Thrust: Bad Boy Racing Romance (Fastlane Series Book 2)

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Thrust: Bad Boy Racing Romance (Fastlane Series Book 2) Page 24

by Sloan Storm

  The final words of his sentence stuck in my ear.

  Protect myself?

  Who am I protecting myself from? The firm? Him? Doubts flooded my mind. The last thing I had any room for in the situation was ambiguity.

  “What exactly are you talking about, Marco?”

  When I finished speaking, Marco frowned.


  I cleared my throat, determined to make my point.

  “You heard what I said. Why did you tell me that I should protect myself? Who am I protecting myself from in this scenario? You?”

  “No,” Marco replied right away. “Dani, you’re misunderstanding me.”

  A chill surged through me. Grabbing my robe, I closed it tight across my chest and walked away from him.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  I began to shake. Everything that had felt so solid between us, so promising, began to feel like it was crumbling. Shaking my head, I continued to walk away from him.

  “No, no…” I whispered.

  From behind, I heard Marco’s footsteps. He closed on me at a rapid rate. I turned around to face him.

  “Don’t!” I warned.

  Marco never paused, stopping less than a foot from me and grabbing me at the shoulders.

  “What’s gotten into you?” he asked, his eyes narrowing at me. “What's wrong? All of the sudden you’re acting very strange.”

  I averted my gaze, shaking my head.

  “It’s nothing. You wouldn’t understand.”

  Marco scoffed at me.

  “Actually, I think I understand perfectly.”

  For a moment, I felt bad about what I’d said. But then, self-preservation kicked in once again. I was being torn apart from the inside out - on the one hand, the achievement of my goals, my dreams, while on the other, him and all the things he represented, which I never thought were possible for me. How could I explain it in a way that wouldn't insult him? Did it even matter?

  Marco strengthen his grip on my arm, snapping my attention back to him.

  “Don’t you have anything to say for yourself, Dani?”

  Wincing, I pulled myself free of his grasp.

  “What am I supposed to say? You know everything there is to know about me, Marco. I don’t have any secrets from you. It’s all there for you to use any way you see fit and…”

  “No!” he shouted, interrupting me and startling me at the same time. “I will not allow you to say things about me like that. I'm not here to use you, Dani. Whatever you’re experiencing, the self-doubts and uncertainty, it has nothing to do with me.”

  I turned away from him and walked to the edge of the veranda once more.

  “I’m not sure why you think I want to hurt you,” he said, his voice trailing off. “I don’t know what else I’ve got to do to prove myself.”

  Closing my eyes, I dropped my head. From behind, I heard Marco take a few steps in my direction.

  “Dani, you also know all of my secrets. No one else in the world knows what you know about me. As a man, sharing those things with you makes me incredibly vulnerable. I trust you.”

  Sadness began to creep into my breath. My mind was cluttered with indecision. From behind, I felt his palm press into my lower back.

  “Hey,” he said. “Turn around.”

  Swallowing hard, I shuffled my feet and looked at him.

  Marco shook his head before he spoke.

  “I understand you’re scared, Dani. Really, I do. But this…” he began, gesturing back and forth between us. “What’s happening now, it’s not any easier for me. I’ve left my past behind with no guarantees that my future won’t cause me pain. Nothing, not even all of the money in the world, can prevent that. All we can do is live each moment, embracing it and living our lives as one.”

  I exhaled, grimacing at the sincerity of his words. Why couldn’t I just be? He’d already told me he loved me… what more was there?

  “Marco…” I whispered, shaking my head back and forth. “I can’t explain it.”

  He wasted no time responding.

  “You need to try. And you need to do it right now.”

  I drew my eyes up to meet his face. The look in his eyes, I could see my time was running out.


  Before I spoke another word, Marco raised his hand in front of my face.

  “I don’t want to hear it, Dani. I know what’s in my heart and I know how I feel. I don’t expect you to trust me overnight. I’d have to be a child to think that way. But, I’m here now. I was with you at your father’s funeral. I have no doubts. I'm ready to move forward and be with you. There is no uncertainty.”

  Just then, Marco’s posture relaxed. He moved a bit closer and reached towards me caressing my upper arms with his hands.

  “You’ve said that you love me, Dani, that you want to be with me. Is that really true?”

  I looked into his eyes again, forcing down a hard lump.

  “Is it?” he asked.


  “Dani,” Leopold began, folding his hands neatly on top of the conference table. “Thank you for coming in on such short notice.”

  Bernard nodded.

  “Yes, Dani, thank you.”

  The last time I’d been in the conference room, I thought I’d seen the end of my career. I left defeated, powerless, and feeling victimized. Now, sitting across from both of them, I felt a cautious sense of impending victory.

  “I believe this is yours,” Bernard began, placing his fingertips on top of a piece of paper and sliding it across the table in my direction. “Our offer still stands.”

  Taking it from him, I spun it around and looked down. It was the signature page from Marco’s agreement, the ticket to my salvation and a seven-figure income. I looked at it for quite some time, all of the memories leading up to the signing flooding into my mind. We’d been through so much, in such a short period of time, it seemed impossible to believe that this might be the end. Moving it aside, I glanced at Bernard and Leopold once more.

