Kindling Flames: Stolen Fire (The Ancient Fire Series Book 4)

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Kindling Flames: Stolen Fire (The Ancient Fire Series Book 4) Page 1

by Julie Wetzel

  Kindling Flames

  Stolen Fire

  Julie Wetzel

  Crimson Tree Publishing

  THIS book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the authors' imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  NO part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Kindling Flames: Stolen Fire

  Copyright ©2015 Julie Wetzel

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 978-1-63422-069-9

  Cover Design by: Marya Heiman

  Typography by: Courtney Nuckels

  Editing by: Cynthia Shepp

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  About the Author


  Happy shoppers bustled along the busy street without noting the darkness leaning in the shallow doorway. A snicker slithered out, cutting through the frosty air. They had no idea what was hiding among them.

  Taking a deep breath of cold, winter air, the shadow picked out a lone woman walking past. The form of a man slipped into the crowd unseen and followed the woman down the street. Sharp, canine teeth lengthened as he stalked his unsuspecting prey. His heart leaped for joy as the girl turned into the entranceway of a parking garage. This would make taking his prize so much easier.

  He hadn’t been a vampire for very long, but he was really starting to like it. The power fresh blood gave him was exhilarating, even though his transformation wasn’t finished. There were still days when his strength waned, but those were getting rarer. Soon, it would be complete. Those winged creatures he’d captured had promised him the revenge he so desired, but he hadn’t expected this.

  Following his prey deeper into the privacy of the garage, the vampire slipped his arms around the woman, catching her by surprise. His thin fingers muffled her screams as he pinned her against his chest. Sinking his fangs into her neck to drain her lifeblood, he thought of the one responsible for his misfortune.

  Just you wait, Darien Ritter, your turn will be soon.

  The sound of the elevator opening pulled Vicky’s attention from the stack of files she’d been transferring to the computer. She wasn’t surprised that company was dropping in unannounced. Recently, most of her evenings had been spent entertaining members of Darien’s new menagerie.

  The number of people now in Darien’s care had surprised Vicky. She hadn’t realized that Darien’s claims on Christian and Lillian’s people would bring so many new people into their lives. With the exception of a few, Christian’s people had been pretty easy to deal with. It was Lillian’s menagerie that was vexing.

  Lillian had been very active about turning those she found special, and her kiss had been the largest in the area. Darien had been very reluctant to enter his new menagerie’s space after he had been forced to claim their master’s life. Lillian’s fledglings knew the laws governing vampires demanded her death, but taking steps too aggressively would only lead to harder feelings and resentment. Some of Lillian’s people were nearly masters themselves. Elliot had been a key player in the changeover. He had been on good terms with most of Lillian’s people and had quickly agreed to help Darien through these trying times.

  Darien had been only too happy to accept Elliot’s offer. It had been many years since Darien had kept the company of his own kind, and having a menagerie dropped onto his lap had been rather shocking. He had done his best to balance his normal workload with the new demands, but the stress was starting to show.

  Closing the folder of financial reports, Vicky looked up from where she sat on the floor at the glass coffee table. She was surprised when only one person walked into the room. “Hello, Elliot,” Vicky greeted the familiar vampire. She looked over the casual way the tall man was dressed. He had a classy leather jacket pulled over a dark blue shirt and stonewashed jeans. His long, blond hair was tied back in a neat braid that hung most of the way down his back.

  Elliot smiled at her. “What are you doing on the floor?” He perched on the arm of the couch closest to the door. It was one of a pair of blue sofas that matched the loveseat decorating the main living room of Darien’s penthouse. Even though Darien’s home was elegant, his furniture was simple, comfortable, and functional.

  Vicky nodded to the angel stone hearth and the fire crackling softly behind her. “Enjoying the warmth.”

  Zak snuggled against her legs, purring loudly.

  Elliot’s hazel eyes twinkled as he chuckled. “I can see that, but what are you working on?” He nodded at the computer on the glass table.

  Vicky looked at the machine. “Oh, I’m trying to catch Darien’s files up.” She patted the stack of papers next to the computer. “These are all of last month’s records for his small businesses.”

  Elliot cocked an eyebrow at her. “Shouldn’t he be doing that?”

  “Well, yes, but he’s been so busy lately that he hasn’t had time for them.” Vicky sighed. “He hasn’t had much time for anything recently. I thought I would get this out of the way so he could relax a bit.”

  “Does he know what you’re doing?” Elliot asked.

  Vicky looked away, trying to hide her guilt. “Not really,” she said shyly. Turning back to look at Elliot, she gave him a half smile, showing he caught her doing something she really wasn’t supposed to do. “He started to work on them when we got home but got a call that upset him. Right now, he’s up on the roof, pacing it off.” She let out another deep sigh. “He’s been doing that a lot lately.”

