From This Moment

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From This Moment Page 11

by Lexi Buchanan

  Oh no, I hope Cade makes it home.

  “So realistically, there will be fresh snow for me to make a snowman the day after tomorrow?” I ask with glee, reassuring myself that Cade will be fine.

  “That’s a given.” Anna passes me a slice of cake.

  Elise adds, “Jake likes sledding. Perhaps you can get him to take you.”

  Not quite sure how to take that response, I reply, “Perhaps I will after I’ve made a snowman.”

  Anna and Beth burst into laughter, but Elise just stares at me. I ignore her and sip my coffee.

  The afternoon is pleasant enough, but by the time Elise leaves, I’ve got a headache. All I want is to go home and have Cade there to hold me. I actually feel rather tearful. I’m guessing the stress from this morning is starting to catch up with me.

  Not wanting Elise to carry on with the wrong assumption about Jake and me because I have my answer, I follow her outside to her car. “Elise, wait up.”

  She stops and looks at me, her one delicate eyebrow cocked. I take in a deep breath and smile at her. “Look, I have to be honest with you,” I began. “I’m not sure what’s going on between you and Jake, but there’s no need for you to be jealous. The truth is there isn’t a ‘Jake and me.’ Jake really is only a friend, more like a brother.”

  Tears sparkle in her eyes. “I saw you kiss him when you arrived.”

  I sigh and feel the embarrassment heating my cheeks. “I saw you in the window and I guess I wanted to see whether you still have any feelings for him and not just messing with him. If you’re still in love with Jake, which I think you are, you can’t marry Tom, Elise. It isn’t fair to him and it isn’t fair to Jake either.” I’m presuming Tom was one of the things that Jake meant when he said they have a few things to sort out first.

  “I’m not going to marry Tom.” She wipes a lose tear with her fingers. “Jake has always been the only guy for me. I shouldn’t have said yes to Tom. I guess I was feeling lonely.”

  “Then you’re doing the right thing because Jake seems a lot happier than when I first met him.”

  She offers a watery smile. “I am as well. I just need to find the right time to break the news to Tom before I can move forward with Jake.”

  “You will.”

  I walk back inside. “Anna, would you mind if I ask Jake to drop me off at the house when he gets here? I really don’t feel too good.” I’m rubbing my temples.

  “No, that’s fine. What’s wrong? Do you want any painkillers?” Anna’s voice fills with concern.

  Going to my purse, I wade through the junk until I find the box of Tylenol. “No thank you, I have one here. But a glass of water would be great, if you don’t mind.”

  After taking two tablets, I lie back on the sofa and not fifteen minutes later, Jake appears beside me. Crouching down, he asks, “Hey, what’s wrong? Anna called and said you were unwell and wanted to go home.”

  “Oh Jake, I just have a headache. Probably everything from this morning catching up on me.”

  “C’mon. I’m going to take you home.” Jake helps me up.

  I love it when Cade and Jake refer to their home as mine.

  “I think I’d better stay home with Rona,” Jake tells Anna.

  “Jake, you don’t need to stay with me. I’m going to go to bed and I’ll probably be there all night. You might as well come back and eat.”

  Back at the house, Jake insists on accompanying me to my room. Once inside he starts fussing over me. It’s really very sweet and I smile as he pulls the bedspread down and helps me slide under it. Then he slips into the bathroom and returns with a glass of water that he sets on the bedside table. I laugh as he leans over, tucks the blanket under my chin and kisses my forehead. I feel like a little girl, but as silly as it is, I feel like I have a family, something I’ve been missing for so long.

  As he stands, he asks, “Do you need anything else?”

  “No, that’s fine. I really will be okay after I’ve had some sleep, please don’t worry.” I reach up and give Jake a hug. “Thank you. Now go eat with your sister and her family.”

  “If you’re sure you’ll be okay, then I will.” Jake hesitates by the door.


  He smiles and slips out of the room.


  I wake up a few hours later to my cell ringing. Knowing it’s Cade, I try to compose myself as I answer, “Hi, Cade, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, but what about you? Did I wake you? You sound sleepy.”

