Captured by Three Panthers [Caves of Correction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Captured by Three Panthers [Caves of Correction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Cara Adams

  He couldn’t have stopped his cock from jetting endless steams of cum inside her if he’d tried. He patted her thigh as he emptied himself inside her convulsing cunt.

  “Three,” he whispered to her. “Well done.”

  * * * *

  Leo had pulled his dick out of her mouth as soon as he started coming, not wanting to risk smothering her. After all most of her face was still covered by the hood. He let his seed spray over her breasts and belly, liking the way it branded her as belonging to them. Unfortunately, his very next task was to shower her when he really would have liked to rub his cum into her skin so he was even more a part of her than he was already. But he couldn’t do or say that yet. It wasn’t part of her fantasy, and she was still their client, although he was going to continue doing his best to convince her to be a hell of a lot more than that to them all.

  Seb wiggled backward withdrawing from her cunt, and Leo lifted her and carried her to the small shower in the cave here. The shower, the sink, and the toilet were all that remained of the original bathroom when this area had been renovated into a client dungeon. The shower was small but functional and was more than adequate for one person. After all, the bathroom upstairs was luxurious enough for any client to be happy with it. But since they didn’t want her to know where she was, this tiny bathroom was perfect for their needs.

  The hood got rather wet, as did her hair that had come loose, but it was too bad. He needed to wash and dry her, making sure all the sweat and cum was cleaned from her skin, so Cayden could massage healing oils into her ass.

  He dried her as best he could, wrapped the navy-blue Caves of Correction towel around her head over the hood, and led her back across to the room to where Cayden and Seb had made a simple bed for her on the floor.

  Leo laid her on her front on the soft navy-blue sheet, and then Seb covered her head and shoulders with a thick navy-blue blanket while Leo untied the hood, removed it, and fixed a simple blindfold over her eyes before roping her wrists together and sliding a pillow under her head. Cayden finished massaging soothing cream into her ass, both outside and inside, and then they tied her ankles together.

  Leo hurried over to the wall and turned off the light while Seb straightened the blanket so she was completely covered. Then the three of them left, locking the door securely behind them as they did. Even if she managed to get out of the cave, she still wouldn’t be able to leave the guest cottage, unless she could pick locks.

  Once they were outside the building Leo asked, “Do you think she’ll be all right? What if she’s too nervous and upset to sleep? It’s late and we did a lot of walking, but…”

  Seb and Cayden shook their heads at him.

  “Stop worrying. She’ll likely be asleep already. As you said, we did a lot of walking today, it’s already after midnight, plus she’s had three orgasms. I’ll be stunned if she wakes before eight tomorrow, and we have a lot to do before then ourselves. That scene went really well, but now we need to plan a follow-up scene,” Cayden said.

  Leo tried to think what would be better—to enact her other fantasy, the dance of the seven veils with her as a woman in a harem, or to continue with her as a captive.

  “Maybe we could roll the two possibilities in together. She’s still a captive, and her Masters want her to do the veil thingy.”

  “Actually that’s not a bad idea at all. I like it,” Seb said. “We can work on that. We have to let her know it’s just the three of us tomorrow anyway.”

  “But we could wait and see if she’s worked it out herself before we tell her. She’s pretty smart you know,” Leo said.

  “I do know. She’s damn smart,” Cayden said.

  “So we turn up at what, eight, with her breakfast?” Seb asked.

  Leo shook his head. “What if she’s really tired and needs to sleep longer?”

  “Make up your mind. A minute ago you were worried she wouldn’t sleep at all,” Cayden said.

  Leo felt guilty. He was always the one who worried, but he couldn’t help himself. It was just the way he was. Besides, they had no way of knowing. Maybe she would be too disoriented to sleep. Or maybe she’d be exhausted and need to sleep for ten hours. “We have no way of knowing what’s right for her.”

