One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1) Page 21

by Julie Trettel

  “What…” He silenced me with a kiss. I indulged him for a few before pulling back and giving him a stern look. “What's happened?”

  “I don't want to talk about it. I just want to hold you.”

  “You can hold me, but you're going to talk. Don't make me invade your brain to figure it out.” We had both gotten good about not constantly invading each other’s mind. My cheeks pinked as my mind headed for the gutter thinking of a few of the many thoughts I had managed to keep from him.

  Oops. I knew he had heard my thoughts. His grin grew wider.

  “I like what's on your mind a whole lot more.” He said nuzzling into my neck and taking a moment to breath my scent in deeply there. Oh, what that did to me was unexplainable in words.

  “Not getting off the hook that easy. What did your dad want, Kyle?”

  “Nothing I didn't already know or wasn't expecting at least.”

  The challenge! My stomach rose in my throat as the crippling sick fear threatened to take over.

  “Hey, hey, don't. None of that. I'm going to be fine.”

  “How many?” I whispered.

  “Three,” he sighed.

  “THREE?!?!” I shrieked.

  “It's okay.” He continued to soothe me.


  “It's not Cole Anderson if that's what you're asking.” He teased trying to lighten the mood and I punched him hard in the arm, but it only earned me a small laugh in retaliation.

  “I know about Cole. He explained himself last night and why he wasn't going to concede to our mating until challenges are over. Now, who?”

  “Patrick O'Connell from the Irish Clan is in route. His Alpha called in the challenge ahead of his arrival to ensure his chance. I'm not surprised at all by it. Patrick is the third son of the Irish Alpha. His second son successfully won a mating challenge against an alpha heir somewhere down in South America. Doesn't matter to him who you are, just that his son takes my place as pack alpha here. With six sons, he's systematically strengthening his pack in this way.”

  I nodded. “Who else?”

  “Matt Snyder of New York City Central Pack. I honestly think he has the hots for you.” He laughed, twirling my hair in his fingers. “Cause seriously, I see no real challenge in him. I'm not sure if it should be a mercy killing, or if I should spare his life as you did Christine's.”

  “Don't joke. If he was willing to challenge you, he must think he has a chance, so do not underestimate him. Who's the third.”

  “Andon of the Bulgarians.”

  My breath caught. Not him! Please, anyone but him!

  “You know him?”

  “No, but I know who he is.” I shuddered remembering the small giant with the hard glare from the Crate the night before. “He was at the Crate last night. There were a few scuffles with the Bulgarians and the Westins. Cole told me who he was but I don't think he knew about the challenge at the time. That guy gives me the creeps, Kyle.”

  “Come here,” he said, pulling me back close to his chest and rubbing his hands across my shoulders to comfort me. “Nothing's going to happen to me, babe. I got this. I just need you to have a little faith in me.”

  I pulled away and stared at him in shock. Did he really believe I didn't think he could survive a challenge? “Kyle, I have full faith in you. You are the strongest, best wolf shifter in the world. Please don't mistake my fear of the challenges as my lack of faith in you.” I felt terrible knowing now that's how he was feeling and vowed to give him only my best, most confident thoughts going forward.

  “Sometimes it's hard to differentiate the two.”

  “I'm know. I'm sorry. The mere thought of someone like Andon taking your place disgusts me, but I know you aren't going to let that happen. Not my wolf.” I smiled at him with confidence and fixed his hair back into its normal perfect place. “How soon?”

  “I don't know yet.”

  “They moved quickly once Christine issued me her challenge.”

  “I know, I suspect I'll hear something more later this morning.”

  “They won't stack them all in one day, would they?” I asked horrified at the thought.

  “No, I'm guaranteed a day's break between each fight. Guessing the delayed announcement is due to scheduling. We'll hear something soon though, I'm certain.”

