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TheSoldiersScoundrel Page 1

by VictoriaVallo

  When Bran meets Adam, he’s intrigued but wary of moving too fast with the brash younger man. Their first touch enthralls him, but he worries Adam will leave the way his last lover did.

  From the moment Adam sees Bran, he knows the handsome soldier is what he wants, despite the older man’s resistance. He knows they have a connection, no matter how Bran protests.

  But when everything gets thrown into chaos, Bran begins to see another side of Adam. The arrogant young man needs his help, and Bran starts to see there are lots of reasons he wants to give it…

  The Soldier’s Scoundrel

  Shifters of Arizia, 3


  Victoria Vallo


  Twisted E-Publishing, LLC


  The Soldier’s Scoundrel

  Shifters of Arizia, 3

  Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Vallo

  Edited by Marie Medina

  First E-book Publication: January 2018

  Cover design by K Designs

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2018, Twisted Erotica Publishing.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  All characters engaging in sexual situations are over the age of 18.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five


  Also by Victoria Vallo

  About the Author

  According to the priests of Arizia,

  the first shifters were once only beasts, not human at all.

  They took human form because of lust.

  They stayed in human form because of love.Chapter One

  Bran settled down under the oak tree, the only shade he could find so soon after noon. While he liked that Vane Godwin gave all of the guards and soldiers every third day off, Bran didn’t really know what to do with so much off time. He’d been a soldier since he was sixteen and had never wanted a different life. The possibility of marrying lingered in the back of his mind, but he didn’t like the idea of staying in one place. A year ago, he’d been certain he’d met someone he could build a life with, someone who would stay by his side no matter where his life took him. But Martin had cooled toward him when Bran had said he wouldn’t leave the military.

  In the end, Martin had left Bran’s bed in the middle of the night, a crumpled and hastily scribbled note tossed on the table of the small room they’d been sharing.

  Bran had considered joining the king’s army a few times so he’d have a more settled life, but he felt he’d be bored before long. The king’s men tended to stay close to the capital city and do their work from behind desks. Bran loved travel and meeting new people, and he couldn’t see himself giving it up. Serving the vanes and helping keep the peace locally suited him better. Many of the other men longed to see a war, but Bran didn’t crave that. A lot of the men in the troop he was in now were more old-fashioned, considering themselves warriors more so than soldiers. They wielded longer, heavier swords and rarely touched guns, even when they were available. Some of them were a bit too bloodthirsty for Bran’s taste, but they all seemed like honorable men.

  Most importantly, he felt at home with them in a way he never had in his own childhood home.

  Movement on the road caught his eye, and he turned to watch an approaching horse. The enormous black stallion looked even larger because of the small rider on his back. Bran wondered what a child was doing riding such a large horse, but as both drew closer, Bran noticed a sword at the rider’s belt. The rider carried himself well, and by the time he stopped a few feet away, Bran could see he wasn’t a child. He was a very beautiful man with big brown eyes. The man smiled down at Bran as he stood up and dusted his leathers off.

  “Glad to see the landscape is a breathtaking as I was told,” the stranger said, not even trying to hide the way he was eyeing Bran.

  Bran had taken younger lovers to his bed before, but they usually tired of him quickly because of his serious nature. “Yes, it is lovely here.”

  The man sat up straighter on his horse. “Perhaps you could show me around Castile this evening. I’d love your company.”

  Bran tried to keep his expression neutral as he nodded toward Castile. “I think you’ll find what you seek in the tavern.” After a moment, he added, “Try around back.”

  The man laughed as he dismounted. For such a short man, he certainly didn’t seem to lack confidence. He swaggered over to Bran, not seeming at all bothered that Bran towered over him by more than a foot. “I wasn’t coming here for that.” He gazed up into Bran’s eyes, his lids lowered as he added, “Not until I saw you.”

  Bran clasped his hands behind his back. “What are you here for? Perhaps I can help direct you.”

  The younger man blinked, as if confused by Bran’s lack of interest. “I’m here to fetch one of my older brothers. He’s been serving time here for something. Stealing, I think.”

  Bran looked the man over again, a slight resemblance striking him now. “Oh. You’re Adam. Viktor’s brother.”

  Adam smiled. “Indeed I am.”

  “I’m Bran.”

  “A pleasure.” He came closer. “And now we know each other’s names…” His hand slid over Bran’s crotch before Bran knew what was happening, while his other hand untucked Bran’s shirt. Eager fingers slid over Bran’s stomach as Adam smiled up at him and tilted his head for a kiss.

  Bran backed up, begging his cock not to respond to the warmth and hunger of Adam’s touch. “How old are you? Viktor said you were younger than him and Garrick but wasn’t specific.”

  Adam scowled at that. “I’m twenty-one. And yes, I’m short and small. And pretty. But I’m no child. I’ve been showing men like you how to fuck properly for years.”

