The Mafia And His Angel Series (Tainted Hearts)

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The Mafia And His Angel Series (Tainted Hearts) Page 28

by Lylah James

  What I had with Alberto was dysfunctional.

  He destroyed me. Heart, body, and soul.

  But in the short time I had been living with Alessio, I began to think maybe I could be fixed. I could be happy.

  Maybe I could be happy with Alessio.

  “Ayla.” Maddie got up and walked over to me. I was about to swipe my tears away but she did it for me.

  Leaning forward, she placed a kiss on my forehead and then wrapped her arms around me.

  She pulled away from me and then gave me a wan smile, trying to lighten the mood. “A relationship…hmmm…” Her eyes twinkled. “I would say a relationship is when both partners support each other, comfort each other, bring happiness and laughter to each other. It’s a connection filled with love, acceptance, and understanding. You don’t have to love someone to be in a relationship. Sometimes love comes later. Alessio is a stubborn man, but he is crazy about you. I can see it in his eyes. It is so obvious. He has feelings but he just needs a little push. I don’t know how a relationship will be with Alessio, but he loves deeply. He loves with his heart. Something he’s scared of. But you can change that. You can be his strength.”

  “He is mine,” I whispered. “He is my strength.”

  “Alessio will realize it soon. And when he does, he won’t be able to stay away from you. Fuck, he can’t even stay away from you now. Do you see him? He always follows you like a little puppy. Oh my God, that was such a bad comparison. Alessio is nowhere close to a little puppy.”

  I laughed.

  “We wait for him to make a move,” Maddie said.

  “He has been making a move for the past three days.” He had made several attempts to talk to me.

  “Well, he needs to make a better move then. If you know what I mean.” She wiggled her eyebrows mischievously.


  She shrugged. “No, seriously. Maybe he should bring you flowers again. Or maybe just another kiss. This man is driving me crazy.”

  I didn’t know what I was going to do without Maddie. She always knew how to make me feel better.

  “We wait then,” I said with a smile.

  She winked and I laughed.

  I would wait…because I needed him.


  I walked inside the piano room to wait for Alessio. He was the never late. He was always there at exactly ten.

  I could play the piano even if Alessio wasn’t here, but I didn’t.

  I wanted to play for him. I wanted to bask in the warmth of him watching me as I played.

  Sighing, I looked down at the phone for the time. Any minute now.

  Something caught my eye. My gaze shifted to the sofa chair I usually sat on and I let out an audible gasp.

  Bringing my hand up, I covered my mouth in shock. But I couldn’t stop the smile that played across my lips.

  A single white peony was lying on the seat.

  Slightly bending down, I took the peony in my hand and brought it close to my chest. Straightening up, I held it there.


  He was so sweet.

  I couldn’t believe he put the peony there for me. This wasn’t a big bouquet. It was just a single peony, but it held the same value and meaning. It still made my heart flip, and my cheeks were hurting from my wide smile.

  “I can safely assume that you love the peony.”

  My eyes widened and I quickly swiveled around to see Alessio leaning against the door, his arms crossed over his chest. His head was cocked to the side, a small smirk on his face.

  I wanted to say that I hated that smirk…but truly, I didn’t.

  I tried to hide my smile. “I…” I paused and then sighed. I couldn’t lie. “It’s beautiful. I love it.”

  He slowly walked toward me, his eyes intense as he kept his gaze on me. As he got closer, my heart went wild and my stomach twisted with butterflies, a feeling that I always got when he was close.

  Alessio stopped in front of me. I could feel his warmth on my bare skin. I looked up into his eyes. He was so tall.

  His gaze, filled with need, shifted to my lips and I instinctively licked them. Alessio took a step closer until we were barely an inch apart. I sucked in a deep breath and my chest brushed against his.

  He brought his hand up, trailing a finger down the length of my bare arm. I shivered and my fingers tightened around the flowers.


  “Ayla,” he whispered, leaning his head down.

  We stared at each other, and then he leaned closer until his lips were only an inch from mine. “I’m going to kiss you,” he said.


  I saw a little smirk on his face and then he lowered his lips to capture mine. My breath caught. His lips brushed gently against mine and I sighed.

  Alessio slowly moved his tongue on my lips, waiting patiently for me to open my mouth. He coaxed me gently, unhurriedly. He put the slightest pressure on my lips, and I gasped. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue in. Softly brushing against mine, he kissed me slowly, as if to savor the kiss.

  This time I boldly returned his kiss. I had grabbed hold of my courage and put it all on the line. I didn’t think that kissing Alessio was something I’d ever grow tired of. It felt like I had been starving for his kiss.

  His hand slid up my neck, to just beneath my ears, and his fingers splayed out, his hand cupping my jaw. His other hand glided through my hair, tilting my hair slightly upward for better access to my lips.

  I placed both hands on his chest and leaned closer into his body, letting his warmth envelop me. In his embrace, I felt safe. I felt wanted.

  Alessio didn’t rush and he let me direct the kiss. He licked the seams of my lips and I let out a small sigh. So soft, so warm, so sweet.

  I was drunk on his kisses.

