Waiting for Summer

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Waiting for Summer Page 10

by Sherelle Green

  “Yeah, I know what you mean,” he said with a laugh. “They both came up to me when I arrived, but the conversation was so awkward, I wasn’t sure how to respond to them.”

  “Let me guess. Did you have some warped conversation about how they should thank you for getting them together?”

  He chuckled. “Something like that. I wasn’t really listening too closely. I was busy texting you to see if I could get you to come back.”

  “I thought you would have had your hands full with your girlfriend.”

  “Adriana wasn’t my girlfriend during that time. We’d actually just broken up. I told you that. She was only there because she knew the producers who were shooting the documentary.”

  “Oh, yeah, what ever happened to that? You never told me the story, just that it wasn’t going to happen”

  “Apparently, Adriana thought that if we worked together we would get back together. Her producer friend pulled the plug after weeks of shooting. My company wasn’t too thrilled because they were slotted to be featured in the documentary, as well.”

  “I can imagine. Did you really want to do a documentary?”

  He thought about her question before he answered. “Yes, I did want to do it. I think I still do. At first, I thought it would be an invasion of privacy, but I’d already talked to my mom and I was ready to share my story.” Truth was, he’d been more than ready to share his story. He’d already come to terms with every aspect of his life...except the part connected to the woman walking next to him.

  “Have you heard from your mom?”

  “Yeah, I heard from her a few months ago when I was in Greece. Apparently, she’d been assigned to shoot some photos about two hours away from where I was stationed. So I asked if she wanted to meet and she said yes.”

  Summer stopped walking and touched his arm. “You never told me you met up with your mom.”

  “That’s because I didn’t. I drove two hours to a restaurant she chose and she never showed.”

  “Typical Mia mentality. Get your hopes up just to disappoint. Again.”

  “Exactly. I know my mom wasn’t as mean as yours. She actually wasn’t mean at all. But she was hardly involved when I was a kid and when I went off to college, she couldn’t wait to divorce my dad and travel the world. In some ways, I admire my mom for following her passion. But I don’t understand why she couldn’t do what she loves and be a mother. You’d think after thirty years I’d be used to the disappointment.”

  Neither he nor Summer had had the best female role models growing up. Their situations weren’t the same, but they’d definitely bonded in their adolescence over their practically nonexistent relationships with their mothers.

  “How is your dad?”

  “He’s good. We talk every other week, but sometimes, the conversations seem forced.” He’d once had a good relationship with his father, but now their relationship was strained since his father had turned to alcohol after his mother left.

  “Winter says our mom is a Vegas showgirl now. She’s even the main star of the show.”

  Aiden glanced at her in disbelief. “Seriously?”

  “I wish I wasn’t.”

  He couldn’t help but laugh. It was either laugh or get angry and he was done getting angry over his mom. “I guess both of our moms got what they wanted. A distant relationship with their children and their dream careers.”

  “Well, you used to always tell me that both our moms weren’t cut out to be mothers. At least I think your mom did the best she could when we were younger.”

  “I guess you’re right. She said if we were ever asked to do a documentary together, she’d be one hundred percent in.” He did truly love his mom, but he only spoke to her twice a year—on his birthday and Christmas. He hadn’t seen her in over five years, and when he’d last seen her, it was only for twenty minutes in a Thailand airport.

  Not only had Mia Chase left the US to travel the world, but she’d gone back to her maiden name of Meeks and was now a prolific travel photographer. She kept a low profile and most of the people she encountered didn’t know that Mia Meeks was formerly Mia Chase. When his mom had told him that she’d be open to doing a documentary together, it had been heaven to his ears. He’d spent years trying to spend time with her, and a documentary together would no doubt result in them rebuilding their relationship.

  Summer gently rubbed his shoulder. “Don’t think too hard about it. That minor setback only means that the world wasn’t ready for your documentary yet. You still have a lot of life to live. A documentary will be done on you one day and when that day comes, you’ll be ready...your mom will be ready...the world will be ready.”

