One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1) Page 2

by Julie Trettel

  She shrugged, “When you have no one, you have no one to worry about. I don't really think about it. It's just the way it is.”

  It doesn't have to be. I'm here. I'm right here. I wanted to yell, but I held back.

  “So, no friends, no family. Tell me, what do you do for fun?”

  “For fun? What does that have to do with the job?”

  “I just like to get to know my employees, or potential employees, first.” I gave her a huge smile and even leaned in when I said it. Nothing. I gave her the lean. Even as just a woman, she should have recognized my interest. But nothing.

  I sat back and cleared my throat. Fine. She wants to be professional, then that's what I'll give her.

  “Ms. Adams, what is it you like to do for fun?”

  “Well, I suppose I like to read. Oh, and run.”

  “Okay, read and run. Got it. Well, looking over your paperwork everything seems in order. Your evaluation went great. How soon can you start?”

  This was the first sign of interest in anything that I had received. Her poise of perfection finally slipped as she lightly bounced in the seat.

  “Really? Sorry, I'm a little excited to get this job. I can start immediately, today even, or whenever you want.”

  She was genuinely happy, and that made my wolf very happy and gave me a peace I hadn't realized I was missing.

  “How about I call Elise back in here and she'll go over the contract and paperwork with you and you can start first thing tomorrow. Eight, okay?”

  “Eight AM, is perfect!”

  She stood and crossed the distance quickly before I could brace myself for the full force of her smell that came with the sudden movement. I couldn't help myself. I took a deep breath and let her scent fill me. I slowly met her outstretched hand and welcomed her to the team.

  “Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Westin. I promise you won't regret it.”

  “Kyle, please.”

  “Oh, I couldn't possibly.” She brushed me off. “I'll see you tomorrow morning bright and early, Mr. Westin.”


  Chapter 3

  I sat in the car outside the Westin Foundation and stared back at the building in shock. Oh my gosh, I got the job! It wasn't a hand out for once in my life. It was all me. I did it and it felt great. Then fear crept back in as I remembered the brief meeting with one Kyle Westin.

  I really hoped he didn't notice me staring too much. But oh my gosh, how could I not? I had never seen such an incredible man in person. And his smell. Oh, I could die happy surrounded by that smell.

  Normally I have an aversion to smells due to my heightened wolf senses. They're always there even when she isn't present. But not Kyle Westin. He smelled of pines and comfort and home. His smell was exactly the smell that caused me to stop here while driving through this small town of San Marco. It's the smell of the woods near my house and what makes me feel so secure and at peace. I couldn't ever remember feeling like that anywhere else and I would have been heartbroken not to have gotten the job and have to leave in a few months when I could no longer afford both school and the house.

  But it wasn't just the smell of the man who was now my new boss. It was everything. He carried himself with such authority even my wolf was cowering at times. However, he also seemed kind and maybe a little too interested in getting to know me. Whatever happened, I could not let him in. I had to stay strong. I've never needed anyone. Just me and my wolf and that's the way it always had to be, because I couldn't bear the thought of him knowing I was truly a monster.

  I backed the car up and quickly headed home. My skin was itching all over, which was a clear sign my wolf wanted out. I couldn't let her just run off in the woods though. We did that a few times when we first arrived, but it was a such a small town I was afraid someone would learn my secret. I made a promise to myself to lay low and not let that happen. I wanted to be here for more than a few months.

  As I pulled up to my house, my wolf surged forward trying to take control. She hadn't done that since my earliest transformations.

  “What is wrong with you? Calm down!” I said out loud, thankful once again for the lack of neighbors around.

  As I was turning the key in the door, I heard a howl and froze. I looked around and was startled to see a very large brown wolf standing at the edge of the woods. He sorta bowed, or at least that's what it reminded me of, and then sat up and howled once again. It seemed to speak to my wolf in a primal way that I didn't understand, and it scared me. I quickly ran inside and shut the door. Why had I taken so long to do that to begin with? I knew better than anyone how dangerous a creature like that was. Sure, he was just an ordinary wolf, but still.

  My wolf surged again, trying to gain control.

  “Stop that,” I fussed. “Let me change first. You aren't messing up this suit.”

  I quickly changed not bothering to put anything on, then gave one last look out the big picture window facing the woods only to find the wolf still standing guard.

  “Standing guard?” I laughed to myself. “Where on earth did that come from?”

  I headed down to the basement, locking the door behind me and inhaling the pine scent. It was missing something today. It was missing something uniquely him that I couldn't quite place, but for now, this would have to do. Looking around at the new den I had created for us, I gave into the shiver and let my wolf take control.

  Shifting had never really hurt me. I didn't understand why or how, but I was thankful for it, and I was still coherent even when she took over. I saw everything and heard everything and felt everything. It was still me, only it wasn't. Or at least I had always needed to keep the two of us separate in my mind. It also allowed me to talk to her, and while some people would think that insane, it comforted me.

  When I had first changed, I was scared to death of my wolf. I was scared of me and what I might do to someone, but as time went on, I found comfort in her instead. After all, she was the only one who could ever know our secret. Her constant presence gave me comfort and companionship where I hadn't found, or allowed myself, with humans.