  He gently bit down on my bottom lips and then he claimed my lips again. This time his kiss was a little harder, a little more demanding.

  And I gave it to him.

  We were both breathing hard when he pulled away. Alessio laid his forehead against mine as he fought to catch his breath.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of kissing you,” he said, his voice gruff.

  I blinked up at him to see his gaze already on mine. His eyes were soft and filled with adoration, a look that stole my breath. In the depth of his gaze, I saw his need there. His want for me.

  I was completely transfixed by his eyes. His hand moved from my face, down to my hips. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulled me close into him, anchoring my body into his. My heart was pumping wildly and my knees grew weaker at the fervor in his gaze.

  He held me as if I was precious. He looked at me as if I was the only thing he could see.

  I felt beautiful.

  “Alessio,” I said. I didn’t know what else to say.

  He leaned down and gave me a quick peck on the lips before stepping away. He nodded toward the piano with a smile. “Go,” he urged.

  My lips stretched in a wide smile and I nodded, quickly hurrying toward the piano with the flower still in my hand.

  Our gazes stayed connected, both of us completely captivated by each other as I ran my fingers over the keys.

  I didn’t close my eyes even once. I didn’t look away from Alessio.

  When I was done, I let my hand rest on the piano key and swallowed hard, suddenly feeling nervous and shy under his penetrating gaze.

  “Are you not going to read tonight?” he asked.

  “Oh.” I smiled and then got up.

  I walked over toward him and stopped in front of the coffee table, picking up my book. “I will. I’m in the middle of this one. I can’t wait to finish it.”

  He chuckled. “You sound excited about it.”

  “I am,” I replied, taking my seat on the sofa chair next to his. “It’s a really good book.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  I opened it, and felt Alessio’s eyes on me the whole time I was reading. It was so ha
rd to stop myself from peeking up at him.

  And I lost that battle many times.

  Whenever our eyes met, Alessio would smile and I would send him a smile of my own.

  My heart was doing flips. My stomach was filled with butterflies. I felt light with euphoria. And a sense of peacefulness overcame me.

  I wanted to stay just like this. But then I yawned.

  “You should go to sleep,” Alessio said, sounding wistful.

  “Hmm.” I closed my book. Alessio leaned forward and brushed the few hair strands out of my face, letting his fingers linger on my cheeks longer than needed.

  He brushed his thumb over my jaw and then suddenly leaned forward. I let out a soft whimper when he pressed his lips on mine. He gave me a quick peck and then leaned back, letting me go.

  I missed his touch almost immediately.

  Placing my book on the coffee table, I got up and stood in front of Alessio. Smiling down at him, I whispered, “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” he replied.

  Biting on my lips, my shoulder dropped at the thought of being away from him after spending such an exquisite time with him.

  Giving him a final glance, I started to walk away but I felt an arm wrap around my waist, pulling me back. I yelped when I fell on Alessio’s lap. My eyes widened in shock and I looked up at him.

  He gave me quick peck on the lips and then pulled back with a smirk. I couldn’t help but giggle.

  He sucked in a sharp breath. Placing a finger at the corner of my lips, he whispered in complete amazement, “This is the first time I’ve heard you laugh.”

  I ducked my head shyly and pressed a hand on his chest.

  Alessio placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head up again. “You should do it more often.” He brushed his thumb over my lips. “You have a beautiful laugh.”

  Before I could say anything, his lips claimed mine again, this time almost possessively. He pulled at my bottom lip, demanding entrance. His arm was like a band of steel around my waist and his other hand came up to cup my jaw.

  He kissed with such intensity that my heart stuttered and I melted into him.

  His kiss eventually slowed and I sighed against his lips. His eyes were intense with need. His touch was fire, and his kisses were intoxicating.

  He was all I could think about.

  I closed my eyes and lost myself in his kisses and sweet, gentle caresses.

  Chapter 43

  “They are leaving!” Maddie pouted as she walked into my room. “Artur said they will be gone for a few days.”

  I straightened and looked at Maddie with wide eyes. “Alessio is going too?”

  She nodded and pouted. “Yeah.”

  He didn’t say anything. I saw him last night, yet he never said a word. The thought of being without him made my heart ache.

  It had been a week since the first time he kissed me in the piano room. Sometimes during the day, he would take me to the creek. And then we spent most of the night together.

  He always bent down and kissed me soundly on the lips. He would steal kisses while I read. Sometimes, he would pull me on his lap. I would lay my head on his shoulder and read while he played with my hair. He never pushed for more.

  These days had been the most beautiful. Each day, my heart grew fuller. Alessio had weaved his way into my heart and I didn’t want to let him go. Instead, I embraced it.

  And now, I felt distressed at the mere thought of spending even one day without him.

  “How long will he be gone?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. Artur said a few days.”

  “Oh,” I muttered, looking down at my hands, which were twined tightly together.

  She stood up. “C’mon, let’s go.”

  “Where?” I asked.

  “They are probably about to leave now. Let’s go say goodbye to our men.”

  When I quickly stood up at her words, she smiled. I followed her out of my room, my heart thumping hard as we made our way down the hall.

