Not Damaged

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Not Damaged Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  * * * *

  His fingers sank into her hair, drawing her close. Jesse closed her eyes as he pulled her against him. She opened to his kiss, meeting his tongue. He plundered her mouth. Running her hands up his chest, she circled them around his neck.

  “So fucking perfect,” he said, muttering the words against her lips.

  He wanted her, the evidence was clear, pressing against her stomach.

  Ryan fisted her hair and pulled on the length. With his other hand he tore the straps of her negligee down her arms. He exposed her body, kissing down her neck. The fabric pooled at her feet, leaving her naked before his eyes. She hadn’t bothered wearing any panties. Jesse liked him being able to touch her freely.

  “Undress me,” he ordered. Stepping back she eased the buttons of his shirt open. She got another good view of his ink. Dropping a kiss to his chest, she finished opening his shirt then pushed it off his shoulders.

  Before she got a chance to get to his belt, Ryan already had it open and was pushing his pants down his thighs to lay on the floor at his feet.

  The hard ridge of his cock pressed against his boxer briefs. He stepped away from her, removing the last of his clothing until they stood staring at each other. In the mirror across from his bed she saw the difference between them. Ryan possessed thick muscular arms with a large chest and covered in ink. She looked small, almost dainty in comparison. Her skin was clear of any tattoos or blemishes.

  “You see how sexy you are?” he asked.

  He took the next stop invading her space. She loved the feel of him close to her.

  “I love you,” she said.

  In answer Ryan pressed his lips to hers. Jesse held onto his shoulders as he picked her up. He took a couple of steps before placing her in the center, following her down. The evidence of his arousal pressed against her pussy.

  Down he kissed, going to her neck, along her collarbone until he landed kisses across her stomach. “You’re so fucking perfect. I’m going to fuck you tonight, Jesse. I’m finally going to claim you for my woman. No one will be taking you away from me.”

  She gasped, opening her thighs to his seeking tongue. Nothing held her back. Jesse wanted to thump her fist up to the sky in joy.

  His tongue slid around her clit before sliding down to enter her core. Over and over, he sucked, licked and plundered her pussy bringing her to the edge but never actually sending her over it. He held her on the pinnacle until only when he was ready did he push her over the edge into a mind shattering orgasm.

  Crying out, she grabbed his hands, holding onto him. Ryan kept her stable, squeezing her hands and grounding her against the onslaught of pleasure.

  When he moved over her, he wiped his chin. “Your pussy is so fucking tasty. All I want to do is lick you over and over again.”

  He kissed her lips and she tasted her essence on his chin. Instead of turning away, she licked herself from his lips.

  “My turn, Sir,” she said, pressing on his shoulder. Ryan didn’t fight her. Jesse took her time doing the same to him as he did with her, kissing his lips before going down his neck.

  His hands stroked over her body, caressing her while she gave him pleasure. The thick length of his shaft stood up begging for her lips. Closing her eyes, she took the head of him into her mouth, tasting his pre-cum. Ryan cursed but she continued until he hit the back of her throat.

  “You’re going to drive me crazy. So fucking crazy,” he said.

  Smiling, she released his shaft. “That’s the idea, Sir.”

  “Come here.” She crawled up his body landing a kiss to his lips. Ryan tackled her to the bed. Giggling, she held on to him.

  They ended up with her on the bottom with him between her thighs. His cock pressed against her slit, bumping her clit. Crying out, she held onto his arms.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, baby.”

  “Yes, please,” she said, begging him.

  She watched him reach down to grab his shaft.

  “Keep your eyes on me and watch me claim you.”

  Jesse watched him rubbing the tip of his cock through her slit. She cried out every time he touched her clit. The pleasure drove her over the edge. Nothing made sense with his touch.

  He glided down to her entrance, pressing only the tip inside her. “Who is fucking you, baby?” he asked.

  “You are.”

  “Good, remember it’s me.” Another inch slid inside her. Closing her eyes, she screamed through the pleasure. His hands gripped her hips as he slammed the last inch inside her. The tip of his cock hit her cervix creating a multitude of sensations. Pleasure and pain combined until she only whimpered through his possession of her.

  Opening her eyes, she stared up at him. The man she loved hovered over her and all of a sudden she was overcome with the need for him to make love to her.

  “Do you want me to fuck you or make love to you?” he asked.

  “Make love to me, Ryan. Make me your woman.”

  She never thought today would end with him inside her, loving her.

  One of his hands sank into her hair while the other stayed on her hip. “Do you feel my cock?”


  “You’re so tight. I’m going to get you used to fucking me, only me.”

  She nodded, knowing in her heart the only man she ever wanted was Ryan.

  He pulled out of her body, slowly taking his time, making her feel every inch of him scraping along her inner walls.

  “Hold on tight to me, baby.”

  Sinking her nails into his flesh, she reached up and slammed her lips against his. Ryan made love to her, sliding in and out of her body, drawing her pleasure out. He filled her completely and her moans of pleasure turned to frustration as her need to orgasm increased.

  “I love you, Jesse. You’re my woman, the love of my life. I’ll do everything for you.”