  Bran would’ve laughed if Adam hadn’t spoken with such confidence. Yet he saw a bit of uncertainty in the younger man’s eyes. Was it all bravado? Bran had known many men of shorter stature who behaved more aggressively as a defense. “Have you?” Bran asked, interested but not thinking it wise to act on his desire.

  “Yes. And if you’re a good boy, we’ll continue what I tried to start.” He turned and walked back to his horse, mounting the saddle far more easily than Bran had imagined he’d be able to. “Very rude of you to turn me down, you know,” he added with a smirk before slowly licking his bottom lip.

  “Rude, huh? Well, I like to know men better before I stick my cock in their mouths.”

  Adam laughed. “Who said your cock was going in my mouth?” He urged his horse forward a few feet. “Would you like a ride back to the city? Beast can handle two men easily, like his master.”

  Bran fought back images of Adam pinned between two brawny, muscular men. “I’m fine, thank you. It’s my day off so I came out to enjoy nature.”

  “You’d have enjoyed it more with me on top of you.” He glanced up. “The clouds are quite pretty. They’d have made a gorgeous backdrop behind me.” He looked back at Bran and winked before clicking his tongue at his horse. “See you around, Bran.”

  “Maybe,” Bran called to his back. He heard Adam laugh at that. I know shifters can be aggressive, but Viktor didn’t say anything about his brother being such a libertine. He frowned at that thought, feeling it was unfair. He
and Martin had ended up in bed within an hour of meeting, and Bran had been convinced that was the beginnings of a lasting love. Who was he to judge anyone?

  Once Adam was almost out of sight, Bran began walking back to Godwin’s estate, deciding to bypass the walk through the city of Castile by taking a backroad. He knew Adam would find plenty of willing men in the tavern, which would put an end to his interest in Bran. His body stirred a bit, a hint of jealousy washing over him at the thought of other men touching Adam and enjoying him. But, as much as he thought a fling might do him good, Bran had heard too many stories about Viktor’s family to get involved with one of them.

  No matter how big and beautiful his brown eyes were.

  * * * *

  Adam frowned the rest of his journey, disappointed the soldier had turned him down. Bran fit his ideal perfectly—tall and well-muscled with legs that went on forever and deep, dark eyes set perfectly over full lips and strong cheekbones. And though Adam tended to prefer men clean shaven, he liked the short beard Bran wore, as it made him look even more virile and masculine. If the man had only bent down to accept his kiss, Adam could’ve tangled his fingers in that long dark hair and held Bran to him as their lips met.

  It would’ve been explosive. How could the man not feel that the moment we touched?

  Adam almost groaned as he recalled that brief touch. His fingers had moved over hot, hard muscle as his other hand cupped a cock that was huge even in its flaccid state. Adam had to adjust himself on the saddle as he imagined Bran hard and ready to be taken. He half smiled as he thought about spending the night pressed against all of that hard muscle and then waking to the feel of the man’s lips and hands on him, ready for more…

  The frown returned to his face as Castile came into sight. A drink at the tavern sounded good, and he probably would find someone to give him a little relief; yet somehow he didn’t want that. He wanted the man he’d just ridden away from, the first man to ever turn him down. He stopped briefly just outside the city to see which way he needed to go to get to Vane Godwin’s estate, which he could sort of see in the distance set against a hill.

  “Fine horse you have there,” a familiar voice called.

  Adam looked to his right and saw his favorite big brother. “Viktor!” He nudged Beast over to the first hitching post he saw and dismounted, throwing the reins over the beam and patting Beast on the neck. It had been over a year since he’d seen Viktor, and he ran over to him and threw his arms around him. “It’s so good to see you!”

  “Good to see you, too,” Viktor said, embracing him back. “I have good news and wanted you to be the first to know.”

  “News? What news?”

  “I’m going to take the mate bond. I’ve met someone. Someone very special.”

  “The mate bond? Wow.” Adam blinked twice as he gazed up at Viktor. “This person must be special.”

  “He is. Very special. It was all a bit unexpected, but I couldn’t imagine my life without Thomas.”

  “Congratulations,” Adam said, still a bit stunned. Their parents were devoted to each other, through all the good and bad times, yet even they had never taken the mate bond, settling for an ordinary wedding after they’d already had a couple of children together.

  “You don’t sound that happy.” Viktor eyed him with concern.

  Adam forced himself to smile. “I’m tired. It was hotter than I thought it would be today. There’s not much tree cover on this last stretch of road.”

  “Let’s get you back to the house then. There’s a room prepared for you already. And you can meet Thomas.”

  He took Beast’s reins and followed his brother. “Thomas is your … fiancé? What do they call it with the mate bond?”

  Viktor frowned, then shrugged. “Never thought about it. Fiancé is fine. He works for Vane Godwin. Practically runs the estate, even though he’s only twenty-three.”

  “Really? He must be impressive.”

  “He certainly is.”

  After a few moments of silence, Adam cleared his throat and tried his best to sound casual as he said, “I met a man on the way here. Bran.”