  He nodded his head and smiled. Life was funny sometimes. Aiden was usually always so positive. He never tried to dwell on the things in his life that didn’t go as planned. However, in this moment with Summer, he realized he didn’t have to put a positive spin on the situation. With Summer, he could just express his true feelings and know that she’d understand exactly how he felt.

  Chapter 10

  “So, almost two and a half weeks at his place and y’all haven’t gotten freaky yet?” Danni asked, as they organized several boxes of lingerie that had arrived.

  “Nope, we sure haven’t.”

  “What are you waiting for? You’ll only be there a few more weeks.”

  Summer walked over to the new lace delicates for their holiday collection. “What do you expect me to do? Just jump his bones even though we still have a lot to talk about?”

  “No, I’m not saying you shouldn’t talk. I’m just reminding you that you can talk and have sex at the same time.”

  Summer froze. “Danni, you’re my girl and everything, but I didn’t need to know that you like to talk dirty while having sex.”

  Danni shook her head as she walked over to the box Summer was consolidating. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. You and Aiden can talk about whatever you need to talk about regarding your past and still find time to enjoy one another physically.”

  “What if we like keeping things PG?” Summer asked with a shrug. “Sometimes all you need to rekindle a friendship are some good old-fashioned one-on-one talks.”

  Danni gave her a blank stare. “Have you looked at your friend Aiden? I’ve never met anyone you’ve dated, so I don’t know your type. But that man is every woman’s type. You can’t convince me that while you’re having all those one-on-one talks, your mind doesn’t wander to another one-on-one activity involving chest pressed upon chest, thighs rubbing against thighs, and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.”

  “You know what’s on my mind? This boutique and the upstairs boudoir studio loft,” Summer said, changing the subject. “I really think the loft is coming along beautifully. I’m leaving keys with Nicole and Aaliyah, so they will check on things while we’re in Michigan.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Danni said, raising an eyebrow. “That’s fine, Summer. Go ahead and change the subject. All I’m saying is that the way he was looking at you, I was sure something would have happened by now.”

  Something did happen. But she couldn’t tell Danni yet. Things with Aiden had gone great these past few days. So great she’d had little time to analyze the kiss they’d shared during movie night. She definitely needed to tell Danni eventually, because she needed some girlfriend advice, but they were leaving for Michigan in exactly four hours. What if my sisters pick up on the same attraction Danni did? She wasn’t ready to talk to Winter and Autumn about Aiden and would rather just focus on all of them catching up.

  What if they ask questions like Danni? What would she say? How would she react? And why would it even be an issue? She was a grown woman. No one cared if she slept with Aiden.

  Summer rolled her neck to try to clear her mind. Right now, it was best to focus on the shop. If she didn’t, there was no
doubt in her mind that she’d freak out about all the possible scenarios that spending a weekend with her family would bring to the surface.

  * * *

  “Cool. Calm. Collected. Cool. Calm. Collected.” Summer looked at the five wooden stairs leading to the large coffee colored door. “I just knock. After I knock, I just act cool. And calm.”

  “And collected,” Aiden said, trailing behind her. “Is there a reason you’re chanting those same three words over and over again? You’ve been doing so since we hopped in the rental car.”

  “Of course there’s a reason.” She glanced back at him. “My sisters can always tell if something is up with me so I have to act normal.”

  “And what exactly is up with you?”

  She gave him a flabbergasted look. “Isn’t it obvious, Aiden? Look at us!” She moved her hand back and forth between the two of them. Aiden glanced down at his jeans, coat and Timberland boots before observing her similar attire.

  “What am I looking for? The fact that in Miami we were just wearing shorts and tanks, and now that we’ve landed in Michigan we have to dress for this chilly November weather?”

  She rolled her eyes and repeated her hand movements. “Why would that be what this means?”

