Rough in the Saddle

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Rough in the Saddle Page 9

by Jenika Snow

  “Let’s do lunch sometime,” Pearl said. “I don’t talk to anyone aside from you and the guys, and it’s nice having a female to talk to. The Sterling guys are all cowboyish, if that makes sense.”

  Brooklyn laughed. “Yeah, makes perfect sense. Everyone in this town is cowboyish, that, or they are old as hell.” Brooklyn left, and Pearl watched her head down the street with the wiener dog. Where would she end up going with Travis? Would it be a relationship that was doomed from the beginning because she hadn’t been in a very realistic committed relationship, not even in her adult life, and because of Travis’s reputation?

  He admitted he wasn’t used to taking care of a woman for more than a few hours, and although she hated knowing that, she loved that he was honest. But he wanted her, only her, and God, that felt good, felt wonderful to hear. She was going for it, going to try out this spontaneous thing with Travis, because that’s what it was … spontaneous. She’d never gone home with a man for a one-night stand, never felt this kind of emotion either for a man. But with Travis she felt it all, felt alive, and why would she deny herself that?


  Pearl came out of the main house and placed her hand on her brow, blocking out the morning sun. She watched as Jace, Colton, and finally Travis, rode in from the tree line. The mule was carrying several saddlebags. They had guns strapped to their backs, and the closer they came the more she realized that she was content, happy, too, being in these guys’ company. She may have only known them for a short time, and worked for them, but she felt close with them, like she was taking care of them on more than just on an employee and employer level. They talked with her, complimented her, and asked her to sit and eat with them. They wanted her to be a part of their lives.

  Jace and Colton took their horses to the stables, but Travis kept coming toward her, his stallion big, powerful. Just like him. He stopped in front of her, and even if she was standing on the porch Travis’s horse was so massive that she was able to be eyelevel with the man. She smiled, not able to help herself because being in his presence felt so right.

  “You’re a sight for sore eyes, darlin’.” He dismounted the horse and tied him to the banister of the porch. He then walked up the steps and embraced her in a hug before she could react. Looking over his shoulder she could see Jace and Colton making their way toward them, both having big grins on their faces as they watched them. She’d never really told them about her and Travis, and they certainly hadn’t been affectionate with each other in front of them.

  “’Bout time you two finally stopped dicking around with the googly eyes and got together,” Colton said and pushed his way past Travis.

  “Yeah, no shit. You two were giving each other the ‘fuck me’ eyes for the last week. I might have had to intervene if you two didn’t get on with it already,” Colton said, his voice hinting at amusement. The two brothers went into the house, leaving them alone, and she rested her head on Travis’s chest.

  “This feels good,” she whispered, and inhaled deeply. He smelled like the forest, like pine and fresh air, and she wanted to take the scent into the very make-up of her cells.

  “It feels really fucking good, darlin’.” He held her tighter, kissed the top of her head, and she felt contentment, and a place of belonging. “Come on, let me make us something to eat.”

  She pulled back, surprised, but smiling. “I thought that was my job?”

  He smoothed his thumb along her cheek. “Let me take care of my woman.”

  And there went her heart, right over the ledge for this man.

  Chapter Fifteen

  One month later

  Pearl brought out the bowl of potato salad she’d made earlier that morning, set it on the picnic table, and looked out across the field. Colton and Jace were bringing over a large cooler that was filled with beer and pop. They had invited over Brooklyn for a late lunch at the farm, and although Pearl had been working for Travis and the guys for the last month or so, it didn’t feel like a job anymore. Yes, she got paid, but then again she had bills to pay, worked hard at Sterling Farms and for the guys, and she loved every minute of it.

  The sound of gravel crunching to her left told her that Brooklyn had arrived. She looked over to the side, saw her neighbor climb out of her car, Hot Dog in all his hyperactive glory jumping out as well, and Brooklyn waved at Pearl. She grabbed a tray out of the back of the seat, and when she made her way over to the picnic table that was sitting under the large, shaded tree on the property, she gave Pearl a big hug. Pearl was a bit surprised, but she hugged the woman back, feeling the friendship with this woman fill her.

  “Thanks for inviting me,” Brooklyn said and took a step back. She set the tray down that was filled with veggies and dip, untwisted the leash from around her wrist, and tied it to the leg of the table.

