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One Year Home Page 27

by Marie Force

  “Sweetheart, all men are eighth-grade boys on the inside. We never grow out of poop or dick jokes, and that’s why we love Carlin so much.”

  “You might’ve mentioned this before I quit my job for you.”

  “And miss that face you’re making? Not on your life.”

  “I’m happy to entertain you.”

  “You do. Endlessly.”

  I pour myself a glass of wine and join him at the bar, trying to relax before our guests arrive.

  “No matter what happens tonight, just remember, we’ve got this. You and me against the world. Don’t let them talk you out of anything.”

  “They couldn’t if they tried.”

  “Yeah, I think they could, but you have to stay strong and keep your eyes on the prize.”

  “And what’s the prize?”

  “Duh.” He sticks out his chin dramatically. “Me.”

  I love to see this playful side of him emerging. When I think about who he was when we first met, I never would’ve guessed this version of him was lurking in there waiting for someone to bring him out. I’m glad to be the one who found him. I place my hand on his sinfully handsome face and kiss him. “Thanks for the reminder.”

  “Any time you start to waver, just look at me. I’ll remind you all over again of what we’re fighting for.”

  I lean my forehead against his, taking strength from the connection we’ve found in each other. “I’ll do that. Thanks.”

  The doorbell rings.

  I’m frozen in place.

  “Jules.” John kisses my forehead. “Get the door.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I want this to go well for her, because I know how much her family means to Jules. But I want it to go well for me, too. These people are Ava’s new family, and I’ve been hoping to get the chance to meet them, especially the man she married, even if I’m nervous about what kind of reception I might receive from him.

  Jules is stiff as she walks to the door, opening it to Muncie and Amy, who’ve been spending all kinds of time together since we got to New York.

  Amy hugs her sister. “I told you to drop him as a client.”

  She did?

  “You’re not the boss of me.”

  “No, but Marcie is, and she’s going to kill you for this.”

  “About that…” Jules leads them toward the bar. “I quit my job.”

  Amy stops short, and Muncie nearly crashes into her. “You did what?”

  “I’ll tell you about it when the others get here.”

  “No way, Jules. Tell me now.”

  It’s hard to miss the censuring look that Amy directs my way. “Amy. Nice to see you again.”

  “Yeah, you, too.” But she doesn’t mean it. She’s probably planning the intervention she’s going to host for her sister, who’s gone off the rails over a man. “You really quit your job?”

  “I really did.”

  “What’re you going to do?”

  “She’s going to work for me.”

  Amy’s mouth falls open and then snaps shut, her disapproval apparent in every breath she takes.

  There’s only one way we’re going to win over her and Jules’s brothers, and that’s to show them we intend to make this work. That won’t happen tonight or tomorrow or in a week or a month. We’re going to have to show them that we have what it takes to be partners in life and work by making it happen.

  Rob and his wife, Camille, arrive next. I’ve seen pictures of Ava’s younger sister, but I’ve never met her.

  She comes right over to me. “I’m Camille.”

  I shake the hand she offers. “John.”

  “Yes, I know. The whole world knows who you are.”

  I wince. “Yeah, well, that’s not my choice.”

  “You hurt my sister.”

  “I know. I’ll always be sorry about that.”

  “If you hurt my sister-in-law, I’ll find you and kill you.”

  Oddly enough, I believe her. “Understood.”

  “Murder will get you disbarred, babe.” Rob is tall, dark and handsome, his coloring and looks closer to Amy than Jules. “I’ve told you that before.” He shakes my hand. “She threatens to kill me on a daily basis. So far, she hasn’t followed through.”

  “It’s early days yet, my friend.” Camille keeps her gaze fixed on me. “You’re very handsome. The pictures and TV don’t do you justice.”

  “Honestly, Camille.” Rob huffs with amusement. “I’m standing right here.”

  “I’m not allowed to tell another man that he’s handsome? Where is that written in the marriage laws?”

  Rob rolls his eyes. “Is there beer? I need beer.”

  Amused by them, I point him toward the bucket of beer behind the bar. “Help yourself.” When I return my attention to Camille, I find her still looking at me. “Did I cut myself shaving or something?”

  “Nope. Just satisfying my curiosity about the man my sister waited five years for.”

  “Is she always like this?” I ask Jules when she joins us.

  “Pretty much. If Camille thinks it, she says it.”

  “She thinks I’m handsome.”

  “Duh. Every woman in America thinks you’re handsome. Don’t let it go to your head.”

  I put my arm around her and bring her in close to me. “Too late.”

  “Are Ava and Eric coming?”

  The trepidation in Jules’s voice making me ache for the stress she’s trying so hard to keep hidden from the others. But I can see it as plainly as the button nose on her gorgeous face.

  “I don’t know.” Camille shrugs. “She didn’t reply to my text earlier.”

  Jules sags at that news. I know how much it means to her that they come. I’m not sure how she’ll cope if they don’t. Although, I wouldn’t blame Eric for not wanting to subject himself to Ava’s ex, especially under these circumstances.

  Muncie comes over to me. “How’s your head?”