  Aiden shrugged. “I have no idea what you mean, then.”

  “I agree with Aiden,” Danni said, finally getting out of the car. “I was going to run inside after you opened the door, but y’all are out here fussing and I’m cold.”

  “We weren’t fussing,” Summer said. “Danni, you know how nosey my family is because you’re the same way.”

  “Hey, I resent that.”

  “It’s the truth. And Aiden hasn’t seen them in years. We can’t just walk in there like this.”

  Danni and Aiden glanced at each other before looking at Summer, even more confused than they’d been before.

  “Like what, Summer?” Danni asked. “You’re the only one who knows what you’re talking about.”

  “No, Aiden knows, too.”

  “No, Aiden does not,” he said.

  “Why are you talking in the third person?”

  “Why do you have us standing in the cold while you chant cool, calm and collected? Can’t you chant that inside?”

  “You aren’t worried that my sisters and cousins will pick up on the signals?”

  Aiden scrunched his head in confusion. “And what signals would that be?”

  “Oh, okay,” Danni said with a laugh. “I get what’s going on. How about I wait at the top of the stairs while you two talk this out.”

  Summer walked toward Aiden to whisper in his ear. “I don’t want them picking up on the sexual tension. Don’t act like you have no idea what I’m talking about.”

  “Summer, seriously?” He raised an eyebrow. “You think after all this time, they’ll just now pick up on our attraction?”

  Her eyes grew wider. “I mean, I guess we’ve each always thought the other was attractive, but it was different back then than it is now.” Aiden tried to step around her to get to the door and she blocked him.

  “Summer, I’m a grown-ass man. I’m not pretending I’m not attracted to you, and for the record, I never pretended back when we were kids, either. I’m sure your sisters knew how much I liked you.”

  Her mouth dropped slightly open at his words. She knew they’d had something going on back in the day, but Aiden had never flat-out told her that he liked her. Did he really have to? She’d liked him as more than a friend, too, but she hadn’t said anything. Maybe he isn’t even saying he likes me like that. Maybe he still means in a friend sort of way.

  Summer groaned, annoyed at her confused state of mind. “Seriously Aiden, can we just try and focus on catching up with my family this weekend?” In the back of her head, she knew she was being irrational. Who cared if anyone picked up on their sexual tension? She kept telling herself it was no big deal, but it was. She’d never even talked to her sisters about Aiden in any fashion that wasn’t the he’s-just-my-friend sort of way, and they, surprisingly, hadn’t acted all that concerned.

  Aiden sighed. “If I agree, can we finally go inside?”


  “Fine, I promise to try and act like I’m not attracted to you, and I won’t even try to kiss you in front of your family.”

  “What about when my family isn’t around?”

  “I make no promises about that. We’ve kissed once already so it’s bound to happen again.”

  “Wait, what? Y’all kissed?” Danni said from the top of the stairs.

  “Of course Sherlock Danni is listening.”

  “Not my fault Aiden can’t whisper,” Danni said.

  “Good job. You can’t whisper. You just told Danni we kissed.”

  “What are we, five? Who cares?”

  “Maybe I wanted to be the one to tell her we kissed,” she said a little too loudly. Okay, now I’m really being irrational. Hearing herself babble about nonsense was like seeing herself trip into a pile of pig poop, unable to catch herself before she fell headfirst. At the sound of the door opening behind her, she turned around and spotted both her sisters in the doorway wearing intrigued expressions on their faces.

  “Congrats. You didn’t tell Danni, but you just told both your sisters.” Aiden chuckled as he walked up to hug Winter and Autumn. Summer avoided eye contact with Danni as she walked up the stairs.

  “You know you’re wrong,” Danni said, as she passed. “I talked to you this morning and traveled all this way with the two of you, and you didn’t even tell me the juicy stuff?”

  “I should blame you for the reason I’m so crazy right now. You put all those freaky ideas in my head.”