  At some point, we moved to the small couch in his office and spent the day snuggled up and talking through our fears, concerns, and future. By lunch time, his sisters were on the hunt wondering what was wrong. A soft knock on the office door was followed by a head peeking through.

  “Found her!” Lily announced, as she and Elise descended upon us.

  “Close the door.” Kyle said gruffly, making no motion to move from the cozy position we were in.

  “Awe, you guys look so cute. The Council will freak if they see you together. What are you thinking?”

  “Kyle was issued three challenges today.” I said, and it was all that needed to be said. Shock, fear, and anger all flashed across each of their faces. “We're waiting to hear the schedule.”

  “Screw the Council and their stupid concerns,” Elise said wiping a tear from her eye.

  Kyle grinned, “Yeah, that's pretty much our thoughts this morning too.” He paused awkwardly. “Well, did you at least bring lunch with you? I'm starving!”

  Lily disappeared returning sometime later with a feast for the four of us. The atmosphere was lighter, even with the heavy layer of concern wrapped around us. We laughed and joked and I fell in love with them all just a little bit more.

  When the phone rang, we all stared in shock and denial, but on the third ring, Kyle finally made his way over to answer.

  “Kyle Westin... yes… yes… okay… no… okay, I'll see you in an hour. Thanks.”

  The lightheartedness of our lunch was over as a stone wall went up in my mate as he prepared for battle. “Seven o'clock tonight, against the kid from New York Central.” We all nodded somberly.


  Chapter 28

  The second I opened the door to my dad's office, I could hear angry raised voices.

  “What do you want me to do, Morris? The kid issued the challenge. For me to deny, or Kyle to refuse it, would make him guaranteed victor by default. My son is not losing his one true mate just to spare some idiot pup.”

  Morris slammed his fist down on my father's desk. “Dammit. He just barely came of age, Jason.”

  My father sighed, “I understand the position you're in, but I don't know how to help. I've talked to the pup too. I can see he isn't ready. Hell, anyone can. That pup doesn't have an ounce of alpha in him and he chooses to go against Kyle? It doesn't make sense.”

  Morris chuckled a sad little sound, “His father was my second. Died in an attack just last year. Pup's always been a runt out to prove himself, but apparently, your Kelsey ran into him the other day and was kind to him.” Morris rolled his eyes. “She's all that boy talked about since. Bad case of puppy love there.”

  I smiled. Who could blame the pup for that?

  “Morris,” I interrupted, “look, I don't want to fight this pup, but I'm not about to just hand him my mate either. Look, I'll do what I can to spare his life, but I can only do so much in there. I will defend myself. If he persists in attacking there's nothing I can do. I won't pull back just to save him, but if he concedes I will spare him, and if it is in my power to save him once I'm declared victor, I will. But that's as much as I can give you.”

  The older wolf bowed his head to me in gratitude. “That is more than I deserved to ask of you, Kyle. Thank you.”

  I nodded back to him. He shook hands with Dad and left.

  “You showed much grace and diplomacy just then, son.” He smiled proudly. “You will make a fine Pack Alpha someday.”

  “Not someday too soon I hope.” I joked, embarrassed by his high praise.

  “Are you ready for tonight?”

  I shrugged. “Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose.”

  He nodded.
“How about Kelsey? Does she know yet?”

  “Yes. I was having lunch with her and the girls,” I added when he eyed me suspiciously, “when you called.”

  “How's she holding up with everything?”

  “Good, I think. I think she's more concerned with my challenges than fearing anymore against her.”

  Dad smiled, “Yes, that sounds about right and as it should. She's a fine mate for you, Kyle. In all of this craziness I'm not sure I've actually said that, but I like Kelsey immensely. Your combined powers will make you strong and keep the pack safe, but you must never let your guard down and show them.”

  I understood the gravity in his subtle warning.

  “Uh, thanks. Hey, you called me here, was there something you needed?”

  “Oh, I think you're good. Was just going to discuss tonight's challenge. See if you had any questions or concerns and warn you about the pup you're up against.”