  “Before I agree to anything, I’m going to have to insist that the firm put its promises regarding litigation in writing.”

  Leopold nodded and raised his index finger. Leaning over, he pressed the intercom button on his phone. After a brief interaction with his secretary, she appeared in the doorway holding a folder in her hands. Without a word, she walked inside and passed it to him. Leopold opened it and pulled out several pieces of paper, passing them to me just as he did the signature page minutes earlier.

  “I believe you’ll find everything you want there, Dani,” he said.

  Bernard cleared his throat and edged forward in his chair.

  “In-house counsel has gone to exceptional lengths, Dani. Of course, feel free to share that with your own attorney for confirmation. Just know that Leopold and I are sincere and willing to do what we’ve committed… No matter what.”

  I scanned the pages for about a minute or so. It looked to be in order. With a celebratory clap of his hands, Bernard broke my concentration.

  “Well, Dani,” he began, excitement bubbling in his tone. “If you’re ready to get the proceedings underway, Leopold and I are thrilled to welcome you to the firm.”

  In the short time I’d been in the investment banking world, I’d grown cynical. Not so much about life but about the motives of people when huge amounts of money were at stake. I was certain that the offer only existed because of Marco's intervention. I really had very little to lose, that is, aside from my self-respect. Even though I’d been wronged, in every sense of the word, something bothered me about coming back and accepting their offer.

  I looked at the both of them, studying their expressions before I responded. They sat there, reclining in the comfort of their oversize chairs, the hint of smugness on both of their faces. It made sense – the certainty they had about what I would do.

  After all, no one in the history of the firm brought in more business at a younger age than I did. However, the woman w
ho sat on Marco’s yacht with them not long ago was far different than the person in the conference room that day.

  “Dani,” Leopold said, glancing at Bernard before he continued. “Have you reached a decision?”

  I nodded. “If I say yes, when will I make partner?”

  Bernard leaned back in his chair and interlocked his fingers, placing them on his abdomen.

  “If you say ‘yes’,” he began, nodding and smiling. “We will have the partnership agreement formalized by the close of business today.”

  I looked away from him and back towards the piece of paper on the table in front of me. In the very next moment, I thought of my parents. Once I made partner, I’d make more in a single year than they had in twenty. Financially speaking, I’d achieved more than I ever dreamed possible. Reaching down, I grabbed one corner of the page between my thumb and forefinger, rubbing it between them. I should have been excited, thrilled beyond words but the happiness, just wouldn’t come.

  “Dani?” Leopold said once again. “We’re waiting.”

  I nodded, trying to force a smile to my lips.

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, I prepared to give them an answer. But, before I could, his hand wrapped around mine, causing me to look towards him.

  “Is this what you want?” Marco asked.

  I returned his gesture with a squeeze of my fingers. Afterward, I looked across the table at Bernard and Leopold once more. They remained silent, exchanging concerned glances with each other.

  I looked at Marco again. His calmness, the serenity that flowed from him relaxed me and I smiled.

  “Go ahead, Dani. Whatever decision you make, however you want to go forward, I’ll support you. I know you can do it, no matter what.”

  I swallowed hard, summoning every bit of strength and determination I had.

  “I love you,” Marco said, closing his hand around mine with a reassuring squeeze.

  My gaze lingered on his handsome face.

  “I love you too.”

  I hadn’t asked him to come – he’d offered. And now, with my hand in his, I turned my attention to Bernard and Leopold. The time had come for me to make the most important decision of my professional life - whether I was ready or not.


  I took another bite of the pasta, covered in a thick, homemade tomato sauce. Flavors of rosemary, garlic and oregano coated my taste buds.

  “How is it?” Dani called out from the kitchen.

  In the midst of slurping several strands of spaghetti, I mumbled a reply.

  “Terrible!” I yelled back.

  From inside, I heard the sound of her grunting and banging oversized utensils. I chuckled, leaning back over the plate and swirling my fork in the middle of the pile. Within seconds, she emerged onto the balcony, eventually stopping right next to me. After putting another forkful inside of my mouth, I glanced up at her. Dani stood there, one hand on her hip, glaring down at me.

  “What do you mean, terrible?” She asked, frustration in her voice. “I'll have you know that’s my mother’s sauce recipe.”

  I swallowed down another delectable bite, putting my fork down on my plate afterward. I leaned back a bit, reaching up and wiping the corners of my mouth with a napkin.

  “That would explain it,” I replied with a wink. “There is no good Italian food in Pennsylvania. Everyone knows that.”

  Dani reached for a towel which hung over one shoulder and slapped me with it.

  “You are terrible!”

  I chuckled, clapping my hands together.

  “I’m only kidding, Dani. It’s absolutely delicious.”

  She frowned at me, skeptical of my response.

  “I can never tell when you’re being serious. Is it good or not?”