  “Blame me if you want, girlfriend, but I’m pretty sure I only mentioned what you were already thinking.”

  Summer was about to deny Danni’s claim when they were interrupted.

  “Are the two of you staying out here all night?” Both women turned to see Jaleen Walker, who was friends with Summer’s brother-in-law, Taheim.

  “If it isn’t the man who thinks he’s God’s gift to women,” Danni said sarcastically. “I guess Summer’s family decided to take in strays for this holiday party.”

  Jaleen stepped closer to Danni. “See, I knew you missed me while you’ve been in Miami. Couldn’t wait to see me, huh, Danni?”

  “Oh, please, I’m about as excited to see you as I am my gynecologist every year.”

  “Hmm, I can think of a few more things I’d like to have in common with your gynecologist.”

  Summer snickered, as she did every time Danni and Jaleen bantered.

  “Sometimes you make me nauseous,” Danni said, shooing Jaleen away.

  “Nauseous in a good way?”

  “How can you make someone nauseous in a good way?”

  “Do you really want to know?” Jaleen moved his eyebrows up and down to taunt Danni.

  “Eww, no. I think I’m okay.”

  “You’ll be asking what I meant soon enough.”

  Danni rolled her eyes. “I doubt it.”

  “Anyway,” Jaleen said, clasping his hands together. “There’s too many married or engaged couples in here right now, so I need both you ladies to accompany me inside. As a matter of fact, I saved you both a seat at the dinner table on each side of me.”

  “Aren’t we lucky,” Danni said, batting her eyes. Jaleen only grinned.

  “You guys are too much,” Summer said, finally walking inside the cabin. She could spend hours listening to Danni and Jaleen, but right now she needed to see how things were going with her family’s reunion with Aiden.

  She spotted him talking to three of her cousins, Malik Madden, Micah Madden and Malakai Madden, who’d texted her during the car ride over that he’d just arrived in Michigan a
few hours ago. She should go over and say hi to them, but she hesitated upon seeing them laugh with Aiden. When she and her sisters used to visit her cousins in Arkansas, Aiden would sometimes accompany them on their trips. Aiden was an only child, and her aunt and uncle had six boys, so it was always a macho fest for the first few hours of their visit.

  Summer made her way around the room, saying hellos to others in the cabin including Taheim, Ajay, Malik’s wife, Mya, and Micah’s wife, Lex. Mya and Lex were two of four members of Chicago’s established Elite Events Incorporated event planning company. She’d gotten a chance to talk to both women at Winter and Taheim’s engagement party, and she was glad her cousins had found such amazing women.

  She neared the end of her hellos and, as it often happened whenever she was in a room, Aiden’s eyes found hers. Instead of a quick glance, he gave her body a once-over. Even though she was still wearing her coat, she felt his look on every part of her body. So much for ignoring our attraction. She hadn’t even been in the room for five minutes and she could already feel eyes observing their behavior. She broke eye contact and removed her coat before walking over to her sisters.

  “Aren’t you two glowing,” she said, giving them both a hug.

  “Thanks, sis.” Winter kissed her on the cheek.

  “I’m not pregnant,” Autumn said. “But I agree, Winter is glowing.”

  Summer leaned closer to Autumn and pointed to Autumn’s fiancé, Ajay. “Then you must be glowing for another reason.”

  Autumn blushed. “Speaking of glowing, you’re looking particularly flushed right now. Am I to assume that you and Aiden finally decided to stop ignoring your attraction to one another?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, really,” Winter said, looking from Summer to Aiden. “Did we just make up that hot eye exchange you two just had?”

  “Or did we misunderstand what you said outside?” Autumn asked. “You and Aiden didn’t kiss?”

  Summer fidgeted with her cream-colored scarf. “We kissed, but it wasn’t a big deal.”

  Winter glanced at Autumn before looking back at Summer. “Sweetie, you kiss your best friend of twenty-five years and you think it’s no big deal?”


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