  “Ah, yes. A good man. Where did you meet him?”

  “Just on the road. He was sitting under a tree. Said it was his day off.”

  Viktor nodded. “He’s a natural soldier. Gets restless on his days off.”

  “Tell me about him,” Adam said without thinking, getting excited because it seemed Viktor knew Bran well.

  Viktor looked down at him. “Can you keep it in your pants for just a couple of days, please?”

  “I’m just curious.” Adam hesitated. “He seemed nice.”

  “He’s your type, I’ll admit, but I’ll tell you right now he’s too serious for you.”

  Too serious? What’s that supposed to mean? Clearing his throat again, Adam asked, “What do you mean, too serious?”

  “He doesn’t crawl into bed with everything he makes eye contact with.”

  Adam cringed. He loved his brother’s honesty, but that remark had stung. “That’s a bit unfair.”

  “I’m seven years older than you, but I’m pretty sure you were interested in sex before I was.”

  “Oh, stop it! You’re no prude.”

  His brother laughed. “No, I’m not, but one day you’re going to feel different.”

  Adam tried to keep the sarcasm out of his voice as he said, “When I meet the right person?”

  “Mmmm hmmm.”

  Adam hated it when people said that, as if having feelings for someone would magically change his entire life. “I don’t feel like arguing. Tell me about Thomas instead.”

  Thankfully, Viktor didn’t fight the change in subject. “He’s a fox shifter. And he can be shy at times. But I’ve told him you’re my favorite brother, so he’ll warm to you right away.”

  Adam smiled at that, his frustration melting away as his chest swelled with warmth. “You really told him that?” he asked softly.

  “Of course. I’m your favorite, aren’t I?”

  Adam chuckled. “Yeah. Of course.”

  “Then don’t act surprised.”

  “All right. Since you’ve reaffirmed our special bond, I won’t make any jokes.”

  Viktor laughed, but then his brows came together. “Jokes about what?”

  Adam laughed. “You were just chastising me for my lascivious ways, but you’re going home to a fox every night. I know how insatiable they can be.”

  “I didn’t call you lascivious or anything even close, and I wasn’t chastising you. Sorry if it felt that way. And yes, keep the jokes to yourself. I love him, and I don’t want his feelings hurt.”

  Adam could hear the emotion in his brother’s voice. “What’s it like?” he asked after a moment, keeping his eyes trained on the large house they were approaching.

  Viktor tilted his head. “What?”

  “Falling in love?” He hesitated. “You know Mom and Dad would laugh if I asked them.”

  “Mom might not.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Viktor folded his arms as they rounded the huge estate and entered a large gate at the side to walk toward the stables. “It’s a surprisingly natural feeling. Just happens. Comes over you. I wasn’t sure of it even as I felt it happening. I cared for him and was attracted to him. Didn’t take me long to fall. A couple of weeks.”

  “Couple of weeks? How long have you known him?”

  “It’s been almost four months now, and it takes time to plan the mate bond ceremony so he still has time to escape.”

  Adam shook his head slowly. “He won’t. You know how to treat lovers.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  “Plenty of men and women still hung up on you back home.”

  “Please don’t tell me which ones you talked to. Or fucked.”

  Adam laughed. “I’ve missed you.” He nudged his brother. “Truce, all right? I won’t embarrass you here, I promise.”

  “That’s not what I meant. It’s
never been my meaning. I just don’t want you losing your heart to someone who came to your bed for a quick tumble and nothing more.”

  “My heart does what I tell it to.”

  “No, it doesn’t.” Viktor opened a door and pointed to a stall. “I reserved a bigger stall, assuming Beast was still with you.” He eyed Adam as if trying to come up with the right words to say next.

  “Thank you,” Adam said quickly, turning his attention to Beast and hoping Viktor would drop the subject.

  Viktor watched him a few seconds before turning and pointing to an arch. “Come through there when you have Beast settled. I’ll show you to your room and introduce you to the vane and Thomas.”

  Adam nodded at his brother and then watched him walk away.

  “Serious, huh?” Adam said under his breath, his thoughts returning to Bran as he rubbed Beast down. “Serious men usually need a good rutting every now and then. It’s not as if I’ll be here long anyway.”

  As he worked, he kept an eye out for Bran, but eventually his fatigue and hunger won out and sent him in search of his brother.

  * * * *

  Bran signed for the prisoner and accepted the key to the man’s shackles. Then he waited for the guards from the prison to bring Garrick out of the enclosed wagon. Bran remembered the day the man had been captured, right after Bran and his troop had arrived in Castile. That had certainly been an eventful day. He smiled at the memory, though he hadn’t found it amusing at the time. Garrick had been caught stealing, and he’d tried to say that his brother Viktor had been helping him. Viktor’s lover, Thomas, had punched Bran when he’d been denied entry to the room where Garrick’s case was being discussed. Despite the punch, Bran had liked Thomas right away after watching the man defend Viktor so adamantly.


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