  “I was asleep. I had a headache earlier so Jake brought me home and after him fussing over me, I climbed into bed to sleep it off. It’s gone now so don’t worry.”

  I hear him sigh and I can picture him running his fingers through his hair, a gesture of worry I’ve seen him make. “Are you sure you’re okay, sweetheart? I wish I was there with you.”

  “I’m fine, please don’t worry. I get stress headaches now and again.” I snuggle into the duvet.

  “Why are you stressed?”

  With a nervous sigh, I realize I need to tell Cade about this morning. “Nick paid me a visit this morning at the house. He had a friend follow us from the hotel yesterday.”

  Cade is really quiet now on the cell, so wanting to get it all out, I continue “He forced his way in and he really frightened me. Luckily, I had my cell in my pocket. I managed to speed dial Jake so he came to the rescue, and punched Nick in the face just as the sheriff arrived.”

  I wasn’t going to tell him over the phone what was said.

  Cade is still quiet.

  “Please say something!”

  “I’m not sure what to say. I’m so angry and upset right now.” Cade sounds all choked up.

  I feel tears come to my eyes. “At me?” I cry softly.

  “God, sweetheart, I could never be angry with you. Please don’t cry. I’m angry that happened to you and I wasn’t there to hold you. But never at you. I love you and I wish I was there with you in my arms.”

  I manage to control my tears. “I love you too, and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, but please don’t worry about me. I’m just going to sleep until morning and then you’ll be home later.”

  “Where’s Jake?”

  “I insisted that he go back to Anna’s for dinner, because I was going to sleep. He may be back by now.”

  “Rona, you shouldn’t be alone.”

  “It’s okay. Nick was arrested, he’s not around and Jake deserves a good meal at his sister’s.”

  “All right. Hell. I want to be there with you, just to hold you all night and keep you safe.”

  At this, tears well up again. Knowing I’m about to have a very big cry, I say, “Oh Cade, I want that as well, but you’re in Denver. Please don’t worry. I’ll be fine until tomorrow. I really need to go back to sleep now.”

  “All right sweetheart. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  “Love you. Goodnight.”

  Hanging up the phone, I can’t hold my tears back any longer knowing Cade is upset as well. I could hear it in his voice and hadn’t wanted to hang up.

  Chapter 12


  Arriving home at two in the morning, exhausted and worried about Rona, I only just remember to switch off the security system, before I wake the house up.

  After Rona’s call, I knew I couldn’t stay in Denver, so I pulled out all the stops to get on the next flight home. I left a voicemail for John, my boss at the law firm, grabbed my bag and left.

  Going upstairs, desperate to see Rona, I make a quick detour to my room and change into tee shirt and sweats before heading to her room.

  She’s left the small lamp switched on by the desk, which casts a warm glow around the room. Looking toward the bed, I can just make her out, lying on her side and curled up against the pillow.

  The last thing I want to do is give her a fright so I walk over to the bed and crouch down, stroking the side of her face gently. “Rona, wake up for a minute.”

  “Cade,” she s
ays, very sleepily, with her eyes still shut. “Good dream.”

  I smile. “It’s not a dream.”

  At this her eyes fly open.

  “Oh, my God.” She sits up, and then bursts into tears.

  “Oh sweetheart, don’t cry. I’m here now. You’re okay.” I hold her while she cries. After several minutes, she calms down and dries her face with a tissue.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “It’s okay. Lie back down. I’m sleeping here and going to hold you all night. If that’s okay?” I ask as I climb onto the bed. “All I could think about was getting home to you.” I kiss her on the forehead and take her into my arms.

  She turns to face me as she wraps herself around me and sighs when she settles into my body. “Thank you, for making me feel loved and cherished. I didn’t want to admit how much I wanted you here with me, holding me.”

  “I know there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” I lean forward to kiss her.