  My wolf tried to run for the door. I knew she wanted to just run. So did I. I was sad for her and for me, but for now, this was just the way it had to be. She paced restlessly around the room for quite a while before settling down with a sad whimper.

  When I awoke the next morning, naked and back in human form, it took me a few minutes to get my bearings straight. The den. I was down in the wolf den. Sunlight was creeping through the tiny window I had carefully covered to allow light through but make it impossible for someone to really see in. Groggily, I looked around and spotted the wall clock I had put up just for times like this. It read 6:00.

  Six am? I bolted upright and ran up the stairs, unlocking the door and slamming it shut behind me. I headed straight for the shower. Even coffee would have to wait. I was not going to be late for my first day of work.

  Dressing in a short navy pencil skirt and cream colored blouse, I threw on a pair of cute strappy heels and carefully applied my makeup. I had never really needed much in the makeup department, but I made the extra effort for my first day on the job. Nerves and excitement coexisted the entire drive over, but when I reached what was to be my new office, I took a deep breath and was instantly calmed.

  Two minutes later, Kyle Westin strolled into his reception area. He froze and appeared to breathe deeply before looking around.

  “Good morning, Mr. Westin,” I said trying to keep the nerves out of my voice.

  When our eyes met, I felt a weird slam of recognition. The same thing had happened the first time I had met him. It was sort of a déjà vu feeling. Can you déjà vu a déjà vu incident?

  He looked at his watch and frowned before looking back at me.

  “Ms. Adams, I wasn't expecting you for another half hour.”

  “I know you said 8am sharp, but I like to be early. It gives me time to settle in and sip my coffee before the craziness of the day begins.”

  I smiled sweetly and hoped he didn't think I was weird. I really wanted Kyle Westin to like me and approve of my work. I've never really cared much what anyone thought of me as long as my secret stayed safe, but for some reason, it mattered to me now.

  “Did you find the coffee maker and everything to your satisfaction? I can call Lily in here to show you around and how to use the thing if you want. Heck if I could ever figure it out myself.”

  He gave me a big smile that nearly melted my panties off. I hadn't even thought about the need to make him coffee, but of course that would likely fall under an assistant's responsibility.

  “Of course, that would be great.”

  I expected him to walk into his office and perhaps place a phone call. I was more than a little surprised when, instead, he poked his head out into the hallway and yelled.

  “Lil, get in here.”

  A petite brunette with similar hazel brown-green eyes to Kyle bounced into the room.

  “Morning,” she said as she stood on her tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  It shouldn't have mattered to me one bit, but for some reason, my wolf surged and I was flooded with anxiety. I had had strong reactions and similar battles the previous day during my interview with Mr. Westin. I hoped it would stop soon. I had to get my wolf under control, and I was thankful they were distracted long enough for me to gain some semblance of control.

  “Lily, this is Kelsey Adams, my new assistant. Kelsey, this is Lily Westin, my youngest sister. She's agreed to take today to show you the ropes and expectations of the job.”

  Sister? I should have seen it in the eyes. Still it shouldn't have mattered. So why was I overwhelmed with relief?

  “Hi, Lily, it's nice to meet you.”

  I rose and shook her hand, but not before noticing the frown and small head shake Kyle gave. Still frowning, he said goodbye and walked into his office, closing the door behind him.

  “He's not much of a morning person. You'll get used to steering clear of him until at least his third cup of coffee. We all do.”

  I snorted a little trying not to laugh. I liked Lily Westin immediately. I thought briefly that she might even be a friend. I had never really allowed myself to have a friend. I didn't let people close enough to form actual relationships with anyone, but Lily Westin I might consider taking a chance on. The thought was more than a little shocking.

  As the day wore on and she explained the much too complicated coffee maker and showed me the copy room and some brief tutorials on some of the software and where to find Kyle's calendar, I realized I felt completely comfortable with this woman. My initial reaction, okay, after I found out she was his sister – I was choosing to forget that little jealous moment before then – of thinking of her as a possible friend, only grew stronger the more we talked. She was spirited and funny with a hint of sarcasm that I could absolutely appreciate.

  As lunch approached, she informed me that Mr. Westin often took lunch alone in his office, continuing to work while he ate. I needed to check in with him to see if he needed something ordered, though she did say he sometimes brought his own lunch with him.

  I took a deep breath and knocked on the door before sticking my head in. He was on the phone and held one finger up to signal me to give him a minute, so I poked my head back out and closed his door behind me.

  “On the phone,” I told his sister.

  “He's always on the phone.” She rolled her eyes.

  The door opened and I jumped, feeling caught off guard.

  “Kelsey,” I felt like a melting puddle whenever he used my first name. Why couldn't he just stick to formalities? “Did you need something?”

  “Oh, um, yeah, I just wanted to see if you needed me to order in lunch or if you would be going out today.”

  He smiled warmly like he really appreciated the thought, even though I was really just doing what Lily told me I should do.