  “Fine. Hurts where the staples are, but other than that, no ill effects.”

  “That’s good.”

  “You’ve really taken New York by storm this week.”

  He’s instantly flustered. “Sorry I haven’t been around as much.”

  “I’m joking. Are you and Amy…” I roll my hand, hoping he’ll fill in the blanks.

  “Maybe. I don’t know.”

  “Should I ask her?”


  I lose it laughing. He’s so fun to mess with. I’ll miss having him around when I retire and he moves on to his next assignment. Hopefully, he’ll get something easier than dealing with me has been.

  With a beer in hand, Rob returns to where I’m sitting. “I didn’t get to say it before, when my wife was talking about murdering you, but thank you for your service. What you and the others did to get that bastard… Well, it means a lot to everyone.”

  “Thank you. I understand you’re running for Congress.”

  “I am, although I’m not sure what I was thinking. Did you know you have to campaign every weekend?”

  “I didn’t, but I bet that’s a drag.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “If I can do anything to help the cause, I’d be happy to.”

  He stares at me, agog. “Seriously?”


  “I’ll definitely take you up on that.”

  “You’re one of the good guys, right?”

  “Most definitely.”

  “Then I’m happy to do whatever I can to give your campaign a boost. You’ll have to talk to my manager, though. She makes all the final decisions.”

  Jules grins at her brother. “We’ll take it under advisement.”

  Jules and the others wander over to check out the cheese board, so Rob and I have a second to ourselves.

  “You’re being straight up with my sister, right?”

  “I care about her very much. She’s…” I look over at her and catch her laughing at something Camille says. I ho
pe it doesn’t involve my imminent murder. “She’s amazing, fearless, beautiful, smart, competent, and she still wears her retainer. I feel very lucky to have her in my life.”

  “You are lucky, and I believe you when you say your intentions toward her are on the up-and-up. But if you hurt her, I won’t stop Camille from murdering you.”

  “So noted.” I try hard not to laugh, because I can see that he’s dead serious. “I’ve never had sisters, but I imagine if I did, I’d feel the same way you do about yours.”

  “I’m glad we understand each other, and thank you for offering to help with the campaign.”

  “No problem.”

  He starts to walk away but turns back. “One more thing. I was prepared to hate you on sight because of everything with Ava. But I don’t hate you.”

  “Thanks for letting me know. I don’t hate you either.”

  Rob smiles and raises his beer bottle in silent toast to me. Despite the talk of hatred and murder, I feel like maybe I just made a friend. That’d be nice. I do a double take when Ava comes through the door to the suite that we’ve left propped open. I’ve seen her only one other time in six years, and damn if I don’t react to her the same way I always have, with my heart skipping a beat before kicking into a faster rhythm. She’s holding hands with a handsome blond man, and I experience a tiny bit of relief at seeing them together and holding hands.

  I truly want her to be happy. If he makes her happy, and he’s the one she wants, so be it. I stand to greet her with a hug and a kiss to the cheek. “It’s good to see you. You look great as always.”

  “Good to see, too. You look a thousand times better than you did the last time I saw you. This is my husband, Eric Tilden. Eric, John West.”

  I shake his hand. “Nice to finally meet you.”

  “You, too.” He says the socially expected words, but I get the feeling I’m the last person in the world he wants to meet or spend time with.

  “Beer? Wine? What can I get you?”

  “A beer would be good for me,” Eric says. “Ava wants—”

  “White wine.” I immediately realize my mistake. He doesn’t want to know how well I know her.

  “Yes,” he says tightly.

  “Now that we’re all here,” Amy says, “maybe Jules can fill us in on why she quit her job.”

  Oh damn. Amy isn’t pulling any punches. Watching the sibling dynamics is fascinating to me, as someone who’s never had any.

  Jules glares at her sister, then blinks and recovers. “I’d be happy to tell you about that.”

  “You seriously quit your job?” Rob asks. “Aren’t you up for partner this year?”

  “Junior partner,” Jules says.

  “Still. It’s a promotion.”

  Jules glances at me. “I was offered a better opportunity.”

  I deliver drinks to Ava and Eric and offer a smile to Jules, hoping to reassure her and remind her of why we’re taking this huge leap together.

  “I’m going to work for John. He’s receiving a hundred offers a day and will need someone to represent him long after this initial tour is completed.”

  Her news is greeted with stony silence from her siblings.

  “I’m not asking for your approval.”

  I’m so damned proud of her.

  “But I would like your support as I pursue this new direction.”

  Amy glances at me. “Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?”

  I clear my throat. “I take it I’m the elephant?”

  “Yes, and I’m sorry that we’re being forced to discuss this in front of you, but are you out of your fucking mind, Jules? Are you really chucking your very promising career for a guy you met a few weeks ago?”

  “I don’t see it the way you do, Amy. In the time I’ve been working with John, I’ve gotten to do things and meet people that would’ve taken me ten more years to have access to on the path I was on. Every media person who’s anyone wants my number. I’m saying no to people who would’ve been dream contacts a month ago. This is hardly a step down for me. It’s a huge step forward.”

  “And when the personal relationship doesn’t work out?” Rob asks.