  Elliot chuckled again. “You’re a good woman.” He smiled warmly down at her. “Now that everyone’s recognized Darien as their new master, things will start to settle down.”

  Vicky gave him half a smile. “I hope so. He’s been all wound up these last few weeks. I don’t know what to do with him. He goes from being very distant to clingy and back without warning. I know he’s stressed, I can feel it through his mark, but I don’t know what to do about it.”

  Elliot drew in a long breath and let it out heavily. “Just be there for him. This is something he just has to deal with.” He shook his head. “I’m glad to hear that he finally marked you properly.”

  “Yes.” Vicky turned to look down at the pile of work in front of her, slightly embarrassed by where their conversation had gone. “It took some convincing to get him to try it again, but I think it made him happier.”

  Elliot grinned at the light color creeping up her cheeks. “Oh, I know it made him happier. He hated the fact that Zak had a mark on you and he didn’t.”

  Zak wiggled his tentacles so they wrapped farther around Vicky.

  Elliot looked over at the hellhound curled up next to her. “How did Zak take it?” He could just see the fay’s beady, little eyes and sharp teeth nestled into the mass of greenish black tentacles.

  Vicky smiled and scratched her fingers into th
e fay’s back. “Rather well. He only ate two of Darien’s pants that night, but he hasn’t really chewed anything else up since.”

  “He can feel Darien through you,” Elliot informed her.

  Vicky looked down at the fay thoughtfully. “So, he’s being good because he knows Darien’s stressed,” she stated, looking back up at Elliot.

  The little whine Zak made pulled a laugh from Elliot. “Could be,” he said as he stood up. “I’ll let you get back to work before he eats your files.”

  Vicky looked down to where Zak’s tentacles were pulling the stack of papers off the table. “You’ve already eaten two of my pens tonight,” she huffed, swatting the feelers away from the paper. “These are not for you.”

  Elliot laughed and turned back out to the elevators. He punched the button for the rooftop terrace so he could find his worried friend.


  The cold winter air brushed across Darien’s skin as he paced the rooftop terrace. Worry ate at him as his mind churned over the phone call he’d received. One of the new members of his menagerie was missing. Mary, one of the few living members of Christian’s menagerie that Darien had taken in, had called frantically to report that Erin had run off. Everyone was currently out looking for the traumatized girl.

  Darien was at a loss as to what to do with Erin and her sister, Bridget. After claiming the rights to Christian’s people, Darien had done his best to clean up the mess Christian had left, but he never dreamed he would find two children locked away in a closet. That man had truly been one sick puppy.

  Mary had been working with the girls, trying to get them readjusted to the world. They were slowly making progress, but the sight of Allen feeding had been too much for the younger of the girls. Allen had apologized profusely and insisted that Darien’s direct attention to this matter was not needed. They would find Erin well before Darien could make the drive across town.

  Darien had let them go with instructions to call him as soon as she was safe. It really pissed him off that anyone could hurt children the way these little girls had been. Children were too precious to be put in such hurtful situations.

  Claiming Lillian and Christian’s menageries was turning out to be more than Darien had bargained for, but it was something he had to do. Had he abandoned them, Clara would have been forced to deal with the menageries, and that would have been a death sentence for all of them.

  Christian’s people had crossed too many lines to be allowed to roam free. As it was, Rupert and the wolves had already helped cleanse some of the more colorful characters from their ranks. Darien had released those humans who had been either strong-armed or blackmailed into Christian’s service. A clever bit of magic had seen that they would never speak of their experiences to anyone.

  Dealing with Lillian’s brood would have been harder on everyone. Even though some of Lillian’s get were almost masters, they still needed the strength of an older vampire to wake at dusk. Had Darien turned them out, no one would have gone against his decision and attempted to help them. They were rightfully his, to keep or let die as he saw fit.

  To Clara’s great relief, Darien had gone to them that first evening and called them to life. He had offered himself as their master. Each one had accepted him and tied themselves to him. Now, they were a warm, almost comfortable feeling inside him, like a soft hum just beyond his perception. It was odd being tied to so many, but he was slowly getting used to it again.

  The sound of the elevator pulled Darien from his pacing. He turned as his friend stepped out into the night. “Did they find her?”

  Elliot stopped at Darien’s sudden outburst. “Find whom?” he asked, concerned he missed something.

  Darien sighed heavily and rolled his face up to the sky in exasperation. “Erin. Did they find her?”

  Elliot cocked his head as he considered Darien’s words. “I didn’t know she was missing.” He pulled out his phone to call Mary. She answered on the first ring. “Is Erin missing?” Nodding his head, he listened to what happened. “Did you look under the shed?” He paused as Mary ran to check.