  “Yeah, this sucks. I won't lie and say I'm not happy about an easy challenge, especially with O'Connell and Andon later this week, but I don't want to hurt this kid either.”

  “I know, Son, but the law's the law and the Grand Council's law surrounding challenge are very specific and not negotiable.”

  I left Dad's house with that thought heavy on my mind. Without even considering where I was headed I found myself walking back into work. To her.

  I stood there outside the door into my office suite, just staring at her. She was so beautiful. I carefully closed our connection through the bond, as we both had learned to do, for a bit of privacy and just watched her. My mate. The most precious person in my life and I would do absolutely anything for her.

  As she stood and walked to the filing cabinet I admired her slender long legs that seemed to go on for miles before reaching the bottom of the skirt that fit to her backside like a glove. She was professional in the office and this was no different in a charcoal gray women's suit. If only she knew what those short skirts of her suits did to me. I was admiring her behind, lost in thought when she shook her butt a little too noticeably.

  “You gonna stand there staring all day?”

  I think I may have blushed a little. Busted ogling my mate.

  “Not if you plan on staying in that position much longer.”

  She yelped and whipped around quickly, her eyes wide and red creeping up her neck. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I wanted desperately to go to her, but instead headed for my office. Holding the door open I motioned for her to enter.

  “You know when you do that bond shutting down thing right now with everything going on that it just freaks me out thinking something's wrong.” She scolded. “Lucky for you I smelled you long before you decided to camp outside my door.”

  I turned her to face me. “You talk too much.” I said before crushing my lips to hers. She sighed against me, and the stress of the day melted away and I just held her.

  “You ready for tonight?” She asked breaking our perfect silence.

  “Yeah. I don't like it, but I'm ready. You don't need to worry about anything tonight.”

  “Do I get to go home with you like I did after my challenge?”

  “I don't think the Council will approve that, especially with the slaughter they've setup, but if I need you, I'll let you know and to hell with them.”

  She nodded. “You're going to try and spare him?”

  “I don't exactly want to kill him. Kels, he's little more than a pup and determined to see this through. Can't fault him the puppy love he has for you, but still.”

  “What?” she demanded.

  I chuckled. “Yeah, the other challengers, they're out for pack position, but this kid fancies himself in love with you.”

  I laughed harder at the incredulous look on her face. I knew her touch and a few stolen kisses would see me through the day. Much too soon we said goodbye, I mean, see you later because Kelsey refused to say goodbye before a challenge for fear of jinxing it, and headed straight for the pack circle.

  I decided to hide out in the room behind the arena. It was dark and quiet and I knew I had two hours to go before anyone would begin to show. Placing my earbuds in my ears I cranked up some old 80's metal and got lost in the beat. It was freeing as I gave myself over to the music and blocked everything else from my mind.

  I don't know how long I had been sitting there, but when Metallica's 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' began to play, it was like a beacon calling to me and I could no longer sit still. Running in place, pushups, sit-ups, whatever I could physically do in the cramped space I began to do and when AC/DC's 'Back in Black' started up, I was ready to explode into my wolf form. Never had I been so pumped and ready.

  I didn't hear the roar of the crowd's arrival, or the call for introductions over the loud music cranking in my ears. I was in a full on dance, head banging and sweat already dripping from my forehead when the door opened.

  I didn't stop the song, but let it fuel and propel me forward and towards the center of the arena. My arms were pumping in the air and I had never been more ready for anything than this challenge. As the song began its closure, the deafening roar of the crowd grew louder than my music. I turned and waved to my pack and even blew my girl a kiss, much to the dismay of the Council, as my father desperately tried to reign in the noise.

  As I removed my headphones, smiling, I was greeted by loud boos as young Matt Snyder entered the arena. He looked small and scared, but the pup was scrappy, raising his arms, begging them to continue and fueling himself off the negativity towards him. I knew immediately this was a kid who'd fight til his dying breath giving, 200% and refuse to back down. The thought immediately sobered my post musical high.