  “Yes.” He rocked into her taking her over the edge with his cock alone.

  Through her orgasm, Ryan loved her body, kissing her, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

  His length hardened and pulsed as he climbed the peak of ecstasy with her. Together they reached release, their moans echoing off the walls.

  Coming down from their orgasm with Ryan holding her, Jesse truly believed in her heart and soul she was not damaged. In fact, she believed she was finally living her life with the man she loved.

  * * * *

  Her cunt pulsed around Ryan’s shaft and he never wanted to leave her body. Settling beside her so he no longer lay over her, he stared into her eyes. The smile on her face lit up her eyes and they literally sparked with happiness.

  “We made love, baby,” he said, kissing her nose.

  “I’m not damaged.”

  Chuckling, unexpected tears filled his own eyes. Until that moment Jesse really believed she’d been damaged or broken. “No, you’re not broken. You’re full and whole and can love with every pore of your being.”

  “I love you, Ryan.”

  “I love you too.” Her lips quivered under his when he kissed them. “No more tears, honey. This is our future.”

  “I want so much. I want to be your sub and love you and give you everything you ever wanted.”

  Cupping her face, he caressed her cheek with his thumb. Her lips were plump from his love making.

  “There’s something I need to say to you,” he said, thinking about her father. With his cock still inside her heat, she wouldn’t be able to pull away or withdraw from him.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Your father came to see me at the club tonight.”

  She tensed then started to withdraw. He forced her to lay beside him with a hand on her hip. “No, you’re not moving away. You’re going to listen to me.”

  He waited for her to settle before continuing. “Your father came to see me. I was surprised he came to the club.”

  “What did he want? How did he know where to find you?” she asked.

  “Jake told him. Don’t w
orry I’ve dealt with him. He’s suspended for the time being. I’m going to talk to the other Doms before I take any further action.”

  “I can’t believe he would intervene like that. I’m so angry at him.”

  The glare on her face was so adorable. Pressing a finger to her temple, he waited for her to calm down. “Whatever issues you have with him, you can deal with him alone. What he did pissed me off, but I realize why he did it. I love you and my main priority is to you.”

  She kissed his lips. “Why can’t they leave me alone?”

  “They’re your family. They love you so much.” Ryan wouldn’t hold anything against her family for being worried. What he held against them was their lack of understanding of her.

  “I’m not ready to deal with them, Ryan.”

  “Yes, you are. I thought this Sunday you and I could go and see them for lunch.”

  “Together? You want to go together?” she asked.

  “Of course. I’m your Dominant and your boyfriend. I’m in love with you so much and I would never leave you to do something like this on your own.”

  Jesse visibly relaxed at his words.

  “Come on, no more talk of this. You’ll organize it. We’ll go and show them I’m not some horrid tyrant forcing you to do my bidding.” He picked her up with his cock still deep inside her.

  She squealed, holding on. “Where we going?”

  “To shower.” He carried her through to the bathroom. For the next twenty minutes he spent a great deal of time washing her flesh, arousing her once again. By the time he finished washing her, Jesse was begging for his cock.

  Drying her body, he carried her back to the bedroom where he laid her on the bed. She had work tomorrow but every woman deserved to have a day where they were sleep deprived from sex.

  He slid inside her cunt, feeling her walls quivering around his shaft.

  This time he didn’t make love to her. Ryan slammed into her hard, driving them both to the pinnacle of pleasure. When he reached his peak he felt his cock swell, spurting his cum deep into her body.

  For the first time in his life, Ryan wanted to get a woman pregnant. He wanted his seed to take and to bind Jesse permanently to his side. Soon she will possess a collar around her neck and a ring on her finger.

  Any man who tried to take her away would answer to him.


  Her head lay on his chest. Glancing down, he smiled at her. “Yes, baby.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Hey, baby, you do not need to be thankful to me. This is who you are and you’re the one who is strong. I’m just happy I found you before another fucker got the chance to claim you.” He ran his hand down her back, squeezing her ass in the process.

  “You’re very possessive,” she said.

  “Only with you. There is no other woman for me.” He stared down at her lips, feeling another stir of arousal at the way she looked back at him. Lifting her up in one smooth move, he drew her over his body. Gripping his shaft he slid inside her, feeling her warmth surround him once more.

  “You’re insatiable.”

  “When it comes to you, I’m everything. I want everything you can give me.” Sinking fingers into her hair, he gripped the length tightly. “And it’s, Sir, don’t you forget it.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir, please, fuck me, Sir.”

  Ryan took his time to fuck and make love to her deep into the night. By the time he was finished, the sun was coming up and Jesse lay over him exhausted. Running his hands all over her body he couldn’t help but feel joyous at the love he’d found.

  He knew he’d have to inform his parents of his plans and arrange for the ceremony. Jesse was a wonderful woman, strong and he’d do just about anything to make her happy.

  By seven o’clock, he still hadn’t slept. He started to shake Jesse awake. She groaned, trying to bury herself against him.