  Nibbling on her bottom lip then moving up to the top, I continue my assault on her senses. My tongue traces the seam of her lips, and she opens her mouth. I seal my lips to hers in a hot kiss that has my erection trying to burst out of my sweats and Rona pushing against me, trying to get closer.

  “Cade, make love to me.”

  Oh boy.

  “I didn’t come to you tonight with the intention of making love to you. I need you to know that. I just need to have you in my arms while you sleep.”

  Sitting up, she takes her top off, baring the most perfect breasts I’ve ever seen. My breathing quickens. Her breasts are the creamiest of white with rose tinted tips, and they are large enough to overflow my hands.

  “I’ve wanted you inside me since the airport. I can’t wait any longer. You can hold me later.” She slips off her pajama shorts and underwear and I lie motionless as I gaze at her while she reveals her sleek body.

  I suck in my breath at the beautiful nakedness in front of me, from her generous breasts to the naked pussy between her thighs. She’s an exquisite feast waiting for my mouth.

  I close my eyes to try and control my body’s reaction before I come in my pants.

  All of a sudden, I feel the bed dip slightly as she moves toward me. I feel her hands on my waist as she starts pushing my sweats over my hips. She pushes them lower—my cock bursts free.

  Moving my sweats all the way down and off, she tosses them on the floor. As her hands race back up my body, she drops a kiss to the tip of my shaft. My eyes fly open as I arch up off the bed in shock and pleasure.

  Christ, I very nearly embarrassed myself.

  “Rona, you have me so worked up. If you touch my dick, I won’t last. I want to come inside you.”

  With a wicked grin she starts pulling my tee shirt off as she straddles me. I feel her warmth hovering above me and fight the urge to pull her down onto my waiting erection.

  “You have an amazing body. I only have to be near you and I’m wet. Here, feel what you do to me.” She takes my hand and places it between her legs.

  Heaven help me—she’s wet. I start moving my fingers through her wetness from her sex to her clit. I pull her back down beside me, shuddering when our lips meet. We kiss as though we’re starving for each other.

  When I insert a finger into her, she starts moaning against my mouth. I add another and start moving both fingers back and forth. I move slowly down her body to her breasts, teasing around her nipple with my lips before sucking it into my mouth. Using my free hand, I take her other nipple between my fingers and apply pressure. She arches off the bed like lightening is shooting through her. Rubbing her clit with my thumb, I time my movements with the suckling on her breast.

  She comes around my fingers, shouting my name.

  Withdrawing my fingers from her, I push her onto her back and slide between her legs. My cock rests at her entrance and I grind my teeth in an effort to prolong this moment between us. Her eyes glitter in the dark below me and as she reaches out to grasp my hips, I thrust inside her in one strong move. I catch my breath because she’s still coming, the spasms in her core squeezing the fuck out of my cock as she writhes under me.

  Breathing heavily, I try to control the impulse to climax with her. She always looks beautiful to me, but in the thralls of orgasm she is absolutely stunning.

  Unable to stay still a moment longer, I slowly move back and forth within her. She wraps her legs around my waist—God, does she feel good. She’s so wet, hot and tight—heaven!

  She takes hold of my face. “Faster,” she begs. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  I surround her, resting my elbows to each side of her head and kiss her deeply before moving down and taking one of her nipples into my mouth. I’m still sliding in and out of her real slow.

  Repositioning myself, I kneel between her thighs and hold her hips as I start pounding in and out of her, and her moans fill the room as she thrashes around beneath me. I watch her breasts bounce with each of my thrusts before meeting her eyes.

  She starts pinching and rubbing her own nipples—hot as hell. Fireworks start going off in my balls and before I can catch my breath, I’m coming in the best orgasm of my life. It seems to go on forever, especially when Rona starts to climax again, flooding my cock and groin with her desire while her muscles squeeze and release my cock—squeeze and release.

  Panting, I collapse on top of her, but try to keep the majority of my weight from her. She wants none of that and pulls me down, flush against her and tangles her legs with mine.

  When we finally come up for air, I kiss her lips while we move onto our sides. Still connected. Still entwined.