  Nearly finished with my second helping, I leaned back in my chair and tossed my napkin on top of the table. I patted my stomach, which had grown at an alarming rate in the past month or so.

  “Look at my waistline. That should be all the proof you need I’m being serious. Speaking of being serious, if you don’t start bringing me salad, I'm not going to make weight when the season starts up again.”

  Dani’s mouth turned up with a smile. She moved closer to me, bending over and kissing my cheek with a tender smack. Before leaning away, she patted my belly.

  “That’s the least of your problems,” she joked, standing once more. “If I’m not mistaken, I think you’re starting to get a double chin. Although, as double chins go, yours is very cute.”

  I reached for her, snatching her by the forearm and pulling her into my lap. Dani squealed.


  She fell into my embrace and we kissed. Soon after, we separated and she leaned away from me.

  “I’m only half kidding, Dani. Everything is different now. You know? Everything we have from now on will have to come from my winnings on the track and my endorsements. No exceptions.”

  Dani smiled at me and reached for my face, curling the tip of her finger behind my ear with a gentle stroke.

  “Yes,” she began, looking into my eyes. “I’m well aware.”

  I nodded and began to reply when she jerked upright.

  “Oh my God! I completely forgot!”

  No sooner had she spoken those words than she jumped from my lap.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  Within seconds, she disappeared through the sliding glass doors of my penthouse, walking back inside.

  “I forgot you have paperwork to sign!” she yelled, her voice growing fainter by the second.

  I exhaled and eased back into my chair, looking out over Monte Carlo. While I waited, I reached for my wine and took one of the last sips I would enjoy for quite some time. No sooner had I swallowed than Dani reappeared, clutching a folder in her hand.

  “This will only take a second,” she said, putting the folder down in front of me and brandishing a pen. “I can’t believe I forgot to get your signatures.”

  I scoffed.

  “Don’t you ever stop working?”

  She leaned away from me, narrowing her eyes in my direction.

  “Well, if you’d rather do this, there’s plenty of things I could find to keep myself busy.”

  I shook my head and smiled.

  “Where do I sign?”

  Over the next several minutes, we flipped our way through the stacks of paperwork. By the time I’d finished, I began to wonder if I might run out of ink.

  “Is that it?” I asked, placing the pen down and glancing up towards her.

  Dani snapped her fingers.

  “No, crap!” she replied, spinning in place. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Not very organized, are you?” I said, teasing her.

  “Hey!” she yelled back, disappearing into the penthouse once again. “Giving away twenty billion dollars isn’t easy, mister. If you think it is then I’ll drive the racecars and you can administer the charitable fund.”

  I shook my head and finished off the last of the wine, gulping it down with one big swig. Soon after, Dani reappeared.

  “Okay, just these, and then were done.”


  After placing the last of the papers on the table in front of Marco, I leaned away, nibbling at my lower lip. Marco gathered them together in his hands and straightened them into a neat pile. He tapped on the top of the stack with his pen for a couple of moments.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, focusing my attention on the pages. “That's what you wanted wasn’t it?”

  Marco glanced up at me, one corner of his mouth turned up in a smile.

  “Why are you acting like that? The trust is set up like you wanted…” I said, leaning over and pointing. “See? The Antonio Rhys Foundation for Adoption. Isn't that everything?”

  Remaining silent, Marco looked away from me and picked up the top most page.

  Studying it, he replied, “No, Dani.”

  I frowned, interrupting him.

/>   “No?” I began, starting to worry that I’d made a serious error. “This isn’t nickels and dimes were dealing with here, Marco. Distributing your father’s wealth to orphanages all over the world means that this paperwork has to be absolutely perfect. There can’t be any mistakes. I don’t understand how you can sit there being so casual about this and…”

  Marco raised his hand.

  “Dani, calm down. There’s nothing wrong with the paperwork, or the trust.”

  I leaned away from him again, crossing my arms.

  “Well why did you say ‘no’ when I asked you if that was everything?”

  While I spoke, Marco pressed his pen to the page and with a few quick swipes, made it official. Next, he passed the stack back to me and clicked his pen closed, dropping in on the table.

  “You’re confusing me,” I replied, taking the pages from him. “What else is there? I would think you’d be happy.”

  “I am happy… almost.”

  “Uh! Almost!” I exclaimed, rattling the pieces of paper in his direction. “Do you have any idea, any at all, how much work went into putting this whole thing together? Since I left the firm, it’s all I’ve worked on. You know that. And now – now that were almost finished and the whole thing is ready to go –– you’re going to sit there and try to tell me that you aren’t happy? That’s ridiculous!”

  Marco leaned back in his chair, clapping his hands together and howling with laughter. I dropped my hands to my side, stunned.

  “Why are you laughing? There is nothing funny about this, Marco! If you think this is so easy, why don’t you handle the rest of the details and I’ll…”

  With that, Marco slapped his hands down on top of the table and stood up from his chair.

  “Shut up, Dani. Just shut the hell up.”

  Furious, I dropped my jaw at him.

  “Don’t you…” I began, preparing to unleash on him.

  Marco raised his index finger to his lips.



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