not exactly used to something this strong. It's my best liquor. Been saving this bottle for a while."

  Angelica blew her bangs out of the way and fanned herself. "Wow it's suddenly hot in here isn't it?"

  "It's just the whiskey. Let me open the window," Cash replied.

  Angelica replied thoughtfully, "I guess I've always wanted to live other people's lives. And I guess it's just my way of being able to do that. More glamorous lives. More interesting lives. More exciting lives. I've always lived in my dreams. Sometimes they seem more real to me than the actual life I've been living."

  Angelica walked over to the table and poured herself another drink, lost deep in thought. "You know, life would be fine if you could write your own script. Direct the actors. Control the drama rather than letting it control you. Life would be a lot less complicated, you know?"

  Cash knew and agreed wholeheartedly, although he didn't want to let on to Angelica what he'd been through, what his secrets were.

  "Wow, it reeeallllllly is hot in here. I thought you said you opened the window," Angelica exclaimed, as she opened Cash's desk and began to fan herself with one of his official looking documents. Wow, her eyes were getting strangely blurry. Hmm. That was weird ...

  "Hey, that's not a fan. I need that for work. Put it back when you found it," Cash requested, puzzled, as he noticed Angelica unbuttoning the tiny pearl buttons down the front of her camisole.

  "Come on Cash. Open the window already." Angelica poured herself another even larger drink and wobbled toward the window, tripping on the rug and ending up half hanging out the window, legs flailing in the air.

  "For God's sake be careful," Cash yelled as he ran to grab her and dragged her out of her imminent danger. "We're on the second floor. What is wrong with you?"

  Angelica shoved and fought against him as he tried to walk or more accurately - wobble - her over to the bed.

  OK she definitely couldn't handle her liquor.

  "No more for you tonight girlie. You're cut off," Cash scolded as he flopped her down on the mattress.

  "Oh stop being such a prude Cash. You of all people know how to have fun. Let me have a little fun," Angelica whispered, as she tried to prop herself up on his rather utilitarian bed while unbuttoning just a few more buttons on her flimsy camisole.

  Angelica twirled her golden tresses around her finger as she explained thoughtfully and a little more then inebriatedly, "You know I can understand why all of those women degrade themselves by sleeping with you. My gosh you are really - really - magnificent. I've never seen a man built like you. Your muscles. I mean seriously ..." Angelica sighed dreamily, "I mean it must be heavenly to be defiled by you ..." Hiccup. Angelica broke down in hysterical laughter. Hiccup.

  Defiled? Degraded? Cash was awestruck by her words and more than a little amused. He was about to explode just from looking at her lying there. She was breathtakingly beautiful. He ached to ravish her soft, pliant body. To hear her scream his name. To taste her ruby lips. But when he took her for the first time, and it would be soon whether she liked it or not, she would damn well remember it. And there was no way she'd have any memory of any event from this ill advised night.


  Angelica held her drooping head in her hands, desperately trying to squeeze out the sunlight that was threatening to burn holes in her retinas.

  "Oh my gosh, could you please chew more quietly. I think I'm going to die," Angelica barely whispered, as she tried to hold a cold washcloth on her forehead.

  "Welcome to adulthood, girlie," Cash laughed and patted Angelica lightly on the shoulder.

  Angelica's only response was a sad moan as she slunk down in her chair, laying her head on the table, seeking refuge on its cool surface. Keeping her forehead pressed to the table she mumbled, "I hope I didn't do or say anything stupid."

  Cash laughed, "Nothing more than usual."

  Angelica couldn't even muster a laugh. "Oh God. The pain. How do you live with it?"

  "Guess I'm immune. Have been since my first drink. Don't know whether that is good or bad. Just is." He smiled with his dazzling smile with his perfect white teeth, showing off his deep dimples, which normally made Angelica's knees go to jelly. This morning anything that was moving made her want to throw up.