  “Exactly. So we are the Masters and we make the decisions. She didn’t get dinner tonight—”

  “Neither did we, and I’m starving,” interrupted Seb.

  “We had pizza,” Leo argued.

  But Cayden just kept talking. “So we need to take her a solid, nutritious breakfast reasonably early in the morning, no later than eight thirty. That should give her eight hours’ sleep, which is enough to be working with.”

  They arrived back at their own home still arguing about how to proceed in the morning. Seb went straight to the kitchen and grabbed three steaks out of the refrigerator, throwing them into a pan. Leo followed him to the pantry, took out some spices to sprinkle over the steaks and three giant potatoes, and started chopping them.

  By the time their midnight snack was cooked they’d agreed on the plan for the next morning. All that remained was choosing Aria’s a menu.

  Once again Leo started to worry. Waffles or PopTarts didn’t seem much of a breakfast, but Cheerios sounded even worse. And bacon and eggs would be cold before they delivered them from their house to hers. This was harder than he’d thought.

  Cayden and Seb were still arguing, but Leo blocked the noise out of his mind and thought, “Why not have both?”



  We could take an electric fry pan with us and make us all bacon and eggs and pancakes. That’s a healthy breakfast.”

  Seb snorted when he said “healthy.” But it was healthy enough.

  “Well, a filling breakfast then.”

  “That’s better. She’ll be hungry after no supper,” said Seb.

  “Okay. It’s decided then. Be ready at eight so we can pack everything, go over our plans, and be there at eight thirty,” ordered Cayden.

  Leo smiled. He knew the plan was his and he was happy with it.

  Chapter Five

  The bed was harder than she’d expected, and it was still pitch black. Aria was cozy and warm, snuggled under a soft blanket, but when she went to roll over she realized her legs were tied together. That’s when she woke up properly and sat up, opening her eyes. Her eyelashes rubbed against something, and she reached up to touch her face. Oh, yes. Her wrists were tied together, too.

  Her abduction fantasy was clearly still continuing. Aria listened intently, but there was no sound. She remembered the men lying her down and massaging cream into her ass, both over the outside of it where she’d been punished and inside, as well.

  Aria dropped her bound hands to her lap and wiggled her ass on the mattress. It was a little sore, although nothing to worry about. But was it still night, or was it day already?

  It was hard to coordinate her hand movements with her wrists tied together, but it didn’t take Aria all that long to remove the blindfold she was wearing and rub her head. Yes, it was pitch dark. But then her room had no windows. Was she in her room?

  She inched across to the edge of the bed only to learn that she wasn’t on a bed. No wonder it was hard. She was sitting on a mattress on the floor. Not only that, but it wasn’t all that easy to stand up when she couldn’t see in the dark, and her hands and feet were tied. Finally she managed it, a little clumsily, and with both hands stretched in front of her, she jumped slowly forward.

  “If I go in a straight line I’ll reach the wall, and if I follow the wall I’ll find the light switch.”

  Then she remembered the power had gone out before the men abducted her. But that was in her room. Maybe she wasn’t in her room again. Maybe she was still where they’d taken her. Being where they’d taken her made sense because she was still tied up and not in her bed, so therefore the abduction fantasy was still continuing.

  Slowly and carefully she jumped her way forward until she touched a
wall. “Right or left? What not left? Everyone goes right so I’ll be different.”

  Because she could only give tiny jumps and was cautious about falling over, it seemed to take a very long time to reach a corner. Aria stood still and felt up, down, and sideways along the wall, but it was just a corner. She continued along the wall and found herself touching a counter. She followed that to another corner and then was standing on her bed. Still she followed the wall until she felt a doorframe. Then she searched for a light switch and flipped it on.