  I decide it’s time to speak up. “I spoke to an attorney earlier today. He’s drafting a five-year contract that ensures Jules will get paid no matter what becomes of us. She’s taking a huge gamble by coming to work for me. I want her protected.”

  Jules is stunned by this news, but that’s okay. I was going to tell her about the contract later.

  “I get that you all want to protect your sister. But so do I. It would be impossible for me to properly articulate the difference she’s made in my life in a few short weeks. Suffice to say it’s been significant. Not only has she corralled the voracious media, but she’s tracking the numerous other opportunities I’m being offered and helping me figure out what’s next.”

  They don’t need to know that she’s also given me a reason to get out of bed in the morning—not to mention giving me the best possible reason to stay in bed at other times during the day. That’s our business and no one else’s.

  “I need her.” I say this directly to her, so she can have no doubt about how I feel. Later, when we’re alone, I’ll tell her how much I need her in ways that have nothing to do with work.

  “What about what she needs?” Amy asks.

  “I need him, too.” Jules holds my gaze. “This is what I want. He’s what I want. I’m going into it with my eyes wide open to all the many ways it may turn out to be a bad idea. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

  As she looks at me and says those words, it becomes very obvious to me that I love her. I have fallen in love with her. And it’s not lost on me that I’m having this rather momentous revelation while Ava is sitting six feet from me. She’s my past, and I loved every minute I spent with her. But my adorable Poppy is my future. I see us moving forward together, making a life for ourselves, working and traveling together. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take, too. In case anyone is wondering.”

  “We’re not,” Eric says. “But thanks for letting us know.”

  Touché. It’ll take some time for him to come around, or maybe he never will. Either way, I can live with that if I get to live with Jules. I just hope she can handle her brother’s disapproval.

  “You don’t need to be that way, Eric.” Jules’s assertiveness is a huge turn-on. “He’s no threat to you. We’re telling you that he’s moved on. Maybe you wish it was with someone other than me, but either way, you got what you wanted. He’s not pining after your wife anymore. Sorry to be so blunt, Ava.”

  “No apology needed.” She glances my way. “I couldn’t be happier to see you moving forward with someone as wonderful as Jules. I’m truly happy for you both. If anyone deserves to be happy, it’s you.”

  “Thank you.” I’m moved by her words and the affection behind them. Having her blessing will go a long way toward convincing the others that I’m sincere in my intentions toward Jules.

  Ava still means the world to me, but in a different way than she once did. I know it seems hard to believe that a torch I carried for six long years could go out in a few short weeks, but that’s exactly what happened. I don’t know when or how or why it happened, but I’m thankful to once again feel optimistic and hopeful about what’s ahead, rather than dreading every waking moment. That mind-set was unsustainable long-term. Jules showed me that. She opened my eyes to how much life I still have to live, and that it can be a good life, full of love and affection and incredible pleasure.

  I’ll always regret how things went down with Ava. I’ll always be sorry that I didn’t take better care of her and prepare her for the possibility of a long deployment. I’ve learned my lesson and will do better with Jules. That’s all we can do, right? Live, learn and do better.

  Ava’s words of support take the steam out of the objections the others might’ve had to our news. The conversation shifts to Rob’s campaign, their father’s plans for
after he leaves office and whether anyone has heard from their mother.

  “I have,” Jules says. “She texted the other day to let me know she was proud of the job I’m doing with John.”

  “How does she know about that?” Eric asks.

  “I told her.” Rob seems sheepish. “I talked to her last week.”

  Eric glares at him. “Why?”

  “Because she’s my mother, and she called me.”

  “She made a mistake.” Amy shrugs. “She wants to make amends.”

  Eric isn’t buying it. “And you guys are just willing to forgive and forget like it’s no big deal?”

  “I’m willing to forgive because it takes a lot of energy to be pissed with her.” My Poppy is amazing. “She screwed up. She knows it. She’s sorry. What more do I need to hear?”

  Eric doesn’t like that answer, but he keeps his mouth shut when he realizes he’s outnumbered.

  They stick around for another hour that’s passed in mostly pleasant conversation. No one asks Ava or Eric about cutting their honeymoon short, so I assume they know what’s going on. They sit together on the sofa, their hands intertwined, looking very much like a newly married couple. I hope that whatever happened, they’ve worked it out. Just like she wants me to be happy, I want the same for her. She deserves it, too.

  As they’re getting ready to leave, I hear Muncie ask Amy if she wants to get a nightcap downstairs.

  She agrees, and they take off together. I love the idea of them finding each other because of me and Jules. I hope something will come of it, if that’s what they want. Amy has been tough on me, but only because she loves her sister. I can respect that. I know she has nothing to worry about where Jules and I are concerned, but she has no way to know that. It’ll take time for me to prove myself to her, but that’s time I’m willing to commit if it means I get to be with Jules.

  Ava hugs me goodbye. “Let me know when you decide where you want me to send your stuff.”

  “I will. That’s on the short list of decisions I need to make after this tour.”

  “I’m really happy for you and Jules.”

  “That means everything to me—and I know it does to her, too.”


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