  Using his Dominant voice, he got her to present to him once more. Seeing her naked, bowed before him, filled Ryan with such joy and love. Meeting her parents was a necessity. He’d marry her today and whisk her off to his private island if he could.

  Time is needed.

  Stroking her head, Ryan looked forward to the weekend. First, he needed to go shopping to get what he wanted.

  * * * *


  Sitting in Ryan’s car, Jesse stared up at her parents’ home feeling her stomach knot together. She had organized for her family to meet Ryan, the day after he told her of her father’s visit. The house wasn’t particularly large or threatening. She had grown up in that house and there were so many happy memories as well as sad. Not all of them were bad, no matter what people think.

  “Are you okay with this?” Ryan asked.

  “This has nothing to do with you, Sir. This is…” She stopped talking in an attempt to find the right words. “For so long they’ve seen me as something different since what happened.”

  “I know, baby. They love you. I saw it in your father’s eyes when he came to see me.” He took her hand, offering her comfort in his touch.

  “I know. It’s just, I can’t move on when they won’t let me.” She shrugged. “I only hope you won’t leave me after today.”

  “Hey,” he said, catching her face in his hands. Ryan dropped a kiss to her lips, letting her know with actions rather than words his feelings. “I love you. Your parents can say anything they like. You’re here.” He pressed her hand to his heart. “And you always will be.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Remember, Jesse, you’re strong. You’re a lot stronger than they give you credit for and you must realize your worth no matter what others say.”

  When she was with Ryan or even away from him she felt stronger, in control of her own life.

  “Come on, let’s do this.”

  Climbing out of the car, she linked arms with her Master and followed him up to the house. “I think we should skip the formality today and you can simply call me Ryan,” he teased.

  “I’m sure Mom and Dad would have something to say about that.” She giggled, knocking on door. Less than a second later her mother stood at the door. Barbara Robinson stared from her to Ryan.

  “Honey, I didn’t know when you’d be arriving. Your brother, Chris, is here already with Jake.” They were ushered inside where she found her father staring at her.

  “Hey, Dad.” She went to his side, wrapping her arms around him. Liam tensed and she immediately withdrew from him. “Sorry.” Her cheeks were on fire from embarrassment. Ryan would witness how much her family hated her.

  “No, honey, it’s not what you think. Do you know how long it has been since you hugged me.” Liam pulled her close to his chest.

  Frowning, Jesse tried to think back to the last time she embraced her father. All the time her mind came back blank. Had she really stopped cuddling her father?

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Don’t be.” He kissed the top of her head and his voice was filled with emotion. Barbara ushered her toward the sitting room. Chris and Jake sat inside talking.

  “Little sis, how are you doing?” Chris asked.

  “I’m doing good.” She smiled and waited for everyone to enter the room. “I want to introduce you to my boyfriend.” Grabbing Ryan’s hand, she pulled his arms around her. “This is Ryan Carter.”

  Her family stayed silent, frowning at Ryan.

  “It’s good to meet you,” Liam said, speaking first. She watched all of them make introductions. The greeting grew tense between Ryan and Jake.

  Jesse slowly relaxed as her mother started talking, bringing Ryan into the conversation. They asked him questions about where he grew up and what he did. When he took a seat, she sat beside him on the arm of the chair. The urge to sit between his thighs was strong.

  Over the last couple of days she’d grown used to sitting in his lap or on the floor where he’d play with her hair. Ryan loved brushing her hair and watching it dry out along his legs. He also loved how she suck
ed his cock but that thought process was certainly for another time. She couldn’t be getting aroused while her family looked on.

  Jake and Chris grilled him constantly. She wanted to smack Jake as he knew more about them than anyone else. Ryan didn’t back down once. He took all of their questions head on answering everyone. Her father, Liam, seemed most at ease with everything.

  By the time her mother called for dinner, Jesse was ready to leave. She forced herself to sit beside Ryan and pick up her knife and fork.

  “This looks lovely, Barbara. I see where Jesse gets her cooking from,” Ryan said.

  “Jesse doesn’t cook.”

  She tensed, staring across the table at her mother.

  “She hasn’t cooked in a long time.”

  Jesse looked down at her plate. No one ate a thing.

  “Well, you clearly don’t know your daughter. She’s one fine cook and she cooks for me all the time. I have to get her out of the kitchen to spend some time with me,” Ryan said, dropping his fork.

  “You clearly don’t know my daughter at all. If you knew what she suffered then you’d know she’s nothing like she used to be.”

  Jesse’s world closed in on her again. Her family would never let her forget her past.

  “Barbara, leave it,” Liam said.

  “No, I’m not going to leave it. She may bring her boyfriend around but we know her. We know how she’s struggled to deal with what happened to her. No one knows the true extent of what happened. There is no way for her to move on.”

  Her temper started to spike. All of her feelings over the last ten years rose inside and she slammed her cutlery to the plate. “Enough!”

  Shocked silence followed her shouted word.

  “There is nothing wrong with me. Yes, I went through something no one should have to go through but I survived. I got through it, and I’m stronger now for it.” Shooting glares at all of them, she continued, “God, I can’t breathe around you. I’m tired of it, and you need to stop.”


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