  It took a few minutes longer before Dad was able to calm the crowd down and begin the formal ceremonial start to the challenge and giving the pup one last chance to pull out, which of course he refused.

  When Dad called the challenge to order, I shook hands with Matt and we both moved to our designated side of the arena and stripped to prepare to shift. I heard a little growl in the back of my mind coming through the bond, and couldn't wipe the smile from my face. Not having been raised around shifters, Kelsey still didn't understand how nudity really wasn't a big deal, but a part of me liked her jealous streak at others seeing me that way.

  The signal was given and I quickly shifted and stalked toward the pup as he took his sweet time shifting into his wolf. I tried not to roll my wolf eyes. In the time it took him to shift, I could have ended the entire fight, but I waited for him to at least change.

  When he finally changed, I saw the ugliest, scrawniest pup I'd ever laid eyes on. Some sort of white colored wolf with black and brown and grey spots in weird shapes. I felt even more sorry for the kid. Not allowing my wolf to take full control, I held back to see what he'd do. He pounced around erratically. No rhythm or rhyme whatsoever. I waited until he finally approached. I wanted this to be quick and over already.

  I tried to find a pattern to his movements where there were none. That was perhaps his best advantage and he was driving me, crazy circling me without any forward movement. What was he waiting for? I finally lunged toward him and he sprang in the air like a scared cat and landed on my back immediately clawing and biting at anything he could, which ended up being mostly air. When he finally landed a swipe across the back of my neck that made contact I roared back and shook hard throwing him off of me. He landed with a thud hard on the ground. I heard a bone break, but he was already trying to get back up.

  Not wanting this to last any longer than necessary, I quickly attacked and put my teeth to his neck, but did not bare down. I let me alpha powers flow over him to submit, and I felt him still beneath me, but I made the mistake of thinking that was submission and was about to ask my Alpha to call the challenge to my victory when the kid started to fight back the moment I stopped my powers. My teeth were still close to his neck, but he thrashed and kicked out. I tried desperately not to bite down hard enough to seriously hurt him, but enough
to let him know I wasn't kidding around. Still, he fought until he finally reared up with every ounce of strength he had, right into my mouth. I knew the second my sharp canines pierced him and I tasted his blood as my wolf growled in victory trying to take full control of us. The kid went deathly still this time. I released my grip and sat back to watch and see if he would get back up, but there was too much blood lost and I knew we were on borrowed time to save him.

  My wolf sat back and howled in the air. My father stood and nodded, acknowledging my victory. I quickly changed and called for the medics. My eyes caught Morris' with a sad, but honest apology. He nodded to me and mouthed thank you. I didn't know why he was thanking me. I wasn't sure the kid would survive his injuries, but at least there was still enough life in him for the medics to whisk him away in attempt.

  I was angry with myself for letting it happen. This was no victory as far as I was concerned. It was an all out slaughter, and I hated myself for it. I couldn't even look Kelsey's way, though my mate was screaming in my head to shake it off. We both knew I had bigger challenges coming and I couldn't afford to beat myself up over this one. The important thing was, I won, and Kelsey was another challenge down from safety because of it. That's all that mattered and I had to force myself to concentrate only on that.

  I went back to the small room at the back of the arena and just sat down on the ground letting the emotions wash over me. They changed to something positive flowing over me and I wasn't sure why until the door opened and Kelsey walked in.

  “You can't do that, you know that. Someone else could feel it.” I said, knowing she was sending positive alpha power to wash over me.

  She shrugged. “I'm getting good at controlling it and you need it right now. Stop wallowing and get up.”

  I did so and watched her eyes widen and sweep over me as she realized I hadn't bothered to dress yet. A grin spread across my face as I felt her heat up inside and out. My mate wanted me as badly as I needed her.


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