  A dungeon. A dungeon with rock walls and the cold tile floor she’d been standing on. She looked up and the wooden ceiling was painted gray to match the tiles on the floor. Being able to see was good. Maybe she could undo the ropes from her wrists and ankles. At least the men hadn’t left the handcuffs on her. She’d never have been able to get them off. But a rope that had been knotted could be unknotted with a little patience. Make that a lot of patience. It was damn hard not being able to use her hands properly. First, she had to twist her arms around until she could see the knots for herself, and then she had to force the rope around so her fingers could work on the knot.

  It seemed to take an eon of time, but eventually she loosened the first knot. After that it got easier and easier as the ties unraveled and the rope fell off. With her hands free, she found untying her ankles didn’t take all that long at all, although she’d broken most of her nails by the time her hands and feet were freed.

  She walked across the cave to a small bathroom area and washed her face. The men had showered her, but her face had been inside a hood, and she’d cried so much when she was being punished her eyes were sticky. Actually her head felt sweaty as well, so she climbed into the shower and washed her hair. There was no conditioner, but that was too bad. At least the sweat was washed away and her face and head were clean again.

  Aria wrapped a towel around her head and another one around her body and wished she had a nail file to smooth her broken nails. And food. Dammit, she’d missed dinner and she was hungry.

  She went over to the sink, took a long drink of water to silence her rumbling stomach, and then walked to the rear of the room and the counter. There were drawers under the counter, and she opened them. Not that she expected to find a nail file, but she was curious about the dungeon. Actually, it was probably a cave, one of the Caves of Correction.

  Aria’s breath hitched at all the toys and sexy things, most of them still in the original packaging, waiting to be used. She riffled through tiny packets of nipple clamps and chains to connect them. There were butt plugs in a range of sizes from tiny to enormous, and the same with dildos. She picked up a dildo with a clit tickler and looked at it carefully before replacing it in the drawer. The second drawer had duct tape and all kinds of ropes. She walked back to the rope she’d removed from her wrists and ankles, rolled it up neatly, and put it in the drawer. Then she walked back to the bathroom and looked in the one narrow drawer there. She found a nail buffer and repaired her fingernails, then took a comb, untangled her hair, and combed it out neatly. She rubbed it again with the towel to finish drying it, combed it some more, and braided it neatly, except there were no hair ties to fix the ends of the braid with.

  Aria went and sat on her bed, wrapping the blanket around herself. She wasn’t used to being naked, and while the room wasn’t exactly cold, it wasn’t hot either. She thought through everything that had happened since she’d arrived on the island. Smiles kept breaking out on her face. She’d really enjoyed her day out exploring with Cayden, Seb, and Leo. They were all amazingly handsome men who’d been so gentle, caring, and polite. She liked them all, even though she understood they were only doing their job.

  The men last night were different. Some of them had definitely been outdoor laborers with rough hands and voices. Yet they hadn’t hurt her. Sure, she’d been terrified by the knife, but only momentarily. And that had been their job, too. Now she was relaxed with plenty of time and no stimulation, she tried to work out logically how many men there had been and which ones had fucked her. It was weird not knowing whether she’d had three men or four. There’d been a cock in her cunt, one in her ass, and one in her mouth. But someone had also come on her belly.

  Aria frowned and tried to envision the scene as it had happened. Of course, she’d been blindfolded and hadn’t seen it. Also, she’d been overwhelmed with so much happening all at once, all of it erotic and new to her.

  However, the more she thought about it calmly and logically, the more she was certain that there were only three of them. The one in her mouth had pulled out as soon as he started to climax. She’d swallowed only the smallest amount of cum, so he was the one who’d ejaculated on her skin. But where had the other men who’d tormented her gone? And how many of them were there?

  No matter how hard she tried to categorize them, Aria remained unsure. She wished she had a notepad to write down the various characteristics of each one, but even counting on her fingers, and pairing up hands and voices, she wasn’t sure. At times she’d thought there were five of them, but she’d never been totally convinced about that. And someone’s voice had seemed familiar.