  As we made our day down the stairs, we saw the men at the bottom. Nikolay and Viktor were talking, while Artur leaned against the wall. Alessio was looking at his phone.

  When he heard us, he looked up and I saw his gaze soften at the sight of me.

  Maddie ran down the rest of the stairs and jumped into Artur’s arms. I continued to slowly make my way down, keeping my eyes on Alessio. He gave me a small smile when I stopped on the last stair, feeling nervous.

  I ducked my head shyly and played with the hem of my dress. I felt him coming nearer and he stopped in front of me. Alessio placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head upward until I was staring into his soft blue eyes.

  “I was just about to come up and say goodbye,” he said.


  “Something came up and I have to take care of it. I’ll be gone for a few days.”

  I nodded. “I understand.”

  Walking down the final step, I stood beside him. I saw Artur dip Maddie low and she laughed. He kissed her soundly on the lips.

  I peeked up at Alessio and saw that he was staring at me. He brought a hand up, and gently trailed a finger down my cheek. He brushed his thumb over my lips and then whispered, “I’ll see you later.”

  “Bye,” I whispered.


  Alessio took a step away from and after giving me final look, he turned around, walking away. The other men followed closely behind him and Maddie came to stand beside me.

  Letting out a dejected sigh, I brought a hand up and placed it over my chest.

  As I watched his retreating back, my shoulder dropped and my chest felt tight.

  I already missed him.

  As the days went by, I realized how much I needed Alessio. His presence had become addicting. His touch. His kisses. His blue eyes. His gentle caresses. His smiles. Everything about him was deep ingrained in me.



  It had been three long, torturous days without Ayla. Every night, I wished I was with her.

  As I walked into the mansion, my chest grew lighter at the thought of being close to her again.

  She was constantly on my thoughts.

  And I was fucking happy to finally be back.

  I looked down at my watch and saw it was almost two in the morning. She would be sleeping right now. My heart sunk in disappointment as I made my way upstairs.

  “Tomorrow,” I whispered.

  But when I stepped on the second floor, I felt the need to see her. Being this close to her and not seeing her—the thought itself was painful.

  I had to see her, even if she was sleeping. Just a peek at her beautiful face and I would be happy.

  As I made my way to her room, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the door of the piano room open. Was Ayla still awake?

  My heart flipped at the thought and I quickly walked inside. My steps faltered when I saw her curled up on the sofa chair, sleeping.

  But that wasn’t what took my breath away and made me smile.

  She wasn’t sleeping on her chair; instead she was curled up in mine.

  Walking closer, I stopped in front of the sleeping beauty.

  There was a small smile on her lips, her face looking peaceful as she slept. Bending down, I gently took the book from her hand and placed it on the coffee table.

  I turned back around and wrapped an arm under her back and one under her knees, carefully and gently lifting her up from the couch, making sure that I didn’t wake her up. She moaned sleepily, instinctively laying her head on my shoulders.

  I smiled and carried her out of the piano room. Pushing her door open, I walked inside and laid her down in the middle of her bed. But when I was about to step back, I felt something tighten around my lapel, stopping me from stepping away.

  Ayla’s fingers were wrapped around my shirt. She was still sleeping.

  I placed my hand on hers and gently unwrapped her fingers. They tightened slightly but I was able to get them o
ff, keeping my eyes on her face the whole time. When I saw her eyebrows furrow, I sighed and sat down on the bed beside her.

  I couldn’t bring myself to leave. Instead, I surprised myself by lying down beside Ayla. I wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her closer. She burrowed further into my chest, as if seeking the warmth and comfort I offered. Her fingers wrapped around my jacket again as she clung to me tightly.

  And I was just as content to hold her just as tightly in return.

  I placed a kiss on her temple and looked down at her sleeping face. For the longest time, I laid there with her in arms, her head tucked underneath my chin.

  Just for moment, I told myself. Just for a few more minutes.

  Chapter 44


  I could feel the warm sunlight but I refused to open my eyes. Instead, I snuggled closer against the warmth beside me. I was too comfortable and languid to even move.

  So warm, I thought to myself, wrapping my arms tighter around the warmth. I sighed in utter contentment and buried my face in the chest next to me.

  But as I cuddled closer, a strange thought registered in my mind.

  My eyes snapped opened and I quickly blinked the sleepiness away, only to find myself staring at a wide, hard chest.

  Panic filled me and I quickly looked up as my heart continued to hammer. Then I let out a tiny gasp.


  He looked so calm in his sleep, the total opposite of what he represented when he was awake. His face was soft and his lips were slightly open. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight in front of me.

  I tried to move but I felt something tighten around my hips. My eyes traveled down to see his arm wrapped around me. I also saw that I had a leg thrown over his, tangling us together.

  Feeling completely mortified, I slowly moved my leg away and tried to scoot out of his embrace, but his hold was relentless. So, I gave up with a sigh and looked up at his sleeping face again.

  I brought my hand up to his face, letting it hover there, right over his cheek.

  The thought of my hand making contact with his skin, touching him freely without fear, was tempting. It was an alluring image floating in my mind, and as I continued to stare at Alessio’s face, I found that I couldn’t stop myself any longer.


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