  The gnawing sensation in the pit of his stomach was not a feeling that he enjoyed nor was guilt as an emotion one that he had intimate knowledge of. He'd used it to his advantage before to make advances with the prostitutes he'd arrested. Mercilessly guilting them into giving him what he wanted. It wasn't something that he was proud of but it wasn't necessarily something that he felt remorse over either. Cash didn't have many vices but at the top of the list was taking advantage of women. He was strangely torn over the fact that he hadn't taken advantage of Angelica last night. It would have been so easy and the endless ache he felt for her would finally be over. But, as he had decided last night, he wanted it to be an experience she would never ever forget. The ache he felt for her was primal. Animal. Raw. He wanted to make Angelica his. Because she was - his. He'd felt it the first second he'd met her. He wanted her. He wanted her in his bed. He wanted to be inside of her. He wanted to grab hold of her and never let go. The fantasies he'd had about her would bring a blush to those gorgeous high cheekbones - to her ethereal face.

  Chapter 6

  Angelica stared blankly out the window, mesmerized by the droplets of rain drizzling down its smooth surface. Why couldn't she work with someone brilliant like George Belasco? It was so infuriating. Constant auditions and innumerable rejections. Her dreams were crumbling like the sandcastles she'd seen walking at the beach. Turning to an unrecognizable pile of sand and being washed away like so many other times in her life.

  "I saw an advertisement in the paper this morning. For The Globe Colonial in Boston. You know - it's on Tremont Street. That one? Why don't you try for that. It's a theater company - just getting your feet wet - you know. No money or anything but it would be a good experience," Cash offered helpfully, with a little of his own agenda involved.

  Angelica jumped for joy when she heard Cash's suggestion, giving him a quick hug around his massive chest, unable to make her hands meet as she did it and giving him a quick peck on the cheek, leaving a bright pink impression of her perfect lips.

  "Gosh ma'am you're going to make me blush," Cash said with a laugh, in his best Texas accent.

  Angelica suddenly felt silly at her improper action and pulled out her lace handkerchief to remove the traces of her lip rouge from Cash's stubbly cheek.

  "Leave it there - it makes me feel all special ..." Cash laughed. Sometimes he could be so silly. Angelica had to admit - if only to herself - that sh
e loved it. Edward was so proper and stuffy, she often felt she was being suffocated just being in his presence. But he offered stability and a future. How could she turn that down. Edward apparently loved her. He'd asked her to marry him after all.

  Oh well. On to more pleasant subjects! "Could you come with me down there to scope the place out? Please. Please."

  Angelica's exuberance was contagious. Cash had planned to go horse back riding, get out in the fresh air, try to recapture the feeling he had back home, but he did need to check out the area around Tremont Street. They'd informed him at work that it was precisely the place where the jewel thefts were occurring so it would be the perfect time to scope out more than what was going on at the theater.

  "Ok. Get dressed. Let's go. Wear something warm. It's getting chilly out and it wouldn't do any good for the new leading lady to have a bright red nose."

  Angelica suddenly was taken aback. Sometimes the fact that they spent so much time together, back and forth in each others apartments - was disconcerting. They shared an intimacy as if they had been married for years. It was so real. So true. Just so - weird - for lack of a better word. And that feeling was becoming alarmingly precious to her.

  Chapter 7

  Finally! Her time had come. She’d be the next Sarah Bernhardt! Ethel Barrymore! Lillian Russell! Anything to see her name on the billboard out front. Maybe she’d make it before Edward got there. Then she wouldn’t have to marry him. She could have the life she’d always dreamed of.

  Angelica was shaking, from excitement or nerves, she knew not which and it didn’t particularly matter. The baubles hanging off her dress were visibly vibrating and making a clanking noise which drew stares from the other girls in the main dressing room. But she had a part in a play. An actual part! Ok, it wasn’t a speaking part. She was only a dancer, but a part is a part and soon she’d be taking Boston by storm. Taking the world by storm. She could see herself performing Shakespeare with Bernhardt. The audience screaming. Standing ovations! The thought of it all was making her dizzy as she flopped into the nearest comfy chair.


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