  Aria stilled, concentrating fiercely hard, determined to unravel this knotty problem just as she’d unraveled the ropes around her wrists and ankles. Mentally she paired up touches, hands, and voices, and laid them out on the floor in front of her. But the more she thought about it, the more she was certain.

  “Those damn men were deliberately misleading me. There were never five of them. I don’t know how they did it, but there was always only the three of them.”

  As soon as she said three she recognized the voice that had whispered in her ear. “Seb. Dammit, you sneaky beasts. It was you all along. Seb, Leo, and Cayden pretending to be a multitude of bad guys. Well, hell.”

  Aria wrapped herself tighter in the blanket and curled up on her mattress, a smile twitching at her lips. She had to give them an A-plus for ingenuity and effort and a second A-plus for the orgasms. Now it was just a matter of waiting for them to return and seeing what they planned for her next.

  * * * *

  “For fuck’s sake will you two idiots stop fucking around? It’s after eight already. We need to go now,” Cayden yelled down the stairs to his brothers.

  He could hear hem moving around and guessed Leo was in the kitchen collecting the things they’d need for breakfast, but he should have been here. They both should have been. They knew the arrangements and ought to abide by them.

  “Shit, Cayden. Don’t get your panties in a wad. Another five minutes doesn’t matter. It isn’t going to take us half an hour to walk there. Twenty minutes is fine,” Seb argued.

  Cayden groaned. He knew his brothers. Let them think they were in charge and all his beautifully organized plans would be ruined. He needed to see Aria again. He hated the thought that she might wake up and be frightened. Well, that is, a little apprehension and wondering was fine, good in fact. But he didn’t want her terrified. Now was the time to begin building that relationship with her, to change her thoughts from wanting to experiment with ménage sex to wanting them, needing them, realizing her future might lie with him and his brothers, here on this island forever.

  Of course, she didn’t know they were panthers. That might be a little bit of a hurdle to overcome. But if she learned to like and accept him and his brothers, easing her into the knowledge of their shape-shifter status sought not be too difficult to achieve.

  “Come on!” he yelled, pacing up and down in front of their door.

  “You’re such a bully. Leo is the one doing all the work right now,” Seb said, coming up the stairs holding a bulging shopping bag.

  Cayden felt a twinge of guilt. Leo had been the one to plan the breakfast, but after that would come another fantasy, more punishment, and then, hopefully, really good sex, and he was the one who’d worked on those details.

  His dick was still very happy about last night’s sex. Her ass had been hotter than fire. Having her bo
dy curved against his chest had felt so right, so natural, so perfect, that he could imagine her pressed against him like that forever. However, she would be hungry, and they did need to feed her.

  “Hurry up!”

  Seb slapped his free hand over his ear. “Shit, Cayden. I don’t need a permanent hearing loss, thank you very much.”


  Leo ran up the stairs, a backpack over one shoulder and the electric fry pan in his arms. Cayden opened the door, patted his pocket to check he had his keys, and held the door for Leo and Seb to exit.

  “When are we going to tell her we’re panthers?” Seb asked.

  Cayden grinned. It was surprising how often they all did think alike. He really did love his younger brothers, even though they could be annoying.

  “Not for a while. First we need to tie her to us by showing her how well we’ll care for her and how much delight we can give her in the dungeon and in bed.”

  “It’s something we need to plan, though. It’s a huge thing and we can’t expect her to simply accept it with no explanation.” Leo was already worrying about this, Cayden could tell from the note in his voice.

  “Lighten up, Leo. That’s a long way ahead of us. Concentrate on not spoiling her breakfast.”

  “Or mine. I’m starving,” said Seb.

  “We ate last night. She didn’t.” In Cayden’s mind the conversation was closed. He wanted to think about the scenes they’d play with her. In the drawers in her cave were seven veils. He’d even looked up on the internet for the correct way a slave danced the dance of the seven veils. Not that he’d found a definitive guide. The experts couldn’t even seem to agree what the dance meant or where it really came from.


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