  “I’m glad you could come.” The truth was she wanted to introduce Brooklyn to Jace and Colton, and maybe see if something clicked between either of them. “You can let him run around if you want,” Pearl said, gesturing toward Hot Dog, which had run around in circles under the table and got the leash all tangled.

  Brooklyn unhooked him, and Hot Dog went running off, did a few circles in the field, and came running back. He did this over and over again, both of them laughing at how wild such a little thing could be.

  “Hey,” Jace said with this long, deep drawl, and Pearl knew, without having to look at the man, that he was eyeing Brooklyn.

  “Hi,” Brooklyn said, her smile big and white, straight and genuine, her dimples popping out on either side of her cheeks “I’m Brooklyn Jacks.” They shook hands, and Pearl moved off to the side and finished setting up the table as they spoke. Colton came up to Brooklyn next, his smile speaking of seduction even though he just met the woman.

  “I’m Colton.”

  Brooklyn looked between the two men standing in front of her, a little uncertainty on her face, but her politeness to give them both attention was clear. She wasn’t ignorant to the fact the Sterling brothers had a reputation. Hell, Brooklyn lived in Granite and knew, but she’d told Pearl she stayed away from the gossip and the local hangouts. For as young as Brooklyn was she didn’t party like the other twenty-something year olds in town. She was more mature for her age, that was for sure.

  Maybe it had been a bad idea to introduce her to the guys? Although they liked sex, didn’t deny that to anyone that asked, they were good men at heart, respectful, and never pushed. Pearl had seen that in them right away. They were close to the same age, but she felt more like a momma bear toward the two youngest Sterling brothers, wanting to protect them and lead them down the right direction.

  She excused herself to head into the house again to grab the last of the food items, and smiled to herself when Colton and Jace started telling her about their latest hunting trip, and how manly they’d been out there in the wilderness. In the kitchen she grabbed the pitcher of sweet tea in one hand, and tried to balance the bags of potato chips in her other hand.

  “Hey, darlin’.” The sound of Travis right behind her had her entire body lighting up instantly. He inhaled at the nape of her neck, and she closed her eyes, set the items back on the counter, and enjoyed the feel of his big body close to hers.

  “Have I told you that you shouldn’t sneak up on people?” she said softly, having no heat behind her words.

  “I wasn’t going to sneak up on you, but when I saw you in the kitchen with this little blue and white gingham dress on, my cock punched out, and I had to come over here and touch you,” he said the words on a growl.

  “You’re insatiable, Travis Sterling.”

  “Mmm, only for you, sugar.”

  She smiled when he ran his hand up the back of her thigh, pushed her dress up, and cupped her ass.

  “I love when you wear these little panties. They are so innocent and hide the fact you’re my little freak in the bedroom.”

  She was so wet, so damn needy for him that she was about to say fuck the lunch and have him take her
to his room. He spun her around, cupped her face in his big hands, and stared at her lips.

  “God, you’re so damn beautiful.” He smoothed his fingers over her bottom lip, and she opened for him. “I’m never letting you go, baby.” He leaned in and kissed her softly.

  “Good, because I don’t want you to let me go. I think I’d float right away if you did.” She’d never been the romantic type, but with Travis she found it natural.

  “Baby, never, I’ll never let go. You’re my woman, and nothing will ever change that.”

  She curled into his big chest, just letting him hold her, and damn did it feel good. She’d gone through a lot of shit to get here, and all of it had been worth it. She might not have her parents anymore, and her grandmother might be gone, but she’d always have the memories and happiness to keep her life in the right direction.

  Travis was like her. He’d lost his parents, lost that connection to his family. But he didn’t give in, didn’t allow it to be his crutch. Both of them were strong on their own, but together they made one hell of a team. Things could only go forward now, and she was looking forward to each and every day. From the ashes came life, and that life she wasn’t about to ignore or forget. She was going to take it by the hands and hold tight, allow this man to treat her like the Queen he said she was to him.

  They both deserved happiness, and it didn’t matter if they’d come into this relationship on unconventional terms. They were here now, together, and nothing would change that but them. They were the ones that controlled their destiny, and her destiny was being in Travis Sterling’s arms.

  The End

  Other Books by Jenika Snow:

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