  Darien looked on with awe as Elliot thanked the woman and hung up the phone. “And?” he asked, worried for the little girl’s safety.

  Elliot shrugged his shoulders as if it were nothing. “She was under the shed.”

  “How did you know where she’d be?” Darien asked, flabbergasted.

  “Bridget told me that she and her sister saw a cat hiding under the shed yesterday.” Elliot explained. “It makes sense that Erin would hide in a place where she thought things were safe.”

  Relief washed through Darien. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Elliot. You have no idea how valuable you’ve been over these last few weeks.”

  “Well, I knew you wouldn’t be able to handle everything on your own.” Elliot shrugged again. “With your business and the needs of the new kiss, you have way too much on your plate.”

  Darien let out another long breath. “You’re right. I had no idea things would be this stressful.” He found one of the benches around the many planters and sat down. “So, who did you bring today?”

  Elliot joined him on the bench. “No one.” He leaned back, crossed his legs in front of him, and looked up at the dark sky. “You met the last of them yesterday.”

  Darien looked over at him, surprised. “You mean, that was everyone?”

  “Yup.” Elliot laced his fingers together over his stomach. “They’ve all accepted you as their master.”

  Darien sat quietly, thinking about the multitude of people who had passed through his home in the last weeks. He had absolutely no idea what he was supposed to do with them now. Their link with him would ensure their well-being, but interacting with them personally was a little overwhelming. It had been a long time since he’d had people depending on him outside of a business setting. Elliot was the youngest of his living fledglings, and he hadn’t needed anything from Darien in a long time. “What do I do now?” Darien asked, a little bewildered at the situation he found himself in.

  Elliot laughed at him. “Well, for starters, you could step back and take a look at those around you.”

  Darien looked at Elliot, not understanding what he was talking about.

  Seeing his confusion, Elliot went on. “You haven’t been yourself in a while. Those of us who know you have noticed.”

  Darien folded his hands together and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He hung his head and let out a long breath. “I’m sorry, Elliot,” Darien apologized. “I know this has been hard on you.”

  “I don’t mind.” Elliot looked over at his friend without moving. “And, I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”

  Darien turned his green eyes to his friend, confused.

  “There is someone closer to you who has been very patient as you’ve dealt with things.”

  Darien sat up, surprised, as comprehension dawned on him.

  Elliot nodded. “She’s downstairs right now, sorting through your paperwork.”

  Darien closed his eyes and rubbed his hands over his face. “I totally forgot about those files when Mary called.” He let out a ragged breath.

  “Understandable.” Elliot nodded again.

  Darien shook his head and leaned back against the bench. “This isn’t the first time Victoria has picked up my pieces.” He looked up to the sky as he talked. “Somehow, she always has what I need ready for me. Just the other day, she finished going over my expense report and gave me the highlights as we walked to the meeting. I was supposed to have gone over it the night before, but I had completely forgotten about it.”

  Elliot smiled to himself. “You are really lucky to have her around. I’m glad to hear that you finally marked her.”

  Darien sat up and looked at Elliot in surprise. “She told you that?” he asked, completely blown over.

  “Only just now.” Elliot’s smiled widened. “She said she was worried about you. She can feel how upset you are.”

rien chuckled and relaxed back against the bench again. “She is a very quick learner when it comes to those things.” Feeling down his link to Vicky, he smiled. It was easy to feel her concern tickling at the edges of mind, but her attention was tuned into her work. “You know, I need to do something extraordinary for her,” Darien decided.

  “You’ve already given her your soul.” Elliot grinned at him. “What else were you thinking?”

  A slow smile crept across Darien’s face. “I know just the thing.” He stood up from the bench. “Come on.”

  Elliot popped up from where he was relaxing and followed his friend. “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  Darien shot him a mischievous grin.

  Elliot looked at him, puzzled, as they got into the elevator to go back downstairs. He didn’t know what the older vampire would do, but knowing Darien, it was going to be memorable.


  Darien starred down at the blonde furiously typing away on his computer. He loved the way she looked, sitting on the floor in front of the fire. The way the light reflected in the golden curls she had pinned loosely to the back of her head made his heart sing.

  When Vicky came to the end of her page, she flipped it over and looked up to the man watching her. “Did you get everything worked out?”

  The corner of Darien’s mouth turned up in a slight smile. “Yes.” He came over and looked down at the work he had left. Picking up the page Vicky had just finished, he scanned over the figures. “What are you doing?” He cocked his eyebrow.

  Vicky looked away, embarrassed that she had been caught doing something he preferred to do himself. “Helping out,” she said in a small voice.

  Darien held his hand for her.

  Vicky took it and let him lift her to her feet.

  Darien pulled her against him. “Thank you.” He wrapped her in a warm embrace.

  Vicky let out a long, contented sigh and leaned into him.


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