  “Hmmm, well, I hadn't thought about it yet.” He checked his watch. “But yeah, I guess it's pushing that time already. I don't really have any plans today, so what are the two of you doing?”

  Lily shrugged. “I'm supposed to meet Elise for lunch. You can join us, Kelsey, if you'd like.”

  “Oh no, thank you, but I wouldn't want to intrude. Besides, I packed a lunch figuring I'd take the time to decompress and let it all sink in. We went over a lot this morning. Just need to process it all.”

  “Well, if that's your polite way of ditching me,” He genuinely looked disappointed and I had a strong urge to retract and make it right, “then I guess I'll just order in. You have enough on your plate for today already, Kelsey, so I'll just take care of it myself. But thanks.”

  Lily looked deep in thought as he closed the door and disappeared back into his office.

  “Is he always so quiet and moody?” I couldn't help but ask.

  “No. Something's up with him. I'll do my sisterly duties and harass him into telling me later. Now, are you sure you don't want to join us for lunch?”

  “Not today, but thanks for the offer.”


  Chapter 4

  I knew I was pouting like a two-year-old, hiding in my office eating my lunch. I hadn't known the sting of rejection that would hit me when she turned down my offer to lunch. I placed a call to the cafeteria, asking for a bowl of the soup of the day. I suddenly wasn't in the mood to eat.

  Pacing back and forth in my office, I tried to get a grip on myself. Yesterday when I gave her the job I had been so excited to find her that I hadn't really thought through what it would mean to work side by side with her when she refused to even acknowledge me in any way outside perfectly professional. Instead of soothing my wolf by, having her near, it made him more agitated, me too.

  Last night when I sat at the edge the woods near her house and howled to her, I had expected her wolf to return in kind, but she had just stood there staring at me as if mesmerized before shuffling into her house. I had seen her through the window as she shed her clothes. I felt terrible watching as she walked from room to room, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was so beautiful and so natural. But seeing her unclothed made it even worse seeing her every time I left my office today.

  I had decided that no matter what it took, I would somehow manage to get some curtains or blinds up in her windows. Just the thought of any other wolf strolling by and seeing her like that made my head throb and my eye twitch as I bit back the surge of anger. Nudity wasn't that big of a deal in the shifter world, yet I could not stand the thought of any other male seeing her like that.

  Mine, I growled in unison with my wolf.

  I wasn't sure how long I could stand working so closely with her and not having her. I couldn't just fire her, and I wouldn't admit to Elise that I had made a big mistake in hiring her, or admit why I couldn't work with Kelsey. It wasn't like all the other assistants I had managed to quickly fire. But I couldn't work with her when she continued to ignore me and our bond. It hurt too much.

  I came up with a plan to work her so hard that she would quit on her own. Then maybe I could breathe again. Instantly the thought of not seeing her every day caused a stab of pain straight through my chest, but I brushed it aside. She had made it painfully clear she was not interested and I would have to learn to accept that.

  After lunch, I called Kelsey into my office. I had her sit down and take dictation for two straight hours, then announced I needed the report before close of business and dismissed her. It had been wonderful and harder than I ever imagined having my mate so close and yet so distant.

  As soon as she settled into typing, I called her in and asked her for five different financial reports I didn't really need but thought would help overwhelm her.

  “Sure thing, Mr. Westin,” she said with a smile that made my heart thump louder in my chest.

  Ten minutes later, there was a quiet knock on my door.

  “Come in,” I said as I hit the button on my desk allowing whoever it was to hear beyond the
barrier that kept my room safe from even the most sensitive wolf ears, wondering who it could be. No one ever knocked on my door, but when it opened, her scent flooded me and I knew it was Kelsey.

  “Here are those reports you asked for, Mr. Westin.” She looked me straight in the eye with a smirk as she set them on my desk and turned and walked away.

  I was stunned. How had she gotten them together so quickly? My last assistant had taken nearly four days to find these exact same files. I knew because they were the same five files I had used to get rid of three other assistants I didn't find compatible.

  And it did not go unnoticed how Kelsey had held my stare. My alpha power was strong. Not yet as strong as it would be when I took my rightful place as Pack Alpha when my father decided to step down, but even still, a little she-wolf such as Kelsey should not have been able to stand there and hold my gaze without cowering and showing submission. Her wolf should have demanded it, yet she had defiantly lifted her chin to me even.

  If I couldn't smell her wolf, if I didn't feel the mating bond pull between us, I would swear Kelsey Adams was perfectly human. And yet, even humans felt enough of my power to back down and show submission.

  A second odd thing occurred to me. My wolf didn't demand her respect. If anything, I felt as though he were bowing down to her instead of the other way around. I had no doubt my wolf would do absolutely anything for this woman.

  I rubbed my eyes and shook my head. I was definitely losing it. I needed a break and had to get out of the office.

  “Oh, Mr. Westin,” Kelsey said as soon as I stepped out of my office, “I just emailed over the dictation you had asked for. Is there anything else you require this afternoon?”

  I looked at the clock on the wall and noted it was only three o'clock. I had asked her to have them done by close of business knowing it would be near impossible. To say I was shocked was putting it mildly.


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