  Looking into Rona’s eyes, I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and smile. “You feel so amazing. I love you.” I smooth my hand over her ribs to her hips.

  When I withdraw from her, I realize I haven’t worn a condom. I should be bothered, but I find that I’m not. Having Rona pregnant with my child would be amazing, and I know with all my heart it wouldn’t end up like when I was a teenager. Still, I need to admit the lack of protection to her. “I didn’t wear a condom.”

  She leans over and kisses me. “How do you feel about that?”

  I can’t believe she’s bothered about me more than herself, but she is. Then she adds, “I’ve never made love before, but the times I’ve had sex, I’ve always insisted on my partner wearing protection. I’m okay health wise as well.”

  “Tonight was the first time in twenty years that I haven’t worn a condom. I’ve also never made love before. I love you so if I’ve made you pregnant tonight, well, although not planned, I would be thrilled.” At the grin lighting her face, I whisper, “Having my child growing inside you would make me the happiest guy on the planet.”

  “I love you too, and would love nothing more than having your baby growing inside me. In fact, I actually imagined it that night we went to Anna’s for dinner. You had Edith in your arms and I was watching you both from the kitchen, I thought how great it would be if it was our baby in your arms so that I had the right to go and cuddle up with you both.”

  “Wow. You bring me to my knees you know that?”

  With a kiss to my chest, she snuggles into me as I wrap my arms around her and hold her as she falls fast asleep.


  Mmm, waking up naked in Cade’s arms feels wonderful. I spent the rest of the night in his arms and we talked about babies. Wow.

  I knew I would have to tell him everything from yesterday morning, but for now, I have a wakeup call to give. Hiding my worries, I lift my head from his chest to look at him while he sleeps. Grinning, I decide to investigate his body and see how long it takes him to wake up.

  Rising up slightly, I rub against him like a feline. Leaning over him, I suck on each of his nipples, which includes a little nip, hoping to get a reaction out of him.

  I’m not disappointed.

  “What are you doing?”

  I laugh. “I’m trying to wake you up.”

  “I’m al
ready up.” He glances down his body and I follow his gaze to see his cock twitching in excitement.

  Now he’s awake, I climb back on top of him, this time straddling his waist. Leaning over, I kiss his lips. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning. I could get used to waking up like this.”

  I start moving down his body—kissing, licking and biting his nipples. Moving down to his stomach with my lips, I dip my tongue into his navel, making him squirm—his dick between my breasts enlarges. I slightly raise my chest and rub my breasts against him. His hands cup my head, trying to move me downward.

  Moving on, I tease him with kisses on both hipbones. Reaching his leaking cock, I watch for his reaction and hear him groan. His gaze is on my mouth. Licking him along the slit, I slowly continue down his shaft to his balls, taking one into my mouth. I gently suck. Releasing it, I do the same to the other one, and his hips gyrate with pleasure.

  Teasing him even more, I leave his shaft and move down. First, kissing his left leg to his foot before coming back up his right leg, I move my hand to stroke between his legs.

  “I’m about two seconds from exploding.” He groans, “Oh, God.”

  Lifting my head to look at him, I meet his lust filled eyes and smile. “Let me love you.”

  I lick him from base to tip, then around the crown of his cock, where he’s leaking again. His breathing speeds up as I suck the tip into my mouth and use my tongue, swirling it around the head and sucking.

  “Any second,” he chokes out, holding my head to him, his fingers tangled in my hair.

  Sucking him fully into my mouth, I let him slide down my throat. I breathe through my nose, swallowing at the same time as I gently squeeze his balls. My finger caresses him between his thighs.

  Shouting my name, he explodes down my throat. I swallow everything he has as his grip loosens on my hair.

  Releasing him slowly, I lick around the still leaking head to make sure he’s clean. I move over to the side and he cradles me in his arms.

  “You look like the cat that got the cream.” He grins.

  “Did I do that right?”

  My question causes him to freeze and I admit, “I’ve never done that before. I just had to taste you, and you’re yummy.”


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